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Chapter 317 Gunshots in the Jungle

Hearing Butterfly's warning sound, Zhang Yu and his group stopped and looked at Butterfly with doubtful eyes.

Butterfly carried the AK47, mouthed, and pointed at a tree trunk: "Snake,"

Zhang Yu and others were frightened when they heard about the snake. After all, murderous intent was everywhere in this jungle, and they might encounter something fatal.

If you want to get out of this tropical jungle alive, you have to fight against the sky, the earth, the enemies, and all kinds of dangerous animals and plants in the jungle.

When everyone followed the butterfly's gaze, they all shrank their eyes, it was that kind of snake again.

According to experienced veterans among them, this kind of snake is a cross between a five-step snake and another unknown local venomous snake. It is extremely venomous and extremely aggressive. Even jungle veterans often eat these long-tailed snakes.

The beastly ways, filled with hatred, gradually decayed into ashes in this tropical jungle.

The venomous snake clings to the tree trunk, and its body is the same color as the tree trunk. It is almost possible to ignore it. However, once you ignore it, you may lose your life.

This venomous snake is like most venomous snakes. It keeps spitting out messages and feels the smell particles around it. It stares at Zhang Yu and his group with a pair of cold and emotionless eyes. It will launch a fatal attack just waiting for them to get close.

, as for who will be the unlucky guy who is attacked, only this snake knows.

"Wu Huan, kill it," Zhang Yu gave the order in a cold voice.

Wu Huan nodded, and with a flick of his hand, a small dagger appeared in his hand. It was very small, just like a small dart. The dagger spun a few times in his hand, raised his hand, and turned into a cold light, directed towards the tree trunk.

The snake flew away.

With a muffled sound of 'bang', the small dagger penetrated the body, and shot it steadily and hard into the seven inches of the poisonous snake. If you hit the snake, it will hit the seven inches. This is a common sense that everyone knows. It doesn't matter whether the snake is venomous or non-venomous. The seven inches

, is always a fatal point for snakes.

The sharp pain of the dagger entering the body made the snake tremble violently for several times. Xinzi spat out and rushed down towards Wu Huan with his head held high, as if he wanted to kill the person who hurt him.

Snakes and psychics have been associated with various legends since ancient times.

Wu Huan sneered, showed another dagger, and walked towards the snake hanging half of the body on the tree trunk: "A small long insect dares to make trouble," after saying this, he raised the knife and dropped it, a triangular snake head fell to the ground, blood spurting out

And out.

Wu Huan ignored the snake head on the ground, grabbed the snake body on the tree trunk, pinched the bleeding area with both hands, opened the chest with a dagger, and dug out the snake gallbladder: "This is a good thing,"

Zhang Yu glanced at the snake heads on the ground a few times, his eyes still wary: "Everyone, be careful,"

"Brother Yu, do you want to eat?" Wu Huan spread his bloody hands and looked at Zhang Yu.

A hint of disgust flashed across Zhang Yu's face: "Take it away, you can keep it for yourself,"

"Okay," Wu Huan was very happy. He nodded, raised his head and swallowed the snake gall in one gulp. Then he took out the wine bottle he carried with him and drank a few sips of strong wine: "It's cool."

"Butterfly, how did you discover the poisonous snake?" Zhang Yu asked casually.

Butterfly is not like ordinary women. When they see poisonous snakes, their whole body becomes numb, and they are so frightened that they scream. Think about it, a woman who can reach the top ten in the evil wind, how can she be an ordinary woman.

"Don't forget, I am Butterfly," Butterfly carried the AK47 and continued to walk forward.

Zhang Yu stared at Butterfly's back, especially her buttocks, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Interesting girl, if I had the chance to go back, I would definitely push her."

"Young Master Yu, don't think about pushing women first, let's get out of this damn jungle first," Li Huo raised his gun and walked past Zhang Yu.

"Keep going," Zhang Yu nodded and caught up with Butterfly: "Women, you should stand behind men and do whatever you can."

Butterfly's voice was very calm: "I didn't expect you to be so chauvinistic,"

"What's wrong with male chauvinism?" Zhang Yu finished speaking and turned on the radio: "Lao Yun, please report the coordinates again."

Soon, Zhang Yu and his party met up with Yun Tingfei and Artai. The two exchanged a few words in a low voice before getting down to business.

"Artai, can you find out their identities?" Zhang Yu held up the binoculars and looked ahead. He couldn't see anything except branches and grass.

"If the guess is correct, they should be from the big circle,"

"Daquan Gang," Zhang Yu frowned: "Are you sure?"

"No," Artest shook his head and pointed to a few marks: "However, this should be the way of doing things in the big circle."

A few people were left on guard, and the others sat on the ground, took a short rest, and had a short discussion.

"If they are really from the Daquan Gang, it would be a bit troublesome. Damn it, we didn't provoke them, but they fired black guns at us. It's so fucking despicable." Zhang Yu, who grew up in the city, found it difficult to understand this. An almost barbaric jungle rule.

When Zhang Yu grew up, he did the most barbaric thing, which was squatting at the gate of the junior high school in high school, collecting protection money per head, and beating him if he didn't pay. That was just out of boredom, but now in this jungle, it is Life and death at every turn.

"Zhang Yu, judging by the time, Hao Jianfeng and the others should have sent the weapon to Kata. As for the other one, it should be arriving soon. We are the hardest, attracting most of the forces, and are completely regarded as targets. "Yun Tingfei picked up the military kettle and drank some water.

"We were fooled. It was you beasts who claimed that you had never experienced jungle warfare before, so we rushed in here rashly. It's better now. There is no way to retreat, and the road ahead is blocked." Zhang Yu cursed and took the bag from his backpack. Zhong took out a map and spread it on the ground: "Artai, can you confirm our current location?"

Artest squatted on the ground, glanced at the map, and pointed to a place: "We are here,"

"It's good that you haven't deviated from the direction." Zhang Yu looked at it carefully and finally nodded: "After crossing two rivers and three mountains, we can enter Kata's territory."

"Twenty miles ahead is a minefield," Artest pointed to another place: "Although the war has passed, the landmines laid back then have not been raised much. Over the years, people who have mistakenly entered this area have The number of people killed in the bombing was 300 if not 500,"

"There is a minefield with a radius of ten miles. When you get there, you really have to put your head in your belt. Life or death depends entirely on luck." Zhang Yu raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of anger at the corner of his mouth that was inconsistent with the atmosphere of the scene. Matching cynical smile.

"I don't know how many regular special forces soldiers were killed in that minefield. With our motley army, the chance of getting through is too slim," Yun Tingfei said with a curl of his lips.

"Then what should we do? We can't go back or just stay where we are. Artest, there is no minefield control map." Zhang Yu looked at Artest. He knew that this was no longer a fight on the battlefield. Instead of killing, he entered the real battlefield. Despite his cynical smile, this was just to eliminate his instinctive fear of this jungle.

Artest shook his head: "No, even if there is, it's useless. How many years have passed since the war, and how many heavy rains have fallen in these years. Some mines have moved their positions long ago. Who knows where they have washed away,"

"Stop talking nonsense, instead of sitting here discussing, it's better to eliminate those elusive enemies first," Butterfly sitting aside said coldly.

A group of gentlemen turned to look at Butterfly, and saw that there was no expression on her face, and no trace of fear or fear could be seen on her face. Then they looked at the three women in the six-pointed star, whose faces were also expressionless, as if they were facing life or death. It doesn't matter.

Now, this group of gentlemen has been stimulated. These ladies can still be so calm, not to mention that they are all men with handles in their crotches. If they are afraid of birds, they are just pointing landmines. If they really want to step on them, even if Death means the bird is facing upward.

"Brothers, no matter what we do, we can't be looked down upon by a few girls. Okay, let's not discuss it. It doesn't matter whether they are members of the big circle gang. Let's do it first. The big circle accomplices are well known, but we Don’t fucking scare them,” Zhang Yu stood up with the gun in hand.

Everyone stood up with cheers and dispersed, preparing to move forward and kill the enemies who had shot them with black guns. They were temporarily called the Big Circle.

Zhang Yu and his party were more or less. When they set out, there were about fifty people. Now, there are only about thirty people left. Among them are Zhang Yu, Wu Huan, Butterfly, Hexagram and others, as well as Artest, Yun Tingfei and a group of veterans under Artest, can be said to be a complete motley crew.

"There is a situation ahead," suddenly, a veteran on sentry duty toward the southeast whispered.

"Get ready to fight," Zhang Yu, who had experienced several jungle gunfights, had obviously gradually adapted to it, and immediately gave the order.

"They are their people, do we want to fight?" Yun Tingfei asked in a low voice, holding a telescope.

Zhang Yu also held a telescope, hid his body behind a tree trunk, and narrowed his eyes: "Look closer,"

Zhang Yu and Xiao Feng grew up together. They didn't learn many good qualities, but they learned a lot about Xiao Feng's "suffering a loss is not a blessing". It's not okay to not retaliate when you have a grudge. The other party hit them first. , if he doesn’t repay him with his own way, then he is still Zhang Yu.

"Hit me," Zhang Yu gave the order in a cold voice when the other party came closer. At the same time, he pulled the trigger on the AK47 in his hand, and the shells began to jump.

The sound of "da da da" resounded in this tropical jungle, and a battle began.

There are more than a dozen people on the other side. No matter in terms of equipment or individual soldier quality, they are no worse than Zhang Yu and his group, and are even slightly better.

With the sound of gunfire, the group immediately found bunkers to hide, and the firearms in their hands began to roar and shoot towards Zhang Yu.

"Damn it, Lao Yun, Artai, each of you take a few brothers and outflank them from the left and right sides. You have to kill these grandsons today," Zhang Yu cursed.

In this jungle, there is no reason to say, everything is respected by strength, just like the cold and cruel evil wind organization. Only with a hard fist can you have the right to speak, and can you live longer, live more freely, and live longer. Have dignity.

Two gangs of people who had never met before or even had any conflicts of interest started a life-and-death fight in this jungle.

This chapter has been completed!
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