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Chapter 262 Careless!

Xiao Feng asked Brunson a few questions about Laboratory No. 7, but the latter couldn't tell any of the questions and couldn't tell anything substantive.

"Brousson, do you really not know or are you fooling me? It's now, do you think the Fifth Office will come to rescue you?" Xiao Feng asked coldly.

Brunson showed a miserable smile: "It's impossible for him to come to rescue me. I really don't know. Laboratory No. 7 is top secret. I know this because I have cooperated with Zhan Lei on several missions."

Xiao Feng nodded and turned to look at Zhan Lei. He was his last hope. I hope he could know some inside information.

On Zhan Lei's neck, there was a strangulation mark that penetrated three-thirds of the flesh, and the blood had condensed into a scab, as if he was wearing a red necklace.

Xiao Feng was equally rude to Zhan Lei and stomped on his calf bone. He heard a "click" sound and the calf bone was broken. The severe pain made him wake up.

"Zhan Lei, right?" Xiao Feng leaned down and pinched his shoulders twice with his right hand, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to move his hands.

Zhan Lei was half lying on the ground, looking at the young man with an oriental face in front of him. You can imagine his mood. Before, he was happy to see the hunter, but now he has become the prey. It has to be said that it is an irony. .

"You are a traitor," Zhan Lei asked calmly as his eyes fell on Alice.

Alice was not familiar with Zhan Lei, so she naturally didn't bother to reply to him, so she pretended not to hear him. As for whether he was a traitor or not, she didn't care at all.

"Zhan Lei, tell me everything about Laboratory 7," Xiao Feng's hatred with the 5th Bureau was finally forged, especially since he also killed the previous British Prime Minister.

Once the UK finds out in the future, it is estimated that the UK will mobilize all its forces to deal with Xiao Feng. Now that he knows about Laboratory No. 7, he must understand it clearly to avoid being passive.

Tonight, the seven monsters gave Xiao Feng too much shock. If he hadn't used hu4 to restore his strength, tonight would have been over. With the cooperation of four monsters, they could stop the three-kill weapon. The strength can be imagined.

If Laboratory No. 7 could mass-produce such monsters, the result would be unimaginable to Xiao Feng. This would not be just a conflict between himself and Britain, but would become an international issue.

Just imagine, if some great power war really breaks out, if Britain releases tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of these monsters, will it be able to sweep across the entire world?

In comparison, Japan's Shun Wan is really weak. Soldiers who take Shun Wan have a time limit and have severe side effects, so they cannot compete with this monster.

Xiao Feng decided that once this Laboratory No. 7 is too terrifying, then he must report the matter to the Prime Minister. Although he is no longer a national, he is still Chinese no matter what. The blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang flows...

Zhan Lei turned his attention to Xiao Feng again and looked at him: "If you want me to answer questions, please answer me a few questions first."

"Haha, do you think you are qualified to bargain now?" Xiao Feng asked with a sneer.

"I think so, because you want to know urgently about Laboratory 7, and I am the only one who can answer you now," Zhan Lei said confidently.

Xiao Feng thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, then you can ask. If you can answer, then I will answer you."

"Are you Chinese? What's your name?"

"Why do you ask this,"

"Because I want to know who I lost to,"

"Okay, then I can tell you that I am Chinese and my name is Xiao Feng,"

"Xiao Feng, haha..." Zhan Lei smiled, a little weirdly, and then black blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Feng was startled, secretly shouting that he was careless, grabbed Zhan Lei's neck, and shouted angrily: "You are fucking hiding poison,"

Xiao Feng was indeed careless when he caught Brunson and Zhan Lei and did not check the inside of their mouths. In fact, he also preconceived the idea that Zhan Lei had a high status and would not be like some dead soldiers who committed suicide by taking poison once they were caught. That way.

But everything in front of him made Xiao Feng extremely angry. He died, he died like that. What he wanted to know, he didn't get any substantive answers at all!

"Xiao... Xiao Feng, wait, wait for the revenge from Laboratory No. 7," Zhan Lei spat out black blood and finished speaking intermittently. His head sank and he died.

"Damn," Xiao Feng's face was gloomy. For some reason, Zhan Lei's last words were particularly strange, making him feel a little uneasy. This bad feeling was even worse than when Old Man Hao had tricked him before he died.

Xiao Feng let go of Zhan Lei's collar and began to search him. What he was most worried about was that Zhan Lei had some special equipment on him that could send news back to the laboratory. That would be really fun.

Even if Xiao Feng is not worried about himself, he is still worried about Alice. Once her help for him is exposed, I am afraid that she will no longer have a foothold in Britain, and may even implicate her grandfather.

Xiao Feng searched Zhan Lei's body three times and found nothing. While he was relieved, he also wondered why Zhan Lei said that before he died. Was it intentional or did he really have a back-up plan?

Zhan Lei was dead, so naturally Xiao Feng couldn't ask anything. He turned to look at Brunson: "Bruson, he's dead, now it's your turn,"

Brunson smiled miserably: "Come on, from the day I became an agent, I knew that such a day would come."

"Haha, that's a good realization." Xiao Feng walked up to Brunson and looked at him condescendingly: "Actually, there is no hatred between us. We are just for our own interests. You represent the Fifth Office, and I represent myself. , let’s end it now,” he said, picking up a picked-up pistol and pointing it at Brunson’s eyebrows.

Brunson slowly closed his eyes: "Just shoot,"

Alice stood nearby, opened her mouth, and sighed softly, but never said what she wanted to say.

‘Pa’, a crisp impact sounded. Xiao Feng put down his gun and looked at Brunson who was waiting for death with his eyes closed: “Bruson, you are dead now,”

Brunson opened his eyes in disbelief: "You, why did you let me go?"

"Because Alice, actually she doesn't want me to kill you," Xiao Feng said lightly.

Brunson turned to look at Alice: "You..."

Alice shook her head and said nothing. Xiao Feng had the final say whether to kill or not.

"Brousson, as long as you promise me one thing, I will give you a way out," Xiao Feng turned around and said calmly.

"What's the matter?" Who wants to die if he can live? Brunson's voice was trembling. He really couldn't believe that Xiao Feng would let him live.

"Can you forget what happened tonight and leave the UK?"


Xiao Feng frowned slightly, turned his back to Brunson, and said in a slightly impatient tone: "Why, there is a difficulty,"

"No, I'll leave tonight," Brunson shook his head hurriedly.

"Well, you should have made a lot of money over the years, enough for you to go abroad in style," Xiao Feng said before leaving.

Brusen looked at Xiao Feng's back and stopped him: "Xiao Feng, are you afraid that I will agree to you temporarily and then go back to the fifth place or tell Kochapil about your affairs?"

Xiao Feng paused slightly and smiled coldly: "You can try it. If I want to kill you, even if you run to the end of the world, I can still save your life." After that, he quickened his pace and left with Alice. Factory building.

When Xiao Feng disappeared, Brunson collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily: "Ace of spades, he turned out to be ace of spades,"

Ace of Spades, when the dragon-marked dagger appeared, Brunson recognized the dagger, but he was very smart and didn't say much because he knew that once he recognized the dagger, he would have no chance at all. It's gone, and now, isn't it just one ten thousandth chance of survival?

"Ace of spades, I, Brunson, am a man who knows what is good and what is good. I will forget everything tonight, go to another country, and stay anonymous." After regaining some strength, Brunson struggled to stand up and limped away.

"Why don't you kill him," Alice asked as she returned to the car.

Xiao Feng turned around, glanced at Alice, and smiled: "Haha, everyone is their master, there is no hatred,"

"You're really not afraid of him going to five places to tell you where you came from,"

"Not afraid,"

"Why," Alice was curious.

Xiao Feng started the car and turned around: "Haha, because I believe you. If Brunson is this kind of person, then you won't want to ask me to save his life. Since you believe him, you are not afraid of him going back and saying You are a traitor, so what do I have to fear?"

Alice said no more.

Xiao Feng drove the business car all the way towards Huazhong Building. The car was quiet, everyone had their own thoughts.

Xiao Feng really couldn't figure out why Zhan Lei would say something like that before he died. He checked three times and found no equipment. Could it be that he could pass the message back through some special channel.

He was careless, he was really careless. After a few months of comfortable life, Xiao Feng's whole person changed and he became lazy. If it were in the past, he would never be like this, let alone tell his true identity.

Sansha, who was in the co-pilot, closed his eyes and rested, but the punch that Xiao Feng had hit him before flashed in his mind. It was absolutely sharp and violent. If it hit him, he would definitely be injured.

At this time, Ding Ding's thoughts have already flown far away, and he has flown back to his country. He doesn't know if his parents have returned safely, when he can meet them, and how he will face Xiao Feng and those things he faces. A confidante, facing Lin Lin.

As for Lei Tianjun, he is undoubtedly the happiest. He has already fallen into a coma. The injury tonight was really serious. Almost all the internal organs were displaced and bleeding. It is estimated that he will stay in the hospital for more than half a year.

"Would he agree if I went back to China with him?" Alice kept thinking about this question in her mind, so much so that she didn't even hear Xiao Feng's words to her.

This chapter has been completed!
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