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Chapter 776: The God of Snipers!

A distance of 2000 meters, a flagpole as thick as a thumb, this is the first competition between the two!

"Holy shit, 2000 meters? Isn't this a bit far away? If I switch to a heavy sniper, it's possible. Can it be done with just an ordinary sniper rifle?" Member A exclaimed.

"I think Liuyan should be able to do it. He did it last time, but he only got coins! Compared with the flagpole and the coin, the former is actually more difficult to hit. The coin is flat, while the flagpole is rounded.

"Member B said.

"Do you think our instructors can complete it?"

"Looking at how relaxed he looks, there should be no problem, right? I heard that our instructor used to fight against Liu Yan. Although he lost more, he was still very strong..."

"Damn, it's true that people are more likely to die than others, but we still gain money. How can this still keep us alive? Our instructor is so powerful in combat, and his marksmanship is also amazing..."

"Hey, we should be lucky to have such a strong instructor!" An old bird grinned: "As time goes by, you will know what you can learn!"

"Look, they're getting ready to start!"

For a moment, the entire No. 4 training ground fell silent. Everyone was staring at Xiao Feng and Liu Yan who were preparing. They didn't even dare to breathe for fear of affecting them!

Liu Yan was lying on the grass, with a sniper rifle in front of him, and his body was extremely relaxed, as if he was integrated with the heaven and earth!

"Two meters distance, how about it, instructor." Liuyan asked.


On the other side, Xiao Feng was half squatting on the ground, holding a sniper rifle in both hands, like an iron man, not moving at all, not even the slightest tremor of the gun muzzle!



If you observe carefully, you will find that the breathing of both people begins to slow down. Between exhalation and inhalation, you can hardly see the rise and fall of the chest...

‘Pa’, two gunshots rang out at the same time, and two flagpoles 2,000 meters away fell to the ground almost at the same time.

"..." After a brief silence, cheers immediately erupted!



"Old Zhou, look at the broken position of the flagpole. Is it two meters away?" Zhao Yue picked up the walkie-talkie and called Zhou Lei, who was 2,000 meters away.


Soon, the news came back that the two flagpoles were broken exactly two meters apart, with an error of no more than 0.5 centimeters!

As soon as the news came back, the whole audience was in an uproar! An error of 0.5 centimeters? Is this really a sharpshooter?

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to break two flagpoles, but what is even more difficult is to measure the two-meter height of the flagpole through a scope. This is not just a matter of shooting accurately!

Liu Yan got up from the ground, and Xiao Feng also put down his sniper rifle. The two looked at each other and smiled. The first game was evenly matched!

"Instructor, what do you think the second round will be about?"

"How about the water mist barrier and the 1,500-meter hostage-taking moving target? I remember that this is also one of your strengths." Xiao Feng thought for a while and said to Liu Yan.

"Haha, okay!" Liu Yan nodded: "Let's see who is faster!"

Zhao Yue immediately asked people to prepare. When everyone knew what the two were competing against, they were all shocked. These two were really getting more and more exaggerated!

In about ten minutes, everything was ready. Xiao Feng and Liu Yan each picked up their sniper rifles and stood at their respective positions, staring at the environment 1,500 meters away through the scope.

At a distance of about 800 meters, a spray gun sprayed water mist, blocking the two people's sight. However, judging from the expressions of the two people, the water mist did not seem to have much impact on them!

This water mist will not only affect the line of sight, but also affect the trajectory of the bullet!

Although the water mist is very fine, during sniping, let alone water mist, the wind direction and even the humidity of the air can affect the bullets!

Therefore, this water mist not only tested the eyesight of the two people, but also put their shooting skills to a new test!

Suddenly, 1,500 meters away, two hostage-taking targets jumped out at the same time, swinging left and right and moving rapidly.

‘Pa’, the gunshots of the two men rang out at the same time again, and the two hostage-taking targets stopped moving at the same time. This indicates that their bullets hit the key position between the robber’s eyebrows!

Because, right between the robber's eyebrows, there is a sensor. As long as the sensor is shattered, the target will not move again!

"Equally matched!" Zhou Lei quickly sent back the news with an exclamation in his tone.

When Zhao Yue said these four words, the surrounding area was boiling again. This was truly the ultimate showdown. Who would be the God of Sniper?

Xiao Feng and Liu Yan both put down their guns, and the former gave a thumbs up: "Compared to two years ago, your speed is two or three seconds faster."

"Instructor, your speed is three to four seconds faster than two years ago." Liu Yan also smiled.

Although Liu Yan's words were very plain, they revealed an important piece of information, that is, two years ago, Xiao Feng was not as good as him in this category!

"In the third game, what are you preparing for?"

"How about moving the blade target?" Liu Yan thought for a while and asked slowly.

Xiao Feng's eyes lit up: "Blade target? Haha, this one is more exciting, I like it!"

The so-called blade target is to hold a knife up, with the blade facing the direction of the sniper, and the sniper breaks the blade with a bullet...

I don’t need to say more about how thin the blade is. It’s very difficult to break the blade. What’s even more difficult is to move the blade, which is not stationary at all!

"Then give it a try." Liu Yan wasn't too sure about this, it was really too difficult.

"In this way, not only does the blade target move, but we also have to move, how about it?" Xiao Feng made a new request: "From when we find the blade target to aiming and shooting, and then to breaking the blade, what about it? What if we all break it?

, let’s see who takes less time!”

Liuyan's eyelids twitched and he nodded: "Okay!"

"Oh, you two just add two more water mists." Zhao Yue couldn't stand listening anymore, and he was still moving to hit the moving blade target. Isn't this a fantasy? That's why he said it deliberately

, add two more sprays of water mist...

Unexpectedly, Xiao Feng and Liu Yan's eyes lit up after hearing this, but they thought of something and finally shook their heads at the same time: "No, with two mist, it's impossible."

"..." Zhao Yue was speechless. Does this mean that they can do it without adding water mist?

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get people ready. Brother, I will let you witness the miracle later!" Xiao Feng patted Zhao Yue on the shoulder, took out a cigarette, and asked Liuyan: "Want one?"

"No, nicotine will affect my judgment." Liuyan shook his head and refused.

Xiao Feng didn't care. He lit it and took a nice puff: "The taste of this special cigarette is so good!"

"Hey, Lao Xiao, I found that you have been smoking special cigarettes these days. Where did you get it from?" Zhao Yue arranged a few words, took a cigarette, and couldn't help but ask.

"Hey...secret." Xiao Feng grinned, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Damn, what kind of secret is this?" Zhao Yue couldn't help but roll his eyes, but kept muttering in his heart. Looking at this cigarette, it is obviously only owned by national-level cadres. Could it be that there is a national-level backer standing behind him?

Xiao Feng just smiled and remained silent. There was no way, who could have caused the cigarette to come from a wrong place? He got this cigarette from the Prime Minister!

Well, actually saying that is a bit wrong! That night, when Xiao Feng was a guest there, the old lady noticed that Xiao Feng was smoking special cigarettes!

So, while the Prime Minister was away, the old lady asked him where the cigarette came from! As for the old lady, Xiao Feng didn't hide it, and told him everything!

When the old lady heard this, she told him that from now on, all the Prime Minister's cigarettes would belong to him! Then, she ran to the warehouse, found more than a dozen special cigarettes, and stuffed them all into Xiao Feng!

This makes Xiao Feng extremely happy. It is usually difficult to get a few packs, but now it’s better, there are more than ten packs at once!

After all, this special cigarette is a status symbol.

Let’s not talk about anything else. In official circles, as long as you take it out, people around you will know that this guy must have a big backer, otherwise how could he have this special cigarette?

The same is true in shopping malls, especially these days, when government and businessmen are not separated. If you take out this cigarette, everyone will have to guess your background. Even if they want to deal with you, they will not dare to act rashly!

Xiao Feng took the cigarette and immediately ran out and threw it into his car. From the beginning to the end, the prime minister didn't know that his special cigarette had been taken away by him.

If the Prime Minister knew about it, he would probably blow his eyebrows and give Xiao Feng a good beating! Therefore, it is better not to tell the outside world about the origin of this cigarette, and just smoke quietly by yourself. Keeping a low profile is the truth!

Xiao Feng finished smoking a cigarette and everything he needed to prepare was already ready.

"Old Xiao, Liu Yan, you're ready." Zhao Yue greeted.

"Hmm." Xiao Feng threw away the cigarette, picked up the sniper rifle, and re-adjusted the scope: "Liuyan, the sniper god of the Dragon Flame Team, whether you are you or not depends on this last round!"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it!" Liuyan exuded strong fighting spirit, "Come on!"

Xiao Feng and Liu Yan took their places, and then they heard Zhao Yue shout: "Start."

Xiao Feng and Liu Yan quickly set up their sniper rifles and started looking for the target through the scope! After all, a dagger is not that big, and it is even more difficult to find since it is moving!


Xiao Feng found it, narrowed his eyes, and quickly locked the target. His finger was on the trigger, but he still didn't pull it.

‘Bang’, the gun next to him rang out, Liuyan frowned, the first shot missed, and flew over with the blade grazing!

There are three bullets in each sniper rifle. Xiao Feng did not fire a single shot, while Liuyan wasted one bullet! However, for the real elite, one bullet is enough to change the situation of the battle!

‘Bang’, Xiao Feng also pulled the trigger, but with the same regret, the blade flew past and missed!

‘Bang bang’, there were two consecutive gunshots, Xiao Feng and Liu Yan fired again, but still did not hit the target!

The bodies of the two people are constantly moving, and their breathing is constantly adjusting. Both of them only have the last bullet left!

Is it a failure? Or does the last bullet determine victory or defeat?

‘Bang’, Liuyan fired again. What was even more regrettable was that the bullet flew past the blade of the knife, creating a spark, and even the black paint on the surface of the dagger was worn away.

"Failed." Liu Yan put down the sniper rifle, a trace of frustration flashed in his eyes, but it passed away. He picked up the sniper rifle again and aimed at Xiao Feng's dagger.

‘Bang’, Xiao Feng pulled the trigger for the third time. The sniper bullet rotated at high speed, hit the blade hard, and exploded with a ball of sparks...

"Hit!" Liu Yan cheered and put down the sniper rifle: "Instructor, you hit!"

"Heh." Xiao Feng smiled and nodded.

"God of Sniper!" Liuyan came to Xiao Feng and stretched out his right hand: "Next time, I will beat you again!"

"The well-deserved god of sniping!" There were also shouts from around. In the eyes of all members, Chief Instructor Xiao Feng is already a god-like existence!

This chapter has been completed!
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