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Chapter 844 Martyrs Memorial Service

After a night of drunkenness, Xiao Feng opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling. His head ached and his spirit was in a trance.

Last night, several of them drank too much. Even he was 70 to 80% drunk! As for Zhang Yu and others, he had all thrown them under the table!

If my brothers were drinking, they had to drink to their heart's content, so they drank openly until two or three in the morning, and then they finally left the party "passively".

There is no way, except for Xiao Feng who can sit down, no one else can sit down. Even if he wants to drink, he can't!

Originally, Yan Zhipeng said that after finishing drinking, everyone would go to the club to have fun and find some female celebrities to hang out with! But later, this idea could not be implemented!

All of them were so drunk that even if they were able to find a female star, they probably wouldn't be able to stand up. Moreover, they could even be holding a sow in their arms and think they were Yang Guifei!

Fortunately, there were guest rooms above the hotel, so Xiao Feng asked the hotel to arrange a room for himself. Then he went back to the room, threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

No, after drinking so crazily, the bitter consequences are coming now. My head is swelling and tearing like pain. It is really painful.

Xiao Feng finally got up, then relaxed his whole body, moved his mind to his Dantian, and began to use his mental methods to relieve the pain of hangover.

Half an hour later, Xiao Feng opened his eyes. The pain just now was gone, and his whole body felt indescribably refreshed.

Xiao Feng smelled his clothes, which were full of strong smell of alcohol, and he couldn't help but frown. He called the waiter and asked them to take away the clothes, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After Xiao Feng finished taking a shower and smoked another cigarette, his clothes were sent back. It is worth mentioning that because he was going out to drink last night, he specially changed into a set of casual clothes. After all, coming out in military uniform would have an impact.

A little bit not so good.

After getting dressed, Xiao Feng left his room, ran to the next door, and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door opened and Zhang Yu rubbed his head and walked out: "Ah, Brother Feng, why are you up so early?


"It's late, it's already eight o'clock." Xiao Feng rolled his eyes: "Tell them that I have something else to do and I'll leave first."


"By the way, I'll drive away in Dapeng's car. My military uniform is still in his car. You tell him."

"I got it." After Zhang Yu said this, he slammed the door shut. If Xiao Feng hadn't been able to dodge quickly, he would have had to hit his nose with the door panel.

"Damn, I almost flattened my tall and handsome nose!" Xiao Feng cursed, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Because he had brought the keys last night, Xiao Feng was not worried about whether he could drive the car. He called Zhou Lei and learned that they were heading to the funeral home, so he also drove there.

When Xiao Feng arrived at the funeral parlor, Zhou Lei and others happened to have arrived as well, and the entire Longyan team came to see their comrades on their last journey!

"Instructor!" Liuyan noticed Xiao Feng first and stepped forward and said.

"Well, is everyone here?"

"Everyone has arrived."

"Okay, then I'll change my clothes and you guys go in first."


Xiao Feng put on his military uniform, tidied up, and then walked into the funeral parlor.

There are two places that Xiao Feng doesn't want to go to in this life, one is the hospital and the other is the funeral parlor! Especially the latter!

"Big leader, you are here." Xu Dazhuang's father, an old man from the countryside, saw Xiao Feng and came over wiping his tears. His cloudy eyes were full of sadness: "I have caused trouble to you all.

So many people came.”

Xiao Feng looked at the old man and listened to his simple words, and suddenly felt a heartache: "No, sir, it's not troublesome. They sacrificed their lives for the country. As comrades in arms, it is right for us to come and see them off."


"Okay, okay, Da Zhuang has good comrades like you, it's worth it, it's worth it!" The old man nodded fiercely.

"Uncle, Da Zhuang died. Are there any other children in your family?" Xiao Feng looked at the old man and couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I also have two sons, Da Zhuang is my youngest son."

Xiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief. If the Dazhuang family was like this, and now that he was gone, how would he live in the future without his father?

Xiao Feng even had the idea just now that if there was no one else in the old man's family, he would take him to Jiuquan and provide for him until his death.

"Big leader, what, does the country still need people? My two sons seem to be over their age." The old man misunderstood Xiao Feng's meaning.

"No, uncle, I don't want anyone else." Xiao Feng sniffed. This old man from the countryside really moved him too much!

These touching words do not have any gorgeous words, let alone money or other things, but they are a selfless contribution!

Xiao Feng knew that if he said that the country still needed people, then this old man would ask his other two sons to join the army. Even if he sacrificed himself again, he would do it!

"Oh, oh." The old man nodded, said nothing more, turned around and left.

In his opinion, the big leader's time is precious, so how can he waste it on him? Being able to have a few words with an old man like him is already a huge honor! And he doesn't dare to delay the big leader.


"Uncle, have you gone to see Da Zhuang?" Xiao Feng did not let the uncle leave, but took his rough, calloused hands. These were a pair of farmer's hands, and a pair of father's hands!

"Look, look, I'm going to see him." The old man couldn't help crying: "Three bullets, oh, this guy must have been in a lot of pain at that time, right?"

Xiao Feng looked at the old man and felt that his heart ached. He pursed his lips and nodded: "Uncle, you have raised a good son. Don't be sad, but be proud of him!"

When Xiao Feng said this, he wanted to slap himself hard. Isn't it too hypocritical? If his son died and someone said this to him, then he would definitely hit him in anger!

But the old man showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Well, in my life, I have been a coward and haven't done anything big! Da Zhuang's two brothers are also farmers. They farm at home and have no future! Just Da Zhuang.

, I’m proud to have joined the army!”

"Uncle, are there any difficulties at home?"

"No, there are no difficulties at all! The society is better now, and under D's leadership, we farmers are also living a good life!" The old man shook his head, "Thank you D, thank you country!"

"In this case, I will leave you a number. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can call me, okay?" Xiao Feng thought for a while and said to the old man.

"How dare you do this? You are the big leader. How dare we, the villagers, trouble you?" The old man waved his hands hurriedly, feeling a little uneasy.

"Uncle, I'm not a big leader, just call me Ah Feng! Besides, this is not a trouble, but something I should do!"

"Yes, but we are from a single household..."

"What happened to the farmers? What happened to the farmers?" Xiao Feng interrupted the old man: "If there were not hundreds of millions of farmers, would the country still be a country? Without the food that hundreds of millions of farmers had worked hard to grow, what would we have?

Such a superior life?"

"You just said that society is getting better now. In fact, I want to say that it is precisely because of the hard work of hundreds of millions of farmers that our lives will get better and better, and this society will get better and better!"

The old man looked at Xiao Feng blankly. After a few seconds, he held Xiao Feng's hand and nodded vigorously: "Boss, no, son, thank you, thank you, you are a good boy!"

Xiao Feng felt sour in his heart and sighed. In today's society, it seems that farmers are at the bottom of society! They have no status, no money, no power, and some just work hard every day...

Look, in some big cities, how many people look down on farmers? Look down on migrant workers who come out to work? Without them, would this city be so prosperous?

They have worked hard for the prosperity of this city, but the city's threshold has shut them out and prevented them from integrating...

"Uncle, I will give you my number later. If you have any difficulties in the future, please contact me."

"Okay, okay." This time, the old man did not refuse and nodded vigorously.

Xiao Feng smiled, it seemed that if the old man agreed, his heart would feel lighter! He turned his head and looked at the body covered with the five-star red flag in the sea of ​​flowers, and his heart became heavy again.

"Old Xiao, it's almost done. All the family members are here, can we start?" Zhao Yue came over and asked.

"Well, what about the others?"

"There are no guests. Except for us Long Yan people, there is no one else." Zhao Yue shook his head.

"Who said no? We are coming!" A voice sounded behind them.

Xiao Feng suddenly turned his head and looked around. When he saw the figures behind him clearly, he couldn't help but be startled: "Why are you here?"

"We fought side by side on Kaibili Island, so we are also their comrades, aren't we?" Zhang Yu said in a deep voice.

"Yes, they are our comrades-in-arms, we are here to see them off on their last journey!" Yan Zhipeng said seriously.

Feng Lin also nodded: "We have no official status, so we are here as individuals!"

Xiao Feng looked at them and nodded slowly: "Okay, then let's send them on their last journey together!"


Xiao Feng felt a little strange in his heart. Shouldn't they all be sleeping in the hotel now? Why did they all rush here? However, now is not the time to ask this, let's ask it later.

"Old Xiao, the mood of the family members is fluctuating greatly, let's get started." Zhou Lei also came over, and there was constant crying and shouting.

"Wait a minute, the old man hasn't come yet." Xiao Feng looked at the time and just took out his cell phone when a call came in.

Xiao Feng looked at the number on it and pressed the answer button: "Hello, old man."

"I'll be there in three minutes. Come pick me up at the door." came the voice of the Prime Minister.

"Okay!" Xiao Feng nodded and hung up the phone.


"Well, I'll be there soon." After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Yue: "Everything is ready, we will start soon. I will pick up the old man at the door."

"Go ahead."

This book was first published on Novels.com, so you can read the original content immediately!

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