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Chapter 1130 Arms!

In the early morning, before dawn, several trucks drove up.

"Brother Feng, Brother Dao has sent weapons!" Ying Falcon came outside Xiao Feng's room, knocked on the door, and said softly.

The door opened, and Xiao Feng, neatly dressed, came out: "You came just in time, take me to have a look!"

"Yes!" Falcon nodded, turned around and left.

"Ying Falcon, didn't you get a good rest last night?" Xiao Feng noticed that Eagle Falcon's eyes were red and bloodshot.

Yingxiao scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I talked a lot with Master Liuyan last night. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night."

"Uh, haha, please lead the way." Xiao Feng smiled. It's a good thing to be motivated.

Soon, Xiao Feng saw Xiao Dao.

"Brother Feng!" Xiao Dao, who was standing next to the truck smoking, saw Xiao Feng coming, threw away the cigarette butt and hurried forward: "I'm not late, am I?"

"No, it's just the right time!" Xiao Feng smiled and patted Xiao Dao on the shoulder: "Fortunately you haven't left yet, otherwise, I really wouldn't have anyone available!"

"Brother Feng, if I don't go out, I'll just stay in Jiuquan. Although I can't be of much help, I can still help!"

"Xiao Dao, didn't I ask Lin Mo to tell you? It may be dangerous if you stay in Jiuquan recently!" Xiao Feng said seriously.

Xiaodao shook his head: "Brother Feng, I'm not afraid!"

Xiao Feng thought for a while and finally nodded. The investigation in Burning Prison should not be so detailed. These high-ranking brothers should not be in their eyes, so if they stay, the danger will not be great!

"Okay, since you want to stay, then stay! However, pay more attention to yourself. If you find anyone suspicious, don't resist, just run away if you can."

"I see."

"Here, let me take a look at the weapons!" Xiao Feng turned his attention to several trucks, which were all transported from the Hellfire underground warehouse.

"Move this guy down!" Xiao Dao shouted, and the Tianmen boys climbed onto the car one after another and began to move the wooden boxes down.

Dozens of wooden boxes were moved down, and Xiao Feng opened one at random. There were several sniper rifles side by side inside. They were all brand new. He asked Yu Wen Chengcheng to send them over urgently from nearby!

Xiao Feng casually took out a sniper rifle from it, played with it for a while, and showed a satisfied smile: "Yuwen Chengcheng really didn't fool me, they are all the best guns!"

"I picked it up in person yesterday afternoon. There should be no problem."

"Yeah." Xiao Feng opened another one and saw a single rocket launcher inside, emitting a faint cold light, and there were several warheads next to it.

"Brother Feng, do you still need more help?"

"No need." Xiao Feng shook his head: "Xiao Dao, please take them away! I will call you if anything happens!"

"Okay!" Xiaodao nodded, no longer staying, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Just as a few trucks left, Han Chuang and the others appeared. Xiao Feng glanced at them and smiled: "I said Han Chuang and Zhan Hu, you two have panda eyes, what do you mean?"

"..." Han Chuang and Zhan Hu subconsciously touched their eyes, and then both smiled bitterly.

"Hey, that's right, Zhan Hu, you disappeared for a while last night. Why were you there? You two wouldn't..."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go take a look at the weapons." Zhan Hu didn't let Hao Jianfeng talk any more and walked towards the wooden box on the field.

When several people came to the wooden box, their attention was attracted by the contents inside, brand new sniper rifles and rocket launchers, as well as heavy machine guns, light machine guns, submachine guns, etc...

"This, this..." Even Han Chuang and the others, who had been prepared, were all in a daze. This is like a small arsenal!

If it were placed in other countries in the world, maybe they wouldn't be surprised, but where is this place? This is China, the country with the strictest gun ban. How can we not be surprised when such a large number of firearms suddenly appear?


"Brother Feng, where did you get this from? Isn't it too powerful?" Hao Jianfeng took out a heavy machine gun from it, clicked the magazine in, and compared it: "It's still made in the United States!


"M670?" Han Chuang glanced at it and was a little surprised. This is one of the heavy machine guns just released by the United States.

"I don't know, maybe." Xiao Feng shook his head. He felt that he had been a little out of touch with the international community after returning to China for more than a year, mainly because he didn't often play with these things.

"That's right, it's the M670, one of the firearms just announced by the United States two months ago!" Hao Jianfeng nodded: "This thing has extremely strong penetrating power and huge lethality. It's a good thing!"

"Haha, are you satisfied with these guys?" Xiao Feng asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Several people nodded. This firearm is no worse than what they usually use, just like the m670. It hasn't been sent in yet. They have only seen pictures and this is the first time they have touched it!

"Give out the firearms. Those who are good at using sniper rifles will be handed out sniper rifles! In addition, I have also ordered a dozen pickup trucks. When they arrive, I will put the heavy machine guns on them. They are very mobile. When the time comes,

Fuck them hard!”

"Damn it, Brother Feng, you are so thoughtful! I told you first, don't steal it from me. I'll use this m670!" Hao Jianfeng shouted.

"Whoever snatches it from you, it's not like I only have one stick!" Zhou Lei said, picking up another stick: "This one belongs to me!"

Han Chuang and others also chose their own weapons. After playing with it a few times, they were all very satisfied. They wanted to load the bullets now and fire a few shots to try out the feel!

"Brother Feng, what are you using?"

"Me? I have a gun." Xiao Feng said, taking out his deadly soul-chasing gun: "I use this!"

"What kind of pistol is this? Why is it a bigger size? Is it a new Desert Eagle?"

"No, it's just that it comes from the same production line as the Desert Eagle, but there are fundamental differences." Xiao Feng did not explain in detail and put away the life-threatening soul-chasing gun.

Later, Han Chuang and others called out their respective people and distributed all the firearms. Except for Liu Yan who used his own sniper rifle, everyone else had received it, and some were left.

"Brother Feng, can you give me a sniper rifle to play with?" Eagle Falcon usually only has an assault rifle and has no chance to play with a sniper rifle. Seeing that there was only one left, he was a little jealous.

"Have you ever played this before?" Xiao Feng asked.

Yingshao shook his head in embarrassment: "No, but I think I can play well."

"Well, here it is." Xiao Feng picked it up and threw it to the falcon: "Practice hard and don't worry about the bullets. Good shooters are fed by bullets!"

"Thank you, Brother Feng!" Eagle Falcon was very excited.

"Haha, work hard, Saonian!" Xiao Feng patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

"Yeah, I will." Ying Falcon nodded: "I will definitely not let Brother Feng down!"

When the butcher and others got the weapons, they were all very happy, and they were all discussing it. Especially when Xiao Feng said that they were allowed to go to the shooting range to practice their skills, they were all even happier!

"I'm going to practice too!" Hao Jianfeng carried the M670 and rushed towards the shooting range. He couldn't wait to try this legendary American heavy machine gun in the 21st century!

The group moved to the shooting range. Hao Jianfeng did not shoot at the target, but came directly to a wall: "Brother Feng, is this wall useless?"

"It's no use."

"Then I'll test the gun!" Hao Jianfeng said, jamming a bunch of bullets and placing them on the table: "Get out of the way, don't let the bullets fly to you!"

Others were also standing nearby. They were also curious about the power of this heavy machine gun. American officials have been bragging about this gun recently, and some American military experts have praised this gun as "This gun is only powerful."

There is a place in heaven that is rare to hear on earth!

Hao Jianfeng flipped the safety, then aimed the gun, and pulled the trigger hard. He heard a harsh "click" sound, bullet casings jumped out, and the wall was directly penetrated!

"Holy shit!" Hao Jianfeng was shocked. It took only a few shots, but it penetrated the wall? The power is really awesome. No wonder the old American dares to boast that it is more than twice as powerful as the domestic heavy machine gun!

The eyes of Xiao Feng and others also lit up. This heavy machine gun is definitely very powerful. If they meet on a narrow road, it doesn't take many bullets to blow up a car!

"I have to say that there is still some gap between our domestically produced firearms and those produced in the United States." Zhou Lei sighed and said.

"Don't say that, this is just a standout in the United States, otherwise they wouldn't make a big fuss!" Zhan Hu comforted: "The United States has only produced such an awesome product in decades.


"Yes." Zhou Lei nodded.

Han Chuang and others took turns to go up and experience it. Even Xiao Feng went up and fired a few rounds. No, no, fired a few shots. Well, what does it feel like? When your finger pulled the trigger, the sound of shooting rang in your ears.

At that moment, it felt like an orgasm during sex~

Later, Xiao Feng sent out wireless communication equipment, walkie-talkies and wireless headsets. Multiple channels can be interchanged, which is very convenient!

In addition, there are plain clothes and camouflage uniforms he prepared for everyone. On the arms of the camouflage uniforms, there is an epaulette with a dagger as black as ink, which is the dragon pattern!

After the situation was almost settled, Xiao Feng drove away. Instead of returning to Luna Manor, he went to the Municipal Party Committee. He wanted to find Xia Changchun!

When he was about to enter Jiuquan City, Xiao Feng contacted Xiaobei and asked him to lock his car and see if there were any suspicious vehicles tracking around, so that he could know whether the jail-burning people had come in!

All the way to the municipal committee, Xiaobei received news that no suspicious vehicles were found. This made Xiao Feng wonder, has the person who burned the prison not come here yet?

Ten minutes later, Xiao Feng met Xia Changchun in the office of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary.

"Secretary Xia, I have something to trouble you with." Xiao Feng sat on the sofa, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile.

"You kid... tell me, what's the matter?"

"The thing is like this..." Xiao Feng didn't waste any words, and there was no need to be polite to Xia Changchun, so he just explained his plan.

After hearing this, Xia Changchun frowned slightly: "Ah Feng, it's okay to issue such a notice, but it won't make too much noise, right?"

"Haha, don't worry, I said hello to the top." Xiao Feng said, pointing to the roof.

Xia Changchun was shocked. He had long heard that Xiao Feng's hands and eyes were very familiar with the big shots above. Now it seems that this is indeed the case!

"Now that the higher-ups know about it, there's no problem at all." Xia Changchun also smiled: "However, try to be as quiet as possible so as not to hurt innocent people."

"Well, I will pay attention." Xiao Feng nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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