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Chapter 1325 Four Stone Gates!

Such a small pool of about ten meters made Xiao Feng and others feel like they were facing a natural chasm. They could not step across it because the water was so terrifying that even Mr. Jing did not dare to be careless!

Xiao Feng looked at the body of the bodyguard on the ground, shone a searchlight on his broken wrist, and shrank his eyes. This is really scary. What kind of water is it? If you can't pass through this water, there is no point in looking for treasure!

Could it be that after spending so much effort, he would be blocked by a pool of water when he got here? Thinking of this, a ruthless look and determination flashed in his eyes, let's take the risk!

"Old guy, I thought of a way." Xiao Feng came to Mr. Jing and said to him.

"What can I do?" Mr. Jing asked.

At this point, Mr. Jing also felt that maybe Xiao Feng was really destined to the blood jade treasure, or else anything could happen to him? Maybe, he is really a destined person!

"This pool is only about ten meters long. I can shoot the dragon pattern dagger to the top or the opposite side and swing it across with the silk thread..."

"No, it's too dangerous!" Before Xiao Feng could finish speaking, Mr. Jing interrupted him and rejected his method.

"But, other than this, we have no choice at all! We can't go around from both sides, we can only walk from above..." Xiao Feng smiled bitterly: "We can't just be stopped here, can we?"

"Maybe there are other ways, let's think about it again." Mr. Jing said in a deep voice.

"There is no good way, let me try."

"Try it? Have you ever thought about the consequences of failure? You will fall into this water and not even a bone will be left. Do you know that?"

"I know." Xiao Feng nodded: "Let's do this. Tie a rope around my waist. I looked at the height. It's about five or six meters. If I fall, you should be able to pull me back...


"This won't work. Isn't it too big..." Mr. Jing shook his head and narrowed his eyes: "But I can give it a try."

"No." This time, it was Xiao Feng's turn to say no: "How do you get there?"

"I'll use your dragon-marked dagger according to your method."

"No one is more familiar with dragon-marked daggers than me. It's best if I take action."

After some debate, Mr. Jing finally agreed, because Xiao Feng said something - old guy, just let me help you fulfill your wish!

When others heard that Xiao Feng was going to use the dragon pattern dagger to get there, they were all shocked. Long Sha's face was full of worry and fear. She had just witnessed the changes in the bodyguard's wrist!

However, Baililu and Cao Shangfei sneered in their hearts, they were really looking for death!

Xiao Feng took out the dragon pattern dagger and weighed it in his hand: "Old man, my life will be left to you this time!"

The dragon-patterned dagger, as black as ink, showed no reaction at all, but Xiao Feng smiled as if he was connected to it.

"Let me help you cum," Mr. Jing said.

"Okay." Xiao Feng nodded and handed the dragon pattern dagger to Mr. Jing.

"Drink", Mr. Jing found a spot, shouted loudly, and the dragon-marked dagger flew out of his hand, and all of it sank into the stone wall on the opposite side, not even a large part of the silk thread got into it.

Xiao Feng tugged hard and nodded: "It's very stable, I'm going."

"Okay." Mr. Jing tied a piece of rope around Xiao Feng's waist and held one piece in his hand.

"I'm leaving!" Xiao Feng glanced at the calm water, took a deep breath, and with his mind running, the six levels of energy under his feet exploded, and he jumped forward.

Just when he jumped a few meters away, he began to exhaust himself and his body fell downwards. At this moment, he suddenly tugged on the silk thread in his hand, and his body flew up again, swinging towards the opposite side.

On the other side, Mr. Jing stared at Xiao Feng without blinking. If there was anything inappropriate, he would immediately pull him back!

Long Sha and others were also staring nervously at the figure in the sky, constantly saying in their hearts that they must succeed!

"Boy, you'd better fall down!" Cao Shanfei's eyes flashed with fierceness.

However, what disappointed Cao Shangfei was that although Xiao Feng almost fell several times, he still landed safely on the ground on the opposite side.

When his feet hit the ground, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground, breathing heavily. There were big beads of sweat on his forehead, pattering down.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Jing and others also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled lightly.

After Xiao Feng took a short rest, he untied the rope tied around his waist and looked at this side carefully!

Just when he was about to tie the rope and build a simple rope bridge, he suddenly found a stone next to it with a round bead on it.

"What is this?" Xiao Feng was confused and reached out to press the beads.

"Don't touch things randomly..." Mr. Jing noticed Xiao Feng's actions and shouted loudly, but it was already too late.

The 'kick-kick-kick' bead was held down by Xiao Feng, and after a few quick turns, it suddenly sank, startling him, and he retracted his hand with a swish.

A few seconds later, there was only a "crash" sound, and a small stone bridge appeared on the pool, spanning both sides.

"Bridge?" Xiao Feng was stunned. Could it be that what he pressed was a mechanism?

Mr. Jing and others were also stunned, but then they were overjoyed. A bridge appeared and they could cross easily!

"Damn it, some scumbag designed this, he's so stupid!" Xiao Feng looked at the stone bridge and cursed, "It's his damn intention to create a mechanism to pass through. It's not over there, but it's put here."

, or did it the other way around?

"I'll try it first." After Mr. Jing finished speaking, he stepped onto the stone bridge, which was very strong. He raised his body and walked toward Xiao Feng step by step.

I walked all the way and there was no movement on the bridge, so there was no danger at all!

"Everyone, come here, Nangong, take Long Sha with you," Mr. Jing said to the other side.


Everyone also came along the stone bridge. Although they knew there was no danger, they were still worried. After all, the water below was too scary. If they fell, they would die, and not even the body would be left!

Xiao Feng pulled out the dragon-marked dagger. After taking a short rest, everyone continued to move forward. After walking forward for a while, the passage changed again and began to become smooth. The ground was also made of blue rocks.

The most important thing is that there is a light source here. Although I don't know where the light source comes from, there is no need to turn on the searchlight.

"There seems to be something ahead." This time, Xiao Feng was walking at the front and said doubtfully.

When everyone came forward to take a look, they were all stunned. This was a blue stone door, which looked very simple and even had a somewhat rough feel.

Immediately, everyone was overjoyed. Could it be that there was a treasure behind this stone gate?

Mr. Jing took out the atlas and took a closer look. It was indeed labeled Shimen, but it was still some distance away from the treasure.

"This should be the first door. Let's look for the mechanism." Mr. Jing put his hands on the door and tried it. It was very hard and strong and could not be opened by brute force.

"Here!" Baililu pointed to a hole next to him: "It seems we need a blood jade unicorn."

Mr. Jing stepped forward to take a look, opened the box, took out a blood jade unicorn from inside, and gently placed it inside. After hearing a "click, click, click," the unicorn suddenly sank, and then the stone door opened.

"Where is Qilin?" Xiao Feng looked at the empty cave, feeling a little dazed.

Mr. Jing shook his head: "I don't know, that's probably what the blood jade unicorn does."

After some more research, everyone found out that the blood jade unicorn was indeed gone, so they entered the stone gate and continued forward.

A few hundred meters later, there was another bluestone gate. With the previous experience, they put the blood jade fire phoenix in this time. The stone gate opened again, but the blood jade disappeared!

"Damn it, you tried so hard to find this thing, only to find it gone all of a sudden?" Xiao Feng gritted his teeth, feeling quite angry.

"Hey, Brother Feng, why do you care about this? As long as you can find the treasure, that's fine." Wu Huan was quite tolerant.

Xiao Feng rolled his eyes at Wu Huan. This guy has never looked for blood jade. Of course, he didn't know how much effort it took to get it together!

Amid everyone's speculation, the third stone door appeared. This time, the blood jade Xuanwu was put in. The same door opened with blood jade!

The fourth stone door appeared. As soon as the Blood Jade Ancestral Dragon was put in, the stone door opened again after a chaotic clicking sound.

"Let's go in." Mr. Jing looked at the album. It was not far from the center of the treasure.

Everyone entered and continued to move forward along the passage, but no more stone gates were found, and there were still four pieces of blood jade in Mr. Jing's hand that were not used.

"Hey, do you think there is such a possibility?" Xiao Feng, Wu Huan, Xiang Nanfei and the others were discussing: "In order to prevent any accidents from happening to the blood jade, Qin Shihuang deliberately bought four more pieces. In fact, it only cost four pieces.

You can open this treasure!"


"Yeah." Several people nodded and agreed with Xiao Feng's guess.

After walking for a while, a small square-like space appeared, with some stones placed in the middle. What made Xiao Feng most uneasy was that as soon as they entered, flames suddenly appeared on the tops of the stone pillars on both sides.

"What the hell, what's burning in this thing? It's still usable after thousands of years?" Xiao Feng was a little dumbfounded and pointed at the flames and said.

"Just go over there and see if it's okay." Wu Huan said, about to step forward.

"Don't move!" Mr. Jing and Dan Yangzi shouted, especially the latter, who grabbed Wu Huan back.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"The flames you see are not real." Danyangzi looked a little solemn: "In front of us, there is a big formation, and it is also a killing formation!"

"Killing formation? What formation is that?"

"A murderous formation!" Danyangzi simply said, took two steps forward, and observed carefully.

On the other side, Cao Shangfei also frowned: "Yes, it is a big killing array. If you enter it by mistake, you will probably die in less than three minutes!"

Hearing this, Xiao Feng and others stared wide-eyed, a little unbelievable. With these broken stones in front of them, they could be strangled in three minutes?

"Fei Caoshang, do you recognize what formation is coming?" Danyangzi asked in a deep voice.

Cao Shangfei shook his head: "I don't know, what about you?"

"I think it seems to be the legendary Nine Star Soul Seizing Formation..." Danyangzi said uncertainly.

"Nine-star soul-stealing array?" Cao Shangfei's expression changed when he heard the name.


(Some students may say that things are too 'fantasy' these days, but it's actually not bad. I really want to be fantasy, but unfortunately I can't write fantasy... There are too many unsolved mysteries in this world.

Just because it's legendary doesn't mean it doesn't exist...)

This chapter has been completed!
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