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Chapter 1461: Anti-Bone Boy

Hearing the sound coming from the villa, Huzi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that they had already eliminated the enemy? But how long had it been?

Huzi and others rushed in quickly. When they saw Zhao Tian being stepped on by Xi Wuhuan, they were all dumbfounded!

"Huzi, is this guy?" Wu Huan pointed to the man at his feet.

Huzi swallowed and nodded: "Yes, he is Zhao Tian!"

It was precisely because Huzi knew Zhao Tian and understood him that he was so shocked. You must know that Zhao Tian is a Sanda master. Even if he were to challenge him in a one-on-one fight, the outcome would be 50-50!

But now, he is stepped on by this minor? This... makes him a little unacceptable!


Wu Huan kicked Zhao Tian out, then sat on the sofa: "What should we do now? Kill this guy, or what?"

Huzi dispelled some shocking thoughts and shook his head: "Take him back!"

"Whatever." Wu Huan and Yaodao didn't care. Xiao Feng asked them here just because he wanted them to help.

Huzi looked at the others, and was shocked again, because the other gunmen were all dead, and their necks were at weird angles. It was obvious that their necks were broken by force!

Zhao Tian's face was also full of fear. He had been with Tong Qi for many years and knew all about Tong Qi's subordinates. Where did these two young men come from?

"Zhao Tian, ​​the boss treats you badly, why did you become a traitor?" Huzi looked at Zhao Tian, ​​anger burst out, and he asked angrily.

"Not kind to me? Well, yes, he is not kind to me, but why is he not kind to me? Doesn't he want me to work hard for him? Now, someone has given me more money, so I can naturally betray him

!" Zhao Tian gritted his teeth and said.

"You bastard, you're a white-eyed wolf!" Huzi was furious. He stepped forward and kicked Zhao Tian fiercely: "I didn't expect that you are such a white-eyed wolf. I, Huzi, have treated you as my brother for so many years for nothing!


"Fuck, what are brothers for? They are for betrayal!" Up to now, Zhao Tian didn't care at all. Anyway, he could already foresee his own end!


Huzi kicked Zhao Tian in the stomach and pointed at him: "I will take you back to see the boss now!"

"I don't see him, hahaha, if you want me to be punished, just dream!" Zhao Tian said, about to hit the wall next to him.

"Want to die? If I don't let you die, you can't die!" Wu Huan swayed and kicked Zhao Tian away.

Zhao Tian hit the ground hard, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, then rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Take him away!" Huzi waved his hand.


"Where is this villa?"

"Burn it." Huzi said without hesitation. He took out the lighter and threw it on the sofa: "Let's go."

The group of people drove away, with the fire behind them blazing into the sky and the sound of rattling coming from time to time.

After returning to the nightclub, Huzi personally carried the unconscious Zhao Tian, ​​found Tong Qi, and told the story.

After hearing this, Tong Qi's eyes flashed with wonder. The people following Brother Feng were indeed no ordinary people!

"Wu Huan, Yaodao, thank you very much." Tong Qi said seriously.

"Haha, it's nothing." Yaodao shook his head: "Where is Brother Feng?"

"They have gone to rest. Are you here to watch the excitement, or are you going to rest?"

"Let's go back and rest." Yaodao and Wu Huan knew that waiting for Zhao Tian would not end well, and this was a family matter, and they were not interested in watching any excitement.

"Okay." Tong Qi nodded: "Come here, arrange for these two brothers to rest!"


After Wu Huan and Yaodao left, Tong Qi's face became extremely gloomy. He looked at Zhao Tian on the ground: "Hu Zi, wake him up."


When Hu Zi was about to wake up Zhao Tian, ​​Tong Qi stopped him again: "Wait a minute, go and gather all the old brothers and ask them to go to the conference room!"

"Huh?" Huzi looked confused.

Tong Qi looked at Zhao Tian and sighed: "He has been our old brother for many years. No matter what, we have to give him an explanation every year!"

"I understand." Huzi nodded, turned and left.

Tong Qi bent down, looked at Zhao Tian's pale face, and narrowed his eyes: "Zhao Tian, ​​I shouldn't betray me!"

Soon, Huzi came back: "Boss, they are coming."

"Take him to the conference room."


Huzi carried Zhao Tian and Tong Qi followed him to the conference room.

After more than ten minutes, some old brothers arrived one after another.

"Boss, it's so late... Huh? Zhao Tian? What's going on?" Someone came in and shouted at the top of their lungs, but when they saw Zhao Tian lying on the ground, their expressions changed drastically.

"Sit down first and wait until the others arrive." Tong Qi said calmly.

People arrived one after another, and the atmosphere in the conference room was a bit strange. These close friends all looked at Tong Qi, then at Zhao Tian, ​​wondering, what happened? Why didn't Zhao Tian be sent to the hospital?

Tong Qi glanced at everyone one by one and spoke slowly: "I came to you so late to tell you something. This afternoon, while negotiating with the Heyi Alliance, we were ambushed and almost died.



As soon as these words came out, many old brothers widened their eyes.

"The police have blocked the news, so you don't know..."

"Damn it, damn the United Alliance!" The impulsive old brother slammed the table: "Boss, order all your troops immediately and start a war with the United Alliance!"

"Yeah, you didn't negotiate sincerely. Are you thinking that our Hua'an Gang is afraid of them?!"

Tong Qi looked at the angry old brothers, a look of relief flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand: "Everyone, be quiet."

The conference room fell silent.

"After my investigation, the person who ambush is not the United Justice League."

"What? Who is that?"

"It should be the Fire Skull!"

"Fire Skull? Damn it, I get it, they want to make a profit! I heard that something happened to the United Alliance. Could it be that their boss was also ambushed?"

"The most important thing about coming to you today is... I was betrayed by my old brother!" Tong Qi said in a deep voice, even with a trace of trembling.

As soon as the words fell, a pin drop could be heard in the conference room. Everyone's eyes widened. They were betrayed by their old brother? What does that mean?

"The person who betrayed me is Zhao Tian!" Tong Qi pointed at Zhao Tian and then told the story.

The conference room was still quiet. These old brothers couldn't believe that the old brothers who had gone through many ups and downs over the years actually betrayed their boss?

"Huzi, wake up Zhao Tian and let him speak in person!"


Huzi picked up the cold water he had prepared earlier and poured it on Zhao Tian, ​​who slowly woke up.

The next second, Zhao Tian suddenly sat up. When he saw Tong Qi and many old brothers, his expression changed again.

"Zhao Tian, ​​I, Tong Qi, am not kind to you, right? Tell me, why did you betray me?" Tong Qi put his hands on the table and asked through gritted teeth.

"Zhao Tian, ​​have you really betrayed the boss?"

"Is there any misunderstanding here? Tell me quickly!"

The old brothers also yelled at Zhao Tian, ​​because they really couldn't believe that Zhao Tian would betray Tong Qi.

"Yes, I betrayed Tong Qi!" Zhao Tian took a few deep breaths: "Someone gave me a large sum of money, which I couldn't refuse..."

"How much?" Tong Qi asked in a deep voice. He wanted to know how many chips could break the years of brotherhood!

"Ten million dollars!" Zhao Tian looked at Tong Qi and said slowly.

Ten million dollars?

Tong Qi clenched his fists. It was a lot of money, but it was not too much in his eyes. Just for such ten million dollars, he betrayed himself? You know, these old brothers probably have no annual income.

A few million dollars, right?

"Two months ago, I gambled in Las Vegas in the United States and lost all my money, so I need money..." A strange color flashed in Zhao Tian's eyes, and then he said loudly: "So, I took this thousand

Ten thousand dollars, betrayed you!"


Tong Qi slapped the table hard: "For ten million dollars, you betray me? Even if you owe gambling debts, wouldn't you tell me?"

"Let me tell you, will you give me ten million dollars?" Zhao Tian looked at Tong Qi and asked slowly.

"Yes!" Tong Qi said without hesitation.

Zhao Tian's body trembled, and his originally tense body slowly weakened.

"You are brothers who follow me, Tong Qi, to conquer the world. How long have we been friends? Ten, twenty years? Or even longer! Although the gang was established only a few years ago, our feelings are here! I come back to ask for

Lift the flag, you guys don’t say anything to me and do it with me. Although we didn’t bow to each other, I, Tong Qi, said the next thing: I can share the blessings and hardships with my brothers!" Tong Qi gritted his teeth: "But you...

You let me down!"

Some old brothers also sighed. In fact, some of them grew up with Tong Qi, so they can be considered young. Although Zhao Tian did not grow up together, they were from the same school, and their friendship lasted for more than ten years!

Zhao Tian's body was trembling and he was a little defeated: "Wrong, it was my fault."

"Zhao Tian, ​​who ordered you?"

"It's the boss of the Fire Skull."

"Fire Skeleton, it is indeed them!" A stern look flashed across Tong Qi's face.

"The Fire Skull wants the Hua'an Gang and the Heyi Alliance to fight. In addition, I also heard that it seems that the Fire Skull has hired a group of mercenaries from Africa." Zhao Tian hesitated and said slowly.

"What? Mercenaries?" Tong Qi's expression changed.

Each world has its own rules, and the underground world also has its own rules. They and the mercenaries are from two different worlds!

And now, Fire Skull has hired mercenaries, which is breaking the rules!

In addition, Tong Qi has been in Africa for a while and knows that there are many mercenaries in Africa, many of which are very powerful mercenaries. If the Fire Skull finds such mercenaries, it is estimated that there will really be a big problem in the underground world of Singapore.

It's turbulent!

"Well, it seems that this mercenary group is very powerful. Fire Skull hired them and paid a lot of money. This time they obviously want to sweep through the underground world of Singapore..." Zhao Tian nodded slowly.

Tong Qi glanced at Zhao Tian and felt very complicated. How should he deal with him?

This chapter has been completed!
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