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Chapter 1499: The Magical Pool

A natural stone pit about three to four meters appeared in front of everyone.

Lunpeng pointed to the stone pit and said: "Master, two months ago, the patrol team discovered something abnormal here. They went to the island to observe, but found no abnormality. They just found such a natural stone cave..."

"Anyway, let's go in and take a look." Artest nodded and looked at the cave a few times: "Have you brought a searchlight?"

"Bring it."

"Wait a minute, you said you noticed something unusual here two months ago. Do you remember the date?" Suddenly, Xiao Feng asked.

"This... I'm not sure. How about I call and ask?"

"Well, ask right away, this is very important!" Xiao Feng nodded.

Lun Peng glanced at Artest, took out his satellite phone, dialed the number, asked a few questions, and then hung up: "No. 23."

"The 23rd?" Xiao Feng squinted his eyes, took out his phone, found the calendar function, and then checked: "The 23rd, the 15th of the lunar calendar, is the night of the full moon. That's right, this should be the first time


He became excited when he said it at the end. On a full moon night, the first time was a full moon night, and the second time was a full moon night. In other words, this full moon night, the vision will happen for the third time.

Appear, and the Bell Spirit Essence will also appear. If it disappears again, it will probably be a hundred years later!

"Let's go down and have a look!" Xiao Feng put away his phone. Judging from the information that Mr. Jing passed to him, the place where the first vision occurred is usually the place where the third vision occurred, so this time

On a round night, the chance of the Bell Spiritual Essence appearing here is very high!


Atai and the others all followed behind, lit up their searchlights, staggered, and the group got into the cave!

Although the cave is not wide, it is still very deep. After walking a certain distance inside, a "ding-dong" sound can be heard.

"What is this sound? It seems like water flowing?" Artest asked.

"Yes, it's the sound of water flowing, underground water flowing... We're halfway through." Lun Peng nodded: "There are tiny underground gaps inside, and I don't know where they lead.

Xiao Feng thought, maybe Zhong Lingsui left through these underground gaps!

In the past two days, the more Xiao Feng got to know Zhong Lingxui, the more he felt the wonder of the Creator. The world is truly so vast and full of wonders! Especially these treasures of heaven and earth. They are obviously dead things, but they are more weird and cunning than living things.

"I hope I can get the Bell Spirit Essence this time!" Xiao Feng murmured in his heart. He really wanted to experience what it felt like to reach the innate realm!

Several people continued to walk forward, one foot deeper and one foot shallower, and finally stopped at a small pool.

"Brother Feng, why don't you move forward?" Artai asked when he saw Xiao Feng stopped.

"I think this small pool is unusual." Xiao Feng pointed to the small pool in front of him.

"This small water pool?" The other people all looked at the small water pool in front of them with doubtful eyes. Is this an ordinary small water pool?

"Sir, it's about two hundred meters away, why don't you go in and take a look?" Lun Peng said.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look at this small pool first." Xiao Feng shook his head, bent down, picked up the water, and smelled it. It seemed to have a faint fragrance.

The next second, he felt a jolt of energy. His original fatigue seemed to disappear in an instant, as if his soul had been washed, clear and clean.

Xiao Feng was horrified, what was going on? How could the water in this pool have such a great effect? ​​Could it be that Zhong Lingsui really appeared here?

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with the water?" Seeing Xiao Feng's strange expression, Xu Li also bent down and squatted next to him.

"There's something weird in this water, you have to smell it." Xiao Feng pointed at the water pool, suppressing his extreme excitement in his calm tone.

Xu Li followed suit and picked up the water with his hand, put it on the tip of his nose, and smelled it carefully: "It seems to have some kind of fragrance..."

"Besides the fragrance, don't you feel anything else?" Xiao Feng looked at Xu Li and asked.

Xu Li shook his head: "No, it just has a slight fragrance, and there's nothing else, right?"

"Huh?" Xiao Feng was stunned, why didn't Xu Li feel anything?

"Brother Feng, don't you feel anything else when you smell it?" Xu Li asked strangely.

Xiao Feng nodded, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Artai and said, "Artai, you should also hear it."

"Oh, oh." Artai agreed, bent down to hold the water, and smelled it carefully: "I also smell the fragrance, and I don't seem so tired..."

"Really? Why do I just smell the fragrance?" Xu Li held up the water again, smelled it, and finally shook his head: "I don't feel anything else."

"I'll give it a try." Chachai also bent down and smelled the pond water, his face slightly changed: "It has a fragrant smell, and... and it actually feels like it cleanses the soul!"

Xiao Feng was shocked. He looked at Chacai, and thoughts were racing in his mind. Why did Chacai feel the same as himself? But Xu Li's reaction was normal? As for Artest, it was just a feeling of getting rid of fatigue? What on earth is this?

what happened?

Could it be...

Suddenly, Xiao Feng thought of a possibility. This kind of pool water only has an effect on cultivators!

Xu Li is an ordinary person, but Artest's physical fitness is very good, so he feels a little bigger! Chachai has practiced something similar to ancient martial arts. The most important thing is that he knows how to lower his head, which is also a kind of practice, and

Pay attention to the cultivation of spiritual power!

In addition, I have practiced ancient martial arts and can also use hypnosis, which is also an application of mental power!

Therefore, his and Chacai's reactions were the same!

Xiao Feng thought of this and turned his attention to Lun Peng. He should be an ordinary person. If he felt the same as Xu Li, then he should be able to confirm his guess!

Atai noticed Xiao Feng's gaze and said to Lunpeng: "You also come and smell this pool of water."

"Yes." Lunpeng nodded, held up the water and smelled it: "It has a fragrance, but there is no other feeling."

Xiao Feng squinted his eyes. It seemed that his guess was accurate. This pool of water was only useful to practitioners!

Immediately, a new question arose. Where did this pool of water come from? What does it have to do with Zhonglingsui? Is the cause of the last vision also related to this pool of water?

All kinds of questions filled Xiao Feng's mind, making him feel a little pain in his head.

"Try it and try it. I wonder what the reaction will be?" Suddenly, Xiao Feng had such an idea, and it became uncontrollable!

In his opinion, the water has a fragrance, and he just smelled it, and there was no bad reaction. It should be non-toxic!

Thinking of this, Xiao Feng held the water and took a sip. The sweet and refreshing taste flowed down his throat and shocked him. If nothing else, the taste alone would definitely outshine those 'nature's porters'.

It’s still the Eighteen Streets of Woolen Yarn!

"Brother Feng, is it not poisonous?" Xu Li looked at Xiao Feng and choked out these words.

Xiao Feng rolled his eyes: "Fuck, of course it's not poisonous. If it was poisonous, I would have fallen down long ago."

"Ahem, how do you feel after drinking it?"

Xiao Feng felt it carefully: "Well, it tastes good, is it a feeling?"

"Is it that delicious?" Xu Li also tasted some and nodded: "It does taste very good. I dare say that if this kind of water is packaged and sold, it will definitely sell well all over the world..."

Xiao Feng curled his lips. Although he didn't know the function of this pool of water for the time being, just by smelling it, it could relieve practitioners' fatigue and cleanse their souls. It couldn't be sold as mineral water!

Xiao Feng and others squatted in front of the small water pool for a long time. Without studying it, they continued to move forward. However, he still focused on the small water pool.

In Xiao Feng's opinion, Zhong Lingsui is definitely related to this weird little pool!

After reaching the end, I found nothing. The entire cave is absolutely natural, without any artificial modification!

"Is it just a small pool?"

"Artai, arrange for someone to secretly blockade this island!" Xiao Feng thought for a while and said to Artai.

"Yes." Artai nodded and whispered a few words to Lun Peng.

"Are there any bottles on the speedboat? Fill some pool water and go back."

"Yes, I'll go out and get it right away." Lun Peng finished speaking and walked out quickly.

After Lun Peng left, Artai looked at the pool and asked, "Brother Feng, do you think this is where Zhong Lingsui appeared?"

"Well, that's about it. On a full moon night, we'll come here to find the bell spirit!" Xiao Feng nodded: "Artai, can you guarantee that the news won't spread?"

"I try my best."


Artai looked at Xiao Feng and gritted his teeth: "No big deal, I'll just ask the army to block the nearby sea and say there are military exercises..."

Xiao Feng thought for a while and shook his head. If it were normal, then of course there would be no problem! But now, many powerful people have come to Phuket Island, and now the sea is blocked, doesn't it mean that there is no silver here? By then, I'm afraid,

All the strong men will keep an eye on this place, and even break through the blockade and rush in!

"You can't do this. Even if you use the army to block the sea and surround this desolate island, you can't control those strong people... Secretly send people to patrol around to minimize the possibility of exposure... Fortunately, there is only the last one left.

It's been two days, and by the time the full moon comes, even if they all know it, the Bell Spiritual Essence is already in my possession!"

Artest nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it carefully!"

"By the way, the patrol at that time told them not to talk nonsense."


As he was talking, Lun Peng came back carrying a five-pound bottle: "Is this okay?"

"Well, yes, give it to me." Xiao Feng took it, filled the bottle, and then said, "Okay, let's go."

The others naturally had no objection, they all nodded and left the natural stone cave one by one.

Returning to the speedboat, Xiao Feng just sat down and suddenly frowned. He felt a fire rising in his lower abdomen, which made him feel like he was soaking in warm water. It was very comfortable!

"What's going on?" Xiao Feng muttered in his heart, but remained calm on the surface. He secretly guessed that it might have something to do with the fact that he drank the pond water!

The heat in his belly lasted for a long time, and Xiao Feng was so excited that he almost cried out in comfort. He was even more sure of his guess, the water in the pool was definitely extraordinary!

This chapter has been completed!
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