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Chapter 293 Game

When Mr. Hao saw what Xiao Feng said, he smiled and waved his hand: "Little Feng grew up in front of me. I don't know how much he weighs. In fact, he is more suitable to be a soldier than a general."

"Hahaha, Grandpa Hao, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier," Xiao Feng said with a chuckle.

Hao Jianfeng came down from upstairs and happened to hear his grandfather's words. He couldn't help but said: "That's right, I will definitely become a general in the future and surpass you."

Mr. Hao glanced at Hao Jianfeng and took the tea from his hand: "If you are given two choices, the first is to be the regiment leader, and the second is to serve as a soldier under Ah Feng, which one would you choose?"

"Of course I'm going to follow my brother. I've long had enough of being the group leader. There's not much fun all day long," Hao Jianfeng said without hesitation.

Mr. Hao was a little helpless: "Look, I don't even want to be a regiment leader, but you can be a general,"

"Uh," Hao Jianfeng was so blocked that he couldn't say a word.

"Haha, Grandpa Hao, you are right. Jianfeng is indeed not suitable to be an official, but that doesn't mean he won't become a good soldier," Xiao Feng said when he saw Hao Jianfeng's expression was a little depressed.

Mr. Hao nodded: "Well, I have never doubted this. Boy Feng, go upstairs and get Qi down. Ah Feng and I will play a few games later."

"Oh," Hao Jianfeng shrugged and went upstairs. He was getting more and more depressed. After all, we are also leaders in charge of thousands of people. Why did we become errand runners when we came back?

Mr. Hao made the tea himself and handed a cup to Xiao Feng: "Here, have a taste,"

Xiao Feng quickly took it, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. A refreshing aroma came to his nostrils. Even though he was used to drinking Jing Lao's good tea, he couldn't help but praise: "What a good tea."

"Haha, the guy above came to Jinan for an inspection last time and gave it to me. I was reluctant to drink it. I saw you coming today, so I made some for you to try," Mr. Hao smiled, picked up the teacup and started to taste the tea. .

After a few cups of fragrant tea, Mr. Hao will take Xiao Feng to play chess. You know, young people nowadays rarely know how to play Go, and more of them know how to play backgammon, and all of them are masters. There is no other way, so they play chess. How many years have I been learning and playing backgammon on a notebook during class? How can I not practice it?

Of course, what Mr. Hao wants to play with Xiao Feng is Go, which can truly reflect the Chinese essence of a person's wisdom. Singers have their own singing styles, writers also have their own writing styles, and playing chess also has its own style. Either open or close, or slow and slow...

"Grandpa Hao, you have to let me play," Xiao Feng sat in front of the chessboard, picked up a black stone, and said with a smile.

"Stop being modest and get started,"

"Okay," Xiao Feng nodded, sunspot falling.

Hao Jianfeng sat next to him, taking a sip of tea from time to time. He looked at Xiao Feng and his grandfather, black and white, chasing each other on the chessboard. He felt dizzy after a while.

Mr. Hao had a serious face, staring at the black and white pieces, watching quietly. Through drinking and talking, you can understand a person. Similarly, through playing chess, you can also detect a person's inner world.

"Boy, your chess style is much more stable than before," suddenly, Mr. Hao said with a smile.

"Haha, you will gain wisdom after every experience. You like to think twice before doing anything." Xiao Feng dropped the black piece again and looked at the battle on the chessboard. He was also secretly surprised. Mr. Hao is indeed an old general. Every piece of chess piece is in his hands. In his hands, he is like an elite warrior, taking every step with perfection.

Because Mr. Jing likes to play chess, Xiao Feng has been forced to play chess by him since he was a child. At the beginning, Xiao Feng was very resistant and felt that it was completely useless. But over time, he discovered the beauty and began to really like it. In Go, as he grew older, his chess skills became better and better, and he could even occasionally draw with Mr. Jing.

Mr. Hao is a rare master, which makes Xiao Feng feel stressed and excited at the same time. He likes the feeling of fighting on the chessboard very much. It is comparable to a real battlefield. If one piece is wrong, the whole game will be lost, and the same is true on the battlefield. This is the truth.

"You seem to be losing again," Mr. Hao gently put down a white stone.

"Haha, Grandpa Hao, you underestimated the enemy," Xiao Feng smiled proudly and put down another black stone, and immediately there were new changes on the chessboard.

Mr. Hao raised his eyebrows, looked at the whole chess game carefully, and finally laughed: "Boy, it is true that I underestimated the enemy, haha, now I, old man, have to take it seriously." After saying this, a momentum filled the air, and a stone The white piece fell again.

Xiao Feng also stopped laughing, and the two started a new round of fighting on the chessboard.

Hao Jianfeng sat aside and wanted to stand up and leave, but he felt bad, but sitting down like this was really a torture. He looked carefully at his grandfather and Xiao Feng, both of whom seemed to be caught in a chess game. He thought of martial arts TV series He was playing chess in the game. There were many black and white villains fighting on the chess board. He took a closer look at the chess game. He didn't see the black and white villains, but there were quite a few black and white chess pieces.

Finally, Hao Jianfeng couldn't bear it anymore, stood up from the chair, and moved his stiff legs a little.

"Boss Feng, pour me a cup of tea," Mr. Hao said slowly.

"Uh, okay," Hao Jianfeng was startled and quickly poured a cup of tea for Mr. Hao and handed it over with both hands.

"Oh, I lost." Xiao Feng also took a deep breath and looked up at Mr. Hao: "Grandpa Hao has superb chess skills and his sword is not old yet."

Mr. Hao forced a smile: "I almost lost to a junior like you,"

"Haha, there are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years," Xiao Feng said slightly arrogantly.

Mr. Hao nodded and looked at the black stones on the chessboard, criss-crossing them, revealing a murderous aura and arrogance, just like Xiao Feng at this time: "A Feng, you are full of energy, but after all, you are not calm enough,"


"Of course, this is not a shortcoming. When you get a few years older, you will know how to restrain yourself," Mr. Hao looked at Xiao Feng with admiration, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

Xiao Feng noticed the look in Mr. Hao's eyes and was stunned. He didn't think much about it: "Grandpa Hao, my old man also said the same thing to me."

"Haha, Mr. Jing is the real wise man," Mr. Hao said with a smile, then turned to look at Hao Jianfeng: "Go and call your father and ask him to come back."

"Yes, grandpa," Hao Jianfeng secretly gestured to Xiao Feng and took the opportunity to leave.

Xiao Feng and Mr. Hao were fighting on the chessboard again, until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dim. It was not until dark that the two of them stopped. Xiao Feng's record was three losses, one win and two draws. With Mr. Hao, In other words, he is invincible among young people.

"I am old and cannot sit for long periods of time, otherwise I will play a few more games with you," Mr. Hao put down his chess pieces and slowly stood up.

Xiao Feng hurried over and gave him a hand: "Grandpa Hao, I don't dare to have sex with you again. You should try it with my old man someday."

"Haha, I am no match for Mr. Jing," Mr. Hao smiled and shook his head.

"Well, you can't. You two should be equally matched," Xiao Feng was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"I have played five rounds with Mr. Jing, guess what the result was,"

Xiao Feng tentatively guessed: "Three wins and two losses."

"No, I didn't win a game," Mr. Hao smiled bitterly, and it seemed that he had been deeply hit.

Xiao Feng clicked his tongue: "My old man is so powerful, maybe it's because Grandpa Hao is not in good condition,"

"Haha, I think my chess skills are superb, but after all, I belong to the fifth realm. The three-turn chess style is a combination of hardness and softness. I can attack well and defend well. I can strategize and sit back and watch the wonders of the clouds rise."

"What about my old man?" Xiao Feng asked impatiently.

"There is no limit to the art of chess. The skill of chess has reached the level of proficiency. The movement of the chess moves smoothly, and clumsiness overcomes skill. You can find great strength in the weak points. You can do things that others cannot do, and those who are experienced can't do it. To borrow a few words from Jin Yong, that is the 'epee sword'." "Without a sharp edge, great skill has no workmanship," and "there are moves to win with no moves," Mr. Hao said respectfully.

"A heavy sword has no edge, great skill has no skill, and there is a move to win with no move," Xiao Feng muttered these words, as if he understood something, but he couldn't grasp it.

When Mr. Hao saw Xiao Feng's contemplative look, his admiration in his heart increased. Mr. Jing is truly the proud son of heaven, and his grandson is not a dragon in the pond. Sooner or later, he will soar up to 90,000 miles and soar into the sky. Ah, I hope that the decision I made is correct, and I also hope that the two young people can truly be destined to be together. This will be regarded as a high achievement for the Hao family.

I don't know how long it took, but Xiao Feng woke up suddenly. Mr. Hao was still there. Why did he become so distracted? When he turned his head, he saw Mr. Hao looking at him with a smile. His eyes were like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law... It must be an illusion. It's an illusion.

Xiao Feng suppressed this illusion and smiled apologetically: "Sorry, Grandpa Hao, I was thinking about something just now,"

"Well, it's okay. Come on, let's drink tea. After drinking tea, we'll go over and have dinner together," Mr. Hao nodded.

Xiao Feng nodded and chatted casually with Mr. Hao, sipping the fragrant tea and not realizing that time passed slowly.

Suddenly, the ringtone rang, Xiao Feng stood up and walked aside, pressing the answer button: "Hello,"

"Is the matter settled?"

"No, I'm thinking about what to do,"

"If you continue to break up, you will suffer chaos. Don't you want to find your parents?"

A ray of light shot out of Xiao Feng's eyes, and he nodded solemnly: "Of course I do, I will take care of it as soon as possible,"

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news,"

"Haha, take a good rest for a few days. I've been troublesome for you recently," Xiao Feng said with a smile.

"Since you have some conscience, okay, hang up now. I'll go to the bar to have some fun," the other person said and hung up the phone.

Xiao Feng put away his cell phone and whispered: "If you continue to break up, you will suffer chaos. Alas, you dug your own graves. I hope you don't jump in." After saying that, he shook his head and turned back to Mr. Hao.

"Grandpa, brother, we're ready over there, you can go there," Hao Jianfeng came in from outside and said with a smile.

"Okay," Mr. Hao put down his tea cup and said to Xiao Feng: "Ah Feng, I'm going to introduce you to a new friend today. You two should get along with each other more, do you hear me?"

"Well," Xiao Feng was stunned for a moment, and said, "Who is this new friend?"

Mr. Hao smiled mysteriously: "You will know in the past, let's go,"

This chapter has been completed!
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