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1302 Tiger Guard

When Fan Jian woke up, he found that he was imprisoned in the Tianlao, and soon the whole family was reunited in the Tianlao.

Fan Siche, Fan Xian and Fan Jian were locked in the same cell, with Fan Ruoruo and Aunt Liu locked next to them.

At this time, Fan Sichue was still in a state of confusion. One moment he was the young master of the Hou family, and the next moment he became a prisoner. No one could accept it.

"Dad, did your Majesty make a mistake? Why did he arrest us?" Fan Sichue said excitedly, holding Fan Jian's hand.

Fan Jian glanced at Fan Xian speechlessly. Chen Pingping had just dragged him to the prison and told him everything.

"Father, whose son am I?"

Fan Xian was also having a hard time at this time. He had just accepted that he was Ye Qingmei's son, but within a few days someone told him that Fan Jian and Li had replaced Tao Jian and used his own son to pretend to be the prince!

"You are the son of Ye Qingmei and His Majesty. All this is the child's revenge on me." Fan Jian said with a sigh.

"Then explain it clearly to His Majesty," Fan Xian said excitedly.

"It's useless." Fan Jian said dejectedly: "Now everyone in the world knows that it was His Majesty who killed Ye Qingmei. He will never let you continue to live."

Fan Xian understood everything in an instant, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Fan Sichue became more and more confused as he listened. He knew nothing about what happened back then.

Fan Ruoruo, on the other hand, had a vague guess, but still couldn't believe that in order to avenge his father, his eldest brother would not spare her as well.

Fan Jian thought for a while and said to Aunt Liu in the next cell: "Ruyu, let's make peace with each other! You are a member of the Liu family. As long as you have nothing to do with me, His Majesty will probably not kill you."

"Master, please stop talking, I will not reconcile." Liu Ruyu said affectionately: "I was born as a member of the Fan family, and when I die, I am a ghost of the Fan family."

"No, you shouldn't die. You are my concubine, not my wife. I have never loved you." Fan Jian said cruelly.

Liu Ruyu smiled and said: "Master, you can say this, but I am very happy. I, Liu Ruyu, can marry you, and my life will be in vain."

"Mom, I don't want to die." Fan Siche cried.

"Siche, don't be afraid." Fan Jian hugged his son and said, "Dad will be with you on the road to hell."

Fan Siche slowly stopped sobbing. This was the first time he felt his father's concern.

Fan Xian leaned in the corner of the cell, shook his head and said, "Father, don't worry, when I was captured, I already told Uncle Wu Zhu to come and rescue us when he has the chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, a big hole suddenly opened in the cell wall, and Wu Zhu crashed into the wall.

"Fan Xian, I'm here." Wu Zhu said calmly.

Fan Xian was overjoyed and quickly picked up Fan Siche and Fan Jian and said to Wu Zhu, "Ruoruo and Auntie are next door."

Wu Zhu didn't hesitate and hit the wall directly, breaking through the wall between the two cells.

The family was reunited again, and naturally they were filled with emotions, but at this time, the prison guards heard the noise and a large number of people came running over.

"Someone is robbing the prison, please ring the bell."

Fan Xian's expression changed and he said to Wu Zhu, "Uncle, what should we do now?"

"Kill out." Wu Zhu said concisely, and an iron drill was already blasted out.

There were dozens of jailers in the Tianlao, but no one was an enemy. Wuzhu killed people cleanly. Although he didn't have any big moves, he was sure to save a life with every attack, and he quickly carved a bloody path in the Tianlao.

However, as soon as they broke out of the prison, they were greeted by a wave of arrows. Wu Zhu danced the iron tightly to protect Fan Xian and Fan Ruoruo.

Fan Jian was protecting Aunt Liu and Fan Siche, but he was not as capable as Wuzhu and was hit by an arrow in his left arm.

"Uncle Wu Zhu, save father quickly." Fan Xian secretly said anxiously.

Fan Jian became increasingly embarrassed. He was almost hit by arrows several times and had several scars on his body.

Although Wuzhu has great master combat power, it is difficult to protect everyone in the face of arrows raining from the sky.

At the most critical moment, there was a sudden roar in the city of Kyoto, an earthquake shook the mountains, and the south of the city burst into flames.

"That's the direction of Qing Yu Tang." Fan Jian's heart moved when he heard the movement in the south.

Seeing an opportunity, Wu Zhu hugged Aunt Liu with one hand and Fan Ruoruo with the other.

Fan Xian hugged Fan Jian and Fan Sichue, started Qinggong, and ran quickly.

Several people fled all the way and ran into the streets and alleys of Kyoto, but they could not escape the pursuers. Seeing that it was getting dark, Fan Xian did not find it until he entered a dark alley and found that it was a dead end.

"Master Xiao Fan, this way." Wang Qinian suddenly came out from the wall and waved to Fan Xian.

Fan Xian did not hesitate, carried his father and brother over the wall, and entered a courtyard.

Wang Qinian stood by a well in the courtyard and said to Fan Xian: "Master Fan, come here quickly. There is a secret passage in the well."

Fan Xian knew that Wang Qinian would not harm him, so he asked his family to jump into the well quickly, and he and Wu Zhu were the last to go down.

As expected, there was a secret passage in the well that led directly to the next house. Wang Qinian pulled everyone out, and a woman brought some clean clothes.

"This is my wife." Wang Qinian introduced: "Master Xiao Fan, please quickly change into common people's clothes. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Mrs. Wang distributed the clothes to everyone, and then helped Fan Jian simply treat his wounds.

Fan Xian patted Wang Qinian on the shoulder and sighed: "Old Wang, thank you. I didn't expect you would help me at this time."

Wang Qinian chuckled and said, "The dean asked me to come."

"Chen Pingping?" Fan Jian said in surprise.

Wang Qinian explained: "It is not convenient for the dean to let the people from the Inspection Institute help you openly, so he asked me to come over and take care of you. I will go back to recover after you are sent out of the city."

Fan Xian glanced at Wang Qinian and his wife, knowing that he had a family and could not escape with them.

"I have prepared two carriages for hauling goods. Mr. Fan has been hiding in the goods. I bribed the city gate officials to send you out." Wang Qinian said.

Fan Xian had no choice now but to follow Wang Qinian's arrangements, but he and Wu Zhu did not get on the carriage.

"Father, Uncle Wu Zhu and I will go and distract the pursuers, and we will meet up outside the city." Fan Xian said to Fan Jian.

"Be careful," Fan Jian warned.

Fan Xian agreed, and then ran in the other direction with Wu Zhu.

?"The fugitive is there!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Fan Jian soon heard the sound of pursuing soldiers. He and his family hid in the cargo, while Wang Qinian and his wife drove towards the east gate.

An hour later, the carriage left the city smoothly and arrived directly at the outskirts of Beijing. Only then did Wang Qinian let Fan Jian and the others come out.

"Master Fan, I have prepared some silver and dry food to support you to Dongyi City." Wang Qinian took out a baggage and said:

"The dean said, after you leave the city, don't stay. Rush to Dongyi City immediately. As long as you get there, you will be safe."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Fan Jian said movedly.

"Let's go!" Wang Qinian waved and said, "When Mr. Xiao Fan comes, I will ask him to meet you in Dongyi City."

"Won't Fan Xian come with us?" Aunt Liu asked strangely.

Wang Qinian shook his head and said: "The dean said that if you are together, your goal will be greater, so it is best to go separately."

Fan Jian nodded and said: "Chen Pingping is right, Fan Xian is protected by Wu Zhu, so it will be safer to be separated from us."

Wang Qinian said: "Master Dean asked me to ask Master Fan, how to deal with the Tiger Guards you secretly trained?"

Fan Jian thought for a while, asked Wang Qinian for paper and pen, and wrote a letter.

"The Tiger Guards are a rare force that I secretly trained. Each one has an eighth-level strength. Without my secret message, even Emperor Qing would not be able to mobilize them.

Take this letter and go to Liujia Village, thirty miles west of the city, give it to the village chief and ask them to meet me at Dongyi City."

"Okay." Wang Qinian carefully put away the letter and said, "Master Fan, please be careful along the way. See you again when we are destined."

Fan Jian was moved and said: "Master Wang, take care of yourself too. Your life-saving grace will be unforgettable to our Fan family."

Wang Qinian waved goodbye to the Fan family until they were completely gone, then he smiled sinisterly and took off the human skin mask on his face, revealing Baiyan's ugly face.

"The Lord's prediction is indeed correct. Fan Jian has a secret against Emperor Qing. Without his personal letter, no one can conquer this strange army."

Mrs. Wang also took off her mask, revealing the face of Poison King Jamuka.

"With the Tiger Guard in hand, we can also return to the Lord and return to the grassland."

"Haha, you must be homesick! I have long missed the koumiss in the grassland." Baiyan laughed loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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