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Chapter 7 Beginning of the Beiguan War, there are many doubts

The withdrawal orders issued by these two men were two extremes, and the consequences were irreversible. Originally, the troops of the General's Mansion were slowly retreating in an orderly manner, but soon they discovered that the troops of Tianduyuan did not care about the life and death of the same camp. , these monks are not a regular army. They are well-trained. They don't care about military orders to retreat slowly. They immediately disperse like birds and beasts.

Not to mention the extremely aloof status of the Governor and the General's Mansion in the world of Northern Immortal Cultivation that day, it can even be said that many monks were frightened by the news. However, the two sides jointly attacked Beiminghai and returned with a huge defeat in less than half a year. This was difficult for everyone. things to accept.

The strange thing is that they could have beaten the drowned dog, but the Bei Minghai side actually called for gold and retreated their troops. Instead of pursuing the victory, they gathered the masters of the islands and set up camp nearby.

The sky slowly turned dark, and the lights were turned on in the camp. Not long after, three black flying mounts were seen arriving near the camp. This kind of flying mounts, not to mention the unlucky ones in the country, were not even seen in Beiminghai. Common.

Spies have come to report Tongba a long time ago.

Tong Ba's gloomy face immediately laughed and said: "Since they are willing to come, they have saved me a lot of trouble. We have conquered Beiguan in this battle and settled down!"

"Leader, the 'they' you are talking about, are they the powerful powers of the demon clan?" The people who can be in this tent are all real masters, and they can see more clearly than anyone else.

Tong Badao: "Yes, the North Underworld Sea is vast and boundless. Since Bu Le Country wants to get involved, we can't shoulder all the pressure. Since the Age of Dharma End, we have given enough help to the demon clan, and they should be rewarded. when."

An old man said: "Those human beings living in their respective countries have long been accustomed to putting themselves in palm-sized city walls, huddled inside, and living busy lives. I don't know, they must have forgotten us humans. It’s the history of how to fight against the sky and how to fight with various tribes. Now that the powerful demon clan is willing to take action, he will give them the first lesson.”

"Those humans in the city falsely claim that we are wild people, but in fact they are willing to be treated as pigs and dogs by the devil. They have forgotten the difficult history of our ancestors who walked among various ethnic groups in order to straighten their spines. Those who have never forgotten their origins would rather be with the devil. I am therefore very lucky that I can still stand up and fight with all my comrades in my lifetime, so that my training is not in vain!" Another Su Lao said: " I’m really looking forward to what’s going to happen next!”

"Hahahaha, we feel the same way..."

"Haha, some things must be done by someone. It is indeed an honor for us to be the forerunners. It doesn't matter success or failure. It is enough to do our last part. I agree with you very much!"

"Then break their city. Without the turtle shell, let's see what they can do to stop the demon clan's attack!"

Everyone laughed, but there was a bit of coldness in that smile.

The night is getting darker and the chill is getting stronger.

Li Xiu felt something different when he returned to Shangbei County this time. When he was approaching Beihaiguan, he did not hold up his luggage or fly directly over Beihaiguan.

Landing on a hill that had been blocked by heavy snow, looking from a distance, one could see the lights of Beihaiguan being brightly lit, as bright as day, with shadowy figures among them, and the aura of killing was as deep as the sea.

Last time, Li Xiu was chased by the Immortal Rope, escaped into the mustard seed in the void, and fled for his life. When he passed by this place, he also hurriedly looked at Beiguan Pass. In just two or three days, he didn't expect that there were so many strong men and troops.

"It seems that the imperial court really has no shortage of talented people with strong foundations!" Li Xiu secretly said: "It is impossible for an ordinary void magic weapon to accommodate so many people."

In fact, it is almost as Li Xiu guessed. It was in the past two days that Beiguan suddenly gathered a large number of troops and a large number of monks. Where did so many people come from? Not to mention ordinary mortals, even ordinary monks

He was confused and found that the troops of Marquis Ma Tiancheng did not go north. He did not receive any order in this regard. He reported it to the court, but the reply he received actually told him to stand still and defend his own territory. The army marching north has not yet been sent.

Before heading north, none of the local forces in Shangbei County mobilized troops to guard the North Customs. They only asked Ma Tiancheng to supervise all parties and prepare sufficient food and grass.

Then the only explanation is that a truly powerful man has arrived from Beihai Pass, possessing a self-contained void magic weapon similar to Li Xiu's Galaxy Diagram, so that he can achieve this step.

However, an ordinary army needs to eat. If an army of one million people stays in the void magic weapon, no one can afford it. Li Xiu's Galaxy Map can't do it, and Duoduo's Parallel World can't do it either.

Self-sufficiency, after all, a magic weapon is a magic weapon after all, and a model is still a model. The so-called population in it is not the same concept as the population of the whole world. Because of this, the food and grass prepared by Beihai Customs long ago have a place to be used, which also shows that the big

Both the General Mansion and the Tiandu Yuan have a complete plan for the battle of Beiminghai.

"It seems that it will not be easy for Beiminghai to win. I wonder how they will attack the city?" Li Xiu pondered. From another perspective, the general and Tianduyuan cannot trust Shangbei County, or rather

They couldn't trust their army, and even the Sanshan monks didn't put them in their eyes.

I just don’t know if they are using void magic weapons to transport troops here, are they also part of the emperor’s plan? If they are too powerful and gather too many masters, can Beiminghai break through their defense line? Li Xiu thinks it’s mysterious

, Thirty-Six Islands are very powerful together. At least Li Xiu, even at his current level of cultivation, would not dare to provoke them easily. He would not be able to fight face to face. As the saying goes, two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands.

This principle also applies to Bei Minghai and Bu Le Country. Bu Le Country, a behemoth, has cultivated too many masters. Its current strength far exceeds that of Bei Ming Hai. This is an indisputable fact. People like the ancestors of the Ma family

It can be said that there are many strong ones. Even if the ancestor of the Ma family has cultivated the Dharmakaya, Li Xiu compares him with the owner of the Yin-Yang Mirror. The ancestor of the Ma family has a smaller chance of winning, unless he has a powerful magic weapon that Li Xiu doesn't know about. Moreover, the ancestor of the Ma family has a smaller chance of winning.

Bu Le State maintains tens of millions of regular troops, which is an immeasurable force. These troops are not county soldiers or state soldiers, but troops directly under the royal family. They are all direct descendants of the founding generals.

The strength and bellicose factor in their bones are far stronger than those of local armies such as prefectures, municipalities, and governments. They have already developed a method for dealing with monks. To put it bluntly, even if it is a local army, on the battlefield, even if there are a thousand golden elixir monks, if

Being surrounded by millions of troops, there was almost no way out, not to mention that it was directly under the army.

The Army of the Northern Expedition is a powerful directly-affiliated army. The directly-affiliated army mainly refers to the Imperial Guards in the capital, which are controlled by the Taiwei of the current dynasty. Secondly, there are four directly-affiliated armies led by the four generals. General Xinluohe, former general

Bai Jian, left general Zhang Gongmu, and rear general Li Xiangru.

The army that has not marched north this time is led by the rear general Li Xiangru. It can be seen that the emperor's chess game is also filled with reality and reality. With Li Xiangru's army in the north, there will be no complete riot. These three words: Li Xiangru.

, among the soldiers and civilians, they are a sea-fixing needle. Even in the world of immortality, these three words are resounding. Among the four generals, Li Xiangru is the oldest and oldest. He has always sought stability and has never failed in any battle, big or small.

It is a golden sign.

The reason why General Xinluohe came up from behind is because he is a strong man with advanced cultivation, good at using strange weapons and plotting tricks. If we only talk about fighting, Xinluohe may not be able to defeat Li Xiangru. However, it is not a big deal.

The reason why the general's prestige is strong is because of the "General's Office", which gives Xinluohe a much higher status.

The territory of the Northern Kingdom is too large. It is difficult for the directly-affiliated army and the Tianduyuan to take care of everything. Let’s not talk about the directly-affiliated army. The Tianduyuan has all the power to supervise and enforce the law on the affairs of these ten counties and nine states, but who will do it?

Supervise the Tiandu Yuan? The emperor cannot listen to everything, so later there was the General's Office. It can be seen that the power of the General's Office is, to a certain extent, even above the three ministers and nine ministers. It is the Internal Affairs Office within the Internal Affairs Office.

The existence of this kind of institution and the Tiandu Yuan may seem contradictory, but they have practical effects. Only by complementing each other and supervising each other can there be a balance. Otherwise, over time, if there is no Grand General's Mansion, the Tiandu Yuan will be in trouble.

Conducive to the long-term development of the country.

Of course, this is just a theory. In fact, the gap between the strength of the General's Palace and the Heavenly Governor's Palace is too big, and it is impossible to truly supervise it. Where is the Heavenly Governor's Palace? It is the most powerful place between cultivating immortals and the world.

Apart from the current emperor, who can suppress a sky-opening giant ax composed of a group of powerful masters? This also shows how powerful the emperor is, and how the real high-level officials of the Tiandu Yuan view the General’s Mansion.

What kind of attitude is that? However, they are all doing things for the country, and the two parties get along relatively harmoniously, and there is no big fight.

Li Xiu himself had never been exposed to these things at the core level of the imperial court. However, he had once blended with Li Ruocheng's Yuan Shen, and he had already known a little bit about these things. Later, he understood the Twelve Meetings, understood the Three Corpses Technique, and had deep thoughts.

Void, obtained a lot of information, and understood some of the national destiny and institutions of the current dynasty, and even the history of the previous dynasty, and finally the law was finally completed.

Now that Li Xiu has seen the "Xuan Yun Curse", he knows that his understanding of the Tao realm has changed from the original attachment, understanding, and mourning to the realm of the word "Zhao" that is clear and invisible.

Therefore, Li Xiu also summarized several kinds of views, or several kinds of eyes. They correspond to the five realms, namely: physical eye, earthly eye, heavenly eye, wisdom eye, and Dharma eye.

Naked eyes, as the name suggests, are eyes that ordinary people can have. The distance they can see is quite limited. They cannot see if they are too small, too close, too big, or too far.

The dust eye can see things that the naked eye cannot see, and is not limited by distance or size.

The Heavenly Eye is not only not limited by distance and volume, but also is not limited by obstruction, hiding or transparency. In other words, it is not limited by being too dark or too bright. It no longer needs to be reflected by light and shadow, but by mental power or

thoughts to reflect or refract.

Wisdom, this state is close to Tao, that is, everything in the universe, including oneself, can not exist, and can become an "empty" view, that is, it is not bound by the physical and mental world, and can witness the flow of life and death.

This kind of insight, Li Xiu is still exploring, and it is also his exploration of Zhao Zhao Youlun. At this level, Li Xiu feels that he needs more experience and experience before he can fully step into it, otherwise he will end up just looking at the flowers in the mirror.

, the moon in the water can be seen but cannot be touched.

As for the fifth Dharma Eye, Li Xiu only named it temporarily, and it is invisible. I am afraid that it has left the five aggregates and gone out of the realm of the three realms. By then, breaking the void barrier may not even be a dream.

Since Li Xiu retreated from Beiminghai and entered Guyang Pass that day, his cultivation path has been without any stagnation and has made rapid progress. This has a lot to do with his courage to explore and his constant thinking and experimentation.

However, now, he can hardly see the way forward, so he needs to observe the fate that he has always wanted to observe from the chaos in Shangbei County, as well as Zuo Yuan Emperor Xing, many rising powerhouses

, even a veteran powerhouse, Li Xiu needs various experiments to sum up a large amount of experience, peel off cocoons, and perfect his own magic.?

This chapter has been completed!
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