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The fifty-fourth chapter comes to Yangguan, the Quartet responds

"Oh, after more than a year of meditation, I feel that the concept of the method I originally created is quite lacking. When I successfully modify it, I will probably be able to clear away the clouds! If you can rest assured, with the void passage,

I will communicate telepathically with you at any time and share the secret method with you. I hope you can get rid of the evil poison as soon as possible!"

Next, the three of them discussed many details. Regarding Guyang Pass and the territory, Li Xiu did not have any requirements and could not have any requirements. The main reason was to see the people and luck.

Once the Void Passage is built, Li Xiu is the Galaxy Map, and the Galaxy Map is Li Xiu, and he can support him at any time. As for the Emperor Longding, he gave Li Xiu the Eight-Eyed Tiger Seal to ban the Niwan Palace, and always monitored Li Xiu's four righteousnesses.

The God of the Four Corners, if it weren't for Emperor Long Ding who still plays an important role and is difficult to offend for the time being, it would not be difficult for Li Xiu to crack it.

A few hours later, a gap opened in the Galaxy Map. Led by Li Ruocheng and the wizened old man, the old servant Li Zhong and dozens of elder disciples from the original Taiqing Palace who had surrendered, they descended directly on Guyangguan City. As for Hu

Mr. Da and others were broken into pieces and quickly sent to the city or outside the city. The letter eagle was sent to summon the masters of the martial arts line. A large number of rangers in various counties also received the message and responded one after another. It turned out that

The troops under Yang Zhengyi's name also turned against each other. Within a few days, all parties responded, and troops ranging from thirty to fifty thousand to several thousand began to gather towards Guyang Pass. A day later, an army of half a million had been assembled.

, personally commanded by Mr. Hu Da, after a little reorganization, they immediately approached Guyangguan City!

However, Mr. Hu Da understands that his army of 500,000 will be very difficult to fight against the 700,000 Tianshui Army. However, the way to use troops is not to say that good equipment and strong soldiers and horses will definitely win the battle. Mr. Hu Da is fearless.

He was waiting for the signal from Guyang Pass to attack the city. After all, the Ma family was not that easy to deal with now, and he had no idea!

Looking from afar, I saw the majestic Guyang Pass, with flags waving, figures, and a murderous atmosphere. On top of the city wall, Ma Jun in white robes and armor personally guarded the city gate!

"The Tianshui Army is indeed worthy of its reputation!" Mr. Hu Da said seriously.

Zhu Menghai said: "Master, we are raising troops to attack this time. It is not just and unjust. We are attacking the Tianshui army. It is tantamount to rebellion. If Miss Li and others cannot suppress the masters of the Ma family, the gates of Tianshui City will be opened wide."

, fight back, we will have no way out, wouldn’t all Master’s years of efforts be in vain?”

Mr. Hu Da said: "Meng Hai, although you and Li Xiu have no master-disciple status, I know that he once taught you his special skills, so there has been a master-disciple relationship for a long time! In the past three years in the Galaxy Map, you have become even more important.

Because you have cultivated his techniques and grown to a whole new level, your martial arts skills are no longer inferior to mine."

Zhu Menghai didn't understand why Mr. Hu Da answered the question incorrectly. Just as he was about to speak, Mr. Hu Da waved his hand and said: "Although your martial arts have made great progress, you lack eyesight and cannot judge the situation. This will be very detrimental to your future practice.

Nowadays, there is no major turmoil in Bule Country as a whole. I only heard that the sea people are occasionally commotion on the southern coast. Although there are frictions among various races and factions within, they cannot destabilize the country at all. Why did the Battle of Beiguan pass?

After so long, the army of conquering the north is still unwilling to go north to quell the rebellion? I heard that three years in the Milky Way is only one year in the outside world. A whole year has passed, and the court still has done nothing. Don’t you understand?


Zhu Menghai hesitated and asked: "Could it be that Shangbei County was abandoned by the emperor for no reason?"

"You are really just a martial artist!" Mr. Hu Da said, looking like he hated iron and said: "If a person doesn't know how to seize the opportunity, he will just eat like a pig and a dog and wait to die! I have been with Li Xiu for a long time.

This boat is over, and I have tried my best to wait for today, to be able to stand up and stand upright, without having to rely on Yang Zhengyi, otherwise when will I be able to make a difference? You and Li Xiu have already been masters and disciples, so you should be even more important.

Dedicated to assisting, I rarely make mistakes when looking at people. Li Xiu is a wise master worth entrusting to me! If he is not a prince, he will be a giant in the future and will make great achievements in the world of immortality! In the past three years, I have become more certain in my thoughts.

, if he doesn't die midway, he will definitely have a great situation. If we don't gamble now, even if we work a hundred times harder in the future, it will just be the icing on the cake, do you understand?"

Zhu Menghai was sweating on his forehead. When Mr. Hu Da woke up to this point, he finally had a clear understanding and couldn't help but feel discouraged and ashamed.

Mr. Hu Da said seriously: "Why are you discouraged? There are many people like you in the world, who think that they have learned a little martial arts and have a certain way of life, and then they become lazy! All temperaments have been smoothed out, and their hearts are gradually becoming servile.

Swallowed by poverty and laziness, I don’t know how to make progress! If it weren’t like this, how could our huge country fall into the hands of the devil? You should feel lucky. If not, even Li Xiu would have to be ten times stronger if he wanted to start from scratch.

In vain, they are nothing more than hawks and dogs!"

Zhu Menghai hurriedly responded, thoughtfully, and stepped aside without saying a word for a long time.

If Li Xiu hears Mr. Hu Da's remarks here, I'm afraid he will consider him a confidant. This is the person who, after Li Ruocheng and the wizened old man, truly understands what Li Xiu is practicing.


Guyang Pass, City Lord's Mansion.

One year has passed, Guyang Pass has changed a lot, and there are five areas that are restricted areas. These five restricted areas are occupied by the Ma family, the Pei family, the Sima family, the Hai family, and the Yuchi family. In addition to the five families going back and forth independently,

There is no way for other people to get close.

The garrison general Yang Zhengyi was under house arrest in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion. Representatives of the five families in the City Lord's Mansion mainly handled military and political affairs. Li Ruocheng and others did not attack the restricted areas of the five families, but occupied them immediately.

The purpose of the City Lord's Mansion is to prevent mutiny. Li Xiu's purpose is not to fight randomly, but to defeat others without fighting. The ancestor of the Ma family can move the elite of the clan to this place. It can be seen that unlike Ma Tiancheng, he is a die-hard member of the royal family.

But the probability of success in persuading the ancestor of the Ma family should not be small.

The city lord's mansion was not lightly guarded, but the sudden arrival of Li Ruocheng and others caught them off guard. All kinds of handprints fell from the sky, and there were circles of silk threads. Some silk threads turned into small animals, some silk threads were like swords, and some were like swords.

The silk threads are like dragons. These former masters of Taiqing Palace have initially mastered Li Xiu's techniques and merged them with their own techniques. Although the shapes are different, they can control three corpses, or one third.

It was simply cheating! Li Ruocheng and the wizened old man didn't need to take action, and they took control of the situation. This was mainly because Li Xiu's thoughts controlled the Milky Way Map, hiding all the leakage of aura, and he was able to succeed.

The battle was resolved silently, without being noticed by the masters in the five forbidden areas.

Later, Li Ruocheng and the wizened old man took matters into their own hands to search for the souls of important figures from various families in the city lord's palace. At the same time, they sent experts to mobilize their muscles, change their appearance, disguise themselves as messengers from each family, and send messages to the five restricted areas, please

The ancestors of each family came to the city lord's mansion to discuss military matters. In reality, it was a Hongmen Banquet. The city lord's palace had already packed bags. If the ancestors of each family did not comply, Li Ruocheng and others would have to take tough measures and start a killing spree.

First, kill the ancestors of the five families, leaving the five families leaderless, and then quickly kill them one by one. If it works, they can seize Guyang Pass in one fell swoop and make hundreds of thousands of troops surrender.

The plan originally went smoothly, but after several days, Mr. Hu Da still did not see the signal in the city. It was because on this day, two uninvited guests suddenly came to the city lord's mansion.

One is a middle-aged man dressed as a farmer with a square scarf on his head, and the other is a monk wearing a black cassock.

"Huh?" The two came to the door of the city lord's palace. At this time, the door was not closed. It was still wide open, but it was eerily quiet.

"Master, have you noticed it too?" asked the middle-aged man with a square scarf on his head.

The monk wearing a black cassock said: "Since the Prime Minister can notice it, he must also know that you and I are coming at this time. It is really a fluke! A little later, the five major noble clans headed by the Prime Minister, your Ma family, will probably all

You are in danger of losing your eggs, and when the time comes, all your plans will be in vain!"

The middle-aged man with a square scarf on his head said quietly: "It doesn't matter. When we are in a situation like ours, unless we get the national destiny, the ordinary family destiny is better than nothing. Even if they all die, it can't hinder my plan. However, since

Once I catch up, I want to see who is so bold as to dare to come here to commit murder!"

"I didn't expect that your understanding would lead to such an achievement. Even if this day comes nearly fifty years later, it's still not too late. It's not in vain that you bowed your head in front of Emperor Bu Le! Your father fell behind because he relied too much on the fate of his family.

Take the next step!" The monk wearing black cassock said pointedly.


These two people were none other than Ma Tiancheng, the middle-aged man with a square scarf on his head who had faked his death, and Ma Xingkong, the former Prime Minister of Bei County.

As for the monk, he was the master who abducted Ma Caifeng under the eyes of the ancestor of the Ma family. He was a notorious flower-picking monk in the world of immortality. He was neither an empty nor a master. However, this monk was wearing a cassock and had a tall figure.

His face is very thin, and he definitely doesn't look like a flower-picking thief. His body is faintly emitting precious light, and his body seems to have been cultivated into glass, crystal clear. If he doesn't wear clothes, even his internal organs can be seen.

Seen with the naked eye, it can be seen that the ancient Buddha's method practiced by this person has reached a terrifying point, and the level of biological evolution has far exceeded that of the ordinary golden elixir, Dzogchen, and spiritual peak masters.

This golden glazed body is sometimes like the sun, sometimes like the moon, and the harmony of yin and yang is extraordinary. But no one thought that this master of Bu Kong Bu Tong would actually be an old friend of Ma Xingkong. From the meaning of the words, several

Ten years ago, the Prime Minister of Shangbei County, Ma Xingkong, retreated without a fight, opened and closed the city, and bowed his head in front of Emperor Bu Le. Even if this person was not a participant, he must have witnessed all that, otherwise he would not have said these words.


Ma Xingkong said: "Even though so many years have passed, I can still remember what happened back then. There is no shame in bowing your head in front of the emperor. You and I both know his origins. I just wanted to preserve my strength. I just didn't expect that he

He even refused to let go of this last bit of pure land, and finally opened a soul-nurturing place in Dongping Mansion."

Master Fu Kong Bu Tong said: "In the past few years, I have watched all your visits, but I have not been idle. I am tracking down the master who injured Protuo. If I can get his joining, maybe

The plan to conquer Dayuanzhou can be advanced."

"Oh?" Ma Xingkong was surprised and said: "Although Na Puluo Tuo is a traitor to your Buddhist sect, he has powerful magic power, especially since he once stole the Buddha's great cassock. Even if he is in the same situation as you and me,

Even if ten people join forces, they will definitely not be able to win, so how can they be injured?"

Master Fu Kong Bu Tong said: "This is the purpose of my early exit. At the same time, I have notified several fellow disciples and uncles to secretly subdue the son of Zuo Yuan Emperor Xing! I have a happy thing to tell you. Your granddaughter Ma Caifeng is in three

She gave birth successfully a month ago, and Zuo Yuan Di Xing’s son was named Ma Tiansheng. I haven’t found any signs of magic in his body for the time being. She should have received help from an expert, otherwise it would have been too late even if I took action.”

Ma Xingkong didn't say much about this, but continued to ask: "Is there any progress in your pursuit of Puluo Tuo?"

Master Bu Kong Bu Tong said: "He has been hiding in the void barrier for hundreds of years with the help of Da Luo Kasaya, and his cultivation has been increasing day by day. He has been avoiding the liquidation of my Buddhist sect. I have lost traces of him for a long time, until he came to

A few months ago, I sensed the aura of Daluo Kasaya, and the bloody aura it released was extremely strong, and it appeared in the Arctic. I guess Naprotuo must have fought a strong man, but I don’t know the outcome yet!"

Ma Xingkong sighed: "It's also my fault that I sent you the message and came to help me, otherwise you must have discovered more."

Master Fu Kong Bu Tong was noncommittal and did not answer.

The conversation between the two was communicated through sound transmission at an extremely fast speed. At this time, the conversation was completed and they strode towards the city lord's palace without hesitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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