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Chapter 153 The Pseudo Buddha Appears in the World, Confused

The Nineteenth Prince's entire body lost any nutrition. His skin and bones turned into a burst of bone sand and blew away in the wind, leaving only a suit of clothes on the ground.

The horse's naturally chubby little body has grown a lot, and his height has also grown by about a foot. He looks like a five-year-old child.

With his butt naked, he walked back and forth seven steps on the ground, pointing one finger to the sky and the other to the ground, looking around, took a long breath, and said in a strange tone: "I am the only one in heaven and on earth!"

Thinking back on when he was in Ma Caifeng's belly, he was supposed to be born like this, but was sealed by the amulet Li Xiu gave to Ma Caifeng. In the end, he had to be pregnant for ten months, and Ma Caifeng gave birth to him normally. In this way,

The date of his birth was delayed, and he also had a mother who was closely related to him by flesh and blood.

"Li Xiu, I remember you. Since you wasted my time, I can only come to you in person to ask for what I lost!" Ma Tiansheng said calmly.

If Li Xiu were here and saw this scene, I'm afraid he would be quite surprised. The so-called Zuo Yuan Emperor Star is a ball of energy that was born and raised by nature. I didn't expect that this person didn't know which old monster was reincarnated, and

, this kind of reincarnation is not trivial. The mystery in the womb is not a mystery at all to Ma Tiansheng. He is very awake and knows his past and present lives without awakening. It can be seen that this is a truly powerful person with great origins.

Obviously, when Zuo Yuan Emperor Star fell, it was divided into five parts, which was not as simple as what Li Xiu had observed. However, one thing is certain, the star field of Ziwei Star Yuan is very far away, and this person is not Xi Chu

There is no need to question the strong man above the vast territory!

Ma Tiansheng picked up the clothes of the 19th prince from the ground, and suddenly transformed into the appearance of the 19th prince. There was no difference at all. The life characteristics, even the genetic chain, and the soul block were all exactly the same. This was what he called an accident.

, it can indeed bring him more convenience!

Ma Tiansheng put on his clothes and headed towards White Horse Lake.

"Is it him?" In the void barrier above Tianshui City, Protuo, who occasionally paid attention to the Northland, happened to observe this scene. He actually recognized Zhang Tiansheng's previous life. Protuo felt seriously threatened. Although he

He has been staying on the periphery of the void barrier, absorbing the offerings of believers, but has never given anything in return. There is no other reason. He is a god, but he can't sing alone. Now is not the time for him to come out and jump around. Obviously, he is not helpless.

Emperor Le's opponent is very low-key. It can even be said that he lives with his tail between his legs in the Northern Kingdom. In this land of Demonic Kingdom, he can only come quietly and wait and see. There is little incense and little benefit. However, in recent years,

Jiuli in the Southern Kingdom was invaded by the Hai Tribe, and suffered more defeats than victory. The incense of the Puluo Tuo Temple was very prosperous in the Southern Kingdom. Puluo Tuo made a lot of money, and occasionally performed miracles, allowing believers to reap some rewards.

This time, Protuo, who came to peek at the Northland again, happened to meet Zhang Tiansheng, which surprised him very much.

He had to take risks. If he never took action or did something, a god like him would be wiped out sooner or later.

"He's even back? You need to plan ahead!"

At this time, a young man came in front of Protuo Temple in Tianshui City.

At Protuo Temple, the original abbot and abbot were meddling in other people's affairs and wanted to suppress Li Xiu. When Li Xiu was causing trouble in Tianshui City, he fought with the heads of the three major immortal cultivating sects here.

After a fight, he was defeated by Li Xiu. The abbot shed blood and the abbot passed away. Now the temple has become ruins, and some surviving monks have also left their hometowns. The county governor Ma Tiancheng has no intention of rebuilding Protuo Temple. More than a year has passed, and winter has turned to spring.

The ruins of Protuo Temple are overgrown with weeds. In the past, there were many pilgrims, but no one came to repair them.

The young man standing in front of the temple is the original little monk Wuman. Over the past year, he has grown a lot taller and has grown his hair, but his face is dirty. However, the rosary beads,

Always wear it close to your neck.

Wearing an old bamboo hat, he returned to his hometown and wanted to visit the temple, and even wanted to worship his master and abbot. However, the temple was in ruins and there were no monks. He didn't

He knew who to call to find out where his master and abbot were buried.

Wu Man walked into the ruins and stepped on broken leaves. The rustling sound made him feel heartbroken.

This is his home. But can this still be considered home? Wu Man clenched his fists!

At this moment, a broken Buddha statue suddenly started to move.

"Om Prajna Om Mitao Om..." A strange sound came from the Buddha statue.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost?" Wu Man was not afraid, but scolded.

"Wuman Bhikkhu, I am Prattu Buddha, manifesting in the human world." The Buddha statue spoke human words.

Wu Man walked over and saw that the broken Buddha statue seemed to have come to life. Wu Man had become much more mature than before. He asked very calmly: "How to prove it?"

The Buddha statue said: "I have a secret hidden mantra, which can be said to be a secret truth that cannot be walked by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the two vehicles."

At this moment, a chapter on the Sutra of Enlightenment is being passed down. It is exactly the meaning of the Sutra of Pulutuo Buddha. It is the true meaning of the lost superiority. It is the true meaning of Enlightenment. This secret mantra is really the sutra that the abbot and other virtuous monks have been looking for all their lives. Unfortunately,


Wuman's mind wandered away from things, and his heart was filled with sorrow, and he asked: "Sentient beings, practitioners of the two vehicles, and why are the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas bound to each other? By what method can the body, speech, mind, and actions permeate the hearts of all living beings?"

"It cannot be obtained and has no place to go or come into the heart of all sentient beings." The Buddha statue explained.

"No place to go? Can't be obtained?" Wuman thought thoughtfully and said, "That's true. I have a motivated mind and desire the path of inaction. How can I achieve it?" After saying this, he turned around without paying homage to the Buddha.

Just leave.

The Buddha statue said: "Go to the northwest, your path is there. You will meet a noble person, and a cloud of light will appear above your head. If you recite the secret mantra, you will be able to see through his true form. If you eat it, you will understand the depression in your heart!"

Wuman was stunned for a moment, but he didn't stop and strode away.

He didn't believe it in his heart. Since the Buddha appeared in front of him, how could he teach himself to eat people?

However, although Wuman landed with the Emperor Star, he has never been enlightened. So far, the five Zuoyuan Emperor Stars have appeared, Yang Buqi, Ma Tiansheng, and Zhang Tiangang, who was detained by a big demon in Yangjia Village.

There is also the fifth son who has never appeared. It is difficult to say about the latter two, but Yang Bushi and Ma Tiansheng both awakened directly, which is extraordinary, but Wuman has been living a wandering life without knowing what to do next.

No matter where the road is, I will often be trapped and sad, with dark clouds above my head, but I cannot be enlightened.

This time, even if he encountered Plotu Buddha appearing in front of him, he could not awaken his Zuo Yuan Emperor's heart. Fortunately, with nothing to do, Wu Man left Tianshui City aimlessly. It seemed that he had no intention, but in fact, he was going

The direction is exactly northwest, and the official road there leads directly to the vicinity of White Horse Lake. It can be seen that Puluo Tuo's goal has been achieved.

White Horse Lake has a radius of 800 miles.

In this area, the population has become very sparse.

When Emperor Long Ding was refining treasures here and the Taiyi Xuan Pattern Mirror was first formed, it devoured millions of people and caused a tragedy. If it was the kind where the whole family died, ordinary people with no relatives or friends would just die.

.But that tragedy hurt the interests of many nobles. Baima County is a large county, not to mention the surrounding towns. Most of them are rich people's villas and courtyards, living near the water. There were many casualties, either parents or children.

Furious! More than a dozen local gentry jointly appealed to the state and county. Officials did not dare to accept the case. What kind of person can swallow a million people overnight? When I heard that, I was confused. It was obviously a giant committing the crime.


How could the gentry be willing to submit? They temporarily recruited many retinue masters to protect a group of gentry disciples, and went to Shangjing to file a complaint against the emperor. Only then did the matter come to an end.

The country of Bule was founded with strong force, and the court system composed of people who cultivated immortals regarded human life as nothing but grass. Raising the people was like raising grass. However, it is not a trivial matter for millions of people to die unexpectedly. If it were in troubled times, it would be okay.

Just find any excuse to send everyone away. After receiving the petition, I sent officials from the capital and imperial guards to visit Baima County to learn about and investigate the case. Afterwards, I issued a pursuit document and wanted a huge overseas evildoer named Longding.

In short, it is just a formality.

The nobles were all hot-tempered at first, relying on the strength of their numbers to have their own fortunes. However, when they learned that the murderer was an old Yuanying monster, they felt frightened and their scalps went numb, and they immediately became

Honest people, what's more, the imperial court also issued a hunting ultimatum and gave them a so-called explanation, and that's when it came to an end!

Until now, Emperor Long Ding is still at large. This is also because there is a powerful force behind Emperor Long Ding. If he were an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, he would have been arrested by Tiandu Yuan a long time ago, so there is no need to bother too much.

The area around Baima Lake is very depressed, but to the north of Baima Lake, the land is fertile, with large pastures and hundreds of thousands of horses. County Governor Ma Tiancheng cannot give up here easily. After the tragedy happened, not only the people suffered, but

Even the official army was also devoured. Later, Ma Tiancheng redeployed manpower and sent a Tianshui army of 30,000 to guard the grassland, as well as more than a dozen Jindan monks. If it weren't for the old monster Yuanying, there would be no one.

Dare to provoke this power easily.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Zhengwu, the county lieutenant of Baima County, received an advance warning from Mr. Hai, stayed away from Baima Lake, and escaped disaster. After that, he returned with less than 3,000 troops, was reused, and was directly promoted by Ma Tiancheng.

Appointed as the magistrate of Baima County, he presented to the imperial court and received an official seal. On the day Zhang Zhengwu officially took office, he also received three thousand meritorious soldiers assigned to him by Ma Tiancheng, and also asked him to manage part of the pasture. There were nearly five people in that pasture.

With thousands of horses, Zhang Zhengwu lived a tyrannical life from then on.

After a year, although the area around White Horse Lake was in depression and the fields were deserted, there were gradually some traces of people. However, it was impossible to recover. Especially the war in Beiguan has been delayed, and some people have ulterior motives.

People spread rumors among the people, saying that the demon tribe would break through the pass at any time, and there were many gangsters who took advantage of the situation to rob the people and make a fortune. The people were so frightened that they had no choice but to move south one after another, and the population became increasingly sparse.

County Governor Ma Tiancheng did not allow the situation to get worse. At least, he still provided shelters in cities and counties. He also encouraged people to farm, exempted taxes, military service, corvee, etc., which can be regarded as showing courage. Indeed,

A large part of the people were left behind. After all, no one wanted to really leave their hometown and migrate to a strange place. Of course, since Ma Tiancheng did not have many strong men available, he was unable to curb the gangsters in the world of immortality from causing chaos, and the fundamental problem was not solved.

, His governance has achieved very little results. You must know that even he himself has been intimidated. Incidents of blood fingerprints often occur in the dormitory for no apparent reason. If the old demon Honglian comes out of seclusion this time, ignore him again and delegate power to him.

, Ma Tiancheng is likely to be killed. Once Ma Tiancheng dies, the entire Shangbei County will really be in chaos. No one has enough prestige to unite people's hearts.

Threatening letters and bloody handprints from gangsters are actually the most direct temptations. If they are not contained once or twice, the consequences will be very serious!

The timely appearance of the old demon Red Lotus not only saved Ma Tiancheng, but also saved millions of people.

As for the reason why the imperial court has not expressed anything for a long time, I am afraid that the inside story will only be revealed if you think about it carefully.

No matter which dynasty it is, there are countless speculators. All of this has long fallen into the eyes of those who are interested. Even some forces that have always remained neutral are eager to try, but this is the difference between them and desperadoes. They are still there.

Waiting for an opportunity, that is, a fire is needed to completely muddy the water in Shangbei County, and then they will appear. The three major immortal cultivating sects in Shangbei County are like this. If that time really comes, let alone

It's Ma Tiancheng, even ten Ma Tiancheng are useless!

The point is, it is impossible for Shangbei County to receive any support from the imperial court. Various signs indicate that the northern land has gradually fulfilled Li Xiu's original prediction. It is a land for cultivating poisonous insects, and this game of chess has just begun.

The old demon Honglian delegated power to Ma Tiancheng just because the game of chess had not really broken down yet and had not even begun. So she still needed Ma Tiancheng. Otherwise, Ma Tiancheng would not be needed at all. She would directly give the order to Honglian.

It would be enough to reorganize the world of cultivating immortals, or the soul-nurturing place in Dongping Mansion. Why do we need to borrow Ma Tiancheng's hand under the guise?

Of course, these matters cannot be known to earthly officials like Ma Tiancheng. In fact, except for a few people, such as the old demon Honglian, even the emperor Bu Le's chess game, even the court ministers did not know the inside story.

I didn’t know it was a game of chess.

This chapter has been completed!
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