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Chapter 35: The Golden Elixir of Equal Steps

Li Xiu was not sure. However, this was not what surprised him. What surprised him was that he found that there were no peaks at all in the hilltop area with nearly a hundred trees, large and small, because the peaks had all been leveled, and those

There are hundreds of cemeteries on the flat land of the flattened mountain peaks. Each cemetery is unique and large-scale. It is inappropriate to call it a cemetery, but rather a place for mausoleums.

"So that's it!" Li Xiu finally knew how the ninety-nine and eighty-one Elu Winds were formed. It was not a certain three-disaster powerhouse, but the hundreds of tombs. Almost all of them were three-disaster powerhouses.

They all went through calamities here, and Yufeng didn't know whether he killed them or survived the three calamities.

Judging from the number, there are hundreds of mausoleums, but only 81 Yufeng was imprisoned in the mist on the water, forming a very dangerous area, blocking Li Xiu and Lan Yueqing from quickly entering the central area of ​​the Mediterranean.

Accidental, or man-made? Not to mention this, judging from the number, then, did the owners of the remaining nineteen tombs survive the three disasters, or did they not survive the three disasters? There are fully nineteen people, no

Leave the bird behind.

Li Xiu didn't hesitate at all and couldn't wait to solve this question.

Although he knows that there may be eighty-one strong people with three disasters who have survived the catastrophe, or nineteen strong people with three disasters that have survived the three disasters. In either case, it is impossible.

It's amazing. I'm afraid that once he is sure, he will run away. After all, this is too terrifying. The three disaster experts, even in the prosperous age, have surpassed the immortals and are at the level of true immortals. In the end of the Dharma era, even the giants can't compare.

On the other hand, the giants should be of the same level, but have not experienced tribulations. Therefore, in some aspects, the giants are not as good as true immortals.

However, the methods and magical powers of the strong men in the Age of Ending Law are more in line with the current way of heaven. Therefore, when a giant encounters a true immortal, and they fight together, it is hard to say who will live and who will die!

Li Xiu estimated that even if some of the invincible warriors from the Seven Martial Sects period were left behind and escaped the accident, their cultivation level would not surpass that of the Golden Immortal. Of course, this was a system of cultivating immortals in the traditional sense.

In this era, the system of cultivating immortals is not complete, and magical powers cannot be cultivated. Generally, it is difficult to have a clear explanation in the late Nascent Soul stage. From what Li Xiu has seen so far, if we really want to talk about the way forward in the Age of Ending Law, it is the place to nourish the soul.

The method of nourishing the soul, followed by the main tributary, the technology of transformation and strengthening.

Well, today's system of cultivating immortals has deviated too much from orthodoxy, and the concept of immortals is too vague. Above immortals, such as giants, true immortals, golden immortals, etc., they basically no longer exist.

According to Li Xiu's calculation, the division of realms can actually combine the Golden Elixir Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage into one realm. In fact, the division of realms in the Age of Dharma End is really blurry, and it is very different from the realm of practice in the Golden Age. They need to be confirmed by each other.

Only by being more detailed can we have a clearer concept of practice in the Age of Dharma Ending. Such a division has very practical significance and can also give practitioners a very accurate self-understanding. It is very necessary, including Li Xiu himself. The benefits


Then we have to start from the foundation building stage. Below the foundation building are the ants.

Li Xiu believes that foundation building is the first strict combination of essence, energy and spirit, a true training, and passing the test is the perfect state.

Then, the state of not leaking is to build the foundation.

The state of not leaking is not enough, and the true fire in the body is far from enough to further hone the essence, energy, and spirit. Only by condensing into the cyclone elixir state can it become the fire. After refining the body, the whole body will be as crystal clear as glass, and there will be no illness or injury. Basically, the body will be golden.

Dan can live for decades, breaking the mortal life span of 120 years.

So, the Glazed Jade Body is a golden elixir in the traditional sense, but it is actually just a cyclone elixir realm.

To put it bluntly, the Glazed Jade Body is to sit in a well and look at the sky. At this time, continuing to practice the body has little practical effect, but to cultivate the sea of ​​consciousness, which is the sixth sense of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. Thousands of things are divided into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Oneself can do different things, but there is no conflict. Because the power of this transformation operation is unbelievable, it must be cultivated into a jade body before the brain can bear it. Otherwise, it will be fainting, unbearable, and even become an idiot.

So, to use one mind for a thousand purposes is to nourish the elixir.

Nourishment of elixirs is still only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. It is just to open up the mind. In terms of combat power, it is still spinning in circles. Therefore, after you have used it with one mind, you must try to see beyond the object. Thousands of thoughts can be perceived more clearly than what you see with your own eyes.

It is clear and clear, it can even see through space, and even observe the structure of matter. When necessary, it can also enter other people's bodies, suppress other people's thinking, and thus control other people's behavior. After reaching this transformation, walking in the human world is extremely terrifying. This is a spirit.

Level of silence.

So, when the soul seizes the soul, it is the early stage of spiritual silence.

The soul seizing soul actually uses Yin fire to drive the cyclonic elixir realm. Basically, it is the night-walking god, that is, the Yin god. Once you reach this realm, you must continue to temper your spirit and stimulate the Yang fire. Otherwise, if things go on like this, your energy will become increasingly haggard and you will have to

Only by protecting the body with pure yang objects can we ensure normal practice. Otherwise, the life span will be exhausted in just a few decades, and eventually the yin spirit will leave the body and die. Therefore, stimulating the yang fire and cultivating the yang spirit can transform the devil.

, only then can one possess the prestige of the world.

Then, stimulating Yang Shen is the late stage of spiritual silence.

In order to achieve the Great Perfection of Spiritual Silence, the two gods of Yin and Yang must merge into one, wander out of the body, and have the soul leave the body, and travel day and night without hindrance. This is truly unpredictable, and one is already a person in the immortal way.

Then, when the soul leaves the body, it is the early stage of Yuanying, and the perfection of spiritual silence is equal to the early stage of Yuanying.

After the soul leaves the body, it is still a half-way immortal. At this time, it is necessary to understand the principles of heaven and earth, combine it with reality, and decipher the genetic code. As long as there is enough spiritual energy to supplement, you can be as big and small as you want, fight bulls with anger, and have the power of a dragon and an elephant.

, extremely destructive. At this time, the Cyclone Dan Realm has returned to its limbs and bones, returning to its true nature.

Then, the size of Ruyi is the elixir of transformation, and the elixir of transformation is equal to the middle stage of Yuanying.

After the elixir is transformed, you still need to understand the ultimate principles of heaven and earth, obtain the innate true energy, cultivate the innate aura, combine with the soul, and then integrate the five elements of extreme changes and the mysterious ball composed of the heaven and earth thunder method. This is the golden elixir of the great road, the golden elixir.

10%, a life span of a thousand years. At this moment, the limit of the human body has been strengthened countless times. The internal organs can hold things without being damaged. The strength is many times stronger than the big and small Ruyi. In this state, if you don't fight with others,

If you are ruthless, you only need to wait for the three disasters to come, and if you survive the three disasters, you can break the limit of a thousand years of life.

So, the golden elixir of the Great Dao is in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Once the golden elixir of the Great Dao is completed, there is no possibility of comparing the realm levels after the late Nascent Soul stage with the traditional system of cultivating immortals. According to Li Xiu's estimation, there are many ways beyond the late Nascent Soul stage, such as the genetic map he is currently exploring.

It is the road of evolution, referring to the genetic map of ancient or ancient mythical beasts or powerful creatures, simulating genes, and turning them into your own use, so that you can truly be ever-changing.

Then, with all the changes, it should be the Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

As for how to divide the Nascent Soul after the Great Consummation, Li Xiu currently has no better experiments. He has not even seen a strong person at that level. He only obtained two ancient books and fought against the master once. Li Xiu

It's really hard to estimate or even predict.

In short, Li Xiu's own path should be at the level of the late Yuanying stage. The late stage of Yuanying is the golden elixir of the Dao. Li Xiu has not experienced thunder tribulation, so he failed even in the late stage of Yuanying.

But this is the biggest obstacle that makes it impossible to clearly divide the levels of practice in the Age of Ending Dharma. In the Age of Ending Dharma, not only are the laws incomplete, but spiritual power is exhausted, even thunder methods have no place to be used, and the three disasters almost no longer "patronize" Dharma Ending

The strong man of the era. This also led to the fact that Li Xiu and many people in the world of immortality did not actually have a clearer understanding of the giants.

If you want to surpass the Dao Jindan, you have to start from the foundation. What is the foundation? It is the Yuan Shen. The Yuan Shen is the symbol of Lingji Dzogchen or entering the Yuanying. Even if it is Yuanying Dzogchen, you can cultivate the Dao Jin.

Dan, in fact, the soul is still the fundamental source of power. What's more, how many strong people in the world today can cultivate the golden elixir of the Dao? That requires a catastrophe that can be encountered but cannot be obtained, and cooperates with thunder methods.

The sphere condensed by the extreme transformation of the Five Elements, this sphere, at least Li Xiu has not yet, all the younger generation he has met, even the older generation of late Nascent Soul like Kuang Ruoxu, the ancestor of Wangui Sect, Tongba, Qian

Taoist Master Chen, No. 2, Mr. Hua, Hu Xuehu, Mr. Jiang, etc., including Pang Gu, who is said to have lived for thousands of years and is one of the founders of Hanchen Academy, have no signs of being baptized by thunder; the younger generation is as strong as

The Lord God, Moon God, Ten Jue Warriors, Xuanyuan Long, Nangong He, Songyang Peng, Lan Yueqing and others are also not available. It can be seen that although they master the spiritual transformation method, in fact, they are only stronger than the late Yuanying.

But it is not the Nascent Soul Dzogchen level of the Dao Jindan.

Of course, Li Xiu has also encountered existences that he cannot see through. There are uncertain characters that are difficult to estimate for the time being, such as the old demon Red Lotus and Puo Tuo, who he met by chance when Li Xiu and Hu Hu were being chased by Li Ruocheng.

The founder of the Yin and Yang Sect, the Lord, the giant and strong man who survived the seven sects who are suspected to exist in Hanchen Academy, etc. Li Xiu is not sure whether they have used the thunder method to refine the golden elixir of the Great Dao.


However, one thing Li Xiu can be sure of is that the number one killed at White Horse Lake was a veteran Shengshixian who mastered the thunder method and was extremely powerful.

The monster was seriously injured, but Li Xiu couldn't kill No. 1. At that time, Li Xiu's body still had the wounds from the Grand Dao knife caused by his master. He was eager for success, and his cultivation was at a bottleneck, making it difficult to improve, but he didn't consider it.

The special nature of the Lei method is that the body of No. 1 was not preserved and cannot be used for clinical experiments. It is not known whether it was God's will.

Li Xiujing stood at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. He did not rush to the mausoleum immediately. Instead, he carefully sorted out his thoughts. In fact, it only took a very short time, which was almost as long as a cup of tea.

These speculations and thoughts are because Li Xiu knows that this time he has met the opportunity he wants most. It is not a peerless secret book at all, nor is it a spiritual transformation method, because the spiritual transformation method can be seen from the crane spirit transformation that Li Xiu obtained.

Come, there may not be what he wants. What Li Xiu wants is an ancient book similar to those two "Theory of Corpse Analysis". Therefore, instead of obtaining the spiritual transformation method and fighting with others, it is better to first

By exhuming the corpses and conducting research and clinical experiments, we may be able to obtain some secrets of the three disasters.

Just do it if you think of it. In the eyes of others, digging up ancient corpses is really treasonous and despicable, but Li Xiu doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

Instead of entering the tomb, he suddenly stretched out his palms, and his ten fingers turned into ten long ivy, shooting towards the ten tombs.

This chapter has been completed!
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