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Chapter 58: Climb the ninth floor and meet the mysterious person

"Haha, I am always reserved and compassionate, so I have fueled your karma. In fact, my good intentions and evil thoughts are just a matter of thoughts! Thank you for your karma, otherwise, I would not know that my good intentions are also my evil intentions.

Obstacle!" Li Xiu frowned, and his eyes became ferocious and terrifying!

A sudden glare.

His pupils turned into two rounds of blue blazing sun. This flame was no longer an ordinary fire at all, but a world-destroying fire that could burn Samadhi and was even more powerful than the real fire of Samadhi.

"Roar!" The two beams of blue flames swept across the wasteland. What can't be burned? Even the flames can be burned back, and even the karma does not dare to appear at all. At this moment, Li Xiu's will is from

The flame has never been more steadfast, and the flame has never been more terrifying.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

The weapons all over the sky were burned back, like a hell of wasted death, turning into grimaces all over the sky, and finally dissipated. And all the "old acquaintances" around them scurried away, and were quickly wiped out!

Li Xiu opened his eyes and his consciousness returned to his body. The sixth floor of the tower in front of him was a pile of powder.

The sixth floor of the tower was originally a stone tablet, but at this moment, it was forcibly destroyed by Li Xiu. From then on, the Whispering Tower no longer had the meaning of the sixth floor.

Li Xiu did not see anyone accompanying Li Silang on the sixth floor of the tower. In desperation, he could only continue to climb to the seventh floor.

He has understood that this Whispering Tower does have ancient rules and secrets, which are very precious. Logically speaking, you will gain something after passing each floor of the tower. Unfortunately, Li Xiu gained nothing and even destroyed a stone tablet. This is not

Li Xiu's wish, but in other words, Li Xiu has the strength to kill the karma with absolute violence, so why does he need the clearance reward on the stone tablet? For example, on the first five floors, Li Xiu exited without much interference.

, which is equivalent to the five poisons of greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and suspicion in the previous five levels. Li Xiu has surpassed the definition of the five poisons by the strong man who built the tower. Otherwise, Li Xiu would not be able to come out so easily and would have to step by step.

Come and break the illusion, finally clear away the clouds and mist, and you will come out.

"Huh? Sure enough, he has some skills!" Qiao Fu at the door found that the sixth floor only blocked Li Xiu for almost half an hour, and he was no longer surprised.

Not long after Li Xiu entered the seventh floor, Pang Gu came.

At the current Whispering Tower, people have come one after another: Li Silang and the mysterious young man, Li Xiu, Pang Gu, Nangong He, Songyang Peng, Xuanyuan Long, and finally the tower guard Qiao Fu who followed Xuanyuan Long in.


Eight people, seven masters, except for Li Silang, the worst Nangong He and Songyang Peng are all masters close to the strength of the giants. Although they have not survived the three disasters, they have developed powerful spiritual transformations, which are better than those of the Yin people.

The newly promoted Ma family tycoon Ma Hong is not far behind, and is a head above the ancestor of Xuemen Hu Xuehu. As for the other five people, which one is not a master who can walk sideways in the world? There are five such people.

, plus Nangong He and Songyang Peng, the seven powerful men gathered in the Whispering Pagoda. This kind of thing, this kind of excitement, can be said to be rare even in a hundred years.

But on the ninth floor, the mysterious young man has already reached the top. The difference between this floor and the eight floors below is that there are no paintings, no stone tablets, and no floor. On this floor, there is a pond.

There is a single-plank bridge on it. After crossing the single-plank bridge, there is a stone table on the opposite side. There are eight cups on the table. There is water in the cups, and the color of the water in each cup is different.

The mysterious young man just crossed the single-plank bridge and came to the stone table. He seemed to be familiar with everything here. No matter whether he was crossing the single-plank bridge or seeing the eight glasses of water, there was no novelty in his expression.

, but it is a kind of remembrance. He did not go to get the cup. As long as he is a person, after crossing the single-plank bridge and seeing eight cups like this, he would go and observe it no matter what, even if he would not drink the water in the cup rashly.

, will definitely wonder about it out of curiosity, but not that mysterious young man. From the looks of it, he seems to have been here more than once.

At this time, the mysterious young man suddenly turned around and looked at the entrance on the other side of the pond, with an expression finally showing on his face.

Surprised expression.

Did it come so quickly?

The person who came was none other than Li Xiu.

The first to fifth levels are greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and doubt;

The sixth level is the fire of karma that burns the body.

It's different when you reach the seventh level. That's the real major event in traditional immortality cultivation, killing three corpses.

The method of killing three corpses has a long history, and can be traced back to ancient times, or even longer ago. It can be said that the methods of killing three corpses in various eras are different. The levels in the Whispering Tower are the mysterious definition of killing three corpses.

The first beheading is to kill the evil corpse first, and then kill the good corpse. Only after killing the good corpse can you climb to the top and step into the ninth floor of the Whirling Tower.

"Looking at you, it seems that you have not passed through the level, but you can come here. It seems that the treasures on the sixth to eighth floors have been destroyed by you!" The mysterious young man looked at Li Xiu and said this in a tone of voice.

He felt a little regretful, but there was a hint of coldness in his expression.

Li Xiudao: "I have always believed that if Hunyuan Wuji is the true nature, then the five elements and six qi are all the roots of Hunyuan. If you say that cutting off the square is the great way, it is just a misunderstanding of practice."

"Do you want to imitate the Taoist ancestors and transform the three qing dynasties with one breath?" the mysterious young man asked.

Li Xiudao: "Taozu is not the only one."

"Huh?" The mysterious young man raised his eyebrows. Apparently this answer made him feel quite novel. The Taoist ancestor is an immortal myth that has been circulated almost forever in the mythical era. Even if the world is destroyed, the supreme Tao that can transform the three pure things in one breath will not

Will perish!

Li Xiudao: "If it can surpass Tao Ancestor, I think it is timing. You can also think of it as a kind of luck, luck or fortune. For example, if you and I were not born in this life, we would not be like Tao Ancestor.

Born at the beginning of the world, you and I may not be Taoist ancestors!"

"It's interesting! I can hear what you really want to express. Do you want to say that if everyone is the beginning of heaven and earth, everyone can be a Taoist ancestor?" The mysterious young man was actually thoughtful.

Li Xiudao: "I didn't say that. People are divided into high and low, things are dense and rare, and Qi has permanent and instantaneous differences. It cannot be eternal! The same is true for cultivation, and the same is true for the evolution of living things. If you can't understand the time,

It is difficult to obtain the true meaning of "one" due to luck. Even if our practice can transform the five elements, the size is as desired, and glimpse the past and present, it will be in vain in the end. This truth is actually more directly reflected in the Age of Ending Dharma. For example, in the late ancient times, it should

There was a population explosion, and countless resources spewed out from the three thousand worlds, which led to the emergence of the ancient heaven and the birth of the fairy world. Although resources are scarce and spiritual energy is exhausted in the Age of Ending Dharma, there should be a small number of extraordinary talents.

That’s what I want to say.”

The mysterious young man said: "What you really want to say is that you have mastered the true meaning of 'one', mastered the timing and luck?"

Li Xiu said seductively: "At present, I should be one of the very few people!"

The mysterious young man suddenly laughed and said, "Then I really want to open my eyes. Are you arrogant or are you really capable? Please get on the bridge!"

"No need to bother!" Li Xiu shook his head and said, "Practice requires constant communication with people and different verifications. However, the owner of this tower is a little bit shy. This nine-story whirling tower should only be him.

It is an experimental product that cannot represent the Great Dao. Any three-disaster strongman can destroy it, let alone me, and it has no practical effect!"

"Oh? Did you see it?" the mysterious young man asked.

Li Xiudao: "Yes, this is one of the flaws. If the owner of this tower is willing to spend money and have a more complete simulation system, then everyone who enters the tower will not be able to control them, whether they want to play or not. But now,

But I still have the ability to be independent. For example, the secret of this level should be the level of 'killing one's own corpse' among the three corpses. It is also the ultimate secret of the Posas Tower! The evil corpse, the good corpse, and the self-dead are indeed cultivated.

Great fear is also great fearlessness. Even if a moth flies into a flame, you have to fight hard. The ultimate goal is to live forever, so the most difficult thing to kill is the corpse of yourself who wants to live forever. Theoretically, in our era, I am afraid that no one has

If you can do this, you will not be far from the great avenue of Hunyuan Wuji. What’s interesting is that it is really rare for this small whirling tower to dare to imagine such a layout. For example, I am standing here now

There is a place and the ability to be independent, so why should I come to break through? I can just destroy it with violence. This is the first flaw!"

"Tell me about the second flaw you think!" the mysterious young man said.

Li Xiudao: "The second flaw is based on the first flaw. Since you are not willing to spend money, there are loopholes in the simulation system itself. Please take a look!" Li Xiu said as he stepped onto the single-plank bridge.

This time, there were really thousands of immortals flying on the single-plank bridge. There were countless male and female immortals, all of them Li Xiu himself. Then there were the ordinary lackeys, pigs, sheep, cattle and horses, also Li Xiu himself.

This is the evolution of the fate line. There are billions of possibilities. The longer a person lives and the more experiences he has, the easier it is to lose himself, such as bathing in various dye vats. In the end, even the most authentic self will be extremely difficult to find.

If you find it, how can you kill yourself?

Everyone is accustomed to defining a concept of "I am the only one" in practice to improve themselves. Meditating on it all year round is the way to rectify the mind. If you can't do this most basic point, let alone practice, you will be an ordinary person.

It’s also hard to get ahead!

But the actual "I" is not the only one. Human beings are constantly changing in this life. Who is the true self? I'm afraid no one can say for sure. In other words, people who can see the true self are no longer human.

Category, if you really have that kind of cultivation, I'm afraid there is no need or disdain to kill yourself.

So is killing three corpses really the only way?

the answer is negative!

Li Xiu stepped on it. All the mysteries of the single-plank bridge could not pose any threat to Li Xiu. Instead, in the chaos, the single-plank bridge broke inch by inch, and then turned into powder with a few pops!

Li Xiu stepped forward and landed gently on the water of the pond, only three meters away from the mysterious young man.

This chapter has been completed!
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