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Chapter 122 The Emperor's Personal Edict

"Impossible!" Pang Gu waved his hand and said, "Since the Kaiyuan Dynasty, there has been a clear rule that the struggle between sects in the world of immortality requires the survival of the fittest. As long as it does not escalate to a racial war, the court will not care about such things at all.

In a sect dispute, even if millions of people are killed or injured, the most common thing is to send an official from the capital to inspect the local area, and by the way, let the people from the Tiandu Yuan come to collect some benefits, and look for death row prisoners as scapegoats.

Everyone says. If this were not the case, the masters of the demon clan would have wiped out the thirty-six islands in the Bei Minghai Sea. How could the war in the Beihai Pass continue for two years?"

Baili Fu nodded and said: "Since such a bizarre event happened in ancient Qin County, the imperial court will probably be furious! What's the point of sending an imperial envoy to Hancheng at this time?"

"I'm afraid we won't know until the imperial envoy comes. You don't have to worry about anything. People like Ma Tiancheng can be ranked as marquises. Are you still worried about being dismissed from office?" Pang Gu said meaningfully.

"Brother Pang, why do you have to make fun of me? I don't have to be a city manager to do this!" Baili Fu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Well, now Hancheng is overcrowded, and various tribes will come to retaliate at any time. The whole city should be strictly ordered not to fight. Anyone who gathers to make trouble must be suppressed vigorously. I need your help, Brother Lao."

"This is a matter of duty, brother Pang, why do you need to say anything? In my opinion, your academy should start the protective formation as soon as possible. I am worried that the revenge of the various clans will not be that simple. Moreover, the ancient Beiminghai in the back mountain

There are often fluctuations at the entrance of the cave, which always makes people feel uneasy every night! The academy is too close to the entrance, and ordinary people are not guilty, but they are guilty of carrying a jade! In addition, Brother Pang wants the popularity of Hancheng to reach a real level.

To take off, it may not be enough to just absorb the population and reform teaching, but to show strong strength! As long as the current difficulties are resolved, who can not know the name of Hancheng? In a few years, I am afraid that

If you share the luck of humanity, you can really form a dragon vein!"

"Don't be anxious, everything is still developing steadily, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults! The situation in the world is still unclear. Even the soul-nurturing place in ancient Qin County can have something ominous, and we don't know which force is responsible.

, that is the soul-nurturing place opened by Emperor Ji Yuan himself, it is no small matter! What does our mere dispute over one city and one place matter?" Pang Gu said.

The two then talked for nearly two hours before Baili Fu stood up and left.

After Baili Fu left, Li Xiu's clone walked in from the backyard.

"I just sensed that I'm back. I should be able to reach Hancheng in an hour." Li Xiu's clone said.

Pang Gu nodded. Half a month ago, Li Xiu's clone became very insensitive. Apparently Li Xiu's real body encountered something dangerous and told Pang Gu that he might want a secret room. Pang Gu

Gu Jiu arranged Li Xiu's clone in a secret room in his backyard.

Pang Gu was a little surprised when he heard the news that Li Xiu was coming back. Because he and Qiao Fu kept communicating, he knew that Li Xiu had not come forward to deal with the matter in Fenglei Pavilion, but had been missing for more than half a month.

Is it possible that the affairs of Gu Qin County are related to Li Xiu?

Pang Gu came up with such a conjecture, even a person like him felt frightened!

At this moment, the boy knocked at the door, and it was Lu Zisheng who came to ask for an audience. Pang Gu asked the boy to ask Lu Zisheng to come here.

Li Xiu's clone did not avoid suspicion, and Pang Gu didn't feel anything was wrong.

When Lu Zisheng came in, he saw that Li Xiu was actually here, with a look of hesitation on his face.

"Zisheng, why do you come to see me?" Pang Gu asked.

Lu Zisheng paid homage to the Patriarch and then said: "This... Patriarch, I don't know whether to talk about something or not."

Pang Gu slightly said displeasedly: "Brother Li has shared weal and woe with my academy several times. We are our own people. Is there anything you can't say openly?"

Lu Zisheng said: "The Patriarch misunderstood. Zisheng did not treat Li Shaoxia as an outsider, but it was better for Li Shaoxia to avoid this matter first."

Li Xiu's clone was quite indifferent and said: "In that case, I'll go out for a walk first." After saying that, he left by himself. Pang Gu knew that this was just Li Xiu's clone, and he didn't care about anything. Even if it was his real body,

It was impossible for Pang Gu to think that the other party was rude or anything, but Lu Zisheng felt quite uncomfortable when he saw it, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Tell me." Pang Gu looked at Lu Zisheng.

Lu Zisheng explained: "I didn't know that Li Shaoxia happened to be here with the ancestor, otherwise..."

"Okay, no need to explain, I know everything!" Pang Gu said calmly, indicating that Lu Zisheng had something to say. Li Xiu's clone lives in his secret room, and no one knows about it. No wonder Lu Zisheng. However, Pangu also

Unexpectedly, Lu Zisheng would actually ask Li Xiu to avoid him in front of Li Xiu. Even if he was Li Xiu's clone, he would have to explain himself afterwards. It would be bad if he had a grudge.

Lu Zisheng said: "The first two craftsmen were caught in the front yard. They obviously had their bones changed to disguise themselves and their bloodlines were changed. It was difficult to find out their specific identities for a while. After two days of refining, I got two things from their Dharma and Precepts!

"As he said that, he turned over his hands and brought up the two things and handed them to Pang Gu.

Pang Gu took it and took a look, his face changed slightly.

This is actually a black golden dragon seal, engraved with the demonic characters "longevity and longevity".

The other thing is a piece of silk.

"This is an imperial edict written by the emperor. This part should be the imperial envoy's order?" Pang Gu's surprise was extraordinary. Could it be that those two details were the imperial envoy's order?

I saw the words on the silk, naming Li Xiu as the chosen seed, conferring a third-class marquis, and saying that he would go to Beijing with the imperial envoy that day.

This matter is indeed important. No wonder Lu Zisheng did not dare to make his own decision and even wanted to avoid Li Xiu.

Marquises conferred by the imperial decree have all made great contributions to the court. For example, Ma Tiancheng's title of Marquis of Zhenbei was obtained through hereditary substitution after Ma Xingkong faked his death. It is said that he is only a third-class marquis.

There has never been a precedent for a strong human being in the world of immortality and a person who was granted the title of Marquis since Bu Le Kaiyuan. Even those evil sects in Dayuanzhou who made contributions to the imperial court only received territorial rewards and did not receive any

Title. In other words, even a monk must be an official or a general, otherwise he would not have a title. The title of the Demonic Kingdom is definitely very valuable.

Let’s not talk about Li Xiu’s virtue and ability, but let’s talk about the selection of the Heavenly Chosen Seed. It is true that there have been precedents in the past dynasties, especially during the Seven Martial Sects period. It was popular for a while, but it was not initiated by the imperial power of any court, but by the supreme power.

.Even though the Demonic Kingdom is powerful today, this power that belongs to the Supreme cannot be taken away so easily.

The matter was so weird that if it weren't for the fact that the imperial envoy's order and the emperor's edict in his hand didn't look fake, Panggu would have doubted whether this was a prank.

"Where are those two people being held? Take me to see them!" Pang Gu said to Lu Zisheng.

"Temporarily detained in Cell No. 3, Tianzi." Lu Zisheng replied, and then he and Pang Gu hurried away. If the two agents are really imperial envoys, and Pang Gu comes forward now, there is still a chance of recovery, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

,The imperial envoy is the face of Emperor Ji Yuan.

Pang Gu and Lu Zisheng were both prepared to be yelled at by the imperial envoy, but before that, the identity of the other party must be confirmed.

"Imperial envoy? He was caught as a spy? What's going on?" After the two left, Li Xiu's clone murmured to himself. Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes, and the expression of indifference on his face was completely gone.

Missing. This clone is well-dressed and usually attended by servants. His face is clean and his hair is neatly styled. Apart from his dull expression, he actually looks pretty good. His lips are red and his teeth are white. He can’t be said to be very handsome, but he is definitely reliable.

Clothes. However, at this moment, Li Xiu touched his hair and then looked at his clothes. There was a feeling of discomfort on his face.

At this time, he had no time to pay attention to this kind of thing. Instead, he returned to the secret room and sat up cross-legged. He used the Three Corpses Technique to combine the silk tentacles with the earth. He followed Pang Gu and Lu Zisheng and approached Cell No. 3 Tianzi.

Li Xiu's true form has returned.

When he came back this time, he made a temporary decision to plant ice beans and wheat in the medicine field of Hanchen Academy.

Panggu is not exempt from vulgarity. Hanchen Academy also has many cells. Generally, felons are imprisoned in underground cells. There are four levels of heaven, earth, xuan and yellow. The underground cells are heaven, earth and xuan. The levels increase from high to low. The highest level Tianzi cell is in

There are three underground floors, the underground cell is on the second underground floor, the Xuan cell is on the first underground floor, and the yellow cell is above the ground. Since the last time foreigners came to the academy to raid the academy, some monks were afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so they moved the underground cells

All the criminals in the yellow cell were released. However, the underground cell has formation defenses and is connected with the formation base of the entire Hancheng Five Elements Formation. Even if the Five Elements Formation and the academy's guardian gate were removed last time

Formations, but the formations in some special places exist independently and have not been closed, so they do not allow strong foreigners to succeed for a while.

The system of the underground cell is incompatible with the academy. It has its own rules. It is cold, damp, and dark. The three prison chiefs are all disaster relief practitioners in the late Yuanying period. They have lived underground for who knows how many years. Their identities are special and they cannot return.

Instead, they directly obey the orders of the three giants of the former Hanchen Academy. Nowadays, there is only one giant left in Hanchen Academy, Pang Gu. In theory, the three prison chiefs directly obey Pang Gu. In fact, sometimes the other two

The prison chief didn't like Pang Gu's account very much. They were all the people who initially founded the academy with Pang Gu, Madman, and Gou Yue. They had the same status as Qiao Fu, so in this special place, they had indeed endured many hardships.

Human years have also brought a lot of important value to Hanchen Academy. In some respects, the contributions of the three prison chiefs are not inferior to those of the Elder Academy.

Pang Gu and Lu Zisheng went straight to the cell at Tianzi No. 3 at the bottom.

This chapter has been completed!
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