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Chapter 72 The Undercurrent of Tianshui City

In Tianshui City, there is a small, damp and old ancient house in an inconspicuous deep alley. Mr. Hu Da finally came to an end and opened his eyes after a long period of meditation and enlightenment.

"The Three Corpse Transformation Technique is really powerful!" Mr. Hu Da looked happy. He was also a mortal. No descendant of the Martial Saint had spiritual roots. However, his ancestor had pioneered martial arts in the early days of Daguan and reached the top.

This proves that this path is correct. However, with the disappearance of the holy way, their descendants were all cut off. After that, there were no saints in the Three Kingdoms. Hundreds of years after the disappearance of the holy way, a group of great Confucians and literati actually proposed that the holy characters should be extracted from the classics.

Eliminate, in their view, the word holy itself is poisonous or ominous.

As for why this is the case, no one knows, let alone someone of Mr. Hu Da’s level can come into contact with it.

Now the method he got from Li Xiu is called "Three Corpses Transformation Technique". Li Xiu believes that without spiritual roots, relying on wisdom can still eliminate the three corpses of people. It is different from traditional martial arts and is not blindly barbaric.

Practicing hard also requires constant visualization.

As Li Xiu's contact with Xuxuan deepened, he gradually understood many things and saw the essence. It turned out that he believed that human beings are a combination of first consciousness and second consciousness, which is the collision of instinctive consciousness and subjective consciousness.

There is a chemical reaction in the physical material. There is nothing wrong with this. Now Li Xiu has understood a deeper truth. The first consciousness is not a whole. It should be divided into three sections, the human head, the human belly, and the human feet. This is

The three corpses can also be said to be the three poisons. Li Xiu's original world also had a lot of knowledge in this area, and they were unified and divided into an area of ​​​​the brain called the hypothalamus. In fact, this is not the case. Many evil thoughts are caused by

It is born from the instinct of the brain, the desire to eat is born from the instinct of the abdomen, and the desire to kill is born from the hands and feet. They are all instincts and are not controlled by the subjective consciousness of the brain. They are incompatible with fire and water. These three corpses are the source of all evil.

, it is innate and will not dissipate after death. It is the biggest enemy of cultivation. Even if Li Xiu has cultivated to the point of enlightenment, it will not never regress. Unless he becomes an immortal, that will be the real thing.

The land is at ease.

Li Xiu set out to research a method, but because time was still short, many ideas were not yet mature. He needed more people to try the method, and then he found Mr. Hu Da.

Mr. Hu Da practiced the Three Corpses Transformation Technique. While developing his intelligence, he also had inspiration and followed some of Li Xiu's training routines to temper his body and will. For now, Mr. Hu Da has benefited greatly and does not feel anything is wrong.

"What time is it?" Mr. Hu Da asked.

The dwarf said: "You have been meditating for three days, and now it is past the time of Xu."

"Sure enough, I have been practicing for a long time. I haven't been so fascinated for a long time." Mr. Hu Da sighed.

After Xu hour, it was Hai hour, and the night was already deep. Although there were still lights in this civilian area, it was very quiet, and only occasionally the barking of dogs could be heard.

Suddenly, a black shadow fell into the alley and quickly headed towards Mr. Hu Da's residence.

"Someone is coming!" Mr. Hu Da blew out the candle. His senses were now very sharp and he could hear the sound of a needle falling. The dwarf did not take action, but jumped into Mr. Hu Da's arms. Mr. Hu Da said

He took a few steps and hid by the window sill, observing the outside secretly.

"It's Ban Hu." Mr. Hu Da saw the face of the black figure clearly, and smelled the smell of blood at the same time. He immediately knew that he must have fought with the people from Blind Mountain, and the result would probably not be satisfactory, otherwise this

At this time, Ban Hu will not show up here. While his thoughts were spinning, Mr. Hu Da opened the window and flew out. At the same time, he blew a short whistle in his mouth. The black figure's ears twitched and he quickly shouted: "Master...


"Stop talking, you are being followed, follow me!" Mr. Hu Da lifted Ban Hu's shoulders, suddenly increased his speed, and quickly disappeared into the night.

After more than ten breaths, several black shadows fell in the small courtyard. One of them, short in stature, was Mr. Hu Da's other apprentice, Wang Xiaosun. At this time, Wang Xiaosun and Jin Yuantong met.

When Mr. Hu Da was there, he looked completely different from the other two. He had a very strong demonic aura, his face was full of evil aura, and there was a cruel look in the depths of his eyes.

The small courtyard has been deserted.

"Wang Xiaosun, where did he go? How come even Ban Hu is missing?" A dark figure was extremely unhappy.

Wang Xiaosun said angrily: "You ask me? Who the hell am I going to ask? Look around, I want to kill my master more than you do. You have never really seen how powerful he is. Once he lets go,

He left Tianshui City and wants to deal with you all, even if Blind Mountain brings in the Taiyuan Mang family, it won't be enough!"

"Tsk!" The black figure sneered disdainfully: "You kid, just blow it as hard as you can. Blowing your broken master up to the sky is just to praise yourself. If he is really that great, how can you kid?


"One mistake will lead to eternal hatred. If you damn guys didn't let me practice magic, how could I have reached this point?" Wang Xiaosun was angry.

"What do you want to do if you have this kind of opportunity? Martial arts has long since declined, what's the future? Don't be so emotional, kid. No one forced you. Go, search around, it's over. I have another one I just got today.

That bitch, quite pretty, is still warming up the bed. A spring night is worth a fortune, hehe, you know!" The black figure laughed strangely, turned around and plunged into the night.

Suddenly a sword light flashed by, and the black figure screamed, and its head flew three feet high!

This time, the black shadows all around were alarmed. There were more than a dozen of them at once, all rushing towards that direction. Apparently, Wang Xiaosun was not the only one who came to follow Ban Hu!

"Huh?" Wang Xiaosun licked his lips and found it. At this moment, his heartbeat accelerated and his pores burst. It was not fear, but the feeling of killing a master. Unexpectedly, it was so good? The closer to the critical moment, the more he felt like

Get chicken blood!

"Kill!" Wang Xiaosun raised his sword and followed!

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in the darkness, holding a sword in his hand, and met the dozen black figures. The expected mob did not appear. The fight only lasted for a moment, and all the dozen demons were killed on the spot.

Only Wang Xiaosun was left, looking at the familiar figure showing off his power. He had just been beaten to a bloody pulp, and as if he had been poured cold water on him, he suddenly came back to his senses, turned around and ran away!

"Traitor, I have given you many warnings not to be tainted by the devil's ways. Your senior brothers have all listened to my advice and will definitely do something good in the future. But if you disobey discipline, you will not regret your death!" Mr. Hu Da came to kill with his sword.

Today, his cultivation level is far higher than that of three days ago. How could Wang Xiaosun escape after realizing it? He was caught up by Mr. Hu Da, and they only exchanged a few blows before being beheaded.

Ban Hu, who was following behind, used corpse-dissolving water to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces. At this time, he also came to Mr. Hu Da. He looked at Wang Xiaosun's body and hesitated.

"Emergency times require extraordinary measures. This is Tianshui City. It is not a wise move to leave his body at this time. I am just afraid that others will use it as a reason to kill him! Now that you have been exposed, you cannot stay here."

Come on, follow me out of here first, and we will talk about the future later." Mr. Hu Da sighed.

Ban Hu said: "If I withdraw from Tianshui City, all my efforts in the past three years will be in vain. Master, the possibility of me being exposed may not be high. Besides, as long as you leave the city, Master, you can give me a gift in a few days."

Come to help, it is Tianshui City after all, and Blind Mountain doesn’t dare to make a big show of it. As long as I hold the helm and wait for backup, I can launch a counterattack and annihilate all Blind Mountain’s nails in Tianshui City in one fell swoop. It’s not that difficult!”

Mr. Hu Da said: "Things will be very variable in the next few days. I can mobilize more people to help you. The same is true for Blindshan and the Mang family. Yang Zhengyi of Guyangguan may not be able to support Blindshan like the Mang family."

Support us, and for the sake of the overall situation, Yang Zhengyi will definitely make concessions with me and be perfunctory. Maybe he will send the money to come, which will be extremely obstructive. Ban Hu, now my mind has changed. You have more important things to deal with while alive.

Made for you!"

"Who is Qian not short of?" Ban Hu asked.

"It's a late-stage golden elixir master that Yang Zhengyi recruited a few days ago. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid he is not an ordinary late-stage golden elixir master and will be difficult to deal with!" Mr. Hu Da said.

Ban Hu said: "It turns out that Yang Zhengyi also had second thoughts. Over the years, without your support, Master, how could he have been able to stay on one side? He had been annexed a long time ago. Although he was a garrison general ordered by the emperor to guard the

The second most powerful pass in the north, but a county's military and political system has its own system. The emperor sometimes turns a blind eye. Hum, now that his wings are strong, he recruits people to divide the master's right to speak. This person will be in the future

You can't keep him!" Ban Hu said with a dark face. He knew the importance and didn't insist on staying. He used corpse-transforming water to turn the junior brother's body into a puddle of thick water, and his heart was no longer disturbed!

Mr. Hu Da didn't even look at it, but said: "If you want to deal with Yang Zhengyi, you should also find a way to get rid of Qian Buque. This person's origin is unknown and he doesn't know the depth. You are responsible for the hidden line and have rich experience."

, the value of returning to Guyang Pass is greater than staying here. When the time comes, you contact your second senior brother Zhong Chong, and be sure to investigate Qian Buque clearly. I have my own means to kill his bones without any blood! However, your current

Your martial arts cultivation is still shallow. I will teach you a forbidden method in the past few days. You must understand the mystery in a short period of time, and then you can become a stronger help to me!"

Ban Hu said: "Ban Hu understands, how dare you neglect him!"

In the same deep alley, there is also an old house, where Li Xiu and the one-eyed old man live. After all, they have been living next door to Mr. Hu Da for the past few days. Of course, Mr. Hu Da cannot find them, but Li Xiu and the one-eyed old man can.

Having seen every move of Mr. Hu Da, Li Xiu was quite satisfied with Mr. Hu Da. Under normal circumstances, Yang Zhengyi of Guyang Pass would have suffered a disaster, but his so-called ancestral magic weapon was extremely extraordinary.

Li Xiu couldn't figure out what it was, so it could be seen that the grade of that magic weapon was probably higher than that of the one-eyed old man's frozen gourd. Li Xiu had no intention of keeping that magic weapon for himself, and was greedy.

The stronger the magic weapon is, the harder it is to control. So far, Li Xiu's control of the Galaxy Diagram has only been maintained at 5%, but he has been able to use it to escape into the void. With the addition of Li Xiu,

He has a profound understanding of Xu Xuan, and the Galaxy Diagram with a five percent sacrificial refinement degree has been brought into full play in his hands.

In other words, if the ancestral treasure has been successfully refined by Yang Zhengyi, it may be able to resolve the disaster for him. If not, it is inevitable that Guyang Pass will change its owner. In this world, up to the emperors and generals,

If you go down to a local official and don't have many means of self-protection, it will be very dangerous if you fall out with the retinue mage. Moreover, the relationship between the master and the retinue is unlikely to be much better. Most of them are mutual.

Just taking advantage.

The one-eyed old man said: "Li Xiu, three more days have passed. Although you have explained to me a lot of your insights on practice in the past few days, I have gained a lot of benefits. However, I only ask you, when do you want to

Just looking for the second copy of Zuo Yuan Emperor Star?"

This chapter has been completed!
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