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Ling Yun and Guo Yixiu left the Tianlao and went straight to Li Mansion. Yang Sanniu squatted at the door. Seeing the two of them, Yang Sanniu rubbed his eyes in disbelief and exclaimed, "Master!"

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"Young madam, the young master is back, the young master is back..."

Yang San jumped for joy when he walked in, shouting as he walked in, as if he wanted to tell everyone the news.

Ling Yun and Guo Yixiu entered the courtyard one after another. Zixuan was already standing on the steps of the courtyard, with tears in her eyes, looking lovingly at the people who came back. The two looked at each other. Even though neither one spoke, it did not hinder them.

They miss each other.

The news of Ling Yun's return spread throughout the house and inside. The whole Li family was filled with joy and laughter. Everyone's face was full of joy, and a big feast was about to be held.

"I was dismissed from office by Your Majesty." After returning to the room, Ling Yun sat on the bed and said softly.

Zixuan was slightly startled when she heard this, then blinked her eyes and disappeared.

"I don't care whether I am an official or not." Zixuan suddenly grabbed his hand and held it tightly, perhaps wanting to comfort him.

Looking at his tired face, he said sincerely, "Even if you are a commoner, I don't mind, or if you are a prime minister, I don't care. As long as you are safe and sound, I will be satisfied."

"Zixuan~" Ling Yun was so moved that he called her gently.

He held Zixuan's hand tightly with his backhand, let Zixuan lean on his shoulder, and whispered, "Having you in this life is enough!"

The original text&comes from the Tadu Xiao~shuo app,&~more. For free* good books, please download the Ta~du-Novel app.

"Me too..." Zixuan responded.

The two hugged each other, feeling each other's temperature, each other's breath...the heart-to-heart communication was extremely sweet.

"It's enough to have a wife like this!" Ling Yun said with relief.

Since you don't want to be an official, then you won't do it.

No matter how big the world is, there is no place I can go without my wife by my side.

"Zixuan, we need to leave the capital as soon as possible, otherwise the news of my dismissal from office will spread, which will cause trouble." Ling Yun finally felt relieved, and explained the current situation to Zixuan.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." After hearing this, Zixuan thought for a moment, then thought of something, and nodded in response.

"Ling Lang, in order to rescue you this time, Marquis Jingchuan and Lord Zuo Xiang are here.

Because Ling Yun had explained the situation to her, he was afraid that he would not have the chance to come back after leaving the capital this time. After all, Emperor Qianxi's decree stated clearly that he was not allowed to be an official or enter the capital... Therefore, even if the matter of leaving the capital was urgent, he had to do it before

Finish some things before leaving, otherwise you won't have the chance even if you want to do it later.

After listening to her words, Ling Yun immediately understood what she meant.

The first chapter of this novel--the site&~ is @: Tower Reading Novel App

Actually, he was a little surprised that Marquis Jingchuan would help him, but he wasn't too shocked. After all, he had a relationship with Li Chengyou.

What shocked him was Wang Yangyu. He didn't understand why Wang Yangyu wanted to help him. Could it be because of Li Chengyou?

After thinking about it carefully, there is no other possibility except this situation, because Wang Yangyu is the left prime minister and has never spoken a word to him, let alone friendship.

He remained silent and replied, "I understand. I will visit them one by one tomorrow to say thank you."

"Ling Lang, there seems to be something a little different in Zuo Xiang's Mansion. When you go there tomorrow, remember to bring more daily necessities." Zixuan paused, suddenly remembered something, and reminded her specifically.

Ling Yun didn't know why, so after asking, he found out that what Zixuan said was different. It was that Zuo Xiangfu was too poor and shabby, so when he asked him to come to thank him, he was reminded to bring more things.

To be honest, Ling Yun didn't know anything about the situation in Zuo Xiang's Mansion, but in his impression, it shouldn't be like what Zixuan said. It is said that he is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, so how can he live in a somewhat awkward place like Zixuan said?

Of course, if you don’t believe it, don’t believe it.

There is no courtesy to say thank you when you come to the door.

Even if Zixuan didn't remind him, he wouldn't be able to come to the door with a small gift to say thank you. At least it would be consistent with his identity and the identity of the other person. Otherwise, if the news spread, wouldn't it make people laugh?

The original text comes from Yuta&Read Novel~&

At night, lying on the bed, Zixuan hugged him tightly.

Ling Yun knew that she was scared and didn't know what to say to comfort her, so he held her in his arms to give her a sense of security.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine in the future..." Ling Yun patted her back gently and whispered softly.

"Ling Lang, after leaving the capital, you will no longer be an official or command the army. Have you...really thought about it?" Zixuan leaned against Ling Yun and spoke earnestly, as if she was asking, but also seemed to be concerned.

"...It's good to stay away from the capital, and it's good not to be an official. In the future, we don't have to fight with each other anymore, and we don't have to charge into battle...it's good!"

Ling Yun's voice was very soft, as if he was mumbling to himself, answering Zixuan's questions, or talking to himself to comfort himself.

In fact, only he knows what's going on in his heart.

Originally, Ling Yun had already given up and accepted the reality.

But Zixuan's words stimulated him again.

"After leaving the capital, he will no longer be able to serve as an official, command troops, or enter the capital... Has he really thought about it?"

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This sentence has been echoing in his ears for a long time.

Ling Yun fell asleep.

No matter how he closed his eyes, he still couldn't fall asleep.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

Zixuan fell asleep, her breathing was very light, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised unconsciously, as if she was thinking about something happy.

Seeing her like this, Ling Yun raised the corners of his mouth, and gently kissed her on the lips. It was very sweet... He gently pulled away, covered the quilt with his backhand, and looked at the person on the bed, whose breathing was still gentle, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was The smile was maintained, and when it was not affected at all, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he tiptoed out and carefully closed the door. When the door was closed, the person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head slightly to look at the door, calmly.

Zixuan actually woke up a long time ago, or in other words, she didn't fall asleep at all, but Ling Yun didn't notice it.

Ling Yun went out and did not go far. Instead, he sat on the steps at the door and looked up at the starry sky. He kept doing this for a long time, until the dim starlight disappeared in the starry sky. He twisted his neck and then looked again. Looking towards the distance, which seemed to be the direction of Pingyang, he didn't speak the whole time, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Zixuan had already gotten up and was standing by the window, quietly watching Ling Yun's every move through a small crack in the window.

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When she saw Ling Yun's lonely back, she fell into deep thought.

I don't know how long it took, Ling Yun finally got up, and once again carefully opened the door and closed the door. Zixuan had already gone to bed when he stood up, so when Ling Yun came to the bedside, the Zixuan he saw was still sleeping.

He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he went to bed lightly.

When he fell asleep, Ling Yun glanced at Zixuan worriedly. The latter was still sleeping quietly. When he breathed a sigh of relief, Zixuan's hand suddenly wrapped around his waist without any warning.

, the sudden movement made Ling Yun's body stagnant, and he was shocked, thinking that Zixuan was about to wake up, but he didn't expect that the other party just put his hand on his waist and did not open his eyes.

"Phew! It's okay, okay." After staring for a while, Zixuan still made no other move. Ling Yun let out a big breath and said to himself.

The next day, Ling Yun and his party went out for shopping.

Because of the large number of people, the division of labor is clear and the purchasing speed is quite fast. He specializes in looking for rare items, jade bottles, jade and other things that can make people's eyes shine. Only in this way can he be considered sincere.

Otherwise, if you prepare some items casually, others will not care about them, and whether they will even accept them is another matter. Furthermore, Ling Yun has been attacking cities and forts in recent years. He has also saved a lot of rare items. He usually cannot give them away, and no one will give them away.

…It just comes in handy now.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Who are you looking for?" A childish voice sounded. Ling Yun heard the voice and went to see a seven or eight-year-old child, blinking and staring at the group of them with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Is this the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Ling Yun wondered in his heart.

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There is no servant standing guard in front of the Prime Minister's door. Instead, the door opens to either an old man or a child. Is this a strange thing?

Suddenly, he remembered Zixuan's words.

It seems that Zixuan did not lie to him.

The living conditions of Zuo Xiang are quite ordinary.

Whether this is really the case will only be known if you go in.

After a pause, Ling Yun said with a smile, "Hello, we are looking for Mr. Zuo Xiang!"

"Oh!" The child nodded.

"Then come in!" He opened the door and wanted them to enter the mansion.

"Hey!" When the child inadvertently glanced at the carriage behind Ling Yun, he suddenly let out a scream.

The child was also not afraid of things. He noticed something on the carriage behind Ling Yun and immediately asked, "Brother, what is on the carriage behind you? Are you here to give gifts?"

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Hearing this, Ling Yun was stunned for a while. He was surprised at the child's boldness, which really surprised him. He was silent for a while, thinking that this was the Prime Minister's Mansion, and it was normal for him to dare to speak like this.

"Little brother, it's like this..." Ling Yun smiled and explained to the child. In fact, deep down in his heart, he felt that the child would not understand, but for some reason, he still explained patiently.

Who would have thought that after the child heard that Ling Yun came to thank Wang Yangyu, he nodded thoughtfully, and then politely invited him in. His movements and tone of voice were very childish. Ling Yun and the people accompanying him looked at it.

They all couldn't help but laugh happily.

Wang Yangyu's wife Luo Shi was surprised when she heard that someone was coming. Xuan came to visit her a few days ago, and someone came to her door again today...

What does it mean?

This shows that Wang Yangyu is starting to be fawned over by others.

This is a good sign.

If someone fawns over you, it will naturally be beneficial.

Of course, she didn't want to get rich by doing this, she just wanted to slightly improve her family's living conditions, and she would be satisfied.

If you don’t want money and jewelry, you can always accept vases and jade, right?

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Well, even if her husband refuses, she must accept it. Otherwise, if she continues to rely on the meager salary to run the family, the maids and servants in the house will not have the problem of resigning and running away, but will really have to drink.

It's northwest. Wang Yangyu can bear it, but she can't.

So, when he heard that someone came to thank him with a generous gift, Luo led the remaining maid out, followed by an old man, who looked very old and hobbled... It was quite funny.

When Ling Yun arrived, Wang Yangyu was not there.

So Luo Shi accepted the gift smoothly and led Ling Yun into the hall with such enthusiasm that Ling Yun was a little confused.

Hearing that Wang Yangyu had not come back, Ling Yun was sitting in the hall. He was originally drinking tea and waiting for Wang Yangyu to come back to say thank you in person. He never thought that Luo Shi was extremely enthusiastic and not unfamiliar at all. He caught Ling Yun and asked random questions, asking about this and that, and kept asking questions.

, Ling Yun was really unable to resist, so he left the Zuo Xiang Mansion not long after.

This chapter has been completed!
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