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Ling Yun spent nearly three hours in the military camp. The main purpose was to demonstrate all the methods of operating firearms. The purpose was to teach Han Pengfei. After Han Pengfei had memorized everything, he dragged his slightly tired body back to in the city.

The Nanyi Army breathed a sigh of relief. In the following days, Ling Yun only asked them to practice continuously, especially the muskets and cannons to cooperate in an orderly manner to maximize their advantages.

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Cannons and firecrackers can both achieve certain effects, but their range is not as far as Ling Yun imagined.

The cannon has a range of three miles, which is 1.5 kilometers.

The range of the fire cannon is only a hundred meters, but the actual range is only about sixty or seventy meters.

The range of the fire gun made Ling Yun a little disappointed.

But it is also a big help. After all, this is just the beginning and it is impossible to reach the top in one step.

Only by continuing to develop it can we create more powerful and satisfactory weapons.

But those craftsmen are still in prison, and he must find a way to rescue them no matter what, because they are all his treasures!

Thinking of this, Ling Yun felt a little anxious and wanted to go to the palace to see Emperor Qianxi so that Emperor Qianxi could release the craftsmen.

It was only when he came outside the palace that he remembered that he had no official position.

Want to enter the palace?

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I can only think about it, but I can't enter.

Unless someone takes it or there is a will from above.

Obviously, Ling Yun had neither, so he had no choice but to go home.

"Huh!" Ling Yun, who was lying on the bed, exhaled.

Zixuan came over at this time and massaged his head virtuously.

After a long time, Ling Yun suddenly felt that most of his fatigue was gone.

While Zixuan was getting a massage, Ling Yun told her what happened today and explained the upcoming expedition.

Zixuan didn't say anything, she just said that no matter where Ling Yun went, she would always follow him.

If you have such a wife, what more can a husband ask for?

Three days later, Emperor Qianxi summoned Ling Yun again.

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I don't know if Emperor Qianxi's conscience found out this time, and he actually took the initiative to ask Ling Yun what official position he wanted. After all, there was no good position, and leading the army to the west would not be justified.

When Ling Yun heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

It took him a while to realize that Emperor Qianxi was setting a trap for him!

If it jumps down, it's not a good sign.

So I just said it was all up to me.

In short, what he meant was that as long as he could relieve Emperor Qianxi's worries, he didn't mind no matter what position he held, whether the official position was big or small.

Emperor Qianxi asked, how about being a consort?

Ling Yun's expression changed drastically, but this time, he obviously did not refuse as decisively as before.

It's not that Ling Yun doesn't want to refuse, but that he has concerns.

He tried hard to find out what Xiao Xuzi confessed to him that day. If Xiao Xuzi had not lied to him, he might have to think deeply before he could give the answer.

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"Huh! I'm just saying casually, you don't have this identity now." Emperor Qianxi snorted coldly and brushed off the topic.

However, Ling Yun's hesitation made him feel very satisfied.

At least, Ling Yun no longer dares to openly disobey him.

Finally, after much hesitation, Emperor Qianxi restored the title of General Ling Yun Pingnan, that is, a fourth-grade general.

Ling Yun was very satisfied with the result, and the fourth rank was already very powerful. No one dared to attack him easily when he had an official position.

General Pingnan was restored, and Ling Yun shouted long live your majesty.

Then he asked Emperor Qianxi for the craftsmen who were imprisoned.

If Ling Yun didn't speak, Emperor Qianxi would have forgotten about it.

Emperor Qianxi agreed to his request.

However, this also threw in a condition, that is, the weapons must be reported when manufacturing, which means that weapons cannot be manufactured secretly without the knowledge of Emperor Qianxi, otherwise there will be consequences at your own risk.

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The words "you will be responsible for the consequences" are just four words, but it makes Ling Yun feel scared.

Because what happened last time is still fresh in my mind.

So Ling Yun agreed directly to Emperor Qianxi without even thinking about it.

The craftsmen who were arrested last year were also released. Ling Yun personally went to pick them up, gave them a holiday, and told them to have a good rest before letting them report to the military camp.

For Ling Yun's arrival, the craftsmen burst into tears. They stayed in prison for a year and endured great torture. Many people thought that this was the end of their lives. They thought that Ling Yun had not come to save them for so long and thought that they had been punished. forgotten.

Now this result proves to them that Ling Yun will not forget them.

When they went out and learned about Ling Yun's experience and that Ling Yun's first action was to rescue them when he resumed his official position, they all knelt on the ground to express their high respect and gratitude to Ling Yun...

With such a loving and righteous master, after this, they were even more willing to devote their lives to Ling Yun.

After solving the problem of the craftsmen, Ling Yun's mood improved, but on the way back, he unexpectedly encountered an enemy.

"Ling Lingyun?"

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"Stop, Ling Yun, stop!"

I have to say that Gao Shirui's eyes are really good, or he hates Ling Yun deeply, otherwise he wouldn't be able to confirm that it is Ling Yun himself with just a quick glance.

Ling Yun had actually noticed Gao Shirui a long time ago. In order not to conflict with the other party, he chose to speed up his pace. However, he did not expect that the other party would discover him in the end. He had to lament that Gao Shirui's eyes were really sharp, but he did not because of Gao Shirui's He stopped when he screamed, but continued to move forward.

"Hahaha, Ling Yun, I finally caught you."

"This time, I'll see where you run."

Ling Yun quickened his pace, and Gao Shirui kept chasing him. He even tried his best to catch up, so he really caught up after a while.

Gao Shirui stood in front and stared at Ling Yun fiercely.

"What's wrong with you?" Ling Yun glanced at him expressionlessly.

"Is something wrong? Of course there is."

"Ling Yun, you don't know that I have been looking for you for nearly a year, and today I finally found you."

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Ling Yun glanced at him and said calmly, "If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have anything to say, let it go!"

"Hahaha, Ling Yun, don't be arrogant. I know that you are just a commoner now..."

"Have you seen what this is?" Gao Shirui suddenly took out a token, placed it in front of Ling Yun and said sternly, "Ling Yun, I am not afraid to tell you that I am now a centurion of the Beijing Army. How about it? Are you afraid? ?”

"Hey!" Ling Yun sighed softly and shook his head helplessly.

No one wants to mess with him now.

Save yourself from unnecessary trouble.

In the past year, when I returned to Guangping Village, I thought a lot and settled a lot. I believe that before you have absolute strength, there is no need to cause trouble and bring hatred and trouble to yourself.

"Hey, I have one too!"

Ling Yun suddenly also took out a token. When Gao Shirui saw the token of General Pingnan, his face was extremely disgusting. Thinking of the lessons Ling Yun had taught him in the past, his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

"Ling Yun, I didn't do anything..." Gao Shirui instantly cried and gave up. He didn't want to be beaten in the street again.

This chapter has been completed!
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