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Chapter 17 Busy Farm Season

In early July, the seedlings in the rice fields finally matured, and the fields became golden.

Under the scorching sun, the sweaty villagers looked at the plump ears of rice, their eyes filled with joy.

The villagers stood under the bright sun, waving the old sickles in their hands wantonly, and harvesting the golden ears of rice with some difficulty.

As if with divine help, everyone was full of energy.

When the rice matures, the villagers start "double grabbing".

The entire Guangping Village has become extremely busy and tense. The villagers want to stand on tiptoes when walking. There are few people chatting in the village.

Except for him and Wu Wa, everyone else in the Ling family was so busy that they didn't even have time to cook.

Ling Yun originally wanted to help bundle the rice in the field, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was opposed by his whole family.

Seeing this situation, Ling Yun thought of simply cooking for them, so that they would not have to worry about making food when they came back.

He has never cooked before in this world, but with his cooking skills in his previous life, he should be pretty good at it.

He first took out the bamboo shoots that had been soaked a few days ago, drained the water, and then went to the vegetable garden to pick some leeks and some green vegetables.

By coincidence, he found garlic and chili peppers in the kitchen.

Follow the steps, heat the pot first and then put in the oil. When the oil is almost hot, put the prepared chili and minced garlic into the pot to release the fragrance.

I have to say that it was really hard to burn firewood, and soon my face was blackened.

The fifth child next to him looked at him with a blackened face, laughed loudly, and continued to mess around while laughing.

The little man kept rushing to help him add firewood, and then he choked and coughed repeatedly, making him dumbfounded.

"Be good, just let my brother come."

He couldn't bear to dampen Wuwa's enthusiasm. Although it was not helpful, it still gave her a sense of participation.

Children should be more compliant, after all, if you don't help her, she will cry with a look of grievance.

Ling Yun stir-fried the bamboo shoots for a few times and took them out. Then he added oil and stir-fried the leeks separately. Finally, he put the bamboo shoots in, added some soy sauce, and the steaming stir-fried leeks and bamboo shoots were ready!

It smelled good, so I couldn't help but pick up a piece to taste it. I found that the taste was indeed good, but it was not oily enough and was a bit bland.

The reason was that he looked at the oil jar that was almost at the bottom and the little salt, so he couldn't bear to put in more, so he made do with less oil and less salt.

"Wuba, you also have a piece."

Ling Yun picked up a piece and put it into Wu Wa's mouth. The latter wanted to refuse, but she couldn't help laughing when she smelled the fragrance.

I saw Wu Wa bit the bamboo shoots in her mouth and chewed them for a while. She found that the taste was good and she was satisfied and swallowed the whole bamboo shoots.

Then he licked the corner of his mouth with a lingering aftertaste and jumped up for joy, "Brother, it's delicious, it's really delicious."

Ling Yun pinched her little cheek and found wood ash hanging on her face, and couldn't help laughing.

He then fried a green vegetable, smothered bamboo shoot tips in oil and a leek and egg soup.

A table with three dishes and one soup is enough for lunch!

At noon, everyone who was busy at farming was already sweating when they returned home.

His tired body was shining with the joy of harvest, and his face was filled with a satisfied smile.

The weather has indeed been smooth this year. Although the land in Guangping Village is barren, the harvest has met the villagers' expectations. Naturally, everyone is very happy.

The sweaty big boy dragged his tired body, lifted up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen.

Thinking about what to eat for lunch today so as not to affect my work in the afternoon.

"Sister, don't be busy, brother is already done!" The two people who were enjoying the shade under the big tree ran into the door and shouted when they saw them coming back.

Everyone was stunned, half-believing and half-doubtful.

For a long time, Ling Dashan said slowly, "Go and see if it is as Shiro said."

The eldest son's body was shaken, and he walked into the kitchen, opened the dining cover, and was surprised to find that there was actually a meal on the table, including three dishes and one soup.

She was stunned, and it took her a while to realize that the food seemed good, so she trembled towards the door and said, "Grandpa, the food is really ready."

Upon hearing this, everyone knew that Ling Yun was not lying, so they washed their hands and went in together.

Looking carefully at the table of three dishes and one soup, two plates were obviously bamboo shoots brought back by Shiro before.

Ling Dashan, the head of the family, asked in confusion: "My dear grandson, are these bamboo shoots?"

Because young Ling Yun was in poor health and was heavily in debt for medical treatment, everyone dug up bamboo shoots and ate them, so they were still worried about the astringent taste of bamboo shoots.

However, looking at these two dishes, they were completely different from what they had done before, and I couldn't help but feel my appetite increased.

Everyone who was originally worried about Ling Yun's mischief saw the three dishes and one soup on the table that were quite appetizing.

Everyone's eyes widened, ecstatic, with happy smiles on their faces.

"Grandpa, my grandson found this in the school book, but he said that this is how the bamboo shoots taste." Ling Yun had already prepared his excuse, and if he didn't have a reason, he was afraid he would be asked.

"Oh?" Everyone was surprised.

"The book also says how to make bamboo shoots?" Ling Dashan was hesitant and looked confused.

"Yes, Grandpa Li took me into his study and allowed me to browse through it at will. I happened to see it that day and tried to make it. Grandpa, please try to see if your grandson's cooking is delicious."

"This is stir-fried bamboo shoots with leeks, and this is fried bamboo shoot tips stuffed with oil."

After saying that, Ling Yun picked up a piece and handed it to Ling Dashan. Although Ling Dashan had doubts, he couldn't bear to dissuade him and took it in his mouth to eat.

The others were still in a wait-and-see state, but when they saw Ling Dashan's expression of enjoyment and his neat movements of picking up food, they seemed to understand something.

Not caring whether the bamboo shoots taste sour or hard, I hurriedly picked them up and put them in my mouth.

Everyone who was eating with gusto seemed to have forgotten the rules of eating, but for the first time today, Ling Dashan did not yell out loud.

After finishing the meal, everyone was resting. Ling Yun was caught by Mrs. Yang and asked: "Son, how do you make fried bamboo shoots with leeks and stuffed bamboo shoot tips? Please tell your mother quickly."

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment and then explained, "Mom, just put oil, chili pepper and garlic, then bamboo shoots and soy sauce."

"Son, please tell mother more specifically." Yang felt that her son was perfunctory, so she suppressed her anger slightly.

However, Ling Yun silenced him with a direct sentence, "Oh! Mom, you know so many things to do, just sister can do it."

Yang left angrily, leaving Ling Yun behind who didn't know why.

When she returned to the room, she saw Ling Daren lying on the bed. She was so angry that she went over and squeezed his hand hard. She exhaled and felt happy.

"Ah, what did you do?" His wife pinched him for no reason, causing him to scream in pain.

"Nothing, I see you're unhappy." Yang curled her lips and said calmly.

Ling Dashan was in so much pain that he couldn't express his pain. He wanted to hit him but didn't dare to. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, so he simply sat up and walked away angrily.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Ling Yun saw that his father was unhappy, so he stepped forward with doubts and asked.

"Why do you, a kid, know so much?" Ling Daren was already furious. When he saw that it was his son whom he usually loved, he suppressed his anger, but his tone of voice was still a little irritable.

"Why are you little brat talking to my grandson? If you vent your anger elsewhere, what does it mean to my grandson? The food I just cooked for you can't stop your bad mouth, so get out of here."

When he heard that his grandson had been educated by his father, he became so angry that he slapped Ling Daren in the leg.

Ling Yun felt baffled, just now his mother was too, and he left in anger without saying a few words, and now his father was too, as if he had been devoured by artillery fire.

Ling Yun has always been obsessed with meat, and since he can't eat meat, he always finds ways to eat it whole.

He took Wu Wa to the field, and on the pretext of going to Li Chuan to read a book, he entered the bamboo forest and wandered around, thinking about whether there was a chance to meet a bamboo rat and satisfy his desire for meat.

He thought that if he caught a bamboo rat this time, he would definitely kill it decisively and take it back with him.

Resolutely no more meat can pass in front of him or enter his stomach.

After wandering around for a while, I found that there was nothing but the lush bamboo forest that blocked out the sky and the sun. It was obvious that I was not as lucky as before.

Finding nothing, he wanted to go deeper and head up the mountain.

He has also heard people say that there are often small animals such as pheasants and hares in the back mountains. Although the number is not large, the villagers have occasionally caught them.

He was so excited that he broke off a bamboo pole to use as a weapon and walked towards the back mountain.

During busy farming season, there are no people on the mountain, only the birds are chirping.

Ling Yun walked outside the back mountain and carefully looked around, hoping to find pheasants or something, but to his disappointment, he found nothing.

He was not sure if there was any danger to his life over there. If he accidentally provoked a large animal such as a wild boar, he would not be able to resist it. He had to go back full of disappointment.

Ling Yun passed by a bamboo forest and picked up some bamboo leaves. When he got home, he broke them off and put them in a bamboo rat cage.

He noticed that the bamboo rat's food intake was gradually decreasing. It didn't finish the food it put out yesterday. Could it be that it was sick?

However, he also found that the bamboo rat's penis was more prominent than before, and it lay motionless.

Just as Ling Yun turned around to leave, he suddenly heard the bamboo rat making a cooing sound.

Looking back, I found that its hind legs were bent and squatting as if defecating. After a while, the baby mouse was born along with the afterbirth and placenta.

There were two of them each, a total of five. Ling Yun was surprised to see them. He stared at the newborn bamboo rats and saw them squeezing together with their eyes closed.

It was so cute and fluffy. Ling Yun wanted to pick one up and take a closer look, but he was afraid that his actions would be insignificant, so he didn't dare to do anything.

When everyone came back in the evening, Ling Yun also prepared dinner, but the dishes remained the same.

Bamboo shoots that have been soaked for many days should naturally be eaten as early as possible, otherwise bacteria will breed and the gain will outweigh the gain.

Moreover, Lingyun's cooking method is very popular among family members. Just like when they encounter a new product, they are happy to eat it for an extra day or two.

After dinner, Ling Yun carefully told the eldest son how to make the bamboo shoots. After hearing this, the eldest son praised her brother for being so smart without hesitation.

Ling Yun said that there are other ways to do it, but it is the busy farming season and there is no time to do it. He will teach her other ways to do it after the rice is harvested.

When the eldest child heard that there were other ways to do it, he kept asking. Ling Yun was so dizzy by the question that he quickly covered his ears, but he couldn't withstand the eldest child's insistence and had to tell her.

Bamboo shoots can actually be dried and eaten, but the steps are a bit complicated.

Unexpectedly, when the eldest child heard this, she felt as if she had discovered a new world. She couldn't wait and quickly said that she would dig out the rice and dry it in the sun.

He also grabbed Ling Yun and asked if he was okay. Ling Yun was shaken so dizzy that he reluctantly nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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