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Chapter 319 See the move

Looking Huang up and down, he felt that this man was a stick-in-the-mud guy. Since the soft guy didn't make sense to him, he had to go with the hard guy.

Ling Yun looked cold and pretended to be threatening, "I'm telling you, if you agree today, you have to agree, and if you don't agree, you have to agree. Otherwise, if you make me angry, I will... I will let the horse go.

It depends on how you drive the carriage. Anyway, it’s not me who raises an army to accuse me in the end. There are two paths, you can choose for yourself."

Ling Yun used money to seduce Ah Huang, but he remained unmoved. That was because his father once told him that if it is your thing, it will eventually be yours. If it is not your thing, don't have evil thoughts, otherwise you will still suffer in the end.


Sure enough, when his companion, who was also a groom, often took advantage of others, and even shamelessly laughed at him for being ignorant, he had doubted himself because of this, but he still did not change his persistence in his heart.

So much so that when his companion was caught stealing things from the house, his arms and legs were broken, and he was kicked out of the Luo family, he began to feel lucky that he did not fall into the same trap.

From then on, he became more determined to do his own thing well. No matter who gave him any benefits, he would not take them as long as the master kept silent.

Perhaps because of his upright attitude, Manager Fu gave him a monthly salary increase of two taels last spring. Don't underestimate this mere two taels of silver. If a person is frugal, these two taels of silver can last him a month.


When he heard that Ling Yun failed to bribe and actually wanted to untie the horses, he suddenly became panicked. If Ling Yun really did that, the master would end up without a carriage to return home, which would definitely be regarded as his dereliction of duty. No matter what happened to Ling Yun, he would eventually have to do it.

Being held accountable is inevitable.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, "You...you can't do this."

"What? You're scared. Let me tell you, as long as you listen to me, nothing will happen. Don't look at my father-in-law making a bad face to me now. In two days, he will be very nice to me. Listen to my uncle.

That’s right.”

Ling Yun used both soft and hard tactics, so he couldn't help but disagree.

Just when he was hesitating, Ling Yun continued to add jealousy, "Besides, I am your uncle in Luofu. I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil. Otherwise, when I get back together with my father-in-law, I will definitely

If I drive you away, think about the consequences for yourself. Should you take the money or offend me?"

Ah Huang frowned, feeling uneasy. He lowered his head and thought about Ling Yun's problem. After a while, his brows gradually relaxed. Then his expression condensed and he looked at him seriously and said, "You...you have to follow me."

I promise that after I leave, you will send me back home safely."

Looking at his cautious appearance, Ling Yun felt sincerely amused. Seeing him looking at him with suspicion, he knew that he couldn't trust him.

So he patted Ah Huang on the shoulder and reassured him again and again, "Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I still can't bear to let my father-in-law walk home."

After receiving repeated assurances from Ling Yun, Ah Huang reluctantly got off the carriage. When he left, he turned back every step of the way. Ling Yun waved to him to reassure him.

After walking a long way, Ah Huang suddenly ran back, stared at him and said seriously, "No, you have to swear to me."

"Okay, I swear, is that okay?"

In the end, Ah Huang, who received Ling Yun's oath, left with peace of mind.

Time passed slowly, and people started to come out of the palace gate slowly. Ling Yun sat in front of the carriage, waiting for the arrival of his father-in-law.

When Luo Jingtong appeared at the palace gate, and after greeting other officials, Ling Yun immediately jumped out of the car, took down the low stool, and waited for Luo Jingtong to get on the car.

Unexpectedly, while Luo Jingtong was chatting with someone, he got on someone else's carriage together. Looking at the back of the carriage where Luo Jingtong was sitting, Ling Yun was stunned for a long time.

After regaining consciousness, he sighed softly and drove the carriage towards Luofu.

The carriages in the capital move very slowly. This is also to prevent hitting pedestrians. Therefore, except for the carriages that perform tasks, which can travel at high speed, all other carriages travel slowly.

Just when Ling Yun was sighing and lamenting that he still had to drive the carriage to Luofu, he saw Ah Huang squatting aside in a corner not far away. Ling Yun suddenly became happy and shouted to him, "Ah Huang~


Ah Huang was originally squatting on the roadside, looking around. Many carriages were coming out of the palace gate. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see his own carriage coming out. Just when he was worried, he heard someone calling him.

Ah Huang took a closer look, if this wasn't Ling Yun, who could it be?

He stood up suddenly and ran towards Ling Yun.

"Then...well, uncle, is the master in the car?"

Ah Huang originally wanted to call Ling Yun something, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that he didn't know what Ling Yun's name was. He suddenly remembered that he claimed to be the uncle of the Luo family, so he had to bite the bullet and call him uncle.

Ling Yun was depressed and downcast, and did not notice Ah Huang's title.

When he heard him asking Luo Jingtong if he was in the car, he rolled his eyes at him, thinking it would be a good thing if he didn't ask. This question made Ling Yun even more depressed.

"Get in the car and catch up."

After saying a few words without speculation, Ling Yun sat aside and asked him to drive the carriage. He also looked around with a variety of thoughts.

Looking at Ling Yun with a depressed look on his face, Ah Huang was puzzled, thinking that he was fine just now, how could he become like this just now?

Could it be that I gave him five taels of silver and regretted it, so he asked tentatively, "Sister-in-law, if you don't mind, I'd better give you the five taels of silver!"

He wouldn't feel comfortable holding this money anyway, and now that he saw Ling Yun acting like this, he might as well give it back and feel relaxed.

Ling Yun glanced at him lightly and said casually, "What is given to you is yours. Whatever I give you, whether it is money or other items, will not be returned."

Ah Huang glanced at Ling Yun secretly and asked in a low voice, "Then...my uncle, why do you look so sad?"


Ling Yun sighed softly, supported his chin with both hands, and said absently, "I'm not your master, he is really a difficult master to serve. I have worked so hard for you, and I am sitting here waiting for him. Who would have thought that he is a heartless person, and he actually abandons me?"

He got off me and took someone else's carriage back without even saying hello, which really pissed me off!"

Ah Huang suddenly realized that the reason why my uncle was depressed was not because of his five taels of silver, but because he was not in the car. No wonder he was depressed along the way.

Ah Huang thought for a while, but still couldn't come up with a word to comfort him. He just said slowly, "Uncle, it's okay. Please come here more often. Ah Huang often listens to Manager Fu, and if the clouds clear and the moon shines, as long as I

If you can endure it, I will eventually be moved by my uncle's persistence."

He does not mean that.

When these words fell into Ling Yun's ears, a gleam suddenly burst out in his eyes, and he became more determined in his persistence. If it doesn't work once, then try it a few more times. I won't believe it anymore. I still can't fight you.

In the next few days, Ling Yun kept squatting at the door of Luo Mansion, trying to be as attentive as he did on the first day, trying to win Luo Jingtong's understanding. However, what Ling Yun didn't expect was that he encountered a problem.

Early the next morning, Luo Jingtong saw the trick and directly changed the time to go out, half an hour earlier than the first day. In this half hour, Ling Yun, who had stepped in the spot, wasted no time and gained nothing that morning.

This chapter has been completed!
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