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Chapter three hundred and eighty nine disagreements

After Wei Tianyu finished speaking, he did not continue. Instead, he paused deliberately and looked at the big boy in a playful way. Until the laughter around him gradually stopped, he continued, "My two brothers were eating at Chunmanlou, and we ordered

If it’s not Chunmanlou’s wine and food, how can we still prepare our own wine and food? If my two brothers prepare their own wine and food, what use is your Chunmanlou?”

Wei Tianyu was unreasonable and his words were aggressive. After hearing this, Da Wa frowned slightly and showed a slight smile in an instant. His expression was calm and he did not feel any discomfort due to the ridicule or pointing out of Wei Tianyu and the people around him.


Faced with this kind of situation, the reason why Da Wa was able to quickly adapt and calm down was due to Ling Yun's training.

When Ling Yun was there, he would not directly interfere with Chun Man Lou's affairs, but would leave it to Da Wa to deal with it, because he knew that business matters were not his goal, so there was no need to spend his time on them.

If Da Wa encounters a difficult problem, he will step forward and teach Da Wa step by step how to deal with the trouble. After all, Da Wa knows nothing about business matters at the beginning. This is one of the important reasons why Ling Yun kept Cai Xukun.


Da Wa silently recited in her heart, don't be anxious or angry... Ah Di once told her that the more the enemy advances and shows no mercy, the more calm she has to be, so that she will not lose her position because of the enemy's aggressiveness.

Thinking of this, the eldest son seemed to feel that Ling Yun was by his side, and suddenly he felt a lot more at ease. Then he looked at Wei Tianyu and pointedly said, "My lord, please don't be impatient. The little lady is just trying to figure out the whole story."

, not asking knowingly.”

Da Wa's faint smile fell in the eyes of everyone, making them feel confused. They thought that Chun Manlou could still smile despite such trouble. I don't know if it meant that she was ignorant or that she was big-hearted.


No matter which one it is, the matter before us will not be that simple.

If this matter cannot be completely resolved, Huamanlou's reputation will be greatly compromised. No one can say whether it can continue to operate normally in the future and whether its business will be as good as before.

Of course, no one would like to go to a restaurant that uses bad ingredients. After all, no one can be taken advantage of. If you have a bad stomach, you have spent money and suffered the consequences.

Da Wa didn't care about the strange looks from others. She kept looking around calmly, as if thinking. After a while, she took a deep breath and said twice, "Since the guest officer said that this fish is Chun Man."

Lou, so I would like to ask everyone, has there ever been such an accident in Hua Man Lou’s food and wine?"


When everyone heard this, some people stopped talking.

One of them stepped forward, stood in the middle, and said loudly, "Everyone, I'm not bragging. Ever since Huamanlou opened, I have loved the dishes here. I don't come here a few times a month, and my whole body is full of pain."

It’s uncomfortable. The only shortcoming of this flowery building is that the food and wine are a bit expensive, but there are reasons why they are expensive. I thought about it, and everyone knows that as for the food spoilage, I have never heard of such a problem."

"This brother is right. I am also a regular customer of Huamanlou. If the food and drinks at Huamanlou weren't a bit more expensive, I wish I could eat here every day. In terms of the freshness of the ingredients in our Annan Mansion, it's not the best choice in spring.

It’s the best among all the restaurants, both the vegetables and meat taste the freshest.”

"that is…"

Some people were hesitant to speak, while others came forward. After all, Chun Man Lou's reputation in Annan Mansion was well known to everyone, and these words were also what they felt in their hearts.

Hearing that people were defending Chun Manlou again one after another, Wei Tianyu was extremely anxious. According to the momentum, if they were allowed to continue talking, they would definitely find out some clues.

Wei Tianyu calmed down, and in order to pretend to be pitiful, he shouted loudly, "You... you guys, can it be that Wei can still lie and deceive? The fish is in his hands. Has it spoiled? Don't you?

Would you like to have a taste?”


As soon as these words came out, the person who just wanted to say something nice for Chun Manlou suddenly stopped talking.

He glanced at the fish pieces in Cai Xukun's hand, then looked at each other, his eyes became complicated, he pursed his lips in anger, and hesitated.

Dawa's eyes have been fixed on Wei Tianyu, and Wei Tianyu's every move cannot escape her eyes. Just when everyone was saying good things to Chun Manlou, Wei Tianyu's panic expression made her catch something wrong.

, and became even more convinced that the fish pieces Cai Xukun was holding were not made by Chun Manlou.

In order to verify the conjecture in his heart, the eldest child continued to advance and retreat. He only heard her coldly snorting, with a stern look on her face, and vowed, "This guest, it is not the little woman who speaks harshly, but this fish is definitely not my spring manlou."

What you have done, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. If the entanglement continues, I will take you to court and ask the magistrate to make the decision for Chunmanlou."

Da Wa's transformation shocked everyone. He had looked silly just now, but suddenly he seemed to be a different person. He categorically declared that Chun Manlou did not do this, and besides, just looking at her

That determined expression seemed to indicate something had been discovered.

Dawa's sudden change and her words of asking the government to make a decision immediately frightened Wei Tianyu and two others out of their wits, and their faces turned pale. Even though this shocking change was fleeting and only lasted a few seconds, they were still caught by the sudden change.

Anyone who cares can see it, and the big baby is clearly visible.

In order to cover up the panic in his heart, Wei Tianyu became angry, pointed at the baby, and yelled, "You...you vicious woman, it's obviously your fault, but you still want to use the government to suppress Wei, could you be...ah~ah!"

Just when Wei Tianyu pointed at Dawa and said something arrogant, Yang Sanniu couldn't hold back the rage in his heart any longer. He dodged and kicked Wei Tianyu directly in the lower abdomen. Maybe it was because of the center of gravity.

Wei Tianyu was instantly kicked to the ground due to instability or Yang Sanniu's strength.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one knew why Wei Tianyu said "ah" and then fell to his knees.

The man fell down, but Yang Sanniu did not stop. Instead, he intensified his attacks, punching and kicking Wei Tianyu, punching and punching to the flesh. The sound of impact between flesh and flesh made everyone gasp.

In particular, Wei Tianyu let out a pitiful roar of "wuwuwu", which sent chills down everyone's backs and they involuntarily stepped back, fearing that if they were not careful, Yang Sanniu would beat them up thinking they were Wei Tianyu.

If we want to talk about why Wei Tianyu didn't resist, we have to say that Yang Sanniu's strength was so great that Wei Tianyu couldn't fight back at all.

The people who came with Wei Tianyu saw Wei Tianyu being bullied and immediately came to help. Unexpectedly, before they had time to take action, Yang Sanniu punched him to the ground.

So much so that he lay on the ground, not daring to take another step forward, for fear that if he were not careful, he would end up in the same miserable situation as Wei Tianyu.

This chapter has been completed!
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