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Chapter 450 Agree to be a matchmaker

In the room, Ling Yun was not actually drunk, because Annan's lesson last time made him be cautious every time he drank, not to let himself get drunk, even in his own home.

Although he was not drunk, he still felt a little dizzy after drinking a lot of wine. As for the reason why he pretended to be drunk, he also wanted to be alone with Luo Tianyi for a while.

Luo Tianyi wiped his cheek with very gentle movements, as if she was afraid of waking up the sleeping person. After she wiped it clean and was about to stop, the person on the bed suddenly grabbed her little hand.

Ling Yun's sudden move startled her, and then her heart started pounding, and she looked nervously at the person on the bed.

The sleeping person did not wake up. Luo Tianyi just thought it was a natural reaction, so he didn't care. While saying coaxing words to him, he wanted to put down his hand so that he could put down the water-stained handkerchief.

But the more she tried to break away, the tighter the sleeping man's hand became. She had no choice but to hand the handkerchief to the other hand and put it in the basin. As for the hand being held, she stopped trying to break free.

He seemed to notice this slight detail, so he held her hand with both hands, placed it on his chest, and fell asleep.

Luo Tianyi smiled, moved his body, and leaned his back against the bed rail. As for his hand, he kept holding it.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a week since Ling Yun moved to a new home. Because of the introduction to Luo Tianyi that day, Ling Yun suddenly realized that the proposal of marriage was imminent.

Even though the introduction that day was just to dismiss Zhao Mengyao, he and Luo Tianyi had already cared about each other, not to mention that the Luo family now had no objections, and he also bought a yard, so the marriage proposal was naturally on the agenda.


According to the ancient marriage etiquette, the marriage is divided into six steps, namely accepting, asking for the name, accepting the auspiciousness, accepting the invitation, asking for a date, and welcoming in person.

Marriage is the only big wedding in a person's life, so naturally it must be carried out according to the most standard specifications, so that Luo Tianyi will not be looked down upon by the He family of the Luo family.

The first item of the six rites is acceptance, that is, the man should invite a matchmaker to the woman's family to propose marriage. If the woman's family agrees to propose marriage, the man will formally propose to the woman's family. When formally proposing, he must bring a live goose as a gift to make people accept his choice.


Regarding the acceptance, since the Ling family was not around, even the Ling family, who were from a farm family, probably didn't quite understand these tortuous rules. Therefore, the only family that Ling Yun could think of that would not reject him at the same time was the Li Chengyou family.

So when he decided to propose marriage, he immediately went to Li Chengyou and explained the reasons. Li Chengyou was extremely happy about Ling Yun's arrival.

Although Li Chengyou still had a straight face when he saw him, it was not difficult to tell from the tone of his words that he was in a particularly happy mood.

Li Chengyou called Mrs. Li. When his wife learned that she was coming to propose marriage, she smiled brightly and seemed to be even happier than him.

Then the mistress asked the girl from the woman's family what her name was, and Ling Yun answered her one by one.

When they heard Ling Yun's answer that it was the Luo family, Li Chengyou and his wife were shocked. At first they knew that the woman's family background was unusual because Ling Yun had been in a lot of trouble because of it when she first came here, but they never expected that the woman would be the Luo family.


The mistress was surprised and said, "Yun'er, you...you mean this woman is a young lady from the Luo family?"

Ling Yun was a little surprised, surprised at the two people's reactions. He didn't know why they were so shocked when they heard that the woman was a young lady from the Luo family.

So he asked, "Master's wife, what's wrong with the Luo family?"

The master's wife avoided her eyes and did not answer. She just said vaguely, "No...it's okay. The girl from the Luo family...haha, she's quite...very good."

The discomfort between the two of them fell into Ling Yun's eyes, and he suddenly felt something bad. He couldn't help but think wildly in his mind, is there something going on between the Luo family and the old master?

But thinking about it carefully, Li Chengyou never mentioned to him any interaction with the Luo family. Even if there was an intersection, it should not affect Luo Tianyi.

Or maybe it's because of Luo Tianyi's identity. After all, although Luo Tianyi is the legitimate daughter, because her mother died of illness and her father remarried, she was not taken seriously, and she was often bullied by her stepmother.

This is one of the reasons why Luo Tianyi often returns to live in Annan.

The discomfort between the two of them certainly made Ling Yun feel embarrassed, but the matter had to continue, so he could only continue, "Master's wife, the woman's name is Luo Tianyi, and she is the eldest lady of the Luo family."

Hearing the name, Li Chengyou suddenly murmured to himself, "Luo Tianyi, Luo Tianyi... Tsk, why does this name sound so familiar?"

Ling Yun exclaimed again, "Master, is it possible that you also know Tianyi?"

Li Chengyou shook his head and explained, "No, although I have seen the girl from the Luo family, I don't know him. It's just that the name Luo Tianyi is familiar to me. Maybe I have discussed it with someone."



This time, Ling Yun was greatly confused. Wang Chengyun and Feng Liangji were also familiar with Luo Tianyi last time. Although they did not recognize her, they were familiar with the name. Could it be because she was the most talented woman in the capital?

Thinking about it carefully, he had heard a lot of people saying that Luo Tianyi was the most talented woman in the capital, but he had never seen Luo Tianyi attend any gathering, such as a poetry gathering.

Therefore, Ling Yun was very puzzled as to how Luo Tianyi got the reputation of being a talented girl. Every time he wanted to ask, he could not ask.

Now that Li Chengyou had this reaction again, he couldn't help but become curious, so he asked, "Master, is it because of his status as the most talented woman in the capital?"

After he mentioned it, Li Chengyou said three pairs of words in a row and said with emotion, "Yes, yes, that's it. I'm telling you, my teacher, why does the name Luo Tianyi feel familiar? That's it, that's it."

Then he raised his head, stared at him and said, "You mean, the woman you asked to marry is this Luo Tianyi?"

Considering what happened before, and Luo Tianyi never denied it, Ling Yun nodded and said, "If there is nothing wrong, it is indeed her."

"Yes! Is this the girl you mentioned earlier?"


"So, you two have known each other a long time ago? When did that happen?"

Ling Yun didn't even think about it and said straightforwardly, "Four years ago, during the Annan Provincial Examination, my disciple and she have known each other."

Li Chengyou asked as always, "Do you know her condition?"

"Disciple knows."

Li Chengyou stood up, walked back and forth for two or three steps, suddenly stopped, looked at his wife, nodded and said, "In that case, let your wife come and be a matchmaker!"

After receiving Li Chengyou's consent, Ling Yun was overjoyed and immediately knelt down and kowtowed in thanks, "Disciple, thank you, master, master!"

This chapter has been completed!
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