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Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth cheers

Sure enough, after that, Ling Yun worked tirelessly to search the entire Yang Mansion with Zhang Wu, and found that Yang Buwei's wives, concubines, and children were all there, but he was missing.

Therefore, Ling Yun looked solemn, lowered his head and said nothing.

Zhang Wu opened his mouth and said hesitantly, "Master Yun, what...what should I do?"

Ling Yun sighed softly in his heart, feeling quite disappointed, but the matter had come to this, and there was nothing he could do about it anymore. The most important thing at the moment was to send people to search for Yang Buwei's traces as soon as possible.

"It's okay, Brother Zhang, he can't escape."

First, he calmed Zhang Wu's emotions, and then said, "Brother Zhang, the current plan is to send someone to take over the city gate, and then find someone to draw Yang Buwei's portrait, and let the people below take the portrait to find someone."

"Yes, yes, just do it, Master Yun, I will make arrangements right away."

When Zhang Wu heard this, he was immediately happy and felt that this was the best way at the moment.

After Zhang Wu turned around and left, Ling Yun looked at the huge Yang Mansion and fell into deep thought.

Ling Yun returned to the state government office and immediately started writing, the content of which was about Yang Buwei's crimes.

A total of six copies were written, one for posting at the gate of the Guangxin City Yamen, and the other five for distribution to the five counties under the jurisdiction of Nanyi Prefecture.

While exposing Yang Buwei's crimes, a notice was also issued to the county magistrate below. Anyone who discovered Yang Buwei's traces would be arrested directly without notification.

The next day, when a notice was posted at the yamen gate, pedestrians walking in a hurry on the street, as well as hawkers... without thinking, they all gathered around it, as if they had come prepared and were waiting here.

"Does any little brother know the Chinese characters? What is written on it?"

In the crowd, someone pointed at the public sign and said loudly.

As soon as this was said, someone immediately echoed, "Yes! Does anyone know the characters? Explain to us, is this about Yang Buwei?"

"Is there any kind-hearted person who can shed some light on this..."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at each other, with expectations written all over their faces. We all wanted to know if there was anyone in the crowd who knew how to read.

Speaking of which, the reason why these people immediately gathered around after seeing the notice posted at the Yamen was because they wanted to know what was going on in the Yang Mansion case yesterday.

"Everyone, please stop crowding, Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng knows how to read."

Everyone looked left and right, looking here and there, but still no one came out to interpret. They were a little disappointed. Just as they were about to disperse, a faint voice sounded from the crowd.

In an instant, all eyes turned towards the speaker.

At the same time, someone yelled at the top of their lungs, "Stop squeezing. Why are you squeezing? Why don't you get out of the way and let this little brother in..."

Upon hearing the sound, everyone moved their feet, especially those close to the person speaking, and subconsciously made way for the person to enter.

After a while, a foot-wide path opened up, and someone else couldn't help but urge, "Hurry, hurry, little brother, hurry up and get in."

Although there were very few people speaking, their eyes glanced over the crowd, and everyone was expecting this little brother to come in and explain what the notice actually said.

The little brother didn't refuse, picked up his legs and walked towards the notice board.

When he came to the notice board, he stared at the words on it and read them word by word.

Maybe it was because this man was looking at him so seriously that the people around him were waiting and waiting but still couldn't wait for him to speak, so they couldn't help but become anxious.

It was okay at first, only a small part.

But as we got to the back, more and more people showed impatient looks.

"Little brother, are you paying attention? What is written on it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the little brother expectantly.

Surprisingly, this little brother seemed to have not heard anything and remained completely motionless.

"Little brother...do you know how to do it? You don't know how to do it, right?"

"Isn't this person trying to squeeze in and deliberately pretending to be literate?"

"It's possible...otherwise, I wouldn't have said a word to the notice..."

The initial urging gradually turned into complaints.

The little brother turned around, glanced at everyone, and said timidly, "Xiaosheng... Xiaosheng knows it, but I'm afraid that you won't understand when I say it, so I have to think about it carefully."

"Tch! Are you fooling me? I've never heard of you having to think about it after reading the notice. This clearly means you don't understand."

"Shut up, what are you making such a fuss about? Give this little brother a little more time, what if you wait a little longer? Come up here, will you?"

When this man opens his mouth, it sounds like a loud trumpet and a loud bell.


"Whatever I am, wait for me."

At this time, the scene was quiet for a while.

The little brother lived up to his expectations and finally read everything on the notice.

"What is written here is about Yang Buwei's crimes. The Lord Zhizhou said that as a fellow magistrate of Nanyi Prefecture, Yang Buwei did not want to benefit the people, but instead acted tyrannically and committed many evil acts... Therefore, the Lord Zhizhou took action and raided the Yang Mansion.

, I’ll be held accountable soon. It’s a pity…”

The people listened without blinking, for fear that someone might accidentally miss something.

During this period, everyone heard the cheers of the Yang family, and everyone was ecstatic. This was good news that everyone was celebrating. They felt that the sky has eyes, and someone finally took over the devil Yang Buwei.

But when they heard the last sentence, people's hearts became tense.

"Little brother, it's a pity, what's a pity?"

"That's right! You little brother, why are you only speaking half of your words? You are so anxious."

The little brother swallowed his saliva and continued, "Master Zhizhou said that all the Yang family members were arrested. Unfortunately, Yang Buwei was not caught."

"What? Yang Buwei ran away?"

"This...how is this possible? How could he be allowed to run away? Little brother, did you see it wrong?"

Afraid of making mistakes, the little brother read the announcement again and confirmed, "This old man, I read it right. It does say that Yang Buwei ran away."

"Ah! What...what should I do? How can I let Yang Buwei run away?"

"Yes! How could a villain like Yang Buwei escape?"

"Shh! You all keep your voices down. Yang Buwei ran away. If you speak so loudly, what if he comes back to take revenge on us..."

"Coax!" As soon as these words came out, people's faces changed in shock.

"Then...what should we do?"

The people's faces were pale and anxious. It was obvious that the news that Yang Buwei had escaped made them uneasy and worried that they would find revenge on him.

At that time, people looked restless and panicked. The little brother said quickly, "Don't worry, everyone. Master Zhizhou said that extra manpower has been sent to search, and Yang Buwei will be captured. Also, if anyone knows Yang Buwei,

Wei’s whereabouts will be rewarded with one hundred taels of silver for those who provide clues, and ten thousand taels of silver for those who capture Yang Buwei.”

When they heard the word reward for silver, the eyes of the large group of people lit up with fiery gazes. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten their fear.

"One hundred taels, ten thousand taels, why so many?"

"If I can capture Yang Buwei, wouldn't it be a fortune? Ten thousand taels!"

In the crowd, one person was thinking about the silver reward and muttering to himself.

The other person standing next to him immediately rolled his eyes at him and sarcastically said without mercy, "Cripple Liu, are you dreaming? You are a cripple and you still want to hold ten thousand taels, so go ahead and dream."


As soon as these words came out, it instantly caused a roll of eyes.

Being ridiculed in public, Liu Laizi was furious, "Li Mazi, what do you mean?"

"It's boring. I'm just telling the truth."

"Li Mazi, who is so stupid, who said he was daydreaming?"

"What about you, what can you do?"

"Do you believe that I, Cripple Liu, can still beat you to death even if I am lame on one leg?"

As soon as these words came out, it caused a burst of sighs!

"Everyone, please be quiet. Master Zhizhou also said..."

"Why is there still more?"

"Stop arguing, don't shut up, listen to my little brother."

The big lama man spoke again, and the scene suddenly returned to calm.

"Little brother, tell me quickly."

"Everyone, Lord Zhizhou... Lord Zhizhou also said that Heiyun Village has been captured and all the bandits have been captured, and they will be interrogated in the near future."


"Heiyun Village, Heiyun Village was destroyed by Master Zhizhou?"

"Little brother, look again, are you wrong? Lord Zhizhou, Lord Zhizhou really destroyed Heiyun Village?"

In front of the little brother, an old man was in panic. He grabbed his clothes and screamed desperately to confirm whether what he just said was true.

"Everything this old man said, Xiaosheng, is true. Black Cloud Village... has indeed been wiped out."


Boiling, the scene suddenly became boiling.

This chapter has been completed!
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