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Chapter 611: The arrogant soldiers

Hearing this answer, Li Siyuan became even more dissatisfied and accused him on the spot, "At a young age, I was already the magistrate of Nanyi Province. I should have stabilized the territory, benefited the people, and solved problems for the saints. But now I act recklessly, stir up trouble, and do not hesitate to do anything." You crossed the governor, reported to the court, and tried to attack the Tujia Fort. Your behavior shows that you are unkind to the people of Nanyi Prefecture, unjust to the governor, and unfaithful to the Holy One. You are an unkind, unjust and unfaithful person."

Li Siyuan thought of Emperor Qianxi's attempts to make things difficult for Wang Mingzhi, so he accused Ling Yun in public without any mercy. He even scolded him as an unkind, unjust and unfaithful villain. Even after finishing his words, he did not forget to slap him in the face.

"What do you think my officer said?"

Unkindness, injustice and disloyalty, these three points directly scolded Ling Yun to the extreme. In the seventeen years since he was born, he has encountered all kinds of bad words. Even if the previous times combined, none of them were as cruel as this one.

If you scold a person for being unkind, unfaithful and unfilial, it is obviously an insult to that person. What's more, Ling Yun is a Jinshi. If he admits it, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame as a scholar and be reviled and ridiculed by the world. Disdained by the world.

After thinking for a moment, Ling Yun said, neither arrogantly nor humblely, "Your Majesty, what you said is wrong. I have only been in Nanyi Prefecture for a few months, but I have always taken it as my duty to benefit the people of Nanyi Prefecture and eliminate violence for the people. It is obvious to all. If you don't believe it, You can go outside the yamen and ask the people around you, and then you will know whether the official cares about the people."

"As for Tujia Fort, they have bullied the people of Nanyi Prefecture for a long time. Not long ago, they actually killed the people of Shangsi County. I wanted to go to inquire, but I was shot by him with an arrow. If it weren't for the lower official, The guards came to the rescue in time, but I'm afraid they won't be able to meet you here... How can Tujia Fort be immortal after doing this?"

This statement was well-founded. Li Siyuan wanted to refute it, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it. He snorted, "Humph! So what if you are sharp-tongued and can talk, how can you destroy Tujia Fort?"

Ling Yun was not timid, and still said calmly, "Xia Guan cannot guarantee 100%, but if it is for the sake of the people of Nanyi Prefecture to live in peace and stability and no longer be bullied by outsiders, even if Xiang Guan is defeated and dies, he will still do it for us in Nan Yi Prefecture." The people of Yizhou are striving for peace. I dare to ask my lord, do you dare to try for the people?"

Li Siyuan was so angry that he said, "You... are using strong words to make excuses. Even though I, the founding emperor of our country, did not dare to surrender to Tujia Fort, you are just a scholar who does not know how to prepare troops and how to form an army... but you are wishful thinking and uttering arrogant words to fight for peace for the people. Are you worthy?"

Ling Yun said righteously, "Xiaguan does not dare to compare with Emperor Gaozu. However, whether Emperor Gaozu is still alive or Xiaguan, they just want to find peace for the people of Nanyi Prefecture. Xiaguan does not dare to say that he can 100% surrender to Tujia Fort." , but who can guarantee that I will definitely lose?"

Then he met his gaze and said quarrelingly, "Do you think that your Excellency will definitely lose?"


"My lord, have you ever heard a word?"

"Appreciate further details!"

Ling Yun said calmly, "Those who seek defeat before fighting do so in order to shake the morale of the army. There is no need to say anything about the consequences. Your Excellency will naturally understand. Furthermore, if you emulate others' ambition and destroy your own prestige, what will be the consequences? Does Your Excellency know?"

Li Siyuan didn't expect that Ling Yun was so difficult to discipline. Every time he scolded him, he would find a corresponding reason, leaving him speechless for a while, but how could he admit it, so he said harshly, "You...well, well, really. He is a sharp-tongued and well-spoken guy. In this case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"In attacking Tujia Fort, I will claim that you are leading the troops externally, but I will make the decision internally. Do you agree?"

Sure enough, Li Siyuan made things difficult for him just because he wanted to take the initiative in his own hands. Who would have thought that every time he made things difficult for him, Ling Yun would find a reason to refute.

Ling Yun hesitated and paused for a long time, thinking that he had made complete preparations. Now he only needed soldiers to fight Tujiabao. If he nodded at this moment, it meant that the control was in the hands of others and he had other ideas. , it also needs the approval of others before it can be implemented. In this way, you will be controlled by others. Whether your own plan can be carried out is another matter.

"Sir, this... I'm afraid it won't work."

"What do you mean?"

Ling Yun squinted his eyes and said tentatively, "Sir, why don't you do this? You and I will divide our troops into two groups, and I will be the vanguard to attack Tujia Fort first. If the lower officials are unable to move forward, then I will lead the attack with you, what do you think?"

Li Siyuan thought for a while and felt that this move was just what he wanted, because he had never wanted to let Ling Yun take charge of the military, otherwise he would just let him lead the soldiers to die. If the troops were divided into two groups, it would not only satisfy Emperor Qianxi's requirements, Ling Yun's willingness to lead the troops can also reduce casualties, preserve strength, and strive for the final counterattack.

After thinking for a while, he decisively agreed, "Okay, since you want to lead troops, and I agree, can you tell me how many troops you want?"

Ling Yun paused and asked instead, "I wonder how many troops your Excellency can give me?"

Li Siyuan said without hesitation, "How about five thousand?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Yun was dumbfounded and shocked. He didn't expect that this man was so generous. He actually wanted to give him five thousand soldiers, which was really beyond his expectation.

When he hesitated, Li Siyuan thought he disagreed, so he relented and said, "Ten thousand, at most I will let you lead ten thousand troops."


Ling Yun agreed wholeheartedly.

On the third day after Li Siyuan came to Guangxin City, Ling Yun brought all 10,000 soldiers to the yard where he made weapons. Don't underestimate this place. Not only is there a training ground set up by Ling Yun, but it also relies on hills and jungles to train soldiers. They train.

Ling Yun stood on the newly built martial podium and shouted to the 10,000 soldiers below, "You...from now on, you are all my soldiers."

"I forgot to tell you that my name is Ling Yun. From this moment on, you must remember my name, because I am about to lead you to destroy Tujia Fort and make great achievements."


As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of sighs in the audience.

Obviously, the 10,000 soldiers below did not take Ling Yun's words seriously.

Li Siyuan on the side was naturally happy to see this move.

For soldiers, it is not just a few words that can convince them.

What they want is strength, absolute strength to crush them.

Ling Yun sneered and became competitive, "Okay, you are very good. I originally wanted to talk to you nicely, but now it seems that I am too kind."

Then he continued, "If anyone in the audience is dissatisfied, stand to the right, and the others will not move."

There was only a "wow" sound, and there were ten thousand people in the field, all moving in unison, moving one step to the right.

Seeing this, Li Siyuan couldn't help but covered his mouth and snickered.

Ling Yun remained calm and stared at the person below, "Are you their leader?"

Someone from the audience stood up and said fearlessly, "Exactly. I wonder what your instructions are?"

"Okay! Since you are the leader, I am looking for you."

The people in the audience were happy and not afraid. They didn't even frown, and they didn't show any fear at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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