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Chapter 1685 National Strength

The merits of a hundred battles should be rewarded heavily.

The end of the East China Sea War actually meant that the period of rapid expansion in the early Tang Dynasty was coming to an end.

If nothing unexpected happens, not only Li Po, but also the important ministers in the court also understand that the Tang Dynasty is about to enter a stage of stable development.

At this time, the territory of the Tang Dynasty was no less than that of the former Sui Dynasty at its peak, which had exceeded the limit of the Tang Dynasty's national power.

Given the current situation of the Tang Dynasty, it was extremely difficult to control such a large territory, especially Hexi and the newly occupied Goguryeo region, which were at the end of the Tang Dynasty's tentacles.

Although they have become the territory of the Tang Dynasty, if you want to firmly control such remote places, the efforts required must be unimaginable by ordinary people.

Due to these years of continuous wars, the Tang treasury did not have any surplus six years after the founding of the country.

In the middle of the sixth year of Yuanzhen, in order to support the war against Goguryeo, more troops were added to the peninsula. During the war, which was only half a year, and with Silla's full assistance, the Tang Dynasty's treasury was almost emptied.

When the autumn grain arrived, the officials in the court breathed a sigh of relief.

The arsenal of the Tang Dynasty was running out of money, and almost all military supplies were in short supply.

In other words, if the Goguryeo people could persist until late winter, it would be impossible for the Tang Dynasty to launch a fierce attack.

It is estimated that the tribes of Silla and Baekje will be defeated first. At that time, the situation will be very dangerous for the Tang army on the expedition.

After all, they formed an alliance with the Turks, wiped out the Japanese and Baekje first, and then won over Silla before launching a war of annihilation.

Therefore, the East China Sea War took three years and consumed countless manpower and material resources before it was finally completed.

The victory of this battle can be said to be the achievement of a hundred years in one battle. It was the most important battle in the early Tang Dynasty, and its influence will be shown in the following decades.

It is sheer nonsense to say how many years of peace this battle has brought.

The purpose of the First World War in the East China Sea was not to eliminate border troubles, but to prepare for the start of the Age of Navigation. If it were not for this, the Japanese, Baekje, Silla, or even Goguryeo would not pose a great threat to the Tang Dynasty.

Why go to all the trouble to conquer across the sea when the Tang Dynasty was not yet secure?

This was Li Po's search for a way out for the future of the Tang Dynasty, considering that the Western Regions were far away and the geographical and cultural environment were very harsh.

Because the Tang army did not have Alexander's ability, when the Central Plains was still in the late Warring States period, they were able to travel across mountains and rivers and lead people to fight against the South Asian subcontinent.

It’s no wonder that the great Eastern countries that have re-established their national confidence will gradually include this man’s deeds in the category of pseudo-history.

Because there are no detailed and credible historical records on this matter, nor any cultural relics preserved, just relying on the mouths of those humanoid creatures, a genius commander in the world's military history appeared out of thin air.

He also had a relationship with Aristotle, the king of forgery. Do you think it was a bad joke?

What makes people quite helpless is that the Central Plains Dynasty has detailed records, and its influence gradually reached the Western Regions during the Qin and Han Dynasties. It was not until Zhang Qian's mission that the Hexi Corridor was truly opened.

How is it different from the Greek God of War? With just a few deserts and Gobis, the powerful Central Plains civilization was imprisoned in the east. It can only be said that the ability is too poor to be compared with other people's Greek civilization, haha.

They fought over mountains and ridges, treating the Gobi Desert as a smooth road, and fought as they went. They didn't even need logistical supplies. They just relied on a Macedonian phalanx to attack Asia from Europe.

What’s funny is that according to records of humanoid creatures in the west, the spears used by the Macedonian phalanx were almost six meters long. I don’t know how they used them on a large scale, and they carried such long spears so far. Regardless of the craftsmanship or transportation,

It must have created a miracle at that time.

Note that this is all oral, without any evidence of cultural relics or written records. They only produced stones and mud. Well, they barely added Aristotle's parchments. That was also a legend. There were hundreds of thousands of parchments.

I don’t know how they did it, and how many sheep were needed.

In addition, later film and television works were even more exaggerated. It seemed that the spear was more than ten or twenty meters long, and the fighting was really exciting. Maybe it was because of this that so many people believed that the Greeks really had a glorious time.



Compared to Alexander, who was a cowhide, the Tang Dynasty, nine hundred years later, was still troubled by a backward transportation system, unable to send troops to the Western Regions on a large scale and smoothly.

Nine hundred years of time, this generation gap is enough to make the Central Plains dynasty feel ashamed. It seems that the only thing that is reassuring is that except for sporadic European slaves being sold to the Central Plains, the Tang Dynasty has not seen or heard anything about Europe.

A little bit of news.

Humanoid creatures are really getting better and better as time goes by, even Alexander's foot hair can't keep up.

The so-called powerful Greek city-states and Roman Empire (called the Qin Dynasty in the Central Plains) have disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

This is almost unimaginable in the Central Plains.

If you carefully search the classics of the Han Dynasty, you can still see some traces of Rome, but it is just a legend on the Silk Road. I have tried hard to find it, but I still haven't reached it.

This has to be said about Egypt, which is really a blessed place in Europe. From time to time, something can be unearthed to prove that Europe was once wealthy. Therefore, the museums there are almost all cultural relics from Egypt. The poor Egyptian civilization, most of the time

It appears as a marginal note.

Unlike the Central Plains dynasties, even if the dynasty changed, they would never forget the achievements of the previous dynasty. The Western Region was a coveted goal.

Every contact with Central Asia will leave strong ink marks in the history books of the Central Plains. Unlike the messy west, it was not until a thousand years later that a large number of records about them appeared, and then they were quickly sorted out, one by one with a long history.

This is how civilization emerged.

Chinese civilization must be very confusing. It turns out that after thousands of years, I am not alone.


During this period in the early Tang Dynasty, Datang was actually in a relatively difficult but hopeful stage. Large-scale wars were ending one after another, and almost everyone saw the spacious golden avenue ahead.

So it can be said that the sixth year of Yuanzhen is a very important node.

In the Tang Dynasty's ruling center, the Chang'an Taiji Palace, the issue of personnel changes in Menxia Province came to an end temporarily with Changsun Shunde's embarrassing answer.

A memorial from the central government on how to reward meritorious soldiers was sent to Li Po.

Li Po flipped through the pages and read carefully, his heart ached with pain. The not-rich treasury was about to be looted again. This was based on the fact that the treasury was not rich, so the rewards were based on officials, titles and land.


Of course, I believe people will know the benefits of the war to destroy the country. Anyway, Goguryeo is also one of the three overlords in East Asia. Its demise will leave a lot of wealth. This is the winner's reward.

This chapter has been completed!
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