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Chapter 981 Fireball Medium

 Chapter 982 Fireball Medium

Early the next morning, Zhao Xun went to find Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou to interpret his dream.

It has to be said that there is a sequence of learning, and there is a specialization in the art.

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou is indeed quite talented in this area.

There's almost nothing he can't do.

Whatever Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou pointed out, there must be some truth to it.

So this time Zhao Xun's attitude was quite sincere.

In this regard, Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou's advantage is indeed too great. We must make full use of Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou's expertise.

It would be a waste to leave such a great god unused.

"Oh, little junior brother, the current situation is indeed very complicated. If you want to figure out the details now, you still need to enter your dream. But one thing is for sure, that is, this is indeed related to extraterrestrial civilization."


Zhao Xun thought carefully about what Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou said, and he felt that it made sense.

"Tsk, tsk, eh, I think so too. You still need to seek stability at critical moments. There is nothing wrong with seeking stability."


"Well, tonight I will enter your dream with the third senior brother, and we must find out what happened."

Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou is still very confident, but he will show his abilities whenever he has the opportunity.

"Okay, now let's go to the academy library and see if we can get some key information."

The Academy Library can be said to be a huge information library.

As long as you search in this information database, you can always get a lot of useful information.

Maybe it’s not so related to dreams, but it’s definitely related to extraterrestrial civilizations.

This feeling will make people feel very comfortable.

Calculating carefully, how long has it been since Zhao Xun came to the Academy Library?

This time cannot be said to be long.

The main reason is that a lot of things happened during this period, which affected Zhao Xun's subsequent arrangements.

These details are actually quite annoying.


Calmness is very important.

When Zhao Xun can handle the problem calmly, the role of the academy library will be maximized.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Here is the updated information about extraterrestrial civilizations. I didn't expect there to be so much information!"

Zhao Xun was in a state of ecstasy at this moment.

For him, after obtaining enough information, he can target his opponents more effectively.


"This information is actually being constantly refreshed. We can follow up at any time. As long as we continue to follow up, we can cover most of the content."

Zhao Xun already had some calculations in his mind at this moment.

"Hey, junior brother, in fact, our current understanding of extraterrestrial civilization is very limited, so there is very little we can do. But even in this case, we still need to continue to explore. This is a trade-off. Human beings

There should still be changes.”

"Well, yes, let's start the search separately. This will make the efficiency much higher."

"Hahaha, this is amazing."


"Look here!"

Suddenly, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan made a new discovery, which was extremely exciting.

Zhao Xun quickly moved over and saw a fireball beginning to expand.

The temperature of this fireball is so high that it can melt almost anything close to it.

That feeling is quite terrifying.

But Zhao Xun must stay calm.

At this time, the emotional consequences of any panic are disastrous.

"Well, it seems like this fireball is the key to the expansion of extraterrestrial civilizations. I just haven't figured out how they control this fireball?"

Zhao Xun can keenly capture the key to the problem and provide an accurate, sharp and in-depth interpretation of the problem.

As long as you understand it well enough, you can basically stop losses in time against your opponents.

"This is indeed a difficult problem, and we still need to be able to analyze the situation as much as possible."

"I think there is still a possibility, that is, this fireball is actually operating as an aircraft."

"Hahaha, if that's the case, it can be said to be beyond my expectation."



"Next, we must enter the fireball to see what's going on. If we can't do this, everything will be in vain."

"Ha ha ha ha"

To a certain extent, people will develop a very peculiar cognition.

Basically, some very interesting conclusions can be drawn around these cognitions.

"It seems that things are far more complicated than we imagined, so hands-on practice is quite necessary."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person. The plans he proposes are all carefully considered.

"So, my junior brother decided to put himself in danger?"


Zhao Xun decided to step forward at this time.

The main thing is that someone has to come forward for this kind of thing.

If everyone hides behind, it will be difficult to make progress.

Zhao Xun's strength is actually very powerful.

As the saying goes, with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

"Well, since you have already decided, little junior brother, I can't say anything more. But you must be careful. After all, danger can easily arise in this situation. Although what we see in the library at present is just a mirror image,

The harm has been minimized, but it may still cause trauma to you later."


"So, I'm ready to start"

The longer this goes on, the more likely it is that problems will arise.

The best choice is to control your emotions as much as possible.

As long as there are no emotional problems, the danger can basically be downplayed.

"Entering the center of the fireball"

Zhao Xun has reached a state of selflessness at this stage.

"Okay, it worked."

This difficulty is actually not very difficult, Zhao Xun easily entered the fireball.

The temperature inside this fireball is indeed very high, and it can obviously make people feel a huge tearing feeling.

"Bear it, you must hold it at this time."

Zhao Xun knows that this stage is actually the easiest to make mistakes.

Once you get into trouble, it's easy to find it hard to get out.

Therefore, he must ensure his hard power throughout the entire process.

"There seem to be a lot of touching points here. I need to grasp them well."

Being calm can make people extremely focused. When a person starts to focus, he will almost never make any mistakes again.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Once you get started, it's hard to stop.

"It seems like everything is starting to become more detailed."

"This is indeed a medium for extraterrestrial civilizations to complete their interstellar travel. They complete interstellar travel through this fireball."

This can be said to be Zhao Xun's biggest discovery so far.

Everything is both unexpected and reasonable.

Zhao Xun felt extremely excited.

It's not easy. All of this is really not easy.

Zhao Xun was in a state of extreme excitement and even madness.

As long as this feeling continues, you will basically become more proactive.

"Third Senior Brother, I'm already recovered."

At this stage, Zhao Xun exited the fireball.

This difficulty can be said to be quite huge.

But Zhao Xun's degree of completion was quite high and he basically didn't make any mistakes.

It can be said that this made him feel quite satisfied.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"So we need to further optimize the details next."

"Junior brother, please tell me what you discovered."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan was still relatively calm at this time.

When a person is always in a calm state, he can basically cause a huge impact on the opponent.


Once things start to unfold, they rarely move in the direction of a smooth transition.


"There is a control room inside this fireball. It can be said that this is the medium for extraterrestrial civilizations to complete interstellar travel."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that can be said to be a huge discovery!"

"Indeed, I didn't raise my expectations that high at the beginning, but now I finally discovered the difference in these details."

"Well, how do you say this?"

"If you think about it, the detail of the matter is that what we saw first was a fireball, not the extraterrestrial civilization itself. So"

"You mean we see what others want us to see?"

"That's pretty much what it means."


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so can we continue to dig along this clue?"

"It should be possible. After all, this is all the clues we have obtained so far. In this case, if we give up this clue on our own initiative, the consequences will be unimaginable."


This is the truth. If you want to dig deeper in all aspects, you need to take some risks.

If you are not able to take risks, it will be difficult to achieve good results.


"So you have to calm down and calm down, right?"

"Yes, it's not easy to be calm in everything. It's easy to get carried away."

"Hahaha, so we must maintain a very calm attitude. In this way, even if problems arise, we can make timely adjustments. In short, we cannot panic. If we panic, it will be easy to lose all our efforts."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

His analysis of things is still very detailed.

All in all, what Zhao Xun can get comes from what he can see.

Therefore, he must use the details as appropriately as possible to achieve the results he wants.

"Okay, junior brother, I support your decision."

Zhao Xun is not a pretentious person, but an extremely meticulous person.

Being able to gain support from his third senior brother, Long Qingquan, makes his journey ahead even easier.

You need to think clearly every step you take because you will encounter many uncontrollable factors.

Once limited by these factors, it is easy to be constrained.

But now that Zhao Xun has taken such a step, he will never regret it.

After all, people have to work hard to walk.

Every choice will bring completely different results.

Zhao Xun decided to fight for it.

After leaving the academy library, Zhao Xun immediately came to the swimming pool rest area.

People must get enough rest to have more energy to think and analyze problems.

If you are in a tight state all the time, it is easy to cause problems.

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person, so he will always work hard to adjust.

After each adjustment, Zhao Xun's condition will become extremely outstanding.

"Tsk tsk tsk ok now we need a cup of iced milk tea to immerse ourselves in the best state."

"Okay, this is the latest milk tea I have developed, and the taste is very special. Brother Mingyun, come and try it!"

Wangcai seemed extremely excited at this time.

For him, the cooperation with Zhao Xun can be said to be perfect.

Zhao Xun cooks and he makes drinks. This feeling is really enjoyable.

Only people like them who have cooperated for a long time can achieve this level of tacit understanding.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

The more wealth and courtesy he showed, the more excited Zhao Xun became.

As long as you get to this level, you basically don't have to worry too much.

"Hahaha, that's really good. I'll try it first."

Zhao Xun took the iced milk tea from Wangcai and took a deep sip.

To him, this taste is really special.

He had never experienced anything like this before.

"Wonderful. How did you make this milk tea?"

Sometimes people will encounter a certain bottleneck period. During the bottleneck period, it is difficult for you to make particularly perfect decisions.

This requires a series of in-depth explorations.

As long as there are no big problems with the exploration, it's acceptable.

"Hey, I'm going to go swimming for a while."

After competing with his third senior brother Long Qingquan, Zhao Xun is now quite relaxed.

He no longer has to prove himself, but can travel at his leisure.

This feeling is quite good.

When a person is immersed in a state of leisure, the whole person will be very relaxed.

I have to say that swimming is indeed the ultimate enjoyment.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand this feeling.

Zhao Xun can understand it very comfortably.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so what we need to do next is levitate in the water."

Zhao Xun used his true energy to float himself above the water.

This feeling is quite pleasant.

Enjoying sunbathing, the feeling is extremely comfortable.

"Come and have another sip of milk tea."

At this time, Wangcai very considerately handed me a cup of milk tea.


“It smells so good”

"Tsk tsk tsk"

The more times like this, the more we need to learn to enjoy life.

When you learn to enjoy life, you will find that life is quite beautiful.

"It would be great if I could live like this every day. It would be extremely comfortable."


"But I'm afraid we can only think about it. After all, the responsibilities on our shoulders are still very heavy. It is still quite difficult to take a real rest."

"It doesn't matter, just take some time off from your busy schedule."

Taking a break from your busy schedule is still a very technical thing.

This degree must be grasped skillfully.

If you don't control it well, it can easily overturn.

"Well, if that's the case, that's not bad."

Wangcai took a sip of milk tea with great enjoyment, which made him enjoy it to the extreme.

"Next, let's experience the beauty as much as possible. Every minute and every second is worth looking forward to. The years are quiet, and we must have someone to carry the burden forward."


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