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Chapter V Enrollment

The dean was probably in his sixties. When Wang Tingxuan followed Teacher Barron in, he was reading a document.

"Teacher Barron, why did you come to my place?"

Barron smiled and said: "Dean, I just finished class and happened to meet this student who had been reporting for school, so I brought him over."

The dean then looked at Wang Tingxuan and said with a smile: "Since you brought him here in person, you must have good talent."

Before Wang Tingxuan could speak, Teacher Barron said, "His name is Wang Tingxuan, his martial soul is a peach tree, and he has innate fifth-level soul power."

The dean looked surprised, "Really, our college hasn't recruited such talented students for a long time."

Wang Tingxuan just watched the two of them talking for a long time, but couldn't get a word in.

It was not until the end that the dean said to him, "Wang Tingxuan, right? Mr. Barron is a very good teacher in our school. If you study hard with him, you will definitely become an excellent soul master."

Wang Tingxuan bowed and saluted, "Thank you, Mr. Dean, for your encouragement."

Then Barron took Wang Tingxuan to the Dean of Students to go through the admission procedures. In the dean's room, he just said these words without even hearing the dean's name.

To be honest, at this moment he regretted coming to Chengbei Junior College. Is there something wrong with the dean and teachers here?

Fortunately, the dean is still a normal person, so Wang Tingxuan will not be too disappointed.

After filling out the registration procedures, the dean gave him a standard Chengbei Junior College Soul Master Academy uniform. The white texture looked very clean.

"Wang Tingxuan, from now on, you are a student of this college, and you must also abide by the rules and regulations of the college in the future."

Wang Tingxuan nodded.

The dean continued: "You are a first-year work-study student. From now on, you will be responsible for cleaning the garden south of the playground. Ten copper soul coins a day. Remember, you must clean every day. Especially the debris must be cleaned up. Otherwise,

Your salary will be deducted. If there is any slack in work, the college has the right to order you to drop out of school. Do you understand me?"

"Listen clearly." Wang Tingxuan replied loudly.

The dean nodded with satisfaction, "The school has started, so you don't need to attend the opening ceremony. Classes will start on time tomorrow."

Wang Tingxuan already knew it from Barron's mouth, and also knew that he was the only work-study student in the first grade.

"As for other rules, you can ask your roommates in the dormitory."

"Thank you." Wang Tingxuan saluted, turned and walked out of the Academic Affairs Office.

The college in the north of the city is very big, but there are really not many students. After all, there are still only a few who can become soul masters. Therefore, the school only has one dormitory building.

The working-study students are all awakened villagers in the villages around Soto City. They cannot afford accommodation, so they all live in places specially designed for working-study students.

When Wang Tingxuan arrived at the dormitory, he saw seven or eight children between the ages of eight and twelve making a lot of noise inside.

Seeing Wang Tingxuan walking in, they stopped playing, and one of them asked: "A new work-study student?"

A kind smile appeared on Wang Tingxuan's face, "Hello, my name is Wang Tingxuan, and I am a new work-study student."

"Last year there were no work-study students, but one finally came this year. The beds with quilts are occupied. You can choose an unoccupied bed."

The college only waives tuition and accommodation fees, and you have to bear other expenses yourself. When you registered, the dean of students had already explained this matter.

Before Wang Tingxuan entered the dormitory, he took out a set of bedding in a deserted area.

After listening to what they said, Wang Tingxuan chose a bed near the corner and put down his own bedding.

"You don't have to choose there, you can live with us." One of them said when he saw that Wang Tingxuan chose a relatively remote location.

Wang Tingxuan smiled and said, "Thank you, I like to see the scenery outside from here."

"But when a teacher passes by there, it's easy to get caught."

"It just so happens that I can give you some relief."


Wang Tingxuan's words were recognized by these people, and they were no longer so alienated from Wang Tingxuan.

After chatting, Wang Tingxuan also got to know this group of work-study students. Their current soul power is the ninth level, which is the highest. They are currently in the sixth grade. Most of them are in the sixth or seventh level. The one with the best talent only has the fourth level of innate soul power.


No wonder everyone regards Wang Tingxuan as a genius. Among the work-study students, his talent is indeed the best.

There were not so many intrigues among the children, and Wang Tingxuan always dealt with them well, so he quickly integrated into the group of working-study students.

I had theory in the morning and practice in the afternoon. In this way, I spent a week in the academy.

There is only one working-study student in the first grade, Wang Tingxuan, which means that everyone else has learned some basic knowledge of martial arts from their elders at home.

Wang Tingxuan also listened the most carefully in the theory class.

The progress of the theory class was very slow. Wang Tingxuan seemed a little bored, so he found Teacher Barron.

"Teacher, are there any books about martial arts?"

Barron asked: "Why are you asking?"

"A teacher like this makes me feel that the progress of knowledge taught in class is too slow, so I just want to read the book myself and learn from it."

Barron was surprised, and then he took the test on the knowledge that Wang Tingxuan had taught in class. These were all knowledge that needed to be memorized, so Wang Tingxuan was naturally not a problem.

Barron nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, your theoretical study is very solid. In this case, you can read books by yourself according to your own progress. I will make a list of books for you later. By the way, don't read Wuhun

The book "Top Ten Core Competencies."

Is this a banned book?

Teacher, I'm afraid you don't know that the more difficult a book is to read, the more attractive it is.

However, Wang Tingxuan still has to ask clearly why.

Barron shook his head, "It's not a banned book. That book was written by a person named Master, and it was originally recommended by Wuhun Palace. However, the theory above is difficult to evaluate. No one has proven that his theory is

Correct, and no one has proven his theory wrong."

Such a book can easily cause controversy and make people famous.

Sure enough, Barron continued: "In the martial arts world, the master is a well-known figure. But these theories for you students who have not yet started, there will be no benefit in reading too many of them. I told the dean at the beginning,

Don't buy these books. But this is a political mission. Many schools have burned this book as firewood, but our school still has it."

It's really curious. Wang Tingxuan decided that this was the first book he wanted to read.

"Good teacher." Wang Tingxuan replied obediently.

Since Wang Tingxuan had always been a good student, Barron did not doubt that Wang Tingxuan would stop talking to him, so he wrote him a reading list and issued him a library card.

Wang Tingxuan took the things and ran to the library immediately to look for the book "Ten Core Competencies of Wuhun".

This book was in the corner. Wang Tingxuan couldn't find it, so he asked the teacher in charge of the library to find out. The book with a layer of dust on the shelf in the corner was this book.

It seems that not only Barron dislikes this book, but also many teachers and students.

The cover of this book is good and the printing is exquisite. It can be seen that the printing of this book must have cost a lot of money.

Who is this master? The Wuhun Palace admires him so much, but the soul master doesn't buy it at all.

This was the first thing Wang Tingxuan discovered that did not give Wuhundian face.

This chapter has been completed!
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