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Chapter Seven: Six Years of Otaku

On the way back, Wang Tingxuan carefully studied Peach Blossom Miasma again, feeling that it was like a space, but there was no evidence.

He didn't dwell on this issue and would understand it later.

With this skill, Wang Tingxuan no longer needs to be so cautious, and does not need to worry too much about those soul masters who kill people and steal wealth.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on the way back. I met several waves of soul masters on the way, and they were all very embarrassed, but with satisfied smiles on their faces. It seemed that, like Wang Tingxuan, they all got the soul rings they wanted.

Everyone was neither too far nor too close, guarding each other as they walked to the entrance of the Soul Hunting Forest.

After verifying the token, Wang Tingxuan left the Soul Hunting Forest.

The harvest this time was quite good. In addition to the soul ring, Wang Tingxuan also picked up a space ring, about ten cubic meters, with a hundred gold soul coins in it. I don't know if it was left by the unlucky guy.

After leaving the Soul Hunting Forest, Wang Tingxuan was not in a hurry to return to the college in the north of the city. Instead, he wandered around Soto City. He had been in Soto City for a year and had not taken a good stroll around the city.

Soto City is worthy of being a city at the main city level. The city's business district is very prosperous, and it has the feel of a modern social city, and the prices are comparable to those of modern cities.

Wang Tingxuan spends most of his time wandering around and occasionally buying some interesting gadgets.

Soon, a different store attracted Wang Tingxuan's interest. Compared with other stores, the sign hanging on this store was a little different.

There is a circular mark carved on the signboard, with several special symbols on it. They are a sword, a hammer and a blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex.

Wang Tingxuan's token for entering and exiting the Soul Hunting Forest only has a sword on it, which symbolizes the martial spirit of a former chief consul of the temple.

When he received the token from Teacher Barron, Wang Tingxuan knew the meaning of this sword.

But there is an extra hammer and a dinosaur-like monster, does it represent the powerful existence of Wuhundian?

"Young man, what are you looking at here?" A man in his fifties appeared behind him, wearing a pair of black-rimmed crystal glasses with a rigid square frame.

The most distinctive thing about this man is his face, which is very distinctive, with a slightly protruding chin, wide cheekbones, a flat face, and a slightly hooked nose.

This person is very powerful,

Next to him, there was a little fat man. He was not tall. Although he was chubby, he gave people a very strong feeling. With short hair, small eyes, and fat bulges on his face, he looked quite a bit...

Very cute feeling.

Being kind to others is the code of conduct that Wang Tingxuan has set for himself.

He turned around and said very politely: "I'm looking at that signboard. I wonder what the three pictures on it mean?"

I originally wanted to talk about the hammer and the monster, but then I thought that this person was related to the monster. That would offend people, so it would be better to pretend that I didn't know anything.

The little fat man next to him said proudly: "You don't even know this, let me teach you. Remember this mark, it is the unique mark of Wuhun Palace. In Wuhun Palace, there are six kinds of marks. Each

The way to distinguish the tokens is very simple, just look at the graphics on them. The lowest token only has a sword on it, which symbolizes the martial soul of a former chief consul of the temple.

The token is a hammer next to the long sword. It symbolizes a once extremely powerful elder of Wuhun Palace."

The little fat man became even more proud when he saw Wang Tingxuan listening to him carefully, "This signboard is the third-level sign. The blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex on it is considered a top-level existence among beast martial arts."

Wang Tingxuan waited for the little fat man to finish speaking, and immediately complimented: "You are so awesome, you know so much."

It turned out to be a blue-spotted Tyrannosaurus rex. Fortunately, I didn't say it was a monster, otherwise it would have offended the blue-spotted Tyrannosaurus rex family of the three previous sects.

It was probably the first time that the little fat man heard other people's compliments, so he smiled and said: "My name is Ma Hongjun, my martial soul is the top martial soul Evil Fire Phoenix, and I am now an eleventh level soul master."

"I have admired him for a long time." Wang Tingxuan felt that this person was a bit stupid, so he did not give his name.

"Have you heard of my name?" The little fat man was a little confused.

The old man cursed loudly, "Idiot, I'm just being polite to you."

Then the person asked Wang Tingxuan: "Are you a student of Chengbei Junior College?"

Wang Tingxuan nodded. He was wearing clothes from the Junior College in the north of the city, so he couldn't hide it from the people in Soto City.

"Since you already know the meaning of the sign, then leave."

Wang Tingxuan smiled and said, "Excuse me."

After that, he continued shopping without taking the matter to heart.

When the time was almost up, Wang Tingxuan returned to the academy and returned the token to Teacher Barron.

"How did you get the soul ring so quickly? What kind of soul ring is it?"

Wang Tingxuan said with a smile: "I met an injured Ice Jade Scorpion and took its life when it was not prepared."

Then Wang Tingxuan showed his soul ring.

Teacher Barron was shocked, "Why are you so brave?"

Then he became overjoyed, "You can actually absorb a seven-hundred-year-old spirit ring. That's amazing."

This is what Wang Tingxuan hates the most. As long as the soul master takes action, he cannot hide the soul ring.

This is really not conducive to him beating the sap.

Wang Tingxuan thought about this trick for a long time before he came up with it. Peach Blossom Miasma can suppress the enemy. He can approach the enemy unnoticed and then strike with a sap.

This is simply a must-have artifact for killing people, setting fires, and robbing families.

After Wang Tingxuan's soul ring caused a sensation in Chengbei Junior College, it caused a sensation in Wuhun Hall.

After becoming a soul master, you need to go to Wuhun Hall for appraisal and test your soul power. In this way, after registering in Wuhun Hall, you can receive a gold soul coin subsidy every month.

In the Wuhun Hall, Wang Tingxuan did not see Curtis, who awakened the Wuhun for him. After declining the invitation from the Wuhun Hall, he concentrated on continuing his studies at Chengbei College.

Two years later, Wang Tingxuan obtained a second soul ring. This soul ring was a purple soul ring from the past 1,200 years.

The skills brought by this soul ring are also very good. Taohua Mi has obtained the Liangyi formation, which allows Tao Hua Mi to change according to the formation. In addition, he can also intercept a branch of peach wood from the mother tree and turn it into a peach wood sword. The peach wood sword also has the ability to calm the soul.


After obtaining the second soul ring, Wang Tingxuan was not in a hurry to go out and explore the world, but stayed at Chengbei College to continue studying.

Except for returning to the village twice, Wang Tingxuan never left Soto City.

He has also been to the Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City, watched several soul master competitions, and won some gold coins.

To sum it up in one word, it is home.

In the sixth year, Wang Tingxuan was twelve years old and a thirty-third level soul master.

Looking at the nine ripe fairy peaches, Wang Tingxuan swallowed his saliva, but did not choose to eat it himself. This fairy peach was of no use to him and could only satisfy his craving.

Naturally, Wang Tingxuan would not use such a precious thing to satisfy his own cravings, so he planned to keep it for now.

Turning around and taking a look at the college where he had lived for six years, Wang Tingxuan was still a little reluctant to leave. But there was really no place for him to study in the college, and there was no benefit in staying.

He wants to keep growing, not wait until the end of his life. When he comes to this world, he must always go out and take a look at the scenery outside.

This chapter has been completed!
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