Chapter 19: Resurrection of Disagreements

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Ning Rongrong is indeed a rich woman, this bag of gold soul coins is actually worth 20,000. He has been in this world for many years, and he has not earned a total of 20,000 gold soul coins.

Wang Tingxuan simply swept away the soul beast meat in several shops, and then happily followed the mark and went to the resting place of Shrek Academy.

There were obviously several good hotels in the town, but they actually chose an extremely ordinary hotel.

Wang Tingxuan entered the hotel and saw them sitting on the table in the lobby, "Why did we choose such a crappy place?"

Ma Hongjun explained: "The situation of our college is like that. The college can't make any money at all. It's pretty good even if it's not closed."

Although among the students, Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong are not short of money, the academy stipulates that teachers will not pay any fees to work with students, nor will they accept any benefits from students.

Although Flanders is greedy for money, he always sticks to some bottom lines.

Wang Tingxuan took out the remaining gold soul coins and gave them to Ning Rongrong, "This is what's left. When we return to the academy, I will cook a feast for you so that you can taste the delicacies of the world."

Ning Rongrong's relationship with everyone is not very good now, and her position is a bit biased. She wants to blend in, but doesn't know what to do.

"This is for you."

Wang Tingxuan smiled and said, "If you want to interact with everyone, you must learn to understand the meaning of the word equality. These people in Shrek Academy are all geniuses, and they will almost all become titled Douluo in the future. Such geniuses have a deep heart

They are all arrogant and will not accept favors from others for free."

Ning Rongrong nodded thoughtfully.

Wang Tingxuan was speechless in his heart. The Qibao Glazed Sect was considered a large sect, so it didn't even know how to train a successor?

Look at Dai Mubai, he demonstrates his leadership all the time. Before they came, Oscar and Ma Hongjun were willing to call him boss.

After they arrived, no matter how brilliant Tang San's performance was, they couldn't cover up his brilliance.

Look at Ning Rongrong, after being shocked by Flanders once, she showed timidity in every interaction when interacting with others. If this continues, Ning Rongrong will become a follower of this small group.

Isn’t it a joke that the next leader of the majestic Qibao Glazed Sect has become someone else’s follower?

Dai Mubai is the prince of the Star Luo Empire, and the Qibao Glazed Sect has always supported the Tiandou Empire. The relationship is so chaotic, and the future of the Qibao Glazed Sect is also worrying.

It is said that Ning Fengzhi is a rare wise man in Douluo Continent, and Wang Tingxuan is nothing more than that.

Wang Tingxuan had no idea about the Qibao Glazed Sect and could only treat it as invisible.

Then I heard Oscar's words, "This is part of our practice. Dean Flender said that a soul master who doesn't dare to cause trouble is not a good soul master. As the saying goes, a soul master who doesn't dare to cause trouble is a mediocre person. Moreover, provoking souls

People in the Teachers College are the safest, and the most they can do is fight."

Looking up, Tang San and Dai Mubai had already made contact with the people from Canghui Academy.

Is fighting really that simple?

In the world of soul masters, such an approach is just enmity.

It's not a joke that soul masters kill people when they disagree. If you think it's a fight, others may not think so.

If you offend the nobles, wait for revenge.

Of course, Shrek Academy is not afraid. The two soul saints in the academy are enough to scare away those colleges that want revenge.

But that's not why Flanders said these things.

I remember when I enrolled, Dai Mubai said that the academy admitted a total of sixty-two students, but only fourteen of them actually graduated. Those who did not graduate were unable to complete the forty-level training and study before the age of twenty.

Died while hunting soul beasts.

Look at the hunt for the soul ring for Oscar this time. Zhao Wuji was followed. The Soul Saint followed behind to protect him. This treatment is not low.

There are actually so many students who died while hunting soul beasts. It’s strange that there is no problem here.

It is estimated that many of them have offended others and were secretly targeted.

After all, there are only a few soul masters from the poor, and most soul masters have families or sects behind them.

Although there are not many soul saints, there are many people who can afford them.

The talents of Canghui Academy were not very high, and those few people were no match for Xiao Wu, and they were beaten to the ground with just three punches and two kicks.

The leading teacher of Canghui College shouted to Dai Mubai with a stern face: "Which college do you kids come from?"

"Pan Dao? You're not worthy yet." Dai Mubai said very arrogantly.

The fat man became even more arrogant. He ignored the conflict with Canghui Academy and ate big mouthfuls on the table. "Well, the taste is okay. It's just that the heat is a bit off. Let's eat it."

Even in a society governed by the rule of law, things like this cannot be done well, let alone Douluo Continent.

Wang Tingxuan now faces two choices, one is to sit on the sidelines and settle the matter who caused it, and the other is to work with Dai Mubai and others to deal with this incident.

But it was Shrek Academy who was making trouble. Whether it was Wang Tingxuan's code of conduct or simply reasoning, the wrong party was Shrek Academy.

Without thinking, Wang Tingxuan made a decision, determined not to participate in their fight, and waited for Zhao Wuji to come down and resolve it.

Like the fat man, he concentrated on the food on the table, and he didn't stop even when the fat man stopped.

Tang San looked at Wang Tingxuan sitting at the table eating, frowned, and began to arrange his tactics.

In the tactics, Wang Tingxuan and Ning Rongrong were not arranged.

Tang San's tactical arrangement was flawless, and everyone couldn't help but admire it. They were obviously very happy with it.

"Tang San. What about me?" Ning Rongrong frowned slightly and stared at Tang San.

Tang San didn't arrange Ning Rongrong, because he knew her background and personality, so she might not follow his arrangements. After hearing Ning Rongrong's inquiry, he said casually: "Your martial spirit is special, so just adapt to the situation."

Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth. This feeling of being rejected by others made her very uncomfortable, and her competitive spirit made her want to blend in even more.

Oscar glanced at Wang Tingxuan, who continued to eat, and shook his head. Wang Tingxuan did not give everyone the feeling that it was difficult to communicate, but there was a feeling that his way of thinking was different from everyone else's, and there was a gap between them.

He couldn't figure out why this gap existed.

Seeing Wang Tingxuan continuing to eat, knowing that he would definitely not take action, he prepared to leave. Before leaving, he came to Ning Rongrong and whispered: "If you want everyone to recognize you, prove it with actions. You belong to Shi Lai


Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar who was leaving, felt that he was right, and wanted to leave with him.

She turned to look at Wang Tingxuan again. This person was the friendliest to her. He had never alienated her, nor did he please her like the people in the sect. Although he would sometimes count the money in her pocket, he was the one she was the most important person in Shi Lai.

Gram's most trustworthy friend.

Now, the two of them, Tang San, were ostracized, and they felt like they were in the same boat.

Ning Rongrong returned to the table, "Why are you still eating? Didn't you hear what Oscar said? Let's join the battle together."

Wang Tingxuan took out the wine and took a sip, "Ning Rongrong, you are the heir of the Qibao Glazed Sect. You know the situation of the Qibao Glazed Sect better than I do. Your sect is not afraid of causing trouble. But as an auxiliary soul master, the Qibao Glazed Sect also

You won't take the initiative to cause trouble, right? Do you think what you did by bullying the weak just now is right? You are here to practice, and you can't provoke enemies for the sect without any reason."

Ning Rongrong looked at Wang Tingxuan doubtfully, as if she didn't understand the meaning of his words. Ever since she was a child, the sect had always responded to her requests, and no one told her what to do.

This chapter has been completed!
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