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Chapter 3439 The Law of Wind

 Behind the cracks in space is endless nothingness. Looking around, all you see is the power of nothingness.

Here is endless nothingness, the gap between the two worlds. It is said to be a gap, but this endless nothingness is larger than any other world.

The endless nothingness is connected together like a huge ocean. Each world is actually just an island in this ocean. The three major holy areas and Tianjiu area are just the largest islands among them.

The remaining small thousand worlds and middle thousand worlds are all smaller islands. In comparison, this endless nothingness is truly vast and boundless.

This was not the first time that Chu Fengmian had entered this endless void, and he was already extremely familiar with the scenes inside.

However, compared to the endless nothingness between the three sacred areas, this area is much larger, and the explosive power is also more powerful.

I saw Chu Fengmian's eyes condensed, and when he looked forward, he saw a space storm that was gathering. Once this space storm broke out, even the Immortal Emperor Tianzun might be involved in it and be swept away.

Enter an unknown place in this endless void.

Once involved in this space storm, no matter how powerful the warrior is, he will lose his way in it. Many warriors who once went deep into the endless void and wanted to fully explore it ended up falling into

In the endless nothingness, completely lost in it.

Even not only warriors, but even some Small Thousand Worlds may be involved in this space storm and be taken to other places. In the face of this endless power of nothingness, even the power of a Small Thousand Worlds is like this.


"Master, this is the Sea of ​​Storms. It is one of the most dangerous areas in this endless void. It is also a natural barrier between the Tianjiu Realm and the three major holy realms. When a space storm breaks out for a long time, even the Tianzun Immortal Emperor can

It is difficult to withstand the power of this space storm, it is an absolutely hopeless place, we should avoid this place quickly."

Ancient Emperor Minglong reminded Chu Fengmian in a low voice.

This sea of ​​storms is a forbidden area that even the Immortal Emperors find extremely dangerous. Except for some Immortal Emperors, they will choose to try to absorb some of the power of the storm and integrate it into the immortal weapons to increase the power of the immortal weapons.

The remaining Immortal Emperor Tianzun all left in a hurry when they came to the area around the storm sea, for fear of being involved in it.

In the sea of ​​storms in front of him, there was a new round of storms that were about to condense. That was why Ancient Emperor Minglong reminded Chu Fengmian in such a hurry to leave as soon as possible.

"It doesn't matter, the storm in this sea of ​​storms can be used to refine my laws."

Chu Fengmian didn't care at all. He took one step forward and walked straight towards the stormy sea.


Seeing Chu Fengmian's actions, Emperor Minglong turned pale.

He is now surrendered by Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian's restraint has been planted. Once Chu Fengmian is in any danger, he will also fall.

Chu Fengmian gradually walked into the sea of ​​storms. This sea of ​​storms seemed to be angered. The power that had been accumulated burst out instantly and turned into a spatial storm, which swept towards Chu Fengmian.

Seeing this, Ancient Emperor Minglong stepped back.

Even the aftermath of this space storm is not something he can resist.

The moment the space storm hit Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian's body suddenly expanded and turned into the true form of the Witch God, revealing his true form. Every wisp of wind in the space storm,

They are all extremely sharp wind blades. Warriors under the Immortal Emperor, even in an instant, once they are involved in the space storm, they will be directly torn apart by the wind blades in it.

Chu Fengmian just stood there, letting the wind blade slash at his body, making a sound like metal collision.

There are no such scars on his body. These small wind blades are far from hurting Chu Fengmian.

The greatest threat to the Immortal Emperor Tianzun from the space storm is its terrifying gravity, which can directly involve the Immortal Emperor Tianzun into the space storm and take him to some strange places.

Endless nothingness is like a boundless sea, and each world is just an island in it. If you are involved in some place far away from many worlds, it is impossible to come back from it.

But Chu Fengmian still stood there.

No matter how powerful the space storm was, it still couldn't shake his body. He stood there without moving at all.

"This power is indeed difficult for even the seventh-level Immortal Emperor to resist."

Chu Fengmian felt the power of this spatial storm and muttered to himself.

He stood in the center of the space storm, seemingly withstanding the space storm with his strength. However, if you look closely, you can notice that there is actually a layer of wind spirit floating around Chu Fengmian.

This is exactly the wind spirit that Chu Fengmian condensed with the power of his Qiongqi bloodline.

In the ancient times, Qiongqi was also called the God of Wind. Mastering the law of wind, Chu Fengmian obtained the bloodline of Qiongqi. However, his law of wind has never been comprehended to Dacheng, and he has only been a short distance away from Dacheng.

Just one step away.

Chu Fengmian knew that his Space Law was only the last step away. This time he entered the Sea of ​​Storms with the intention of using the power of the storm to refine his Space Law and achieve its final perfection.


In the space storm of the Sea of ​​Storms, it is the space, the wind, and the convergence of the power of the two laws that finally turn it into the desperate place in front of us, the Sea of ​​Storms.

This law is the birth of heaven and earth, and it is extremely pure.

Chu Fengmian stood in the center of the space storm, feeling the power of the sea of ​​storms. Suddenly, his eyes focused and he grabbed his big hand. The power of the space storm was actually held in the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand and began to gather.

In the palm of Chu Fengmian's hand, it turned into a pure law of wind in a short while.

"The Law of Wind, Great Success!"

This law of wind suddenly flew behind Chu Fengmian, and merged with the law of wind in Chu Fengmian's body, gathering together, and finally turned into an ancient witch character.

Appeared behind Chu Fengmian.

The Law of Wind, Dacheng.

Now there are six witch characters behind Chu Fengmian.

These six witchcraft characters represent the six basic laws of fire, metal, space, wood, earth, and wind.

Chu Fengmian has already understood the sixth of the ten basic laws, which means that in terms of understanding of the laws, Chu Fengmian is already on par with the sixth-level Immortal Emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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