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Daxia, northern border.

There are snow-capped peaks and the cold wind is like a knife.

At this moment, tens of thousands of soldiers in military uniforms are standing in the ice and snow, with solemn expressions and eyes as red as blood. It seems that everyone is accumulating anger and murderous intent.

This is the Northern Field Army of the Great Xia Military Headquarters. It guards this bitter cold place all year round. It is the unit with the highest sacrifice rate among all the troops in the Great Xia Military Headquarters.

In front of the array of thousands of people, there was a black coffin, with the Daxia flag covered on the coffin.

An old man wearing a military uniform and carrying three general stars on his shoulders stood in front of the array. Although the temperature was extremely low, he did not feel cold at all. As soon as he spoke, his voice enveloped the entire audience: "Order No. 1 of the Military Department, posthumously

Colonel Lin Ran, formerly of the Special Forces Brigade of the Northern Field Army, is a national first-class combat hero, posthumously awarded the rank of major general, and...the title of martyr."

When he said the last four words, the old general's voice dropped slightly, and many soldiers in Beiye's array were already in tears!

The north wind is howling and the sky is covered with heavy snow. It seems that even the weather in the north is complaining about Lin Ran!

A few days ago, the Haider Kingdom, which is adjacent to the Daxia Kingdom, arbitrarily allowed a reorganized marine division to cross the border and raid a large trade transport convoy on the Daxia border. After looting all the goods, one hundred and seventy people were brutally killed.

After the two people accompanying the vehicle, they quickly returned to Haider.

At that time, Lin Ran, who was the most powerful member of the Beiye Army's special operations brigade, violated the military discipline of "strictly prohibiting entry into other countries' borders" and crossed the border alone, launching a ten-thousand-mile pursuit of the Haidel Marine Division.

Lin Ran spent twelve days to annihilate this marine division. Even the division commander who was the instigator had his head chopped off with a knife even though he had fled to the gate of the presidential palace in Haider State!

That beheading knife is Lin Ran's saber!

After Lin Ran destroyed the Marine Division, he inserted his blood-soaked sword directly into the square in front of the Haider Presidential Palace!

Too strong and too arrogant!

Kill three thousand people alone! Blood debt, blood payment!

The entire Haider military government is panicking! Everyone is in danger!

In fact, no one dared to pull out the long knife stuck in the square!

The world was shocked, and various countries put pressure on Daxia one after another, and even characterized Lin Ran's move as "terrorism"!

Later, Daxia's military leaders personally went to neutral countries to negotiate with the military heads of several countries.

Three days later, Daxia's generals returned and they brought Lin Ran back.

However, to be precise, what they brought back was just Lin Ran's... body.

Whether in the eyes of the Northern Field Army or in the hearts of the people of Daxia, Lin Ran is not an executioner who engages in terrorist assassinations, but a true national hero and an eternal boundary monument on the northern border of Daxia!

The old general looked around at the array of thousands of people, then took a deep look at the coffin covered with the national flag, and then said: "Snowy mountains are lucky enough to bury loyal bones!"

As he shouted, the snow seemed to fall even harder, the coffin began to be slowly buried, and there were more wailing sounds in the array.

The entire northern border has been shrouded in an endless atmosphere of sadness!

This memorial ceremony was broadcast live across the country. At this moment, in Daxia, countless people shed tears of sadness!

When the coffin was buried and the last handful of black earth mixed with snow was sprinkled on the coffin, the array of tens of thousands of people in Beiye suddenly drew their swords in unison!

Tens of thousands of swords pointed at the sky!

At this moment, it seems that the sky will be pierced by the dazzling sword light!

Every Beiye soldier was filled with tears and shouted: "Great rivers and mountains, don't give up an inch of land!"

This is the slogan of the Northern Field Army. All the soldiers roared out this sound in unison, seeming to shake the clouds in the sky away!

In front of the live broadcast screen, I don’t know how many people shouted this slogan!

At this moment, the entire land of Daxia is echoing the same sentence!

However, at the funeral scene, no one except the old general knew that in the coffin that had been buried, there was no Lin Ran's body, only a military uniform stained with blood!


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