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Chapter 1387 Miss Dong’s true identity!

 Xu Shengchi led the team forward, and Zhang Bigui followed closely behind with more than a dozen of his subordinates.

As for the family members of the officers, they have not been released. Xu Shengchi is still waiting to have a good time after completing the mission.

Lin Ran remained silent all the way, just staring at the people in the team from time to time to prevent these guys from revealing their secrets.

Within three hours, they passed two camps and found nothing except fighting with some remaining soldiers who had not evacuated.

However, Lin Ran also saw that Xu Shengchi's team was much more powerful than Zhang Bigui's team.

Obviously, Miss Dong made special arrangements for this.

"Next, there is only one target left." Xu Shengchi looked in a certain direction and said in a deep voice: "Ruan Lingtian's family manor."

"If the thing is not there, then there is really nothing." Zhang Bigui said: "I hope that you and I will not be punished by the eldest lady."

"Just run away if you can't find it." Xu Shengchi said nonchalantly: "That eldest lady likes to whip people with a whip. I don't want to be whipped until I'm covered in blood. For so many years in the Dong family, my self-esteem has always been trampled under the feet of the Dong family.

, I have indeed suffered enough... If they hadn’t given me so much money, who would be willing to suffer this?”

From the conversations between these people, it was not difficult for Lin Ran to see that Miss Dong had a tougher approach and was not very popular.

Zhang Bigui's expression turned solemn: "Be careful, there are some things you shouldn't say."

Xu Shengchi shrugged: "So what, the eldest lady can't hear it anyway. My team is all my own."

The thin man in Xu Shengchi's team glanced at the two squadron leaders in front, and his expression became much colder.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Ruan Lingtian's manor.

Gunfire had already sounded, and hundreds of bullets had been fired at everyone.

However, the Dong family members were well prepared, and they all dodged immediately, and at the same time they drew out their long swords to greet him.

Xu Shengchi looked at the front and sneered twice: "The defense is still intact. The Ai family is really useless. They didn't take the opportunity to eat up the Ruan family's nest."

After that, he suddenly swung his long sword, the sword light suddenly rose, and struck in the direction of the gunshot!

A few dozen meters away, the gate of the Ruan family manor was split open by a sword. The soldiers behind the gate were immediately killed and injured!

"Charge, kill everyone you see, and leave no one behind."

Xu Shengchi waved his hand and rushed out first.

He actually took the lead, and the rest of his men followed suit.

Zhang Bigui turned to look at Lin Ran, then at his team, as if he wanted to seek Lin Ran's opinion.

The latter nodded and rushed out without any haste.

"Go!" Zhang Bigui shouted: "As long as you complete this task, you can go back!"

In fact, these remaining defeated soldiers of the Ruan family will hardly form any resistance for these Dong family warriors.
After paying the almost negligible price of three people being injured, Xu Shengchi and Zhang Bigui had taken control of the entire Ruan family manor.

The Dong family's combat power was very elite, but Lin Ran noticed a thin man in Xu Shengchi's team. This man was very fast, his attacks were light, but he could kill with one blow. His true combat power was definitely stronger than the superficial source power level.

Lots to come.

After a brief interrogation of Ruan Lingtian's family members, Xu Shengchi went straight to the study with a few close associates.

Zhang Bigui glanced at Lin Ran and took him with him.

This is not so much a study as it is the treasure house of Ruan Lingtian and his son.

The shelves in the study room are filled with all kinds of antiques, many of which were even bought at high prices from auctions by mysterious buyers like those in the news.

Indeed, those who make drugs are really rich.

"The bumpkin is just arty." Xu Shengchi said: "Move all the bottles down and find out where the secret room is."

The group of people followed suit.

Sure enough, after most of the antiques on the shelf were moved down, there was a vase that seemed to be welded to the shelf and could not be moved no matter what.

The thin man also appeared at the door of the study at this moment, without attracting anyone's attention...except Lin Ran.

Xu Shengchi did not bring him in at first. Obviously, this person was not an absolute confidant.

"Old Zhang, let's give it a try," Xu Shengchi said to Zhang Bigui.

The two of them are considered to be the most powerful people here, and they rush to the front when there is danger. From this point of view, they are relatively worthy of recognition.

Zhang Bigui and Xu Shengchi grabbed the mouth of the vase and twisted it hard.

But couldn't twist it.

However, Lin Ran had already used his mental power to figure out how to open this mechanism.

However, before he could speak, the young man who had squeezed into the study walked forward alone and said: "Put your hand in, the button is in the vase."

Xu Shengchi looked at the young man suspiciously: "Xiao Zhao, how did you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know, just do it now." Xiao Zhao's voice was cold.

There seemed to be an impatient tone, and it didn't sound like he was talking to his boss at all.

"Hey, you're an interesting kid. You just have this attitude of being an offender. Go back and see how I deal with you."

Although Xu Shengchi was dissatisfied, he did not pursue the matter as the matter was serious. Instead, he directly reached into the vase and pressed the switch below.

Sure enough, the bookshelf began to slowly move away, revealing a metal door at the back.

"There is also a combination lock on the metal door." Xu Shengchi glanced at Zhang Bigui and asked, "If it is destroyed violently, will the contents inside be destroyed?"


However, before Zhang Bigui had time to reply, Xiao Zhao said coldly: "Just direct violent destruction. Ruan Lingtian doesn't have the ability to destroy the things inside."

"It's really weird, how come you know everything?" Xu Shengchi turned to look at his subordinate, as if it was the first day he met him.

Xiao Zhao had a cold face and seemed to disdain to pay attention to him.

Seeing this, Xu Shengchi's anger began to rise.

Zhang Bigui, on the other hand, raised his fist and hit the metal door with a few heavy blows until it was completely deformed. He was afraid of hurting the things inside, so he did not attack with all his strength, and then began to carefully tear off the entire door frame.

As the metal door was breached, the alarm sounded.

But this alarm was useless even if the loudspeaker was shouted. After all, the entire Ruan family manor was already under the control of the Dong family's team.

At this moment, what appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a deep passage.

Xu Shengchi's mental power had dissipated, and he then said: "There is nothing abnormal here. Lao Zhang, I will go down and take a look first. You and others will guard here."

"Be careful, there may be some agencies hidden deep." Zhang Bigui warned.

After saying that, he glanced at Lin Ran again and found that the latter had no intention of entering on his own initiative.

Zhang Bigui also didn't understand why Prince Shengguang was so calm. He was about to discover the star treasure. At this time, shouldn't he just go forward and snatch it away?

But at this time, Xiao Zhao said: "Get out of my way, I'll go in."

"I said, who do you think you are? You contradict me again and again. Just to give you a good look, you're going to slap me in the face?"

Xu Shengchi said, turned around and waved, and was about to slap Xiao Zhao on the face!

However, the wrist of this S-class strongman was easily grasped by Xiao Zhao, who is A-class, as if he didn't spend much effort at all!

"Idiot, I'm sparing you now, so you'd better know better." Xiao Zhao said coldly: "I will hold you accountable later. Now, just stay at the door."

With the other party grabbing his wrist like this, Xu Shengchi found that he had no power to resist. He said in shock: "You... are you the pinnacle of S level?"

Xiao Zhao didn't answer, he just threw Xu Shengchi staggering for several steps, and then walked in on his own.

Xu Shengchi said: "Why is this tone... so familiar? Who are you?"

Zhang Bigui turned to look at Lin Ran again.

The latter shook his head, as if he still had no intention of going in.

I don’t know how deep this passage is. After a few minutes, Xiao Zhao still didn’t come out.

Xu Shengchi stared at the entrance of the passage, a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

Obviously, Xiao Zhao's arrogant performance just now aroused Xu Shengchi's murderous intention.
Judging from his intention, he wanted to blow down the entrance of the passage and bury Xiao Zhao alive inside.

Lin Ran walked over, patted his shoulder, and said, "I advise you not to have such thoughts, otherwise, you will die without knowing why."

Xu Shengchi frowned: "Who are you? I need you to remind me?"

Seeing this, Zhang Bigui was about to say something when he heard Lin Ran whispering with a smile: "You are eating the Dong family's food and you want to bury the eldest daughter of the Dong family here alive?"

"What did you say?" Xu Shengchi's expression was stunned: "You said that Xiao Zhao is our eldest lady?"

"Of course." Lin Ran shrugged: "Your eldest lady is overly sad, ill with longing, and hides behind closed doors. Who knows if her true body is still in the Dong family compound?"

Zhang Bigui's eyes widened. This speculation was so bizarre. He had never thought about it in this direction before!

Xu Shengchi finally came to his senses and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "No wonder the tone is so familiar! Who am I talking about! It turns out that a woman disguised herself as a man and infiltrated my team! This scheming woman!"

However, just after he said this, he suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly turned a little white!

Xu Shengchi complained about Miss Dong many times in the team before, and she was 100% listened to by the other party!

"Damn, you're dead!" A flash of fear flashed in Xu Shengchi's eyes.

It was so cool to scold me before, but now I feel so cowardly!

"Don't worry, you may not die." Lin Ran patted Xu Shengchi's shoulder again: "Let the family members of those officers go before we talk."

Xu Shengchi looked at Lin Ran blankly, and then at Zhang Bigui: "Old Zhang, your subordinate is a bit mysterious."

He hadn't noticed this young man before, but now that he had noticed it, he inexplicably gave him a feeling of being lifted up from a mountain.

Lin Ran smiled slightly and wiped the dust off his face: "Aren't you looking for me?"

Looking at the face in front of him, Xu Shengchi thought for a few seconds, and then his face turned even paler!

"You...you you you..." His lips were trembling!

"So, do what I just said, and then run away." Lin Ran said.

"Yes...yes!" Xu Shengchi wiped the cold sweat from his head, then waved to his men and whispered: "Let those women go, quickly! Then we retreat!"

Are you kidding me? Prince Shengguang is going to have a fierce battle with Miss Dong here next. Can other warriors resist the aftermath of the battle in the stars? If you don't run away, will you be turned into a corpse?

Before going out, Xu Shengchi turned around and bowed to Lin Ran, as if to thank him for saving his life!

Just when Xu Shengchi and others had just withdrawn from the study, murderous intent suddenly burst out from the passage!

As soon as this murderous intent rushed out, it tore the roof of the study room to pieces in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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