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Chapter 13 The drunkard doesn’t care about the wine

 Two days later, it was time to announce the admission results.

In fact, with He Xiaoyi's grades, being admitted to Ningda University is a sure thing, and there is no need to worry at all.

In today's summer, admission notices from major colleges and universities will be sent to the candidates' schools, and then the schools will hand them over to the candidates.

At this moment, all the graduates came to the classroom, waiting for their good news.

Lin Ran was practicing basic source battles with He Tianqi at home, so he did not accompany He Xiaoyi to school.

He Xiaoyi's class teacher is named Shao Juan, a female teacher in her twenties. Because she is young, beautiful, and has excellent teaching performance, she is also a star-like figure in the education community in Bei'an.

At this moment, Shao Juan walked in holding a stack of large envelopes, her face full of joy.

I have to say that a beautiful girl's smile is pleasing to the eye. At this moment, Shao Juan's smile seems to make the whole classroom brighter.

"I am now distributing admission notices to everyone. In fact, I have not seen your admission results beforehand. At this time, I am just as excited as you and just as nervous." Shao Juan said and began to open the first letter.

The notice has been sealed.

"Li Ping'en, Southern University." .??.

"Lu Guosi, Tunghai University."

"Si Xiaoqing, Bei'an University..."

Every time Shao Juan read out a name, there would be a round of applause in the classroom, and everyone congratulated the admitted students. However, the applause did not ring out after Bai Zhenyang's name was read out.

"Bai Zhenyang, Ningzhou... University."

Ning Da?

Shao Juan herself was stunned for a moment! A look of astonishment flashed across her pretty face!

Because, in her opinion, with Bai Zhenyang's college entrance examination results, it is impossible to get into Ning University, which ranks first among the five northern provinces!

In fact, not only did he not pass the exam, he was still far behind!

However, this acceptance letter is genuine!

Shao Juan carefully confirmed it twice before trying hard to suppress the doubts in her heart and said: "Let us congratulate Bai Zhenyang!"

Applause rang out sparsely.

Those who applauded were all Bai Zhenyang's usual followers, while the rest of the students looked puzzled.

Obviously, the eldest son of Liaojiang Province's education system is not very popular in the class.

Bai Zhenyang stood up with a sneer, walked to the class teacher, pulled the admission notice over with one hand, then raised it high and glanced at the whole class provocatively.

Moreover, when his eyes glanced at He Xiaoyi, he stayed there for two seconds.

"This is a genuine admission notice from Ningzhou University. Why, do you all have objections?" Bai Zhenyang laughed sarcastically: "If you are not convinced, then you might as well go to Ningzhou University and let me have a look?"

After saying that, he
Walk towards the seat.

However, when passing by He Xiaoyi, Bai Zhenyang stopped slightly, lowered his voice, and said with a sinister smile on his face: "I will give you a little surprise later."

He Xiaoyi glanced at Bai Zhenyang coldly and said nothing, but a slightly bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Shao Juan was very sure in her heart that Bai Zhenyang was able to receive the admission notice from Ning University because of something unspeakable. However, she had no evidence for this, and she could not accuse her students on this occasion.

Looking at the reactions of those classmates, Shao Juan sighed slightly in her heart. Perhaps, from today on, these young students will begin to truly realize the cruel side of society.

However, it was only after Shao Juan sent out all the admission notices that she felt something was wrong.

He Xiaoyi raised his hand: "Teacher, there is no admission notice for me."

Shao Juan was obviously surprised. She thought about it and realized that she had indeed not seen He Xiaoyi's notice just now, so she quickly said: "Classmate Xiaoyi, please wait a moment. I'll go to the Academic Affairs Office to take a look. Maybe I missed it.


"Okay, thank you, teacher." He Xiaoyi nodded.

At this moment, except for Bai Zhenyang, all the other students in the class thought that He Xiaoyi's notice had been missed. After all, with her super high scores, schools across the country could almost choose her at will.

However, when Shao Juan went to the computer of the Academic Affairs Office to check the admission status, she discovered that behind He Xiaoyi's name, there was a bracket, with two words written in the bracket - sliding file.

Slipping means not being admitted!

"This is absolutely impossible!" Shao Juan immediately said with a serious face: "He Xiaoyi's score is the second in our school. It is more than enough to be admitted to Ningbo University! There is absolutely no possibility of slipping!"

The director of the Academic Affairs Office looked at Shao Juan in embarrassment and said: "After all, this is a document sent from the Provincial General Administration of Education. There cannot be any errors. Perhaps it is because the admission score for the Yuanli major of Ningzhou University is too high.


"No matter how high the admission score is, He Xiaoyi will definitely pass the exam!" When Shao Juan said this, she suddenly thought of Bai Zhenyang's proud face, and she immediately said: "Bai Zhenyang in our class has a higher total score than He Xiaoyi

I lost more than 200 points, but I was also admitted to the Yuanli major of Ning University!"

"It's normal for Mr. Bai to be admitted! His admission has nothing to do with He Xiaoyi's slippage!" At this time, a voice sounded outside the door, it was the principal Quan Kunshan.

After hearing this, Shao Juan said with some disbelief: "Principal Quan, why do you call Bai Zhenyang? Mr. Bai?"

Now, things have become very obvious. Shao Juan finally realized belatedly that Bai Zhenyang's background may have gone beyond

My own imagination!

"Principal, He Xiaoyi slipped, someone is obviously behind it! You must not sit idly by and ignore this matter!" Shao Juan said: "Otherwise, it will definitely chill the hearts of all the teachers and students in the school!"

Quan Kunshan glanced at Shao Juan, shook his head, and then said: "Let He Xiaoyi and Mr. Bai have a good talk. Maybe things will turn around. Let's just say this. You can take care of yourself."

After saying that, Quan Kunshan walked out.

Obviously, he guessed some inside stories, but in order to keep his position as principal, he was not willing to get involved in this matter!

Shao Juan's eyes trembled fiercely, and then she shouted from behind: "Principal Quan, I can't be a teacher in vain like you! I can't let my students feel cold!"

After hearing this, Quan Kunshan turned around and said coldly: "Teacher Shao, watch your words! If you contradict the principal again, I can ask you to leave this school at any time!"


Shao Juan knew that this matter was not trivial, so she immediately returned to the classroom.

Looking at her gloomy expression, many students also had a bad premonition in their minds.

"Classmate Xiaoyi, come out with me for a moment," she said.

As soon as He Xiaoyi stood up, Bai Zhenyang laughed sarcastically. He leaned on the back of his chair, crossed his feet on the desk, and said arrogantly: "Haha, He Xiaoyi slipped, what's the matter?

So secretive?"

He Xiaoyi was not admitted?

The classroom was instantly shocked!

Shao Juan stared at Bai Zhenyang: "Classmate Bai, you have known about this for a long time, haven't you? Does He Xiaoyi's failure to be admitted to Ningda University have anything to do with you?"

Bai Zhenyang shrugged, without comment, and said with a smile: "If Xiaoyi doesn't have a university to attend this year, then she can just repeat her studies for a year. Maybe she can be admitted to Ningbo University next year."

Repeat one year?

This is said so lightly!

You know, He Xiaoyi is the second highest scorer in the school, and she is also ranked among the top ten among all the candidates in Bei'an City! Why is she the one who failed to pass the exam?

He Xiaoyi's eyes were slightly red, but no tears fell. Now, even a fool knows that Bai Zhenyang, who was admitted to Ning University, is absolutely inseparable from this matter!

Shao Juan looked at Bai Zhenyang deeply, and then said: "Classmate Bai, I know you have a great background, but now that the matter has come to this, can you give me an explanation?"

"Explain? Why should I explain to you? Just how much older are you than me? You always criticize me. Now that I have graduated, why should I blame you again?" Bai Zhenyang's tone did not show any concern for Shao Juan.

Any sign of respect, on the contrary, is full of provocation.

While he was talking, his eyes were scanning Shao Juan's key parts several times! Talking about respecting teachers and teaching is completely nonsense when it comes to Bai Zhenyang!


Shao Juan is twenty-five years old this year, and her figure and appearance are indeed very good, and Bai Zhenyang has already fantasized about Shao Juan countless times in the dead of night!

Seeing Bai Zhenyang's eyes full of offense, Shao Juan was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Bai Zhenyang turned to look at He Xiaoyi and said with a smile: "If you come to my house tonight to apologize, I can ask Ningda University to issue you an admission notice. After tonight, you can

No chance."

In fact, it was not that Ningzhou University refused to admit He Xiaoyi, but that the latter's score information and application form were directly intercepted in the Liaojiang Provincial Education System and were not transmitted to Ningzhou University at all!

"Asshole! Bai Zhenyang, do you know what you are talking about?" Shao Juan pointed at Bai Zhenyang, her pretty face full of anger: "You are committing a crime! If you persist in your obsession, I will report the case to the Supervision Branch!


"Report a crime? If this teacher doesn't want to regret it in the future, he can give it a try." A cold and mocking voice sounded outside the classroom door!

There was a pressure in this voice, and it seemed that the air in the classroom became stagnant!

Obviously, the person who spoke out must be a warrior!

Everyone followed the sound and saw that at this time, a middle-aged man in black summer clothes was standing outside the classroom door. He had a shaved head and a strong build. There was a scar on the side of his face, and his face was full of joking.

Looking at Shao Juan, her eyes even stayed on the other person's chest for two seconds.

"Brother Sanye!" Bai Zhenyang's eyes suddenly lit up!

This is Bai Sanye who was sent by Bai Zhenyang's mother to protect her son! He is also one of the senior bodyguards of the Bai family! He is fierce and violent, and his actions are ruthless and decisive, and he is highly valued by the senior officials of the family!

Behind Bai Sanye, there were two men following, both looking at Shao Juan with sneers on their faces. There were power fluctuations on their bodies, and they all looked like warriors!

"This is a school, not a place for you to misbehave! Get out of here quickly!" Shao Juan did not flinch at all and scolded sternly.

Bai Sanye glanced at the beautiful class teacher with a sneer, and said conspiratorially: "I advise you to be honest. It's best not to turn a deaf ear to my words, otherwise...hehe."

He stared at the opponent's waist again, and the meaning was self-evident!

He Xiaoyi slapped the table with both hands and stood up: "If you have any problems, come to me. This has nothing to do with Teacher Shao. Don't embarrass her!"

Seeing this, Bai Sanye smiled and said: "Very good, I like to deal with girls with eyes like you, so I will do as the young master said. Tonight, we will wait for you to apologize at the residence. It would be better if you admit your mistake."

If you are sincere, you will receive the admission information from Ningda University at noon tomorrow."

Asking a young girl to apologize all night long? It also depends on whether the attitude of admitting the mistake is sincere. Even a fool can tell that their intention is not to drink!

This chapter has been completed!
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