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Chapter 1578 Missing and Reuniting!

The legs of the old patriarch of the cursed clan were broken by the magnificent god!

After hearing these words, Lin Sun took a deep breath and revealed unspeakable complexity, "That is a past event that the entire Cursed Valley is unwilling to recall."

In fact, the old patriarch suffered not only his legs, but also serious injuries that would never heal.

It stands to reason that at the level of the old patriarch, there is no injury that cannot be healed, but it happened that the magnificent god was able to produce such a result.

"Candice used her freedom to exchange for the reconciliation between the Cursed Clan and Lin Ran." Su Qingcheng said, "And your teacher used his death to buy the entire Cursed Clan's peace for the next hundred years.


After a pause, she added, "Of course, the real number may be more." .??.

"What do you mean?" Lin Sun looked at the fairy-like person in front of him and asked, "I don't understand. Are you saying that you have the ability to calm the cursed clan for a hundred years?"

However, after asking this question, Lin Sun suddenly felt that even if Su Qingcheng could not do this now, he would definitely be able to reach such a height in the near future.

Such a fairy-like person should stand in the clouds and look down at the world.

"This is the meaning of the magnificent god." Su Qingcheng said, "You should understand that if she becomes serious, the entire cursed clan will be wiped out."

After hearing these words, Lin Sun instinctively took a breath of air!

"Have the Cursed Clan offended the Magnificent God again?" She asked in shock. "Could it be that the teacher, at the expense of his legs many years ago, has not gained a truce between the two parties?"

Her expression was full of incomprehension.

"That was then, and now is now." Su Qingcheng chuckled, shook her head, and said, "Cursed Valley has changed its leader, and there should be no conflicts with the Magnificent Temple in the future."

"Why won't there be a conflict? Is it because of the way Candice behaves?" Lin Sun asked.

Su Qingcheng shook her head again and did not explain in detail. However, at this moment, the smile on her face already explained all the answers.

Only when she is thinking of someone, this fairy, who is so beautiful that she is not as beautiful as a mortal, will show such an expression.

Only then did Lin Sun suddenly realize, "It's because of you, sir!"

What she was referring to was, of course, Lin Ran.

After all, the biggest person the Curse Clan has provoked recently is undoubtedly Lin Ran!

Su Qingcheng came because of him, and the magnificent gods must also come because of him! All Candice's actions and decisions are also based on Lin Ran!

Lin Ran is the focus of all recent conflicts!

But why did that powerful and completely unreasonable Xingchen stand up for Lin Ran?

Su Qingcheng smiled softly, then stood up and said, "So, you don't have to hate me. That's it. You can think about what to do."

Seeing that the other party was obviously taking the initiative to shake hands and make peace, Lin Sun hesitated and said, "Can I know why?"

"I don't want him to worry about these things behind him." Su Qingcheng's eyes became a little distant at this moment, and she said softly, "It's hard enough for him to charge in front, isn't it?"

This sentence is undoubtedly equivalent to putting Lin Sun on the same level as her.

It seemed that Su Qingcheng had already rushed to put out the fire before the fire broke out in the backyard.

"Thank you for saying that, but I don't think I have the qualifications to be on an equal footing with you, not now, nor in the future." Lin Sun looked seriously into Su Qingcheng's eyes and said, "You will definitely be a good wife."

"In that case, I'll take my leave."

Su Qingcheng said, "By the way, are you going to the distant planet?"

Lin Sun did not hesitate and replied, "I want to continue living here."

"Oh, forget it." Su Qingcheng smiled softly, "I thought you wanted to go see your sister."

After hearing this sentence, Lin Sun was greatly surprised, and his voice began to have a very obvious tremor, "What? You mean...my sister Linda is on the distant planet?"

The corners of Su Qingcheng's lips raised slightly and she said, "She is living quite well in the Donghua Federation on the distant planet."

The word she used was "a period of time", not five years.

After all, the flow of time in the two worlds is completely different. Compared to Linda, her mental state in the past two or three months, as well as the pain of missing her, are naturally completely different from those of her sister.

Lin Sun's eyes turned red, and tears burst out of his eyes.

All my longings for the past five years have become reality in these two days!

She took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but found that she was choked.

"I...I don't know how to thank you..."

At this time, Lin Sun had no doubt at all about the authenticity of Su Qingcheng's words.

Su Qingcheng smiled softly again, "You, when you walk in the world, be more defensive about others. If I want to harm you, I have designed a trap for you in Donghua in advance. How will you deal with it then?"


Lin Sun wiped his red eyes and said, "A fairy like you won't lie to others."

The smile on Su Qingcheng's beautiful face became even more obvious, "Then come with me."

"Then what?" Lin Sun asked, "Are you going to find the adults?"

Su Qingcheng said, "I'll send you far away."

After the planet, I will go find him, but not soon."

"Do you have other tasks?" Lin Sun said with a worried look on his face, "After all, that's the realm of the sky over there, and I'm afraid that you may be in danger."

When Lin Ran was mentioned, the girl couldn't help but feel worried.

"In order to protect the Blue Star, he committed suicide on the distant planet alone, and in order to protect this newly formed world, he committed suicide alone in the realm of the sky." Su Qingcheng said, "He is indeed too tired. I have to be with him

After his death, help him solve some things to avoid being plotted again."

After a pause, Su Qingcheng looked at Lin Sun and said, "You should be able to guess what I am going to do."

"You mean...those five years?" Lin Sun couldn't help but ask.

Su Qingcheng nodded slightly and said, "Yes, someone must be responsible for the five years he missed."

When he said this, Su Qingcheng's eyes already flashed with cold light!

From what Su Qingcheng meant, someone was behind it during those five years when Lin Ran was unconscious! And this person was probably not the old patriarch of the cursed clan!

Lin Sun looked at this scene and realized——

The fairy is going to be more serious.

However... Lin Sun actually had an idea at this moment, the girl whispered in her heart

Why is she so beautiful when she is unhappy?


While Su Qingcheng and Lin Sun were chatting, Lin Ran had already entered a folded space somewhere in the Sky Realm.

He looked at the situation in front of him and sighed softly, "It really feels like the world has changed."

Once, here, he and Ariel killed the Capricorn God side by side, almost recreating the myth of the demon god challenging the stars.

Now, based on the speed of time in the Sky Realm, it should be one or two years later, but the vitality of the plants here is extremely strong, and the entire space has become lush again, and the traces of the fierce battle that shattered the ground that day have completely disappeared.

Lin Ran tried to find the specific location where he and Ailere were passionate for two or three days, but he could no longer find it.

"I wonder how Ailere is doing recently." Lin Ran smiled and said to himself, "Maybe when I get to the sky, I will find that she is being chased by Capricorn God's former subordinates.


His eyes were filled with longing.

In fact, Lin Ran could have returned to the Far Planet immediately and ignored the turmoil and fights here. However, now Lin Ran can also see that whether it is Blue Star or the Far Planet, the root of the problem lies in the sky.


If this is the case, then capture the king first before capturing the thief!

In fact, Lin Ran thought of things simply.

In the realm of the sky, among these stars

The above have been planning for so many years, how can they break the situation so easily with force?

However, there are many times when simple and crude handling methods can often achieve the best results.

Lin Ran, a stupid young man, had used his passion and brute force countless times in the past to achieve incredible reversals of the situation!

After walking around here, Lin Ran didn't find anything special, so he left this place through another space portal.

After he came out, he carefully re-hided the door that was flowing with a faint blood-colored brilliance according to the method that Ariel had taught him.

"It turns out that this is the realm of the sky."

Lin Ran was suspended in the air, looking at the surrounding scene, and took a deep breath, full of fresh smell.

Even in this breath, you can smell the source of power.

The source of energy here does not smell like the sea like Blue Star's source crystal liquid, but is extremely pure. The smell is not only not unpleasant, but also has a feeling that can make the spirit happy.

Lin Ran took a few more sniffs and already felt relaxed and happy.

"If you practice here, you will really get twice the result with half the effort. No wonder this place is called the ultimate destination for warriors."

Lin Ran looked around. There were no people in this area, but the mountains and rivers were extremely majestic and the rich aura of life made him feel like he had settled here.

However, this thought only passed by in a flash. This environment alone could not make Lin Ran decide to put his home here - only certain people can decide this.

"At a glance, it looks a bit like the world of rivers and lakes in the East." Lin Ran said to himself, "I just don't know how big the area of ​​​​this sky realm is."

He then landed and quickly ran towards the distance.

Lin Ran did not walk slowly and leisurely. After all, he did not come here to see the scenery. Before, he took a few panoramic views in the air to satisfy his psychological and visual freshness. For Lin Ran, it was enough.


Unfortunately, if Lin Ran knew what happened next, he would definitely regret why he left so fast.

Just half an hour after Lin Ran left, a bloody figure suddenly flew in the sky.

It’s Elaire!

She was suspended in the sky, with her right hand open.

As a result, a space portal was opened.

She stepped in and saw that no one was inside, so she sighed softly.

"You guy, you promised to come to me." Aileer whispered to himself.

After saying this, she suddenly saw a series of footprints by the river out of the corner of her eye!

This chapter has been completed!
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