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Chapter 290 She shines with purple light

 Zhao Yanxin's words suddenly caused a wave of excitement in Lin Ran's heart.

As someone who had faked his own death, he naturally understood what the words "invisible man" meant!

Staring at Zhao Yanxin, Lin Ran said slowly: "Could it be that... the son of Marshal Ruifeng who died on the battlefield... was you?"

Zhao Yanxin grinned: "After all these years, you are still the first to guess it."

Admit it directly!

He is also a person who faked his own death to escape!

But, as the son of a marshal, why would he fake his death? What is the necessity of doing so?

No wonder Zhao Ruifeng refused to award his son the title of martyr or any memorial ceremony at that time, because he must have known that his son was not dead at all!

"Why did you do this?" Lin Ran's eyes suddenly narrowed, "In other words, Marshal Zhao Ruifeng, why did you do this?"

While talking, he was secretly using the black power to build a bridge, as if he wanted to use this method to reconnect the disconnected power!

However, since the black source power has also been consumed, even if the bridge is barely completed now, it is unlikely to explode with too much power.

So... Lin Ran was ready to change his approach.

"You want to know too much."

Zhao Yanxin smiled sarcastically, then raised the long knife and pointed it at Lin Ran's throat, "Now, you need to pay the price for what you did before."

Lin Ran smiled seemingly self-deprecatingly, and then said, "I'm going to die soon. Don't you want to explain more to me?"

"What nonsense is there for a dying person?" Zhao Yanxin chuckled, his eyes full of sarcasm, "When you die, Su Qingcheng will probably be mine too. I don't know how many people there are in the world of rivers and lakes.

I'm interested in that woman, but now... haha, it's not their turn at all."

This guy seems very confident.

And Lin Ran had obviously read something from these confidences.

He frowned: "You still want to conquer the entire
Jianghu world?"

"Haha, there are two of us, father and son..." Zhao Yanxin sneered, "One is in the temple and the other is in the world. Isn't this bad?"

There seems to be a fire of ambition burning in this guy's eyes!

And these invisible firelights also reflected in Lin Ran's eyes.

Taking a deep look at Zhao Yanxin, Lin Ran's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Are you the pinnacle of A-level? Why did I hear before that the son of Marshal Ruifeng who died had very ordinary talent and could become E-level?

Are all the warriors quite good?"

This is indeed something Lin Ran has heard before! However, he is not sure whether this is the truth!

If the victim back then was the Zhao Yanxin in front of him, then how to explain his A-level peak strength?

However, after listening to Lin Ran's question, Zhao Yanxin's expression suddenly turned cold and said: "I have told you a lot, and I can never answer this question for you, so please go to hell."

As he spoke, he swung his long knife, and it was about to fall towards Lin Ran's neck!

However, at this moment, Zhao Yanxin's expression suddenly changed!

His brows furrowed severely! He seemed to be in great pain!

Because, Zhao Yanxin suddenly felt severe pain in his arm! The intense pain made him almost unable to hold the knife!

It was as if a force suddenly came in from the outside world and was running around in his arms!

That's Lin Ran's black source of power!

Although this black source power is also in a state of exhaustion, it is using its last strength to help Lin Ran!

However, even if this source of power temporarily loses its super destructive power against Barrymore, there is no problem in destroying Zhao Yanxin's arm muscles and bones!

Moreover, now, Zhao Yanxin felt that there was a

The suction force that emerged out of thin air seemed to suddenly appear on his forearm. Then, all the source power in his body seemed to be mobilized and rushed towards the forearm crazily!

And this surge of power is obviously not under the control of Zhao Yanxin himself!

When the black source of power was extremely hungry, it automatically turned on the devouring mode!

"What's going on?" Zhao Yanxin could no longer hold the knife in his hand!

He was trembling and staring at his arms with horror on his face! It was as if he had seen a ghost!

Because, he found that after his source of power surged into his forearm, he disappeared for no reason!

That disappeared out of thin air!

How can this be?

This is still within my own body! Why can’t I find my source of power suddenly? It seems like I’ve been sucked into an invisible whirlpool!

"Get out of here!"

Zhao Yanxin suddenly roared, and a huge force burst out from his source force pool, trying to force out the terrifying devouring power!

It's no wonder that the black source power was a bit weak at this time and couldn't swallow that amount of source power in one go. It was actually blasted out by Zhao Yanxin's fierce source power!

However, under the cover of night, the half-eaten black energy returned to Lin Ran's body instantly without anyone noticing!

The moment the black source power returned, Lin Ran took a deep breath! At this moment, that seemingly inconspicuous ray of power had already fed him back!


At this moment, Lin Ran raised his foot unceremoniously and kicked Zhao Yanxin hard in the chest!

The latter was still paying attention to the severe pain in his arm. After all, although the black source power was blasted out, those muscles and ligaments were really damaged a lot! It is almost impossible to complete a 100% repair.


However, at this moment, a huge sense of danger has hit us!

Lin Ran looked too weak before, so he never expected that the other party could suddenly launch such a violent attack!


At this moment, it is obviously too late to mobilize the source power for defense!



Zhao Yanxin's body was immediately kicked several meters away!

He spit out a large mouthful of blood and knocked two of his men to the ground!

The remaining two men who were still on the ground wanted to help Zhao Yanxin up, but the latter shouted: "Leave me alone, go deal with Lin Ran!"

At this time, Lin Ran did not attack further, but moved back more than ten meters!

Zhao Yanxin's two men heard the order and immediately rushed towards Lin Ran to kill him!

The strength of both of them is that they are B-level warriors!

However, before Lin Ran could take action, a figure wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform suddenly descended from the sky and stood in front of him!

It's a woman!

Wearing a top-secret combat uniform!

This one is exactly the same as the one Xia Hanbing wore!

I saw her backhand pulling out the two knives from behind, and slashing the two knives in staggered directions!

This move is clean and neat, the sword technique is sharp and direct, and the movements are extremely beautiful!

When she made her move, Lin Ran could even clearly see that a layer of faint purple light had risen above the outline of her slim body!

Those two swords left extremely terrifying wounds on the chests of these two B-level warriors!

They screamed and fell to the ground, then immediately retreated and gave up the attack!

"The top secret sequence is coming, retreat! Evacuate quickly!" Zhao Yanxin shouted.

He was the first to get up from the ground, with one arm hanging down, and flew towards the back!

The remaining four people rolled on the ground and followed closely!

At this moment, several more figures emerged from the night, chasing after them!

The delicate figure who had just blocked the two warriors for Lin Ran had turned around, took off the anti-cut mask on her face, and her black hair fell down, dancing in the wind!

This chapter has been completed!
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