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I am the vice-principal

I am the vice-principal


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Last Update:12-19 04:57

Latest chapter:Chapter 1513 Strong Killing

Reborn in the prehistoric world, open the invincible sub-leader system. Instruct Tongtian to become a sage, become the deputy leader of the Jiejiao at the beginning, send the killing gun, and have millions of merits! Suppress thousands of prehistoric beasts, develop the Jiejiao, and be admired by thousands of immortals, becoming the greatest force in the prehistoric !Golden Immortal? Taiyi Golden Immortal? !

If you think《I am the vice-principal》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《I am the vice-principal》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 1513 Strong Killing
Chapter 1512
Chapter 1511 Inexplicable result
Chapter 1510 Domineering Posture
Chapter 1509 Recognized
Chapter 1508
Chapter 1507 No warning
Chapter 1506 The Threat From All Powers
Chapter 1505 Arrogance comes at a price
《I am the vice-principal》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Heaven and Sanctification
Chapter 2 Golden Immortal Consummation
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Settling in Penglai
Chapter 5 Jinao Island
Chapter 6 Apprentice Saints
Chapter 7 The Dragon Clan
Chapter 8 Going to the Lich Clan
Chapter 9 Lao Tzu's Sanctification
Chapter 10 Pointing to the Primitive
Chapter 11 Rebuking the Two Western Saints
Chapter 12 Lost treasure money
Chapter 13 Hui Human Race
Chapter 14 Ginseng Fruit
Chapter 15 Blood Sky Distress
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Assessment and Selection
Chapter 18 The end of the assessment
Chapter 19 The old dragon king invites you
Chapter 20 Receiving Ao Bing
Chapter 21 The Original Invitation
Chapter 22 Guiding the Twelve Golden Immortals
Chapter 23 Finding the Golden Spirit
Chapter 24 Jin Ling's Apprenticeship
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Disciples Gather
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 The Lich's Calamity
Chapter 29 The Lich Chasing and Killing
Chapter 30 Taiyi's presence
Chapter 31 Fighting Taiyi Together
Chapter 32 The Four Saints Advent
Chapter 33 The Lich Bane Ends
Chapter 34 Pointing to the Styx
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Promoting the Lich War
Chapter 37 Guiding Hou Yi
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 Hou Yi Shoots the Sun
Chapter 40 Qin Feng's Shot
Chapter 41 The Lich War Begins
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 The Saints Gather
Chapter 44 The Great Array Collision
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 Guiding Nuwa
Chapter 48 The Lich War is Over
Chapter 49 The Call of Ancestor Hongjun
Chapter 50 The Great Emperor Ziwei
Chapter 51 Heavenly Court
Chapter 52 Gathering the disciples of the two religions
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Comforting Lao Tzu
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 Fuxi's Reincarnation
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 Xuandu Accepts Disciples
Chapter 59 Advising Nuwa
Chapter 60 Returning to the Huaxu Tribe
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 Domestication of Beasts
Chapter 63 Marriage Etiquette
Chapter 64 Natural Disaster
Chapter 65 Going to the North Sea
Chapter 66 Fighting Kunpeng
Chapter 67 Heluo Books
Chapter 68 Guiding Fuxi
Chapter 69 Fuxi Becomes Holy
Chapter 70
Chapter 71 Primitive advice
Chapter 72 Competition
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 Grain
Chapter 75 Currency
Chapter 76 Trading System
Chapter 77 Metrics
Chapter 78 Shennong Baicao Sutra
Chapter 79 Shennong's Sanctification
Chapter 80 The two emperors meet
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 Doubt
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 The co-owner of the human race
Chapter 85 First Collision
Chapter 86 Chi You's Defeat
Chapter 87 Guide Car
Chapter 88 Feng Bo Yu Shi
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91 Arrival
Chapter 92 The Witch Race Lost
Chapter 93
Chapter 94 Ending the war
Chapter 95 Xuanyuan Becomes Holy
Chapter 96 Five Emperors
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100 Suppressing Wuzhiqi
Chapter 101 - Ding Hai Shen Zhen
Chapter 102 Daji
Chapter 103 Haotian Request
Chapter 104 Conferred God List
Chapter 105
Chapter 106 Mirror of God
Chapter 107 Negotiate again
Chapter 108 Anger at the Two Western Saints
Chapter 109 Yao Ji catches the three dragons
Chapter 110 Yang Tianyou
Chapter 111 The calculation of the two Western saints
Chapter 112 Fighting for the disciples
Chapter 113 The Phase of the Flying Bear
Chapter 114 Qin Feng's Action
Chapter 115 Shen Gongbao Intercepts the Teaching
Chapter 116 Reincarnation of Xia Jie
Chapter 117 Jiang Ziya's Enlightenment
Chapter 118 Nu Wa's Fury
Chapter 119 Negotiate the arrangement
Chapter 120 Reincarnation of the Spirit Bead
Chapter 121
Chapter 122 Su Daji in the world
Chapter 123 Lei Zhenzi
Chapter 124
Chapter 125 Nezha
Chapter 126 Meeting Ceremony
Chapter 127
Chapter 128 Embarrassed Escape
Chapter 129 Huang Tianhua
Chapter 130 The decision of the two religions
Chapter 131
Chapter 132 The Four Heavenly Kings
Chapter 133 Yang Ren's death
Chapter 134: All Fall
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137 Nezha's Shot
Chapter 138 The Devil's Body Dies
Chapter 139 Lintong Pass
Chapter 140 Twenty-four Dinghai Pearls
Chapter 141: Confronting the Burning Lamp
Chapter 142: Incomparably Strong
Chapter 143: Cloud Piercing Pass
Chapter 144 Battle breaks out
Chapter 145 Capture the Cloud-piercing Pass
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148 Gambling
Chapter 149
Chapter 150 Maitreya Falls
Chapter 151 Sishui Pass
Chapter 152
Chapter 153 Defeat Kong Xuan
Chapter 154
Chapter 155 The Second Saint of the West Arrives
Chapter 156 The Arrival of Sanqing
Chapter 157 Negotiation
Chapter 158 Yin Jiao, Yin Hong
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161 Powerful and unusual
Chapter 162 Yuan Hong
Chapter 163 Five Hundred Arhats
Chapter 164 The Saints Fight
Chapter 165
Chapter 166 Hongjun Manifestation
Chapter 167 Hongmeng
Chapter 168
Chapter 169 Conferred God Begins
Chapter 170: Relocating the Dojo
Chapter 171 Reincarnation of Duobao
Chapter 172 Bewitched
Chapter 173 Apostasy
Chapter 174 Apostasy
Chapter 175 The birth of the stone monkey
Chapter 176: Apprentice Qin Feng
Chapter 177 Compromise
Chapter 178
Chapter 179 Leisurely
Chapter 180 Dragon Palace Depot
Chapter 181 Disturbing the Underworld
Chapter 182 Complaint
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185 Seven Great Sages
Chapter 186 Defeat the Heavenly Court
Chapter 187: Entering Heaven Again
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190 A good show begins
Chapter 191 The cultivation base skyrocketed
Chapter 192
Chapter 193 Qin Fengzhan Tathagata
Chapter 194 End
Chapter 195 The reincarnation of Jin Chanzi
Chapter 196 All parties prepare
Chapter 197 Qin Feng's Calculation
Chapter 198 The death of the Jinghe Dragon King
Chapter 199 Journey to the West Begins
Chapter 200 Helpless Guanyin
Chapter 201 Sun Wukong's Revenge
Chapter 202 White Dragon Horse
Chapter 203 Buddha is not compassionate
Chapter 204 Selling the Black Bear Spirit
Chapter 205
Chapter 206: Pig Bajie
Chapter 207
Chapter 208 Pay the price
Chapter 209 Sha Wujing
Chapter 210 Compromise Again
Chapter 211
Chapter 212 The Three Bodhisattvas Come Out Together
Chapter 213
Chapter 214 Repair the Origin
Chapter 215 Gold and Silver Boy
Chapter 216
Chapter 217 The Buddhist Comes
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220 The One-horned King
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224 Heart Demon
Chapter 225 Red Boy
Chapter 226
Chapter 227 Happy Bull Demon King
Chapter 228 Brothers Acting
Chapter 229 Bitter Burning Lamp
Chapter 230 Negotiations
Chapter 231: Recreating the Tathagata
Chapter 232 Godless Buddha
Chapter 233 The humbleness of the lamp
Chapter 234 Daughter Country
Chapter 235 Tell the truth
Chapter 236
Chapter 237 Open Your Heart
Chapter 238
Chapter 239 Persecution
Chapter 240 Che Chi Kingdom
Chapter 241
Chapter 242 Tiger Power Immortal
Chapter 243: Meeting the King
Chapter 244 Unexpected
Chapter 245 Apologize
Chapter 246 The Three Demon Kings of Lion Camel Ridge
Chapter 247 Manufacturing Difficulties
Chapter 248 look down on you
Chapter 249 Confident Burning Lamp
Chapter 250 The Terrifying Qin Feng
Chapter 251
Chapter 252 Inspiration King
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255 Huang Mei Patriarch
Chapter 256 Little Leiyin Temple
Chapter 257: Heavenly Court Appears
Chapter 258 Six-eared Macaque
Chapter 259 True and False Monkey King
Chapter 260 Angry on Lingshan
Chapter 261: Suppressing the Tathagata
Chapter 262 Westbound End
Chapter 263 Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing
Chapter 264
Chapter 265: The Two Western Saints Approved
Chapter 266 Qiao Linger
Chapter 267 The love of the white lotus
Chapter 268: Vicious Mind
Chapter 269 Self-defeating
Chapter 270
Chapter 271: Fairy Biyou
Chapter 272
Chapter 273 Two women meet
Chapter 274 Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing
Chapter 275 Avalokitesvara's calculations
Chapter 276 Xu Xian
Chapter 277 The real purpose
Chapter 278
Chapter 279 Qin Feng Appears
Chapter 280 Going to Qiao's House
Chapter 281 Dirty Qiao Linger
Chapter 282 Qin Feng is angry
Chapter 283 Strong suppression
Chapter 284 Qiao Linger's Blackening
Chapter 285 Devouring Qiao Linger
Chapter 286: The Inflated Heaven
Chapter 287 Attacking the Heavenly Court
Chapter 288: Suppressing Wutian
Chapter 289: The Demon Ancestor Rahu
Chapter 290 Liu Yanchang and the Three Virgins
Chapter 291 Step by step
Chapter 292
Chapter 293 Agarwood
Chapter 294 Helpless Qin Feng
Chapter 295 Qin Feng's Countermeasures
Chapter 296 Arrangements
Chapter 297 The decision of the two lich clans
Chapter 298 Nagging
Chapter 299
Chapter 300 Kill to Heaven
Chapter 301 Battle breaks out
Chapter 302 Confident Yang Jiao
Chapter 303 The truth is revealed
Chapter 304 End
Chapter 305: A Spiritual Mind
Chapter 306: Destroying Rahu Spiritual Mind
Chapter 307 Hongmeng and Myriad Realms
Chapter 308: Rahu's main body descends
Chapter 309 All Saints Take Action
Chapter 310: Suppressing Rahu
Chapter 311
Chapter 312 The Lord of the Demon World
Chapter 313 Preparations before going to the devil world
Chapter 314 Coming to the Demon World
Chapter 315
Chapter 316 Demon Flame Young Ancestor
Chapter 317: Suppressing the Demon World
Chapter 318
Chapter 319 The secret of fusion law
Chapter 320 Pangu Axe
Chapter 321 Take the initiative to attack
Chapter 322 Return to the Great Desolation
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
Chapter 325 The Law of Killing
Chapter 326
Chapter 327 Fusion Killing Avenue
Chapter 328
Chapter 329: The Method of Proving the Word and Being Sanctified
Chapter 330 Final Choice
Chapter 331: The Law of Power
Chapter 332: Preaching and Sanctifying
Chapter 333 Chaos Continent
Chapter 334: Subversion of Imagination
Chapter 335 Mysterious Old Man
Chapter 336
Chapter 337 Talking about Zixiao Palace
Chapter 338: The Decision of Ancestor Hongjun
Chapter 339 Original Invitation
Chapter 340 Confirmation of candidates
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343 Qin Feng's Free and Easy
Chapter 344 Life World
Chapter 345 Going alone
Chapter 346: Shattering the World
Chapter 347
Chapter 348
Chapter 349
Chapter 350 Joining the Demon World
Chapter 351: Comprehend the Law of Life
Chapter 352 Unexpected
Chapter 353 Verbal confrontation
Chapter 354 The real purpose
Chapter 355 Arrangements before the war
Chapter 356 The two camps are together
Chapter 357 War breaks out
Chapter 358 Deterrence
Chapter 359
Chapter 360 All Saints Enter Hongmeng
Chapter 361: Primordial Abyss
Chapter 362 Crisis
Chapter 363 Entering the abyss of Hongmeng
Chapter 364 Rescue the two women
Chapter 365 Undead beast
Chapter 366: The Law of the Stars Space
Chapter 367 The Law of Gravity
Chapter 368 The embarrassed Qin Feng
Chapter 369: Little Daji Becomes Holy
Chapter 370 The Law of Battle
Chapter 371
Chapter 372 Su Daji became a saint
Chapter 373 Hundreds of laws are all in one
Chapter 374: Prove the Dao with Strength
Chapter 375 The Strong Gather
Chapter 376: The Power of One Person Fights Against All Powers
Chapter 377: Proving the Dao with Strength
Chapter 378
Chapter 379 Decisive Qin Feng
Chapter 380
Chapter 381 Against the Demon Camp
Chapter 382
Chapter 383 Scarlet World
Chapter 384 The outbreak of war
Chapter 385 The Return of the Gorefiend
Chapter 386: In Crisis
Chapter 387
Chapter 388 The decision of the two camps
Chapter 389
Chapter 390 The two camps are coming
Chapter 391
Chapter 392: Suppressing and Destroying the Demon Lord
Chapter 393 The madness of the death devil
Chapter 394 Subversion of cognition
Chapter 395
Chapter 396 God King Zeus
Chapter 397
Chapter 398
Chapter 399: The Law of Time
Chapter 400 The truth is revealed
Chapter 401 The first fight
Chapter 402 Prepare with both hands
Chapter 403: A Contest
Chapter 404
Chapter 405: Fusion of Two Worlds
Chapter 406: Negotiating Arrangements
Chapter 407
Chapter 408 Proper arrangements
Chapter 409: Smart Haotian
Chapter 410
Chapter 411 Exploring the God's Camp
Chapter 412: Does Hongmeng have an end?
Chapter 413 Unknown Land
Chapter 414 Great terror
Chapter 415
Chapter 416 Retreat to Zixiao Palace
Chapter 417
Chapter 418 The army is dispatched
Chapter 419 face to face
Chapter 420 The decisive battle broke out
Chapter 421 Difficulty
Chapter 422
Chapter 423: Eliminate the Crisis with One Person
Chapter 424 Zeus' Careful Thoughts
Chapter 425
Chapter 426 God of War Dies
Chapter 427: Slaying the God of Light Again
Chapter 428 Cold-blooded and ruthless
Chapter 429
Chapter 430: The Great World Army Assembles
Chapter 431 still fierce
Chapter 432 Reinforcements Arrive
Chapter 433 Buying Time
Chapter 434: In Crisis
Chapter 435
Chapter 436
Chapter 437
Chapter 438: The First Collision
Chapter 439: The Power of Heavenly Sage
Chapter 440: Collision Again
Chapter 441: Back in Time
Chapter 442 Witnessing Everything
Chapter 443
Chapter 444
Chapter 445: Horror Guess
Chapter 446
Chapter 447: Explore the Unknown Land Again
Chapter 448 Many innate gods and demons reappear
Chapter 449 The Lord of the Universe
Chapter 450: Incomparably Powerful
Chapter 451: Shaking the Lord of the Universe
Chapter 452 Hundreds of millions of souls wailing
Chapter 453 Pangu Axe Out
Chapter 454 Kill him
Chapter 455 Hongmeng Supreme
Chapter 456 Subversion of cognition
Chapter 457 Inspiring the disciples
Chapter 458 Special Treatment
Chapter 459
Chapter 460 The Sage's Careful Thoughts
Chapter 461 Opportunities for disciples of the two religions
Chapter 462 Preparations for the sermon
Chapter 463
Chapter 464 New Questions
Chapter 465: The Solution
Chapter 466 Old acquaintance
Chapter 467 Conspiracy against Qin Feng
Chapter 468
Chapter 469
Chapter 470 Take the initiative to enter
Chapter 471 Qin Feng's Purpose
472 Incredible
Chapter 473
Chapter 474
Chapter 475: Prepare to fuse world fragments
Chapter 476
Chapter 477
Chapter 478: The Return of the Three Saints of Heavenly Dao
Chapter 479 Time flies
Chapter 480 Time and Space
Chapter 481
Chapter 482: Become the Supreme Being of Hongmeng
Chapter 483: The Secret of Hongmeng
Chapter 484 The plan to unify Hongmeng
Chapter 485: Manifesting Thousands of Worlds
Chapter 486 Primordial Black Hole
Chapter 487: Suppressing the Three Heavenly Dao Saints
Chapter 488 Unpredictable means
Chapter 489 The Best of Both Worlds
Chapter 490: Conquering the Faction of God
Chapter 491
Chapter 492 Top World
493 Before leaving
Chapter 494
Chapter 495: The Vast Universe
Chapter 496 Strange Planet
Chapter 497
Chapter 498 Conversation
Chapter 499: Chanting the True God
Chapter 500 Strange Cultivation Method
Chapter 501
Chapter 502: Demon Woman
Chapter 503
Chapter 504 The arrival of two women
Chapter 505
Chapter 506
Chapter 507
Chapter 508 Find the real reason
Chapter 509 The battle is imminent
Chapter 510 The emperor is so terrifying
Chapter 511
Chapter 512
Chapter 513 The truth
Chapter 514
Chapter 515: The Newborn Planet
Chapter 516
Chapter 517 New Galaxy
Chapter 518
Chapter 519
Chapter 520 Iron Legion
Chapter 521 Mechanical Planet
Chapter 522 Xu Yan
Chapter 523
Chapter 524
Chapter 525 Going to Xu's House
Chapter 526
Chapter 527
Chapter 528
Chapter 529: Showing Strength
Chapter 530 Devouring the Different Fire
Chapter 531 Remodeling the Meridians
Chapter 532 Reborn
Chapter 533
Chapter 534: The Peak of the Fighting King
Chapter 535 Su Daji's Affirmation
Chapter 536: A Plan Against the Dou Qi Continent
Chapter 537
Chapter 538
Chapter 539 Paving the way for Xu Yan
Chapter 540 The water is deep
Chapter 541 Effortless
Chapter 542
Chapter 543
Chapter 544: Suppression of Refining
Chapter 545: The Karmic Fire of All Beings
Chapter 546: Distress
Chapter 547
Chapter 548: Straightforward
Chapter 549 Causal Punishment
Chapter 550 The Unacceptable Truth
Chapter 551 White Lies
Chapter 552
Chapter 553: Fusion of Different Fire
Chapter 554
Chapter 555
Chapter 556 Death Jedi
Chapter 557 Scarlet Flame Monarch
Chapter 558
Chapter 559
Chapter 560 Double Strike
Chapter 561 The Lord of the Scarlet Flame Sovereign
Chapter 562 Ghost Emperor
Chapter 563
Chapter 564
Chapter 565 The truth of decay
Chapter 566
Chapter 567
Chapter 568 The Fall of the Ghost Emperor
Chapter 569 Yan Emperor
Chapter 570: End Cause and Effect
Chapter 571 Release the cultivation base
Chapter 572 Entering the Mechanical Planet
Chapter 573 The Head of the Mechanical Planet
Chapter 574 Nine Holy Lands
Chapter 575 Qin Feng's Plan
Chapter 576 Return to Hongmeng
Chapter 577 Enthusiastic conversation
Chapter 578: The Universe Pattern
Chapter 579
Chapter 580 The Secret of Innate Gods and Demons
Chapter 581
Chapter 582 Embarrassing face
Chapter 583: Going to Heaven Again
Chapter 584 everything is in order
Chapter 585: Returning to the Universe
Chapter 586 Weird Planetary Cluster
Chapter 587
Chapter 588 The Confident Great Sage
Chapter 589: The Law of Devouring
Chapter 590: The Quasi-Holy Land of Destroying Spirits
Chapter 591
Chapter 592 Starry Sky Road
Chapter 593 Unexpected
Chapter 594
Chapter 595: The Reaction of the Powerhouse in the Quasi-Holy Land
Chapter 596 The Intention of the Demon Devouring Ancestor
Chapter 597 The real reason
Chapter 598 Surveillance
Chapter 599
Chapter 600
Chapter 601
602 Arguing endlessly
Chapter 603
Chapter 604 Unexpected
Chapter 605 The Holy Emperor's Temptation
Chapter 606 Conditions and Threats
Chapter 607 Ruthless three consecutive questions
Chapter 608 Lore
Chapter 609
Chapter 610
Chapter 611
Chapter 612 Impress the Poison Lady
Chapter 613
Chapter 614
Chapter 615: The Peak of the Great Sage
Chapter 616 Nu Wa's Surprise
Chapter 617 Hurry up for a hundred years
Chapter 618: Ready to Start
Chapter 619 Crazy
Chapter 620 Ten Breath Time
Chapter 621 The Great Sage Takes Action
Chapter 622
Chapter 623 Crazy play
Chapter 624
Chapter 625: The Two Elders Confrontation
Chapter 626 The Three Powerhouses
Chapter 627 Let you do three tricks
Chapter 628 Furious
Chapter 629
Chapter 630 Xue Linger
Chapter 631 One hit three
Chapter 632: The Rules of the Universe
Chapter 633 Easy solution
Chapter 634 Storm Invitation to Battle
Chapter 635 Arrogant physical collision
Chapter 636
Chapter 637 Countermeasures
Chapter 638: In Crisis
Chapter 639
Chapter 640 The background of the storm
Chapter 641 Intercession
Chapter 642 Purple Shadow
Chapter 643 Calculation
Chapter 644: Purple Shadow's Terrifying
Chapter 645 Final Contest
Chapter 646 Xue Linger's Violence
Chapter 647
Chapter 648 Difficulty Winning
Chapter 649 Nu Wa's Resentment
Chapter 650
Chapter 651
Chapter 652 Cosmic Weapon
Chapter 653 First Collision Test
Chapter 654 Soul Body
Chapter 655 Unexpected Benefits
Chapter 656
Chapter 657 The Seven Elders of Devil Devouring Take Action
Chapter 658
Chapter 659
Chapter 660 Plan Implementation
Chapter 661
Chapter 662
Chapter 663 The purpose is achieved
Chapter 664 Temporary departure from the quasi-holy place
Chapter 665: The Elder Fengmo Killed
Chapter 666
Chapter 667 The Great Sage of Eternal Night
Chapter 668 Extraordinary
Chapter 669 Rules and Flesh
Chapter 670
Chapter 671
Chapter 672 Feng Shui takes turns
Chapter 673 The Fearful Great Sage of the Eternal Night
Chapter 674
Chapter 675 Strange State
Chapter 676 Immortality and Immortality
Chapter 677
Chapter 678: Little Daji Dies
Chapter 679 Bad News
680 Arrive in time
Chapter 681 Xuanhuang Holy Land
Chapter 682 Use
Chapter 683 Please enter the urn
Chapter 684
Chapter 685
Chapter 686 The purpose is achieved
Chapter 687 The reaction of the Five Elements Quasi-Holy Land
Chapter 688: Negotiating Countermeasures
Chapter 689 Treating Two Women
Chapter 690 A blessing in disguise
Chapter 691: Going to the Miracle Planet Again
Chapter 692
Chapter 693
Chapter 694 Insidious Great Elder
Chapter 695 Dispatching the Half-step Saint King
Chapter 696 The doubts of the three
Chapter 697 Wronged Jintian
Chapter 698
Chapter 699
Chapter 700 Qin Feng's Confidence
Chapter 701: One Punch, One Punch
Chapter 702 Guessing the Ins and Outs
Chapter 703 Devouring Rules
Chapter 704 Half-step Holy King
Chapter 705
Chapter 706
Chapter 707 Shocked the Great Elder
Chapter 708
Chapter 709
Chapter 710
Chapter 711 Five Elements Quasi-Holy Land Fury
Chapter 712 Don't give any face
Chapter 713 Tricky
Chapter 714 The Five Elements Come Out Together
Chapter 715
Chapter 716: The Deterrence of Shadows
Chapter 717
Chapter 718 Qin Feng's Action
Chapter 719 Return
Chapter 720 Counterfeit goods
Chapter 721
Chapter 722: The Return of the Powerhouses
Chapter 723 Unprecedented confidence
Chapter 724: The Plan Begins
Chapter 725 The Complete Plan
Chapter 726 Starry Sky Fear Organization
Chapter 727 Search
Chapter 728: Encountered Attack
Chapter 729 The Weird Powerhouse
Chapter 730 Rules
Chapter 731 Talking about cooperation
Chapter 732 Pros and Cons
Chapter 733
Chapter 734 The Secret of the Universe
Chapter 735 The Treasure of the Universe
Chapter 736: Reaching Cooperation
Chapter 737
Chapter 738: The Starry Sky Fears the Reactions of the Powerhouses
Chapter 739 Use each other
Chapter 740 Formation of Forbidden Land
Chapter 741 Unexpected horror
Chapter 742 The Forbidden Land of the Stars
Chapter 743 Serious Star Fear
Chapter 744 Qin Feng's Hands
Chapter 745
Chapter 746
Chapter 747 The first test of the two elders
Chapter 748 Compromise
Chapter 749 Unpredictable
Chapter 750 Terrifying existence in the forbidden area
Chapter 751 Two Divine Lights
Chapter 752 Unexpected joy
Chapter 753 Weird and Terrifying
Chapter 754: The Sad Elder Shenghai
Chapter 755 Elder Shenghai Falls
Chapter 756 strike while the iron is hot
Chapter 757 Chaos Will Begin
Chapter 758
Chapter 759 More and more weird
Chapter 760
Chapter 761
Chapter 762 violent shot
Chapter 763 Frightening Fury
Chapter 764
Chapter 765 The Eight Holy Lands Arrive
Chapter 766 Unexpected Conflict
Chapter 767
Chapter 768 Holy Emperor Weapon
Chapter 769
Chapter 770 The first battle
Chapter 771 No doubt
Chapter 772 The Second Battle
Chapter 773
Chapter 774 The third game ended in a draw
Chapter 775 Vajra Holy Land
Chapter 776: Eye of Death
Chapter 777 Unexpected Reversal
Chapter 778 Combustion Rules
Chapter 779
Chapter 780: Facing the Sage Emperor
Chapter 781
Chapter 782 Flesh Battle
Chapter 783
Chapter 784 Thunder's Death
Chapter 785 The Two Elders Confrontation
Chapter 786
Chapter 787: Powerful and Terrifying
Chapter 788 Two vs Two
Chapter 789 The Uncrowned King
Chapter 790 Prepare for Revenge
Chapter 791: The Ninth Ancestor Appears
Chapter 792 Inexplicable Three Powerhouses
Chapter 793 Dispute Renewed
Chapter 794 not at the same level
Chapter 795 Suppression
Chapter 796 Lost
Chapter 797 Analysis
Chapter 798 The method of cracking
Chapter 799 Building a Channel
Chapter 800 Entering the Forbidden Land of the Stars
Chapter 801
Chapter 802 Get along well
Chapter 803
Chapter 804 Hunting
Chapter 805: Flame Dragon Beast
Chapter 806
Chapter 807 Qin Feng's Shot
Chapter 808: A Strong Battle
Chapter 809
Chapter 810 Everyone is happy
Chapter 811 leave
Chapter 812 admit the origin
Chapter 813 Trouble
Chapter 814
Chapter 815
Chapter 816
Chapter 817
Chapter 818
Chapter 819: The Holy Land Powerhouse Comes
Chapter 820 still not enough
Chapter 821: Two Great Holy Land Powerhouses
Chapter 822 Unexpected Invitation
Chapter 823
Chapter 824 Coming to the Holy Land
Chapter 825 Silver Blood Protoss
Chapter 826
Chapter 827
Chapter 828 The Fury of the Protoss Breaks Out
Chapter 829 Silver Blood Towns Heaven and Earth
Chapter 830 Golden Crow Goddess
Chapter 831: Immortal Flame
Chapter 832 Unusual
Chapter 833
Chapter 834: Outrageously Powerful
Chapter 835 The law of the soul shows its power
Chapter 836 Goddess is defeated
Chapter 837: Accidental Discovery
Chapter 838 Giants
Chapter 839 Furukawa
Chapter 840: Impure Motivation
Chapter 841 Challenge
Chapter 842 The Terrible Madman
Chapter 843: Many Means
Chapter 844: Three Thousand Avenue Riot
Chapter 845 wait and see
Chapter 846: The Three Thousand Avenues are boiling
Chapter 847
Chapter 848 Incarnation of a Monster
Chapter 849
Chapter 850: The Controller of the Forbidden Land of the Stars
Chapter 851 Conditions
Chapter 852: The Land of Immortals
Chapter 853: Justifiable Defense
Chapter 854: The Son of a Divine Beast
Chapter 855 Dragon Flame
Chapter 856
Chapter 857 Dragon's Breath Without Money
Chapter 858
Chapter 859
Chapter 860
Chapter 861 Earth Cracks
Chapter 862 Endless fierceness pervades the world
Chapter 863 Injury
Chapter 864
Chapter 865
Chapter 866 The Fall of Pengtian
Chapter 867
Chapter 868 Contest at the level of the Holy Emperor
Chapter 869: Strong and Ferocious
Chapter 870
Chapter 871
Chapter 872
Chapter 873
Chapter 874 Arrogant Black Bear
Chapter 875
Chapter 876
Chapter 877 Puppet
Chapter 878
Chapter 879 Unexpected Betrayal
Chapter 880 Collision outbreak
Chapter 881 Falling into a Disadvantage
Chapter 882: All Powers Come
Chapter 883 Greater Crisis
Chapter 884: Strong and Domineering
Chapter 885: Treasure Suppression
Chapter 886 Fierce
Chapter 887 Unilateral Massacre
Chapter 888
Chapter 889
Chapter 890 Sealed Powerhouses
Chapter 891 Son of the Sun
Chapter 892 It's just a joke
Chapter 893 Doubt about life
Chapter 894 Vulcan Domain
Chapter 895
Chapter 896: Violently defeated
Chapter 897
Chapter 898 Sudden Infighting
Chapter 899
Chapter 900 Join the battle
Chapter 901: Strong Suppression
Chapter 902 Against the Stars Forbidden Avenue
Chapter 903
Chapter 904
Chapter 905: The Origin of the Sanmutian Human Race
Chapter 906 Rolling Thunder
Chapter 907
Chapter 908 Breakthrough
Chapter 909: The Stars Forbidden Earth and Heavenly Punishment Comes
Chapter 910
Chapter 911
Chapter 912 The Void Girl Comes Again
Chapter 913 Scalp tingling
Chapter 914 I have a backer too
Chapter 915
Chapter 916 Cold-blooded and ruthless
Chapter 917
Chapter 918 Go to the Center of the Land of Immortals
Chapter 919
Chapter 920 Fairy Holy Emperor
Chapter 921 Weird and unpredictable
Chapter 922
Chapter 923 Fighting the Son of the Sun Again
Chapter 924 Humiliating and beheading
Chapter 925: People Who Disappeared in Time
Chapter 926
Chapter 927: No Longer Silent Sky Splitting
Chapter 928: Turning Grass into Sword
Chapter 929 Evil Changes
Chapter 930 Twins
Chapter 931 Gorgeous and terrifying
Chapter 932
Chapter 933 Wind Clan Takes Action
Chapter 934 Fengshen Domain
Chapter 935 Another powerful enemy
936 Stronger than expected
Chapter 937
Chapter 938 Breaking the Limit
Chapter 939 Gorefiend
Chapter 940
Chapter 941
Chapter 942 Berserk State
Chapter 943: Competing for Endurance
Chapter 944 Sudden mutation, just leave
Chapter 945 One person stands proudly in the void
Chapter 946: A Violent Battle
Chapter 947 Terrible Conjecture
Chapter 948 The arrival of the underworld powerhouse
Chapter 949
Chapter 950 What is Right or Wrong
Chapter 951: The Remnant Soul of the First Ancestor of the Savage Clan
Chapter 952
Chapter 953: Suppressing the Two Great Powers with Remnant Souls
Chapter 954
Chapter 955 The form is getting more and more severe
Chapter 956
Chapter 957 The race that should have disappeared
Chapter 958 Fight as soon as you meet, extremely strong
Chapter 959 Hellfire
Chapter 960
Chapter 961 Goddess of Hell
Chapter 962 Weird Methods
Chapter 963
Chapter 964: Strong Double Kill
Chapter 965 The Unbearable Star Emperor
Chapter 966
Chapter 967: Another Remnant Soul of Two Supreme Powers
Chapter 968: Swear to Kill Qin Feng
Chapter 969
Chapter 970 Furious fairy god emperor
Chapter 971 Get a gift and step into the Holy Emperor
Chapter 972 The connection between forbidden places
Chapter 973 Nezha in distress
Chapter 974
Chapter 975 Watch the dog bite the dog
Chapter 976 Unworthy of a Quasi-Holy Land Powerhouse
Chapter 977
Chapter 978 Status of the major forces
Chapter 979 Three Qings come out together to fight against the seven holy kings
Chapter 980
Chapter 981
Chapter 982 The Incredible Nezha
Chapter 983
Chapter 984 Nezha Enters the Holy King
Chapter 985
Chapter 986 Regeneration Change
Chapter 987 Killing the Quasi-Holy Land
Chapter 988 Ancestor Hongjun Ends
Chapter 989
Chapter 990: Ancestor Hongjun Breaks Out
Chapter 991
Chapter 992 The current situation, bad news
Chapter 993
Chapter 994 Needless to say
Chapter 995: The Power of the Tenth Ancestor
Chapter 996 Fallen?
Chapter 997 hit the muzzle
Chapter 998 Ten Ancestor's Cards Are Out
Chapter 999
Chapter 1000 admit it personally
Chapter 1001 let me come
Chapter 1002 The war starts again
Chapter 1003: The arrival of the great powers in the Holy Land of the Vast Sea
Chapter 1004 Terrifying Great Ancestor
Chapter 1005 The Avatar of the Holy Emperor of the Sea
#1006 treasure out
Chapter 1007 The means of reaching the sky and the earth
Chapter 1008 join forces to suppress the Holy Emperor clone
Chapter 1009 Protector of the Holy Land of the Vast Sea
Chapter 1010 violent killing intent, swearing life and death
Chapter 1011 The situation is reversed
Chapter 1012 The explosion of the cosmic treasure, the fall of the false emperor
Chapter 1013 Kill all, come to an end
Chapter 1014 Joining forces to find
Chapter 1015 Confrontation with the Holy Emperor
Chapter 1016 The Holy Emperor of the Great Sea is furious
Chapter 1017 The situation is getting weirder
Chapter 1018: Run away decisively
Chapter 1019 Have to fight
Chapter 1020: The Cosmic Sea Where Wisdom Was Born
Chapter 1021 The beginning of chaos begins in the vast sea
Chapter 1022 Quick response
Chapter 1023 Forced to a dead end
Chapter 1024 The purpose of the two emperors
Chapter 1025 The Emperor Cangyun
Chapter 1026: All Appeared
Chapter 1027 Repair the Universe
Chapter 1028 The Promise Between Saint Emperors
Chapter 1029: Fusion of the Cosmic Sea
Chapter 1030: Overpowering the Holy Emperor Hanhai
Chapter 1031 Seal
Chapter 1032 Change the plan, the opportunity must not be missed
Chapter 1033 is exactly what I want
Chapter 1034 Actions of various forces
Chapter 1035 Arrogant Fifth Elder
Chapter 1036 Beheading
Chapter 1037 get the news
1038 The dream is very beautiful
Chapter 1039 Reality is cruel
Chapter 1040 A group of unlucky cannon fodder
Chapter 1041 Unclear situation
Chapter 1042 Loose Cultivator Unwilling to Be Lonely
Chapter 1043 The method of breaking the game
#1044 group fight
Chapter 1045: Injuring the enemy eight hundred and one thousand
Chapter 1046 Another Terrifying Power
Chapter 1047 Opportunity
Chapter 1048 run out of oil, run away
Chapter 1049
Chapter 1050 The Five Elements Quasi-Holy Land Appears
Chapter 1051 no scruples
Chapter 1052: All dispatched
Chapter 1053 Endless means
Chapter 1054 Two and a half step emperors
Chapter 1055 Dilemma
Chapter 1056 forced to helpless
Chapter 1057 disgusting people
Chapter 1058 come to an end
Chapter 1059 The loss is heavy, and the master appears
Chapter 1060 The big boss meets
Chapter 1061 Doubts
Chapter 1062 Stealing Home
Chapter 1063 is underestimated
Chapter 1064 Outbreak
Chapter 1065 Refining?
Chapter 1066 Forcibly seize control
Chapter 1067 Anti-phagocytosis
Chapter 1068 Half-step Holy Emperor, a joke
Chapter 1069 Substitution
Chapter 1070 repeatedly suppressed
Chapter 1071 regain confidence
Chapter 1072 Let go of all worries
#1073 extreme collision
Chapter 1074 teasing
Chapter 1075 Weird Reversal
Chapter 1076 Entering the Quasi-Holy Land of Linghai
Chapter 1077 Five elders hit a wall
Chapter 1078 Feeling Bad
Chapter 1079 The Unfortunate Fifth Elder Arrives
Chapter 1080 Complete abuse
Chapter 1081 life-saving straw
Chapter 1082 Appearance
Chapter 1083 Three Rules Come Out Together
Chapter 1084 Eight Rules
Chapter 1085 Devour everything, irresistible
Chapter 1086 tell the truth
Chapter 1087
Chapter 1088 There are many means, one after another
Chapter 1089 still not enough
Chapter 1090 Instant recovery
Chapter 1091 Destruction
Chapter 1092 Reach an agreement
Chapter 1093 The First Battle of the Peak Holy Emperor
Chapter 1094 Unpredictable means
Chapter 1095 The glass controller is defeated
Chapter 1096 persuade, threaten
Chapter 1097 Active invitation to battle
Chapter 1098: Another Defeat to the Quasi-Holy Land Controller
Chapter 1099 The Emperor's Soldier Reappearing
Chapter 1100 Rolling
Chapter 1101 Detecting clues
Chapter 1102 Yin-Yang World
Chapter 1103 One defeat after another
Chapter 1104 The Fall of the Peak Sacred Emperor
Chapter 1105: In a stalemate
Chapter 1106 The controllers of the quasi-holy land move together
Chapter 1107 Don't give back a cent
Chapter 1108 The universe is in the body
Chapter 1109 It shouldn't be like this
Chapter 1110 Against the Origin Rules
Chapter 1111 The controller joins forces
Chapter 1112 I go my own way
Chapter 1113 Threats and fearlessness
Chapter 1114: The Strong Enemy Comes
Chapter 1115 Domineering and ruthless
Chapter 1116 Broken Arm
Chapter 1117 Seven Elders of Devil Devouring Participate in the War
Chapter 1118 Test each other
Chapter 1119 Full blast, back and forth
Chapter 1120 Dreadful changes
Chapter 1121 Extreme fear
Chapter 1122 Suppression
Chapter 1123 Anti-Suppression
Chapter 1124 I don't know what it means
Chapter 1125 Small test of the knife
Chapter 1126 You are defeated
Chapter 1127 Anxious
Chapter 1128 The fight intensifies
Chapter 1129 Complete loss of reason
1130 Shocked jaw dropped
Chapter 1131 Two vs Two
Chapter 1132 Lost to Qin Feng
Chapter 1133 It's Not Over
Chapter 1134 Qin Feng is angry
Chapter 1135 Devouring the Soul
Chapter 1136 Anti-phagocytosis
Chapter 1137 Informing Identity
Chapter 1138 Showing their cards
Chapter 1139 It's just a small trick
Chapter 1140 Crazy collision
Chapter 1141 The Seven Elders of Devouring Demons Lost
Chapter 1142 The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dead
Chapter 1143: You go to me too
Chapter 1144 Ghost Servant
Chapter 1145 Invincible
Chapter 1146 Mysterious Space
Chapter 1147 Suppression
Chapter 1148 Desire to die
Chapter 1149 The Avatar of the Holy Emperor of the Sea
Chapter 1150 Wind Demon Drinks Hate
Chapter 1151 The will of the universe
Chapter 1152 begging for mercy
Chapter 1153 Don't talk about martial arts
Chapter 1154 so shameless
Chapter 1155 The universe is so big
Chapter 1156 Resuscitation Controller
Chapter 1157 Life and Death Conversion
Chapter 1158 Death Puppet
Chapter 1159 Death to Death
Chapter 1160 Powerful Suppression
Chapter 1161 tit-for-tat opponents
Chapter 1162 Qin Feng has enemies
Chapter 1163 Forced, full firepower
Chapter 1164 Fighting in the dark
Chapter 1165 Qin Feng's Anti-Suppression
Chapter 1166 Hongmeng is not weaker than others
Chapter 1167 Complement each other
Chapter 1168 Joining forces to fight death
Chapter 1169 Resurrection from the Dead
Chapter 1170 Holy and Death
Chapter 1170 Holy and Death
Chapter 1171 fierce battle
Chapter 1171 fierce battle
Chapter 1172 Lost in a row
Chapter 1173 Don't look straight at you
Chapter 1174 Angry
Chapter 1175 The power of silence
Chapter 1176 Crazy provocation
Chapter 1177 The tree of two poles
Chapter 1178 Unreserved Madness
Chapter 1179 Unexpected Results
Chapter 1180 Naked Threat
Chapter 1181 Thriller Horror
Chapter 1182 Divine vs Death
Chapter 1183 Lost and Perseverance
Chapter 1184 Seemingly defeated
Chapter 1185 The real means
Chapter 1186 I also want to compete
Chapter 1187 Real Experience
Chapter 1188 The right to give gifts
Chapter 1189 You are welcome
Chapter 1190 A Brief Talk
Chapter 1191 Impress the Spiritual Sea
Chapter 1192 Cooperation is hard to talk about
Chapter 1193 A battle
Chapter 1194 Destroying the Fifth Ancestor
Chapter 1195 One-on-two, same suppression
Chapter 1196 Invitation to the Nine Great Ancestors
Chapter 1197 Unpredictable
Chapter 1198 Alternative Shots
Chapter 1199 Soul Shock
Chapter 1199 Soul Shock
Chapter 1200 The Nine Great Ancestors Take Action
Chapter 1201 repeated provocation
Chapter 1202 The level of combat exceeds expectations
Chapter 1203 Unable to suppress
Chapter 1204 Use the cosmic treasure
Chapter 1205 equal share
Chapter 1206 Calm down the war
Chapter 1207 Direction
Chapter 1208 Golden Light Forbidden Land
Chapter 1209 Probing
Chapter 1210 Hypocrisy and Snake
Chapter 1211 The real face
Chapter 1212 can't come for nothing
Chapter 1213
Chapter 1214 Forbidden Land
Chapter 1215 Self-defense of Forbidden Land
Chapter 1216 Provocation
Chapter 1217 poor acting skills
Chapter 1218 Scarlet Light God General, Meteor
Chapter 1219 The Worst Decision
Chapter 1220 Power King
Chapter 1221 The shocking picture
Chapter 1222
Chapter 1223 Beheaded
Chapter 1224 Very different
Chapter 1225 Motivation only when there is pressure
Chapter 1226 Strong oppression
Chapter 1227 Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals
Chapter 1228
Chapter 1229 Fiasco, Arrival
Chapter 1230 try the depth
Chapter 1231 Can bear it
Chapter 1232 Lost in the end
Chapter 1233 The confrontation between the old and the new
Chapter 1234 The Battle of Destruction
Chapter 1235 The real body of the divine light giant
Chapter 1236 I slipped away inexplicably
#1237 strength skyrocketed
Chapter 1238 The two great ancestors lost
Chapter 1239 let me come
Chapter 1240 Is the Holy Emperor an ant?
Chapter 1241 I don't know what to say
Chapter 1242 I am the king of forbidden land
Chapter 1243 The Vietnam War Gets Stronger
Chapter 1244 Lost in the end
Chapter 1245 The pressure of suffocation
Chapter 1246 Prepare for the big play
Chapter 1247 Forbidden Land of Four Spirits
Chapter 1248 A good show begins
Chapter 1249 Copy the old nest
Chapter 1250 Make a fortune
Chapter 1251 The Clone of the Star Emperor
Chapter 1252 Fight first
Chapter 1253 Self-inflicted damage to one thousand and eight hundred to the enemy
Chapter 1254 Terrible means
Chapter 1255
Chapter 1256 Confrontation of the Lord of Forbidden Lands
Chapter 1257 Simple and straightforward
Chapter 1258 bullying you is unreasonable
Chapter 1259 The power of one kick
Chapter 1260 The world-destroying divine light, killing intent is everywhere
Chapter 1261 Life-saving means
Chapter 1262 Just a hole card
Chapter 1263 Hard resistance, counterattack
Chapter 1264 The power of the fairy scepter
Chapter 1265 Desperate
Chapter 1266 The Fall of the Lord of the Four Spirits
Chapter 1267 Dark Forbidden Land
Chapter 1268 The mystery of it
Chapter 1269 Against the broken rules of the universe
Chapter 1270 A well-deserved reputation
Chapter 1271 Fierce and violent
Chapter 1272 Terror Dark King
#1273 out of control
Chapter 1274 Allegiance and Submission
Chapter 1275: Summoning the Lord of the Forbidden Lands
Chapter 1276 Naked Deterrence
Chapter 1277 as you wish
Chapter 1278 Some means
Chapter 1279 not to be underestimated
Chapter 1280 The Lord of the Forbidden Land joins forces
Chapter 1281 violent bombardment
Chapter 1282 Kill the Master
Chapter 1283 Various means
Chapter 1284 Comprehensive suppression
Chapter 1285 give you a chance
Chapter 1286 The situation is reversed
Chapter 1287 Rule energy emerges endlessly
Chapter 1288: A Brief Outbreak
Chapter 1289 Self-righteous
Chapter 1290 Killing the Lord of Slaughter
Chapter 1291 The reactions of the masters
Chapter 1292 Sage Emperor High Rank
Chapter 1293 Goal, Holy Land of Life
Chapter 1294 Competing with each other
Chapter 1295 The reaction of the Holy Land of Life
Chapter 1296 The Lord of Destruction takes action
1297 The effect is good
Chapter 1298 Come and go in a hurry
Chapter 1299 Shocking a Quasi-Holy Land
Chapter 1300 Number Two
Chapter 1301 is true
Chapter 1302 All perish
Chapter 1303 The Holy Emperor Comes
Chapter 1304 The Fall of the Lord of the Dark Forbidden Land
Chapter 1305 Incredible miracle
Chapter 1306 Going the opposite way
Chapter 1307 Kill one person first
Chapter 1308 Power Transfer
Chapter 1309 Ashes Disappeared
Chapter 1310 Kill it
Chapter 1311 Unlucky guy
Chapter 1312 Where did the guy come from
Chapter 1313 Surrounding
Chapter 1314 Press and beat
Chapter 1315 Forced promotion
Chapter 1316 Perfect combination
Chapter 1317 An axe is amazing
Chapter 1318 Imperial soldiers?
Chapter 1319 Imperial Weapon Spirit
Chapter 1320 Arouse the will of the universe
Chapter 1321
Chapter 1322 not to be taken lightly
Chapter 1323 out of control
Chapter 1324 boring
Chapter 1325 Murder and Punishment
Chapter 1326 Urgent
Chapter 1327 Domineering Holy Emperor of Life
Chapter 1328 King to King
Chapter 1329 Integrating into the will of the universe
Chapter 1330 Holy Emperor Collision
Chapter 1331 Repulsion
Chapter 1332 still strong
Chapter 1333 The great powers of Hongmeng gather together
Chapter 1334 The Star Fear Organization Comes
#1335 into the interior
Chapter 1336 As always
Chapter 1337 The dark forbidden area is so terrifying
Chapter 1338 Suppressing Zhu Qiang
Chapter 1339 Holy Emperor desperately
Chapter 1340 all the means
Chapter 1341 Exist in name only
Chapter 1342 Joining forces with the Holy Emperor
Chapter 1343 Respective means
Chapter 1344 Continuous integration
Chapter 1345 Near the end
Chapter 1346 forced to
Chapter 1347 Rolling
Chapter 1348 Linghai defeated
Chapter 1349 Qin Feng fights the Holy Emperor
Chapter 1350 Terrible Changes
Chapter 1351 Tough
Chapter 1352 fierce fight
Chapter 1353 Constant stimulation
Chapter 1354 Irretrievable
Chapter 1355 Cosmic Power
Chapter 1356 Puppet Saint Emperor
Chapter 1357 Underestimation and Changes
Chapter 1358 Change again
Chapter 1359 Omen of giving up
Chapter 1360 Qin Feng is angry
Chapter 1361 The will of the universe is defeated
Chapter 1362 The will of the universe retreats
Chapter 1363 There is always someone who is not afraid of death
Chapter 1364 Seriously wounded fighting the five elements
Chapter 1365 Another strong man
Chapter 1366 Yang Sheng
Chapter 1367 The End of the Force
Chapter 1368 monkey shot
Chapter 1369 The real body of the magic ape
#1370 wheel battle
Chapter 1371 Nezha shot
Chapter 1372 Difficulty
Chapter 1373 Purple Black Flame
Chapter 1374 brothers unite
Chapter 1375 The power of the source of the Holy Land
Chapter 1376 Yin-Yang Mirror
Chapter 1377 Don't listen to advice
Chapter 1378 The Will of the Universe Returns
Chapter 1379 Easy suppression
Chapter 1380 Zhuxian Sword Formation Against the Enemy
Chapter 1381 cheating death
Chapter 1382 Powerless
Chapter 1383 Killing Saint Yang
Chapter 1384 Not afraid of death
Chapter 1385 Brave Unstoppable
Chapter 1386 Yin-Yang Holy Emperor
Chapter 1387 The Holy Emperor is also divided into three, six and nine grades
Chapter 1388 Injury
Chapter 1389 The Power of Succession
Chapter 1390: Displaying Means
Chapter 1391 The so-called rules
Chapter 1392 Qin Feng lost
Chapter 1393 The difference is huge
Chapter 1394 Change again
Chapter 1395 try your best
Chapter 1396 The origin of yin and yang
Chapter 1397 Injured one after another
Chapter 1398 Continued War
Chapter 1399 Crazy
Chapter 1400 Don't talk about martial arts
Chapter 1401 escape
Chapter 1402 The Emperor Cangyun
Chapter 1403 Emperor Killing Insect
Chapter 1404 Huge loss
Chapter 1405 hit the real fire
Chapter 1406 Killing Heart
Chapter 1407 Press the bottom of the box
Chapter 1408 What to fear
Chapter 1409 Blood sacrifice
Chapter 1410 only temper
Chapter 1411 is not false
Chapter 1412 Three Holy Emperors
Chapter 1413 Recognized as tough
Chapter 1414 One Yin and One Yang
Chapter 1415 The method of fighting for life
Chapter 1416 Strength
Chapter 1417 King Kong World
Chapter 1418 ruthless hand
Chapter 1419 King Kong is injured
Chapter 1420 The King Kong Sacred Emperor's Fury
Chapter 1421 The jaw dropped
Chapter 1422 Can't Escape
Chapter 1423 Tiger Falls Pingyang
Chapter 1424 Weird place
Chapter 1425 Yin and Yang doubts
Chapter 1426 Find out what happened
Chapter 1427 Devouring the Holy Emperor?
Chapter 1428 Devour and lose
Chapter 1429 The danger of yin and yang
Chapter 1430 The Fall of the Clone
Chapter 1431 Pursuit
Chapter 1432 Start a fight if you disagree
Chapter 1433 No way out
Chapter 1434 The power to penetrate time
Chapter 1435 Constantly changing
Chapter 1436 Yin-Yang Conversion
Chapter 1437 Anti-looting
Chapter 1438 Hidden Means
Chapter 1439 Fate Locked
Chapter 1440 Space Force
Chapter 1441 The Fall of Yin and Yang
Chapter 1442 The Power of Darkness
Chapter 1443 Resurrection
Chapter 1444 A big mountain
Chapter 1445 still lost
Chapter 1446 Tenacious
Chapter 1447 Constantly Being Wounded
Chapter 1448
Chapter 1449 Devouring Scepter
Chapter 1450 Blood Killer Spirit
Chapter 1451 The will of the universe unwilling to be lonely
Chapter 1452 The will of the universe recedes
Chapter 1453 Projection
Chapter 1454 Breaking and Devouring Rules
Chapter 1455 The Two Emperors Join Forces
Chapter 1456 One Move Determines Life and Death
Chapter 1457 Burning One after another
Chapter 1458 Fate Bruised
Chapter 1459 Killing Intent Surging
Chapter 1460 Breaking the Strongest Flesh Body
Chapter 1461 Confused
Chapter 1462 Both have no way out
Chapter 1463 Extreme Suppression
Chapter 1464 Reverse the original rules
Chapter 1465 Same Starting Point
Chapter 1466 Mysterious Helper
Chapter 1467 Myriad Ways of the Universe
Chapter 1468 Vajra Puppet
Chapter 1469 The Sturdy Emperor of Destiny
Chapter 1470 Forcibly Looting
Chapter 1471 The Horrible Rules of Fate
Chapter 1472 Strong Suppression
Chapter 1473 Don't Give Up
Chapter 1474 Keep Refreshing
Chapter 1475 Forced suppression
Chapter 1476 Energy Births Wisdom
Chapter 1477 Unaffected
Chapter 1478 Ultimate Collision
Chapter 1479 Fate Suppresses and Devours
Chapter 1480 Devour and Help
Chapter 1481 Drooling
Chapter 1482 Belittle the Holy Emperor
Chapter 1483 Another Devouring Power?
Chapter 1484 Devouring Rule Collision
Chapter 1485 Approval
Chapter 1486 The Incarnation of the Holy Emperor
Chapter 1487 Cosmic Biological Complex
Chapter 1488 Double Creation
Chapter 1489 Intervene
Chapter 1490 The Holy Emperor of Destiny is also strong
Chapter 1491 Don't Pay Attention to Yan at All
Chapter 1492 Show Weakness
Chapter 1493 Unbearable
Chapter 1494 Shopping
Chapter 1495 Constant Hesitation
Chapter 1496 Ultimate Power?
Chapter 1497 The Stick of Fate
Chapter 1498 Strong Confrontation
Chapter 1499 Can it rival devouring?
Chapter 1500 Forced to Devour
Chapter 1501 Devouring and Falling
Chapter 1502 Surrounded by Wolves
Chapter 1503
Chapter 1504 Killing a Person in Ten Steps
Chapter 1505 Arrogance comes at a price
Chapter 1506 The Threat From All Powers
Chapter 1507 No warning
Chapter 1508
Chapter 1509 Recognized
Chapter 1510 Domineering Posture
Chapter 1511 Inexplicable result
Chapter 1512
Chapter 1513 Strong Killing