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Chapter 205 Sun, Moon and Stars

 In the next few days, Rhodes spent time in the Supreme Military War Department.

Dalin deliberately took him with him to let him get in touch with the affairs of the Military War Department, and appointed the dispatching officer Molly as his assistant to help him understand many matters.

Molly is very beautiful, tall and curvy, but has a serious face and a cold expression. She wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and her cold eyes always make people shy away.

She is very familiar with the affairs of the Military War Department and has a high professional level. With her help, Rhodes quickly understood the Trorian defense system.

I also saw a map of this world for the first time.

It was a huge black painting covering the entire combat command room.

In the center of the giant painting, there is a huge partition, which is the giant mountain range stretching for thousands of miles, Trolian's real protective umbrella——

Dead Ember Mountains.

The royal city is located in a corner of the mountains.

To the east of the royal city, the nearly 800 miles of red earth plain is the area controlled by the entire Trolian human race.

The Dead Ember Mountains block the entire north and east sides of the kingdom with a very small angle for itself.

Trorian's defense circle extends from the mountains in the east to the west, forming an arc-shaped defense line that blocks all threats from the south.

Molly told Rod.

"The north and east sides of Trolian have been blocked, and the expansion to the south has reached its limit. Fortress of Courage is the farthest we have reached."

"Expanding further will be very costly. Not only will the swamp of despair, which is full of evil creatures, have to be cleared, but the defense line will also be separated from the cover of the Dead Ember Mountains, thereby increasing the defensive pressure on the east."


She hit the wall with a pointer. Her delicate appearance and serious expression made her look like some kind of teacher.

"So, our only expansion direction is the West."

"This is our expanding base, Star City."

"More than one-fifth of our strength is gathered in the city. While defending against external threats, we are also cleaning up the filth accumulated in the city for thousands of years."

Rhodes looked at the map and quickly understood the strategic intention of the royal city.

Rather than developing southward, it is better to expand westward along the mountains, so that the pressure faced by humans will be much less.

However, even so, humankind's defenses have collapsed several times.

Expanding outward is an extremely difficult thing. It will take up a lot of manpower and material resources, making the entire line of defense vulnerable.

During this period of expansion, we just caught up with the black tide.

The royal city was almost put on the fire, and even the students who were still in the academy were mobilized and tried their best to mobilize their combat power.

This also resulted in quite a few people within the royal city opposing expansion.

They believe that if the Royal City had not occupied Star City, the Kuroshio would not have suffered such heavy losses this time.

Molly said coldly: "This is a quite wrong understanding. Expansion is the only way out for mankind, and sticking to it is waiting for death."

Rhodes asked curiously: "Why?"

"In the past history, Trolian has encountered numerous disasters, several of which almost led to the destruction of Trolian. As a result, faults have appeared in Trorian's history."

"We call those disasters mass extinctions."

"We still don't know the reasons for the mass extinction, but we can infer from some clues that the Trorians at the time of the mass extinction were far more powerful than we are today."

"Such a powerful human nation is still heading for destruction, how can we be spared?"

"We don't know when the next mass extinction will come. All we can do is to move forward with all our strength, move forward, and move forward by any means necessary."

There was no expression on Molly's delicate face, and her voice was as cold and smooth as ever, but the heat contained in it was unimaginable.

She said coldly: "We just want to survive. In order to survive, we can pay any price."

But another dispatcher holding a flower basket held objections.

"Then what's the point of living for such a person? Endless pain, endless torture, and silent death."

Molly said coldly: "There is no meaning to life, but only by living can you find interesting things, just like you found this flower, just like I found him."

The cold female assistant pointed her delicate finger at Rhodes.

Rhodes scratched his head: "Am I interesting?"


The female assistant said softly: "Your Excellency Dalin said that you will bring smiles to us, and I trust Dalin just like I trust the Holy Fire."

The dispatcher arranged the flower baskets for the upcoming celebration.


He whispered: "I envy you very much."

There was no expression on Molly's cold face. She pointed at the map and continued.

"So, we need a larger territory and more resources."

"What restricts the development of the entire Trorian is resources. We need sun stones, raw spiritual crystals, more phlogiston and firewood, and more fire. If we don't expand into the darkness, we won't have any of these."
"This is not occupation, we are just taking back our heritage, our former home."

Her wonderful speech won a round of applause.

A little man who was arranging ribbons shouted: "Molly, you said it so well, I love you!"

Molly pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses and ignored him.

Later, she introduced in detail the high-quality sunstone mines and raw crystal mines hidden under the Star City, as well as the items left by Trorian's predecessors in the city.

According to the exploration of historians, the City of Stars has been lost for about six hundred years.

According to the underground remains, it was built earlier, at least three thousand years ago.

The expedition team discovered some worship sites for gods and traces of battles suspected of gods in the city. The royal city is preparing to send more manpower to explore.

After talking about the City of Stars, Molly started talking about world geography.

Trorian has currently discovered a total of four continents, with the Dead Ember Mountains as the dividing line. To the south is the Ashland Continent, which is the continent where Trorian is located.

To the north is the Dead Land Continent.

The Survey Corps' outbound investigation team arrived at the end of the Dead Ember Mountains, a land called the Ember Continent.

And in the far north, further into the dark depths, there is a land covered with ice, called the Ice Continent.

This is the world that Trorian humans have discovered so far.

And what is there outside the cognitive world?

What kind of terrifying existence is hidden in such dark depths?

Rhodes couldn't help but ask: "Are there really no other humans besides us?"

Molly said lightly: "Yes, we found records of our interactions with multiple Fire King cities in the fragments of history. Trorian, who established our King's City in the Dark Age, may not be the only human hero."<


"But in the vast darkness, such contact has been interrupted for a long time. We are building a world tower that can listen to the sounds of the world. When it is completed, it may be possible to hear the voices of other surviving humans and find other

City of the Fire King."

Rhodes couldn't help but hold out a glimmer of hope. If there were other human beings, wouldn't the chance of survival be greatly improved if everyone joined together?

Later, Molly introduced in detail the roles of Trorian's many departments and agencies.

Only then did Rhodes realize how complicated the structure of the royal city was.

Just the combat organization, there are three main legions (city defense legion, campaign legion, survey legion), six special legions (night watch legion, knights, Kalil's secret army, hunter legion, holy church's fighting legion,

The Forbidden Arms of the Silver Oath).

In addition, there are some independent battle groups, such as the King's Guard, the Conjured Guards (destroyed), the Fire Defenders, etc.

The Supreme Military War Department must consider all these combat capabilities and allocate them to various regional strongholds in the most reasonable way.

This is an extremely complicated job, and so far, the First Defense Department, Chang Lin, has done a very good job.

Therefore, Yolevi Dalin is also called one of the four pillars of the royal city.

But the work of the Supreme Military War Department is more than that. The subordinate General Defense Department, General Equipment Department, General Logistics Department, and General Headquarters oversee everything related to combat, including logistics and production.

The Industrial Machinery Research Institute, the Seamans Factory, which produces a large amount of standard equipment, the Byron Alchemy and Pharmaceutical Factory, which refines most pharmaceuticals, etc., are also under their management.

Just listening to it made Rhodes feel dizzy. This is really something that very people can understand.

Finally, Molly focused on introducing an organization called "White Tower".

In the dark world, there are all kinds of disasters, and the Kuroshio is just one of countless disasters.

How to predict the occurrence of disasters and make corresponding preparations is a very important thing.

It is the responsibility of the White Tower.

The White Tower focuses on observing the spiritual world and predicting disasters in the material world through disturbances in the spiritual world.

Many disasters were detected in advance by the White Tower, which saved Trorian from a lot of losses.

The observatory on the White Tower is responsible for observing the phases of the sun, moon, and stars, predicting weather, and revising and forecasting dates.

Many actions can only be decided after obtaining this information.

Meredith, the Lord of the White Tower, and Ietta, the Great Prophet, are both one of the pillars of the royal city.

After listening, Rhodes couldn't help but ask: "What do our sun, moon, and stars look like?"

This chapter has been completed!
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