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Chapter 296 Bringing Light

 The wrinkles on Armando’s face were all squeezed together, like dried orange peels.


he asked sternly.

"What is going on? Why are there so many bizarre thefts? And the victims are all your opponents who have offended you. Do you know how many people have come to complain to me now? Saying that you are colluding with doomsday believers, against dissidents

Anyone who sees it will retaliate!"

An elder shouted: "Such a thing has never happened in the upper city. It is the core area of ​​the entire Trolian and the bright place that everyone dreams of. How could such a vicious incident happen?"

Talinas and others are also here.

"Yes! This bastard must have done it!"

Talinas's eyes were red and his face was distorted. He was filled with anger because his years of accumulation had been stolen, and having his secrets uncovered made him lose his mind.

"Kill him! Quick!"

Manolo Bana was also there, his face was ashen, his iron mask had long since disappeared, and his long face was like a squat that hadn't been washed in a hundred years, black and smelly.

Rhodes had never seen such an expression before, and he almost burst into laughter. The depression that had accumulated in his heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

"This is a targeted revenge strike!"

Manolo Bana's cold tone hid unprecedented anger. His losses were greater than Talinas's, and there were many things that could not be made public.

But he still maintained a basic composure and was not as hysterical as Talinas.

"He is using his power to attack us based on his hatred for us."

"This kind of person is no different from a monster and must be executed immediately. The strength of Trolian lies in the overall structure and stable order. One or two people are not enough to affect the overall situation, and he is destroying our stability!"

"This is an intolerable crime, and no amount of merit can make up for it!"

Many victims on the side also shouted in unison, demanding that Rhodes be immediately deprived of all honor and imprisoned in an underground prison.

When the 100 people shouted, their momentum was astonishing.

But Rhodes was not afraid at all and said with a smile: "Which of your eyes saw me stealing? Why do you think I stole it?"

Talinas said angrily: "It must be you, it must be you, isn't it you or who else?"

Manolo Bana said coldly: "Search his mansion. There are so many things. It is impossible for him to hide them without any flaws."

Rhodes sneered: "Why do you search my mansion?"

"Some things don't need evidence. Your refusal is evidence."

"Oh? According to you, if you have refused my search, it proves that you are all doomsday believers?"

"Are these the same thing? Can this be confused?"

"Oh, my attitude is evidence, but your attitude is not? May I ask Lord Manolobana, what are you? Why are you so different?"

Manolo Bana was furious, clenching his fists, and his whole face was distorted.

Talinas was furious and wanted to come up and beat up this guy who made him extremely disgusted.

Seeing that this logic was blocked, an elder whose family property had also been stolen immediately changed the subject and shouted loudly.

"Rhode! As the captain of the King's Hand, you should be responsible for the security of the upper city. Now that such a big incident has happened, do you dare to say that you are not guilty?"

Rhodes sneered and said: "Your Excellency, Elder, please repeat the responsibilities of the King's Guard."

"Of course it's to guard the royal city..."

"Wrong, the King's Hand belongs to the King's Guard, responsible for guarding the Holy Fire Sacrifice and the Royal Palace, responsible for the King's escort mission, and accepts the King's assignment to complete the King's orders to ensure that the King's authority is fully implemented."

Rhodes paused and his voice became sharp.

"How did you become an elder when you don't even understand the responsibilities of the Hand of the King? Are you a doomsday cultist?"

The elder's entire face turned blue, and the group of opponents was completely silent.

The supporters around Wang all looked at him with admiration and reverence, and even Wang looked a little surprised when he looked at him.

This kid is much smarter than he looks.

Armando's cloudy eyeballs glanced at Rhodes a few times, and a bright light flashed in his expression, but it was instantly buried under the cloudiness.

"The quarrel ends here. Wangcheng is all about evidence. Mere speculation cannot convict anyone. The Internal Affairs Adjudication Office will use actual investigations to find the truth."

Talinas said anxiously: "But, Mr. Armando, isn't this obvious? The only victims are his enemies, and none of his accomplices have been stolen..."

"Shut up!"

Armando's cloudy eyes with a chill in his eyes glanced over.

"What kind of good thing do you think you are? Do you think we don't know about the little things you do on a daily basis? If not because you are of some use, for the sake of the overall situation of the royal city, you guys would have been sent to the underground prison long ago."

Rhodes smiled slightly: "Sir Armando, they can indeed go in."

Armando's cloudy eyes moved over, and there was something unexpected in his hazy eyeballs.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

As soon as Rhodes thought, the image crystal in the dream appeared in his palm and handed it over.

"This is their evidence. They can prove that during the expedition to Fanxing Town, these people communicated together many times, crossed the bottom line, and killed us who were also humans, fighting bloody battles with monsters on the front lines, and opening up the dark world.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sensation in the whole crowd.

"What did you say?"

"This is slander, frame-up, and frame-up!"

"We absolutely did not do such a thing!"

"The bottom line of human beings cannot be violated!"

The yelling and scolding continued, but Rhodes remained unmoved and just watched them as if they were watching a monkey show.

Armando's expression became dull and expressionless, but Rhodes keenly noticed a flash of surprise and surprise in his eyes, and thought to himself, looking at the First Elder, they had already disliked them.

At the same time, I also realized that although Armando was annoying, he was only adhering to his position. The differences with the king were only differences about Trolian's future route choice, not for his own selfish interests.

The first elder took the image crystal, and spiritual energy rose from his palm and passed through the crystal.

His spiritual power is not very strong, unlike the king's spiritual power, which is like the blazing sun in the sky, but it gives people a sense of toughness that grows stronger with age.

He scanned the spiritual energy and confirmed that there was nothing strange in the crystal before he input the spiritual energy into it.

The crystal lit up immediately, and a picture emerged. There were several familiar figures in it, talking about something.

Although there is no sound, you can easily tell what he is saying from the lip reading.

The image of the recording crystal is very clear, and you can even see the subtle ripples in the air. The two phases are confirmed, and there is no ambiguity in what they said.

They are discussing how to destroy Fanxing Town and kill Rhodes.

Suddenly, there were several pops and several people in the crowd fell to the ground.

A large area of ​​​​people around them suddenly vacated, as if they were some untouchable creatures.

Suddenly someone shouted: "He, they are guilty! I have discovered that they are guilty a long time ago! I have drawn a clear line with them!"

"Yes, yes, me too!"

"Me too!"

The crowd suddenly burst into laughter.

Armando said numbly: "Klasso, Gore, Tolan, you have violated the laws of the royal city, the fire priest, put them in an underground prison, deprive them of all property, and await trial."

Inside the Holy Fire Sacrifice Site, it was so quiet that only the sound of the burning Holy Fire was left.

Fire priests wearing fiery red robes flew from a distance and took out several people who had collapsed on the ground.

In this absolute silence, Rhodes took out two more photo crystals and handed them over with a smile.


Armando's expression remained unchanged, but he took the crystal very quickly.

Enter the psychic energy again, and two more scenes that can definitely kill people appear on the screen.

Four more people collapsed to the ground and were taken out by the fire priest.

Rhodes took out two more photo crystals.

The crowd became panicked and someone shouted: "Where are you from?"

"How could you... just record such critical information? This is so abnormal!"

"Can images be forged? Is it a new technology from the Institute of Industrial Machinery?"

"Impossible!" an elder denied: "The Institute of Industrial Machinery has not had any similar research projects recently."

"Maybe it's the ancient technology he acquired in Star Town!"

Doubts came from all directions, but a powerful surge of spiritual energy drowned the doubts under the waves.

Wang glanced over and asked gently: "Little Rhodes, can you explain their origins to prevent some people with ulterior motives from looking for excuses."

Rhodes rolled his eyes and thought of an excuse.

"I ignited a new fire, which allows me to see the images of the past and record them in the memory crystal."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole crowd was shaken.

Some people scolded, some jumped up, some turned pale, and some questioned loudly.

"This is impossible, I have never heard of similar fire or characteristics!"

Rhodes shrugged: "Can't you just ask someone from the Industrial Machinery Research Institute to check it out? I can also demonstrate it to you on site."

Armando said calmly: "Inform the Bald Master and ask him to come in person."

The bald master is the director of the Industrial Machinery Research Institute, so the importance of having him come in person can be imagined.

Several fire priests followed the order and left, but within a moment, the bald master arrived at the holy fire sacrificial site.

He first bowed sincerely to the Holy Fire three times, then strode over and said with a bold smile: "Little Rhodes, we meet again, how about the condensed light I personally created for you? Isn't it very powerful?

Rhodes smiled and said: "Yes, Bald Master, it has helped me a lot, but I have run out of spiritual bullets. I hope you can help me make some more."

"No problem!"

The bald master laughed heartily and looked extremely happy.

"It is simply the greatest honor of my life to be able to help the rising stars of mankind. Ah, Your Majesty, First Elder, hello."

Armando didn't care about his roughness and said calmly: "Bald Master, start checking immediately. We need to know what his new fire is."

The bald master agreed immediately and took out a soul crystal from his arms. Without using any other instruments, he pressed one hand on the crystal and the other on Rhodes' forehead.

A dull spiritual radiance surged from his body, the light flashed in the crystal, and a strange outline kept changing.

"Well, the seventh fire is very, very powerful. I feel the ancient wilderness, the strong killing intent, the vastness, the mystery and beauty are its characteristics, and its flexibility and changeability are its attributes."

"It seems to be related to the stars, spinning, drawing, and moving. Oh, this must be a pipe. One end of it seems to connect to the infinite past, and the other end seems to connect to the infinite future. Countless gravels are undulating in the middle, just like the flow of time.


What he said at first was somewhat normal, but the more he spoke, the more outrageous he became.

"I understand! Its characteristics are related to time, I named it the Worm of Time!"

At the same time, the crystal displays the soul text transformed by the soul wave of this fire, as well as the multi-lingual translation.

Although "Insect of Time" is a free translation, it seems to be relatively close to the original text.

Rhodes curled his lips, he was used to the terrifying translators in the royal city.

Compared with "rice bucket", "second shot" and "grass", this name is friendly enough.

The bald master laughed and patted his shoulder.

"As expected of our little hero! This fire is very powerful, we must exercise it well."

Suddenly, Talinas shouted: "No! I don't believe it! Who knew this wasn't a script that had been arranged long ago?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "What do you want?"

"Show us how you use it now!"


Rhodes agreed happily. He closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he took out another image crystal and input psychic energy.

Everyone looked up and saw that the picture in the crystal turned out to be what happened in the Holy Fire Sacrifice just now.

Seen from a third party’s perspective, everyone’s reactions can be seen clearly.

The Holy Fire Sacrifice is an absolutely forbidden area, and it is impossible for anyone to take photos secretly, and the start time of this photo crystal was even before Rhodes arrived.

Panic spread crazily, and no one could speak.

Rhodes proved with irrefutable facts that his fire has the ability to rewind time and that his image crystal has a normal origin.

The first elder suddenly snapped his fingers, and everyone realized that his silent spiritual energy had already been transmitted.

In just an instant, a large number of fire priests surrounded everyone, and a large number of fire protectors descended from the sky to guard in front of the holy fire.

Armando said calmly: "Take them all out."

As expected of the First Elder, he had already guessed it... Rhodes smiled slightly, and the image crystals continued to fall from his sleeves like magic, and soon they piled up into a hill.

"One hundred and ninety-seven copies in total."

Rhodes said.

"Involving one hundred and eighty-six masterminds and six hundred and sixty-seven participants, six hundred of them are sinners, sixty-seven are doomsday believers, and..."

Rhodes stretched out a finger and pointed at Chief Consul Talinas.

"He is the leader of these doomsday cultists!"

Talinas's eyes turned red on the spot, and he howled wildly and rushed forward.

But in an instant, dozens of fire priests descended from the sky and threw him to the ground. The psychic chains instantly bound his whole body, and a powerful seal was immediately attached to his chest, suppressing all the psychic energy in his body.


Talinas kept struggling and howling, cursing Rhodes, cursing the royal city, cursing mankind, and cursing everything.

Armando said calmly: "Take them all down and put them in an underground prison. The Internal Affairs Judgment Office and the Tribunal will screen everyone immediately. Don't let anyone go. Let the Industrial Machinery Research Institute immediately make ten copies of these photo crystals."

,keep it for file storage!"


The fire priests immediately took everyone at the scene away, and the photo crystal was kept by a special person. The Internal Affairs Judgment Office and the Tribunal worked as quickly as possible to arrest the criminals who did not come to the scene.

The Holy Fire Sacrifice finally became quiet again.

The king looked at Rhodes with a smile: "Our little hero, you are really amazing."

Armando nodded slightly.

"If we don't clean up these pests, it will be difficult for us to continue with the next actions."

The first defense officer, Chang Lin, sighed: "Little Rod, I can't count how many times you have surprised us."

"Maybe you really are the legendary child of light."

Everyone laughed, and even Armando, who had always been serious, showed a little smile.

However, in the friendly atmosphere, someone suddenly raised questions.

"Can this kind of fire see everything?"

Rhodes scratched his head: "Well, right, there are no blind spots, but the time is limited. The farther away, the greater the consumption of spiritual energy. I guess I can only see what it was a year ago at most."

"Then we have no privacy?"

Everyone frowned. The word privacy is a rare word. It seems very abnormal for someone to suddenly pay so much attention to privacy.

But what he said next made everyone feel that it was really inappropriate.

"Then what if he secretly filmed us taking a shower? I heard that even Lady Olivia, the Knight of the Moon, was secretly filmed by someone, but the person has not been found yet."

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Rhodes.



In the end, Rhodes was not subject to any restrictions, except that he was prohibited from approaching private places such as bedrooms, toilets, and showers for no reason.

If you must get close, the psychic energy must be blocked.

Of course, this is actually of no use.

The Book of the Past can see a wider area than they imagined, and it is impossible to stare at him sixteen hours a day.

Rod is not that kind of pervert, has no interest in candid photography, and is not interested in small movies - I have already participated in the battle myself, why should I watch small movies? Isn't Molly delicious?

To be honest, Rhodes has a huge change in her now.

She is not as boring as she appears. In fact, she is not only super smooth, but also super smooth.

Her usually meticulous and serious image has become a bonus.

However, everyone left him alone like a thief, which made people somewhat unhappy.

But this small unhappiness cannot be compared with the happiness brought by what is happening now.

He wiped out all the maggots in the Hidden King's City. A large number of degenerated and corrupted guys were imprisoned in underground prisons, and all the doomsday cultists who had infiltrated them were also taken out.

The work of the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office and the Tribunal has never been so smooth. They no longer lack key evidence, and they no longer have to rack their brains to dig out secrets.

As long as you find something suspicious, invite Rhodes over and that's it.

The Chief Adjudicator and Chief Judge were like they had discovered a treasure, and they wished they could keep Rhode by their side all day long.

The judges and judges have never been so powerful. In addition to the people convicted by Rhodes, they followed the lead and arrested a large number of people, and also used Rhodes to investigate a lot of suspects.

After that, the entire Shangcheng District was completely wiped out.

A large number of doomsday cultists who had finally sneaked in were arrested one after another, several doomsday cults were destroyed, and many corrupt and degenerate guys were dug out.

After this wave of cleansing, the atmosphere in the entire royal city has changed. Walking onto the street, even the air is much brighter.

Moreover, the numerous properties confiscated have also greatly contributed to the expansion of armaments.

The biggest benefit is that everything becomes smoother and all the obstacles are cleared away.

Only then did everyone realize that many of the difficulties they had encountered before had disappeared without realizing it, and every step was as smooth as oil.

There are no more difficult childbirths, no more setbacks and failures. This kind of happiness feels like flying.

And all of this was brought about by Rhodes.

Now, in this dark world of despair, many people already believe it.


It will bring us light.

This chapter has been completed!
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