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Chapter 31 Big Brother

 The second half of the patrol was a little dull, but we still encountered some sporadic monsters. They were all in shadow form and had various shapes. They were all very weak and could be easily eliminated.

According to Raistlin, these are gray-level monsters, the lowest-level dark creatures born from the black mist. They are fly ash on the battlefield, dust that can be swept away easily, and factors that are never considered in the battle situation.

Even ordinary people can destroy it as long as they are brave and know how to use weapons.

In areas far away from the sacred fire, you can often encounter them during night patrols. Generally speaking, they are not a threat. They are afraid of fire and will generally not invade residents' houses as long as the spiritual lamps remain on.

But if left untreated for a long time, they will mutate in the black mist, or devour each other, or build nests, and gradually grow into deadly threats. The black mist will gather here, and more monsters will appear here.

Lurking in the darkness, launching terrorist attacks on all living, warm, and brightly radiant life forms.

At that time, the survey corps will unite with the corresponding corps or combat cluster to form a hunting team to clean up.

"Of course, this is impossible in the royal city."

"Except for the sewers," Caramon added.

"Why?" Rhodes asked curiously.

"Because the sewer is so big, it is very tiring to clean it all the time. We only clean the surface layer to ensure that no monsters come up. Unless there are special circumstances, no one will enter the middle and deep layers of the sewer."

"Why do we need to build it so big?"

"I don't know either. It is said that Trolian King City used to be the city of giants. Maybe the giants' poop is very big?"

The topic ends here.

After that, they dealt with another special incident. A three-headed dog that had already formed had bitten the spiritual lamp and invaded the residents' houses. The residents woke up by ringing the bell. Rhodes saw strange ripples in the air from more than a thousand meters away.

, after telling Raistlin, the four of them turned around and ran away, finally killing the monster at the last moment and saving a family of four.

The man in the house was seriously injured, with his intestines bitten out. Rhodes originally thought he was hopeless, but Caramon just stuffed it with light blue water on his hand, and pressed it on his stomach, and the wound healed.

Healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, although the man's face was still pale, his breathing gradually stabilized.

The woman held Caramon's legs and burst into tears. She kept thanking them. She said that the family had no money and the bells were the cheapest ones. The sound was too low for the watchers to detect, but the husband said that he was lucky.

As long as the spiritual lamp is not extinguished, no monsters will attack them. Unexpectedly, bad luck has really come.

Their two daughters also hugged their mother and cried, saying that they were already in despair, but unexpectedly they were saved. The four uncles were all their heroes.

Caramon was a little embarrassed and explained: "Thank you to this uncle, he saw the ripples of the ringing bell, otherwise we would not know at all."

Raistlin said solemnly: "You guys are really lucky this time. If it weren't for Uncle Rhodes's extraordinary vision, you would already be corpses. The ringing bell is a must-have life-saving item for every family, no matter how poor they are.

You can’t save even a little bit of money.”

The two daughters wiped each other's tears, turned to Rhodes with their pretty faces like rain, and said crisply: "Thank you, Brother Rhodes."


Until he returned to the Iron Cross District Defense Department, Caramon was still feeling sour:

"Why should I be the eldest uncle and he is the eldest brother?"

Raistlin and Egger both couldn't stop laughing. Egger knocked on Caramon's knee:

"Look at Brother Rhodes's fair and tender face, isn't he much handsomer and younger than you? If you were like him, how could Donna run away?"

Caramon was furious: "Shut up, you little dwarf!"

"Are you blind? I'm a size seven! I'm not much shorter than you!"

Before the patrol mission ended, they met the real guardian of this area, a guy wearing half an iron mask, with a stern look and a silent expression.

According to Raistlin, the official watchmen are all combatants of level seven or above, who are much stronger than them. They are the real backing of an area and are used to deal with various dangerous situations that cannot be handled by patrollers. Rhodes has

Whistle and flare are used to call him.

However, this guy had no intention of communicating with them. He passed by them indifferently and handed over the task to the Chief of Defense.

It seemed that tonight's mission went very smoothly. The defense chief of the Iron Cross Block was laughing so hard that the big scar on his face became kind, and he kept praising it.

"Yes, yes, the boys are really good. I knew you were the best. Reid, you are also great, and you, Casey. Of course, the best one is our Lulu, oh... As for Luo...

De, I can only say that you are worthy of being a special student and handed in a perfect answer sheet. The Tracy family will remember you all their lives. I will write my evaluation in detail. Your teacher will be proud of you.

Rhodes felt a little embarrassed. Except for the last incident, he had almost no effect. The monsters he encountered were too weak and there was no need for him to warn him. Even the final patrol report was written by Raistlin, and he was the one responsible for it.

The one with the thighs was regarded as the captain by the chief of defense.

However, the three Raistlins didn't mind.

On the way back to Kingworth College in the double-decker hearse, they all expressed that they were very satisfied with their partnership with Rhodes. His super psychic vision made up for the shortcomings of Shi Muxinzi among them all, and the jokes he told were very vivid, interesting and vivid.

It makes people excited, they are looking forward to tomorrow’s task.

This made Rhodes finally feel relieved. It seemed that these three thighs had successfully hugged him.

Sure enough, dirty jokes are the fastest way for men to make friends.

Back at the dormitory, Rhodes finally had time to sort out what he had learned from this trip.

Overall, this patrol mission was very successful. His goal was initially achieved, and a total of more than ninety dusty souls were obtained.

However, even if they are all added in, "Bitter Blue" is still in a "weakly burning" state, and the intensity has only increased from two to three.

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You know, when Rhodes first lit it, its strength was thirteen.

Perhaps because these monsters are too weak, the souls obtained are also very weak.

The word "dust" illustrates this point well.

I want to quickly get more and stronger souls, preferably to reach the "constant burning" state of "Dark Devourer".

Rhodes thought.

This way you don’t have to hunt monsters all the time.

You know, if you often walk by the river, your feet will never get wet. If you hunt monsters every day, you will one day be hunted by monsters.

Peace and stability are his credo.

Only by surviving can everything be possible.

Of course, hunting monsters is still his only choice now. Without a soul, he is like a capital without money or a bonfire without firewood, an existence that will eventually perish.


Rhodes looked at the bullets in the spirit gun with a little sadness. There were only five bullets left out of the fifty real silver bullets.

He still owes the merchant three hundred and fifty silver cords and hasn't paid him yet.

Moreover, Kashan still has two hundred silver cords of water tower money, but she didn’t say she didn’t have to pay it back.

Not a penny has been saved, and the foreign debt has reached 550.

Money is also an issue now.

We can only find a way to borrow some first.

As long as you can get the Goldworth Star, you will have 10,000 silver cords, and paying back the money is not a problem at all.

With his thoughts settled, Rhodes lay down on the bed and was about to take a good rest, but he felt like he was shaken awake as soon as he closed his eyes.

"It's time for class! Lazy guy!"

Rhodes opened his eyes with great reluctance and saw Cassian's bright light blue eyes and golden hair swaying beside her pretty face.

This girl is becoming less and less evasive now. She opens his door directly every time, no matter what he is doing.

Perhaps because he consumed too much spiritual energy last night, Rhodes had a splitting headache and was really sleepy, so he said:

"How about you go? I want to sleep for a while."

Kashan's eyebrows immediately stood up. She dragged Rhodes out of bed, put on his shoes herself, and pulled him out of the room.

The students from the ten groups were already waiting outside, and almost everyone looked at the sleepy Rhodes with admiration. None of them dared to say such treacherous words in front of Kashan. Likewise, like this

Except for Rhodes, no one has the same kind of treatment as her. Kashan will only use her iron fist to wake people up.

——She is the only one in the group who has learned to use the fire ability. Her two fire abilities are "Steel Power" and "Iron Hardening", both of which are very powerful physical abilities. Everyone in the ten groups can't use them together.

Her opponent.

This not only made her the symbol of Group Ten and the idol of the students, but also made her a nightmare for male students like Wayne and Green Hair.

Along the way, Kashan kept emphasizing the importance of this class, saying that it was a course specially adjusted for them by the college and would be very useful for the following patrols. At the same time, she warned them that the selection of the department group had begun and everyone had to start.

With a hundred thousand efforts, we strive to make the ten groups selected as outstanding department groups.

This is not only honor, but also many reward materials, especially dragon's hand essential oil and colorful spore powder, which have a great effect on awakening their spiritual energy and developing their abilities.

This last point is of great concern to everyone.

No one wants to awaken psychic powers and use the ability of their own soul fire.

And so far, nearly half of the ten groups have not been able to awaken their psychic powers. Kashan is the only one who can use their fire ability.

This result cannot really be said to be outstanding. Among the ten groups of the ten departments, the ranking is at the bottom, and it is nowhere to be seen in the entire three colleges.

Therefore, Kashan has become impatient recently, and no one dares to disobey her.

Of course, except Rhodes.

He is the best person in the ten groups besides Kashan, and he is very likely to be selected as the "Kingworth Star", which will also bring a lot of bonus points to the ten groups.

Therefore, Kashan is also very tolerant of him.

But Wayne and Green Hair don't envy him at all. If you marry such a wife, you may not have a good life in the future.


In class, Rhodes still forcibly cheered up. No matter what, he must get the "Kingworth Star" medal.

His goal is to be number one in the grade, and having free access to the academy is not only the basis for his series of actions, but also his hope for survival.

This class is "Common Monster Habits and Characteristics", which is a big class.

The teacher is a somewhat neurotic old man. He has gray hair and wrinkles. He is blind in one eye and has a prosthetic leg on his right leg.

"Be alert!"

As soon as he entered the classroom door, he shouted, startling everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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