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Chapter 315 King

 Rhodes was very unhappy, feeling that these people underestimated him.

"How do you know we can't solve it?"

Sauron shook his head gently.

"Little Rhodes, I know that your victories along the way have brought you a lot of confidence, but the Fire Palace is different."

"We are dealing with the most dangerous crisis and facing the most powerful monster. We are the last patch in Trorian's defense system and the last hope when conventional combat capabilities are invincible."

"We must not only be strong, but also stable. Any failure is unacceptable, because it means that our defense system has been penetrated."

Sauron looked at him with a serious expression.

"The breakdown of any defense system means disaster and thousands of people will die. Those are our compatriots, our fathers, sons, brothers, wives, sisters and friends. This is not a joke, not an insignificant matter.

, our rules are cast with blood and will not change because of one or two special people."

Rhodes was shocked. Suddenly, he understood the responsibilities of the Fire Palace and the difficulties faced by those above the Palace.

No one knows that he possesses dreams, possesses various magical dream creations and incomprehensible abilities, and he cannot reveal them due to the rules of dreams.

In the eyes of those above the palace, he is a genius with accumulated experience, a little guy who has brought them many surprises, a little hero who has saved many people, and a rising star with a promising future.

But he is not a reliable high-level combatant.

His time is still short and his spiritual power is limited. Although he has many strange methods, they do not seem to be stable and effective powers, and it is impossible to judge the specific combat power.

Therefore, such a dangerous task cannot be entrusted to him. A mature, stable, strong and foolproof person must be chosen to undertake it.

Rhodes immediately understood their thoughts and concerns.

But understanding is understanding, Rhodes still has some regrets in his heart.

The king who trusts him the most is not in the Fire Palace, otherwise this situation would not be like this.

Dalin also trusted him, but not to the extent of Wang, and the other people didn't know each other.

Maybe I should be more patient.

Rhodes thought.

The sequelae of [Awakening] are not over yet, and my understanding of the palace is not deep enough. What if I really fail?

I can be resurrected, but others can't.

Thinking of this, the little bit of dissatisfaction in my heart disappeared in an instant.

Sauron had been watching Rhodes's expression. Seeing that his brows were relaxed and his expression was magnanimous, he knew that he had thought clearly about the joints and praised him: "Yes, little Rhodes, you have very high qualifications, but you are the more powerful one."

heart and will."

"To be honest, you always make me feel like you are not like a young man of 17 or 18 years old, but like a mature and determined adult."

Rhodes smiled. Of course he couldn't explain that he was actually an adult.

Lasso on the side clapped his hands violently, and a look of realization suddenly appeared on his face.

"No wonder you know how to use your ability to spy on girls taking a bath. Ordinary simple young people really can't think of it."

The atmosphere that was finally created disappeared all of a sudden.

Rhodes said angrily: "Where did you hear these rumors? Can you please stop slandering my noble personality?"

Russo raised his thick eyebrows.

"Really? Have you never seen a woman take a shower?"

Just when Rhodes was about to deny it, he suddenly remembered that he had actually watched a short movie about Olivia, one of the four knight captains, and it was still with him.

And this little movie was given to him by Sauron who was holding back his laughter.

"Teacher Sauron..."

Rhodes frowned and asked hesitantly.

"Did you spread the rumor?"

Sauron immediately denied: "How is it possible? What is the benefit of me spreading such rumors? You are my student, if your reputation is ruined, I will also be affected."

Rhodes glanced at him suspiciously and decided not to delve into the matter for the time being. After all, no one would be able to reap the consequences if he exposed it.

Sauron also knew that it was not advisable to get entangled in this matter, otherwise not only would his reputation be in jeopardy, but Olivia's heart, which was finally moved by him, would cool down again.

He coughed and said: "Let's not stand here stupidly. Let's go to the fireplace area and take a good rest. The fire there is very suitable for recovery. There is also delicious soul soup. Trust me, you will fall in love with the taste of it."<


"Yes, yes."

Russo said loudly.

"Soul soup is the most delicious thing in the world. It can relax your spirit and have a very positive effect on your soul. It can also nourish your life essence. The only pity is that you can't drink too much."

He smacked his lips and looked salivating.

"This is the most regrettable thing in the world."

Sauron laughed and said: "Look at how greedy you are, let's go."

He turned around and walked into the hall, with the two of them following behind him.

"Little Rod."

On the way, Sauron said in a gentle tone.

"You can spend more time in the fireplace area after fighting or training. Get to know other high-level combatants, chat with them, understand the battle mode of the Fire Palace, and learn from their experiences. This will be very helpful to you.


Russo patted Rhodes on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Junior brother, the teacher is right. Especially if you are promoted quickly, you have insufficient experience and a weak background. You may encounter rare situations and problems may arise. You

Knowing that we absolutely cannot fail, those soldiers in trouble will feel so desperate when they see that their last supporter is powerless."

Rhodes felt a shiver in his heart. His impression of this crooked and cheap senior brother was greatly changed, and he replied seriously: "I understand."


Lasso opened his hands as if embracing the sun.

"Do you know? We have talents that are difficult for ordinary people to reach. Most people will not set foot as high-level combatants like us. We are the chosen ones. We should illuminate others like the sun and spread fire and warmth to the world.


He put down his hands and looked at Rhodes, his smile full of light.

"No one can stop you from becoming stronger, except yourself. The darkness and monsters will never rest. Bring your deadly emotions and work hard to become stronger!"

"We are the hope of mankind, and behind us is Trorian. There is no way out, and we have no choice but to fight."


Rhodes really didn't expect that a peeping tom would have such passionate ideas.

After returning to the fireplace area, he took out a large bowl of thick soup from the cauldron on the fire. The bright yellow color was boiling with the breath of life. He raised his head and drank it up, sighing with great satisfaction.

, the whole body is emitting a warm breath, like a passionate man burning his youth under the sunset.


He shouted loudly.

"The will of the sun will never be extinguished!"

He turned around and ran towards the training area.

Sauron didn't react at all, and seemed to be used to it.

He filled a bowl of soul soup and handed it over.

"Drink and see."

The hot and slightly fragrant breath hit his face, and just by smelling it, Rhodes felt that his soul was restless and his life was full of warmth.

The bright yellow liquid sloshed in the bowl, thick yet clear, and it circled around the edge of the bowl without hanging the cup at all.

It looks good.

Rhodes raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, only to feel a line of fire fall into his belly, and the hot breath quickly spread to his limbs and bones.

The sweet and warm taste penetrated into the soul like spring rain. For a moment, Rhodes felt as if he was in heaven.

"Wow... this tastes so delicious! Suddenly I no longer miss that world."

Sauron said in surprise: "What world?"

"Well... there is no dark fog in the dream, and the sun can be seen every day, and the world is bathed in sunshine."

Sauron sighed: "That must be an extremely happy world. To be honest, I doubt whether such a world exists. Maybe it is just the fantasy of us humans, just the dream of our predecessors when they died in despair. The world may

It’s inherently dark.”

Rhodes smiled and said: "Teacher Sauron, you are a little pessimistic. We were born in the light and grew up in the remnants of fire. Human beings are destined children of light. The world of light must have existed before and will definitely appear again in the future.


"Good boy."

Sauron smiled and patted him.

"Come and give me an ideological lesson. Let me tell you, when Kossoe's God of War became famous, you were still wearing crotchless pants."

Rhodes asked curiously: "Teacher, what level of combatant are you and what is your position in the hall?"

Sauron replied quite proudly: "I am a senior knight, a second-level combatant, a standard 'non-human'. I can enter the inner hall and wait for the call of the round table members."

"Are the members of the Round Table... high-level officials of the Fire Palace?"

"Yes, the Round Table Hall is the core of the Hall of Fire. Only the strongest and most capable people can sit beside the Grand Round Table. However, they are all currently in battle. The Hall is currently presided over by His Excellency Dalin and the five guardians.


Rhode looked at the bubbling cauldron of Gudong Gudong and asked, "Can I still have another bowl?"

Sauron shook his head: "No, the first bowl of soul soup is as beautiful as heaven, the second bowl of soul soup falls into the abyss, and the third bowl of soul soup is heartbreaking and scratches the bones."

"Why is this happening? What is soul soup made of?"

"Soul element and blood element, soul red crystal, appropriate ashes, and adding auxiliary condiments, each pot of soul soup cooked will have a different taste. This is the most praiseworthy skill. You have time

You can learn from it."

Although Sauron didn't explain why this happened, Rhodes understood it just by listening to the formula.

Soul element and blood element are both combat recovery potions, and soul red crystal is a spiritual potion. They cannot be drunk excessively. Exceeding the life limit will cause damage.

Sauron served himself a second bowl, drank it down happily, and said with a smile: "This is the privilege of the strong. When your life and soul are strong enough, you can drink the second bowl... Wow, this

The deliciousness is really unsatisfying, well, the pepper is just right, this pot should be cooked by Professor Barrett."

"Who is he?"

"A great history scholar of the Golden Rose School and a first-level combatant. You will meet him later. He is a living legend."

Rhodes wrote down his name and asked: "Teacher Sauron, do you know what kind of threats the palace will give me?"

Sauron smiled and said: "Threats in the palace are generally divided into four levels, first-class, second-class, third-class threats, and extra-large threats. Only the third-class threat will be assigned to you."

Rhodes asked curiously: "How are threats classified?"

"Individual powerful monsters, high-level and below, without special abilities, or more than two hundred fierce-level high-level monsters, under normal circumstances, the gap in combat power is the third type of threat."

"All the threats you encountered in Fanxing Town were Category III threats. According to convention, high-level combatants should be sent to support them. However, there was an agreement from the king at the time and was blocked by the elders."

Sauron paused and continued.

"But even so, we still have some eyes on it. Once the situation becomes urgent, we will still send people to support."

Rhodes frowned and said, "Then my expedition mission failed?"

Sauron smiled and said: "No, when the fire of Fanxing Town is ignited, you are destined to succeed. The royal city will not give up a territory that belongs to us. The rest of what you do is to attack the power of the elders.

, you were so successful that they were excluded from the decision-making circle of the battle."

"Yes, yes."

A logistics staff member diligently came up and said.

"Sir Rhodes, you don't know how annoying those old guys are. Without them, we would be completely quiet. It's so cool!"

Another logistics staff said: "And your heroic appearance when cleaning up the upper city area is so handsome. All of us are very grateful to you."

A group of support staff who were maintaining the fireplace area gathered around and chatted for a long time before being driven away by the impatient Sauron.

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Rhodes coughed dryly and asked again: "Teacher, what about the second type of threat?"

"Multiple strong levels below high level have special abilities. In dangerous or emergency environments, the gap in combat power is the second type of threat."

"What about Type 1 threats?"

Sauron replied briefly: "Super-level powerful monster."

Rhodes asked strangely: "Is the super level... of the strong level very powerful?"

Sauron said solemnly: "It's very powerful, very powerful. The Abyss Serpent we once killed is a powerful super-level snake. Its threat level has almost no upper limit. In some cases, it can even be upgraded to a very large threat.

Rhodes was shocked. He knew the power of the Abyss Serpent very well. He formed a battle group with two guardians but failed to kill it in the past. It was only Theodore who possessed him again that defeated it.

Theodore is the retired Son of Fire. Even if his strength is not as good as the current Son of Fire, it is not much different.

It takes so many people to work together to kill the Abyss Serpent, which shows how powerful it is.

Rhodes blinked and asked the last question: "What about the extraordinarily large threats?"

Sauron only uttered two words.

"King level."

Rhodes was startled: "King-level monster?"


Sauron answered briefly.

"Moving natural disasters, desperate doomsday, horrific disasters, this is the final form of monster evolution, the strongest state that each type of monster can achieve. Every time it comes, all the power of the royal city will be activated, and the palace of fire will enter

In the highest order combat state, the strongest among us - the Sons of Fire will be dispatched."

"This is the biggest threat we face."

"The White Tower has half of its energy to observe the kings within 3,000 yards from us, and one-third of the strength of the Survey Corps is to monitor their every move. The Palace of Fire must always retain a part of its highest strength to deal with

Their arrival."

Rhodes said horrified: "Are there many kings near us?"

Sauron showed an unknown smile.

"More, not much. This is not something you should know now. It is not your turn to participate in the battle with the king."

This chapter has been completed!
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