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Chapter 410 Book of the Future

The Last Lord of Darkness Chapter 410 Book of the Future

"This is a lucky and unfortunate soul. With unspeakable luck, he obtained the legendary throne of the gods and became the successor of the next generation of gods."

"But unfortunately, his soul was too weak to carry the power of the Throne of God. The broken throne could not endure the slow recovery progress and decided to change its owner. This is a very reasonable thing."

Asa's blood flew into the Book of Destiny at an unprecedented speed. His body quickly shriveled up and his soul was crumbling, but the aura in his eyeballs was brighter than ever.

The writing of the Book of Destiny has become slower, but the bright red words are still written firmly one stroke at a time.

"And the great Asa is such an excellent candidate. He is a soul formed by ancient evil thoughts. He is the product of the evolution of fragments of the extremely evil ancient god. He lives forever and ever. He is a cancer that cannot be eradicated by mankind.

, is the eternal parasite of darkness. He has unimaginable power and is enough to replace this weak and ordinary soul."

A strange spiritual light shone on Rhodes, and a mysterious power wrapped around him like a spider's thread.

Asa's laughter echoed in the empty cave.

"Hahahaha, the lingering human race is finally going to perish. Trorian is just a thousand-year rut dragged behind the Age of Fire. It will eventually evaporate like water stains under the scorching sun. Humanity will not leave any trace in this world.

If there is even a trace, the post-dark era will come, and I will be the whistler who opens the door of darkness."


Asa's skull cracked violently, and his eyeballs swelled rapidly, almost occupying half of his face.

The mist of the soul poked out of the eyeballs and drifted slowly toward Rhodes.

"Fear! Wail! But there is nothing you can do, because fate is unchangeable!"

However, amidst the wild laughter, Asa was suddenly surprised to find that Rhodes in front of him did not have any panic, nor any fear or despair. He looked at him with a cold look, like looking at a prey, an insect.


It took Asa a second to tell that this was not pretentious, that kind of aloof indifference, just like a god who controls the power of life and death, and can take away life and death.

It is impossible for a person in despair to have such an expression.

What's going on?

Asa's bloated mind calmed down a little, and he turned his scrutiny to Rhodes again. He was shocked to find that although the aura of fate enveloped him, it did not invade his body at all.

Destiny has not changed!

A terrifying thought arose from the bottom of his heart, and Asa suddenly realized that the Book of Destiny was just a semi-artifact. Even if it was inspired by his blood and soul, how could it affect the Throne of the Gods that transcended the concept of an artifact?

Every influence he had before failed, and the backlash even destroyed the Book of Destiny. Why did he succeed this time?

No, that’s not right!

Asa suddenly came to his senses.

Why didn't I realize this?

He suddenly turned his head, and then he saw a line of small red letters written on the seam of the Book of Destiny.

"Ecstasy overwhelmed Asa's mind. He naively thought that he could replace the owner of the God's Throne, but he did not realize that this was an impossible task. But when he reached the end of the road, he had no choice and brazenly launched a suicide attempt.



What is this?

The Book of Destiny betrayed me? It actually betrayed me?

Fear, despair, anger, disbelief, and other emotions all rushed into Asa's heart. He had already sensed the crisis. Once his soul submerged into Rhodes' body, something terrible would happen.


he shouted wildly.

"Abort! Abort the invasion! If I die, you won't get anything good to eat!"

There was no response from the Book of Destiny. Asa's soul accelerated towards Rhodes, and unspeakable fear rushed towards him.

"Why? Why is this?"

Asa shouted in despair.

"It was I who liberated you from the ancient city of Sagus, and I gave you blood and soul. Why do you betray me? Is there any better master than me? If you fall into their hands, you will only be destroyed.

Cut it into pieces, quickly, stop quickly..."

His voice was distorted and distorted, like the wail of hell, but there was just an extra line of text in the Book of Destiny.

"Asa got his wish, and his soul body invaded the body he dreamed of. If he is lucky enough, he may be able to replace him, but as we all know, this is only a theoretical probability."


A twisted black soul appeared under the obelisk. The unprotected soul body was instantly swallowed by the dream, turned into a wisp of smoke and flew to the soul altar, and was sealed within the crystal wall.

The Book of Knowledge sneered: "I have never seen such a stupid person. Dreamland is a great existence that you can't imagine. Where do you have the confidence to replace her master?"

Rhodes looked at Asa's soul howling filial piety inside the crystal wall, rushing left and right, as if trying to break out of the cage and regain freedom, and asked in surprise: "He seems to be conscious."

The Book of Knowledge observed for a moment: "Perhaps his soul is special? He seems to be an ancient evil thought, and his hatred for mankind is endless. As long as mankind exists for a moment, he will not really die. Doomsday cultists are in the human race.

There is also part of his reason for the endless stretch."

Rhodes frowned: "What should we do?"

"Well, just leave it like this. When the black mist dissipates, it will naturally dissipate."

Rhodes sighed: "Well, that's all we can do. At least he won't make trouble outside. The murderer who killed Lilivi can be considered punished."

Asa's soul roared ferociously inside the crystal wall: "Let...me out, you will regret it..."

No one paid attention to him. Rhodes was silent for a few seconds and then asked: "Shu, is what Asa said true? Is the dream really the throne of the gods? The so-called successor of the source of the gods?"

The Book of Knowledge replied hesitantly: "I'm not sure. I only remember that the dreamland is an indescribably great existence. In my only remaining memory, the dreamland also has a name called Celestial God Arms. As for the Source Celestial God... I have no impression.

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Doubts flashed through Rhode's mind, but he did not delve into it and quickly returned to the material world.

The aura of destiny that wrapped around him like a spider's thread was dissipating, but the Book of Destiny had already run away.

Rhodes rushed several times but failed to break away from the cocoon of fate.

The Book of Knowledge wrote worriedly: "Although the potential of the dream is countless times higher than it, if it is just a spiritual confrontation, we will not have the advantage."

Rhodes said solemnly: "That book must have awakened the book spirit. It killed its owner just to regain freedom."

The Book of Knowledge said urgently: "We must not let it run away. My original spirituality is still in it! Without it, my wisdom will still be affected! Many abilities will not be able to be used!"

Rhodes concentrated his spiritual energy and bombarded with all his strength, finally breaking open the cocoon.

"Over there!" the Book of Knowledge shouted.

Rhodes chased after it. Under the guidance of the Book of Knowledge, he quickly blocked it in a cave.

At this time, the Book of Destiny was shrouded in blood, which was the power of Asa. In order to occupy the dream, he only left his soul body, and everything else was turned into nourishment for the Book of Destiny.

The moment it saw Rhodes, it quickly wrote a line of text.

"The ghost that was wandering in the spiritual world suddenly decided to come to the material world because it found a delicious soul."

The next moment, an octopus-like ghost suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and its powerful tentacles instantly entangled Rhodes.

The Book of Knowledge shouted: "The spirit-binding ghost is not a very strong monster, but it is born with the characteristic of imprisonment. Once it is entangled by it, it is difficult to break away."

Rhode struggled several times, but the tentacles remained motionless.

"Attack it first. Only by killing it can you break free!"

As soon as Rhodes thought, the phantom of the wind appeared in front of him, but before he started to attack, the next line of the Book of Destiny was written.

"A maggot that has been dormant in this dark underground for ten thousand years is waking up. It is furiously trying to find the soul that disturbed its sleep and tear it into pieces."

In the distance, a powerful spiritual energy wave came.

Rhodes's face changed instantly. This was a level 12 psychic waveform. That maggot man was a very powerful monster.

To make matters worse, a new line of text was written in the Book of Destiny.

"This is a royal city built on the abyss. Fighting the powerful maggots in the ground so close to the abyss is likely to disturb the abyss, and the infinite evil will devour the remaining humans in the Dark Age."

Rhodes immediately realized that something was wrong.

The Book of Destiny does not directly confront the dream, but triggers other forces to attack it. This is a very correct tactic. If Asa used the Book of Destiny like this from the beginning, he would have no chance of victory.

He controlled the phantom to attack the spirit-binder with all his strength, but the monster was not destroyed so easily.

"It's over." The Book of Knowledge shouted desperately: "Master, let's run away first. It's too dangerous here and we can't stay long!"

"Shut up!" Rhode shouted angrily: "If you run away now, where can we find the book?"


The spiritual energy fluctuations in the distance are getting clearer and clearer, and the powerful maggot man is about to wake up.

At this moment, a clear and bright voice appeared.

"The Maggot Man, who has been silent for ten thousand years, decided to continue to be silent. Time has no meaning to it, disturbances are just meaningless waves, and the eternal silence cannot be changed."

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Like a loud slap in the face, the disturbed destiny trajectory was instantly corrected.

The spiritual energy fluctuations in the distance gradually disappeared and calm returned.

Rhodes turned around and saw a shiny bald head coming from the darkness, it was the great prophet Yin Yetta.

He smiled at Rhodes: "Sorry, I'm late."

Rhodes was surprised: "You also have the power to change your destiny?"

Yin Yetta smiled and said: "The White Tower is a real artifact. Although it is not a destiny sequence, it can interrupt the abnormal destiny trajectory, provided that I can see it."

Rhodes said happily: "Great, Asa is dead. Destroy that book quickly, and we will completely eliminate this group of doomsday cultists!"

Yin Yeta took a step forward, his expression became solemn.

Ahead, more red mist erupted from the Book of Destiny. The scattered words due to the interruption of destiny were quickly erased, and a new line of text was quickly written.

"The Maggot Man has been silent for long enough. It is unforgivable to disturb it. It has decided to tear these souls into pieces."

Powerful psychic energy fluctuations rise again.

Yinyeta's face darkened, he opened his hands and said in a deep voice: "Decisions can be changed, silence is the eternal life of a maggot."

The powerful spiritual energy fluctuations gradually became silent again.

The Book of Destiny quickly wrote: "There are destined to be small waves in eternal life."

Yin Yetta: "The waves can calm down."

Just like that, the two of them started fighting each other.

The spiritual energy in the distance rises and falls, like doing sit-ups.

Yinyeta said in a deep voice: "It faced me, and its power was stimulated in some way, and its power increased significantly. The White Tower is always paying attention to the Three Realms, and it cannot give me much power. I cannot suppress it.

But don't worry, Lord Lucian will be here soon."

Sure enough, within a moment, Lucian, the Chief Adjudicator, arrived at the scene. He was holding a huge hammer, with powerful spiritual energy condensed in the hammer. He suddenly rushed out from behind the Book of Destiny and hit the Book of Destiny with a heavy hammer.


With a loud bang, the Book of Destiny was smashed to the ground, and the blood mist surrounding it was a lot.


Lucian shouted loudly and hit the hammer for the second time.

But a line of text has already appeared on the Book of Destiny.

"Psionics that are too powerful cannot be controlled, and it is normal for them to lose control occasionally."


Lucian's hammer exploded into pieces.

Yinyeta shouted: "Your Excellency Lucian, don't use abilities with hidden dangers, it can amplify hidden dangers."

The Book of Destiny flew up from the ground, and the blood mist surrounding it condensed rapidly, forming two blood-red puppets.

"Puppet of destiny!"

Yinyeta shouted.

"This is the condensation of pure power, and it has no moves!"

Lucian's face darkened. He could not use the Spirit Explosive Hammer, and his strength was greatly weakened. The two blood mist puppets were also stronger than expected, and they were not monsters that could be defeated in a short time.

He struggled with the two puppets, and within a moment he was already in danger.

The Book of Destiny quickly ran outside.

Yinyeta shouted: "It's going to run away!"

Lucian said anxiously: "I'm trapped! Use your big eyes, Yinyetta!"

Yin Yetta said flatly: "No, the big eyes are observing the storm pass, and I can't tell the slightest bit of strength."

"What should we do?"

"It can't escape, I will find it one day..."

"No need."

Rhodes' cold voice came from the side.

"I will take action."

With a heavy blow from the phantom, the spirit-binding ghost disappeared into thin air.

He tiptoed and rushed to the Book of Destiny like lightning.

The Book of Destiny hurriedly turned, but the Phantom of the Wind was already blocking the other side.

The Book of Destiny flew upwards, but it was already too late.

Rhodes' right hand has become transparent, and a sickle-shaped crescent appears on the back of his hand.

He has seen the flaw in the soul of the Book of Destiny.



With a muffled sound coming from the void, Rhode's right hand had been inserted into the Book of Destiny. He grasped it with five fingers and pulled hard. The entire book suddenly flew into pieces, and the blood-red mist exploded, covering it.

The whole cave.

A ray of gray air penetrated into Rhodes' chest.

The Book of Knowledge laughed wildly and said: "My root spirituality! My root spirituality is finally back! I am no longer a weakling! My retarded career is about to end!"

At the same time, a crystal-clear object fell from the broken book.

Yinyeta said happily: "Sure enough, the soul core of the God of Destiny is here! The teacher's prophecy of the origin can finally be carried out!"

Lucien let out a long breath, and he didn't know what the expression was on his old face. His battle with Asa lasted for decades, and it was not until today that he completely wiped them out.

"We have lost another cancer. The most threatening doomsday sect has finally been wiped out. I can finally free my hands to deal with the other three doomsday sects."

Yinyeta happily picked up the soul core. Ever since the teacher sensed the great threat in the future, Baita has been preparing for the prophecy of the source for a long time.

It was not until today that the most critical material was obtained.

"As expected of you, Rhodes." He sighed: "You are the first to contribute to this operation."

But Rhodes didn't pay attention to their words. He stared at the place where the Book of Destiny died, and there was something calling him there.

Rhodes stretched out his finger and touched it lightly. In an instant, a familiar hot feeling penetrated his soul like an iron rod.

On the bookshelf in the dreamland, next to the book of the past, there is a second book.

The Book of the Future.

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