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Chapter 434 The Corpse of the King

 The sky-high black dust fell, and only a few piles of ashes remained of the once powerful Soul Eater.

Sauron opened up the ashes, took out the condensed monster's ashes, and put them into the ashes bag he carried with him.

"Four powerful and super-level monster ashes."

Sauron laughed so hard that he couldn't even open his eyes.

"You can also make a large potion or boil hundreds of pots of ashes soup."

Jessica inserted the six giant swords back into her back and said calmly: "I don't feel in danger for the time being."

Rhodes took a look back at the dreamland.

In the Star Square, a divine number 12 is still floating behind the mist.

Obviously, the task of cleaning up the traces of death has not been completed. When the battle of Star City begins, the place will still be disturbed, and the awakened monsters will attack humans from behind, causing chaos and losses.

The Book of Knowledge reminds: "The strange behavior of Soul Eaters and the strengthening they receive."

Rhodes also remembered what Asa told him when he entered the Death Scar, and knew that there was a powerful monster lurking here, which was most likely an undead.

He immediately returned to his body and said: "Don't be too happy, our mission has not been completed yet."

Sauron put away his smile and said in a deep voice: "Yes, the psychic riot may have awakened new monsters, and the Soul Eater has undergone strange changes. We still need to investigate the cause of the Death Mark."

Jessica said doubtfully: "Why do the soul-eating demons come one after another? Did they sense my invasion?"

Sauron said solemnly: "Maybe the first Soul Eater you killed alarmed them. Anyway, let's start investigating the Death Mark, and maybe we can find their answer."

This proposal was unanimously approved by the three people.

Jessica lifted her awakening state, and with a burst of intense light, she transformed from the huge six-armed snake demon into a beautiful girl.

Rhodes was quite disappointed to find that her clothes were intact, and he originally thought she would get some benefits from her transformation.

Jessica noticed Rhode's eyes, pursed her lips and smiled: "Little Rhodes, my clothes are specially made soul equipment. We are the daughters of demon spirits who fight all year round. We have been promoted and grown in life and death battles. Don't you

Do you think we will burst our clothes stupidly?"

Rhode curled his lips and said: "Monsters are not humans and have no will. What's wrong with showing them to others? It can also make us feel happy and improve everyone's combat efficiency. Isn't it good?"


Sauron banged Rhodes on the head and scolded.

"You brat, what are you talking about? You let the most beautiful and charming girls in our royal city go naked to fight on the battlefield?"

Rhodes shrugged: "I didn't say that. What I said was that when you transform, you will be naked. Running naked is too primitive. Clothing is the art and romance of mankind."

Sauron was so angry that he had blue veins in his head, but he didn't want to talk nonsense with Rhodes now. He had secretly decided to return to the royal city and report Rhodes' weird remarks to the king when the battle was over. This guy was already a guardian. Only

The king’s control is best.

But he didn't notice that the light in Jessica's eyes was flowing, as if she was thinking about something.

The three of them started exploring along the canyon.

Although the Death Trace is called a canyon, it is still a thousand yards wide. There is rotten mud under the feet, bottomless darkness above the head, and thick black mist around the body, as if it is at the bottom of an abyss.

Sauron is an experienced veteran warrior who has experienced many ruins and is also very good at exploration.

"This is a sedimentary terrain. After rains, water floods into the canyon year after year. The canyon is deep and the water evaporates less, slowly forming this swamp state."

"Note that this sludge is mixed with a lot of pollution and is very corrosive. You must clean your legs specially after returning."

"There are no traces of other monster activity here. The Soul Eater dominates this area."

"Look, this pit is where the Soul Eater has been silent all year round. It exudes strong corrosion. Let's search it as soon as possible and don't stay too long."

From this pit, the three found some decayed and damaged armor, but nothing special was found.

At this moment, rain fell from the sky. This was the first time that Rhodes encountered rain. The big raindrops were black, like ink, and they made a clicking sound when they hit the ground.

The black rain quickly became heavier and turned into a heavy rain, and the sound of crashing flooded the world.

The three of them opened up their psychic protection, replaced the red tear stones, took purification potions, and continued exploring in the rain.

Black water flowed across the ground. I don't know if it was due to the heavy rain. Some of the silt was washed away, exposing the hard rock ground.

As a result, they also found some broken swords, large shields, and even a broken and blackened flag.

The Starry Kingdom's exclusive star logo can be vaguely seen on the flag, and below it is a pattern that Mohu cannot recognize, which seems to be related to the sword and shield.

Sauron said in a deep voice: "This is the flag of the Knights of the Fighting Stars. It is one of the strongest knights in the Kingdom of Stars. It is called the Shield of the Kingdom. We have never been able to find any trace of it. It turned out to be destroyed here.

Jessica said softly: "I heard that every knighthood in the Kingdom of Stars has an artifact or semi-artifact. If the Fighting Star Knights are completely wiped out here, will their artifact be here too?"

This sentence made Sauron's heart beat. Jessica's words were very possible. The power of artifacts is extremely strong. Trorian currently only has one real artifact, and that is the White Tower.

The Resonance Calculation is a man-made quasi-artifact, the royal weapon that carries the Holy Fire is also a quasi-artifact, and the Ringing Heart that builds the World Clock Tower can also be considered a quasi-artifact.

Apart from this, all that everyone possesses are actually semi-artifacts, or simply pseudo-artifacts.

If the lost artifact can be found, Trorian's power will definitely increase significantly, and the chance of winning the attack on Star City will become higher again.

"Let's search carefully." Sauron said in a deep voice: "Don't miss a clue."

The three continued to walk forward, and they soon found more armor and broken swords. On some armor, they saw the star mark of Mohu and the emblem of the Knights of the Fighting Star.

The possibility that this is the place where the Fighting Star Knights will be destroyed is greatly increased.

But for some reason, they didn't find the remains of the knight.

"Will it rot?" Rhodes asked.

Sauron shook his head: "Impossible. Under the shroud of black mist, there are only two possibilities for the corpses, either to stiffen into fossils or to twist and metamorphose into monsters. Most of them are the latter."

Jessica raised her eyebrows: "Maybe those monsters were eaten by the Soul Eater."

"It's possible, but I don't think it's likely." Sauron said, "Let's look for him separately, don't be too far away, and contact us immediately if there is any situation."

The three of them separated immediately. Rhodes has recovered a little now and walking is no problem.

The Death Scar Canyon is very large and long, and the terrain slopes slightly forward. The black water has formed countless tributaries on the ground and flows forward.

Rhodes stepped on the muddy water and carefully searched every inch of the land, and soon found more traces. They were scattered in the mud, mostly fragments of armor and weapons, but still no corpses or monsters were seen.

He tried to ask about the Book of Knowledge.

The Book of Knowledge replied helplessly: "Master, even by the most tolerant standard, this cannot be regarded as knowledge, it is just something that happened."

At this time, Rhodes thought of Asa again, but his soul had not recovered yet, and the other half of his shattered soul was slowly gathering here.

But Rhodes didn't have that patience anymore, so he went up and dug out Asa's remaining soul.

A stream of gray energy flew in, and Asa was immediately resurrected in the soul altar.

"What are you doing?" Asa said angrily: "Don't you know it hurts to be gouged to death? I didn't run away, I was resurrecting into a dream."

Rhodes said impatiently: "Okay, I have something to ask you. Do you know where the corpses of the Knights are?"

Asa said angrily: "How do I know? I am not an omniscient and omnipotent God."

Rhodes said in a deep voice: "Asa, you'd better cooperate, I am the master here."

Asa sneered: "So what? I won't tell you that you can find what you want by looking at the direction of the water flow."

Rhodes nodded and left the dreamland immediately.

Opening his eyes, in the darkness, the heavy rain drowned the three figures, and even the eyes of the soul could not see very far.

The black water flowed freely on the ground, branching out into countless branches.

But vaguely, they seem to be pointing in the same direction.

Follow the flow.

Asa's words flashed through Rhodes' mind, and he strode towards the direction of the current.

A black curtain of rain rushed towards my face, and the black mist rolled in the heavy rain, making it look even thicker.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Rhodes suddenly noticed that the black water was flowing towards the side of the cliff, and a bottomless cave appeared in front of him.

It must be here!

Rhodes immediately sent a psychic message through the flame symbol, and Sauron and Jessica rushed over quickly.

"What did you find?" Sauron asked first.

His eyes were shining, obviously knowing that Rhodes would not let him go.

Rhodes pointed to the cave: "There seems to be something down here."


Sauron looked at it for a moment and walked down cautiously.

Rod and Jessica followed closely behind.

Sauron was very nervous along the way, but he did not touch any traps or have any accidents.

The three of them successfully reached the bottom of the cave, and unexpectedly found that black water gathered here, but they were not submerged.

A corpse was lying in the water, and the black water sank into its body along its arms.

Sauron was startled and shouted: "Be careful!"

But neither Rod nor Jessica moved. Although the corpse was strange, they did not see or feel threatened.

Rhodes walked over carefully and looked at it carefully.

The armor on the corpse had rotted away and became fragments hanging on it, and the long sword was so rotten that only a hilt was left.

The corpse has dried up and turned black, but I don’t know why it didn’t turn into a monster.

Rhodes vaguely felt that there was a force suppressing it.

Sauron shouted: "Be careful, Rhodes, let's go back."


Rhodes' eyes shone slightly, one of the corpse's arms was hunched, and his body was slightly sideways, as if he was protecting something.

He took a few steps forward and saw the two lines of words written under its arm.

——The Kingdom of Stars, where the Knights of Fighting Stars were destroyed.

——We are hopeless. The darkness is invincible. All efforts, sacrifices, blood, and struggles are all in vain. Why?

It is carved on the stone and is still clearly visible even after all this time.

Rhodes was shocked, and then noticed that a stone pillar penetrated his chest. This once powerful knight had already died.

"This is the knight commander of the Fighting Star Knights."

Sauron said, seeing at a glance that there was nothing under his arms.

Obviously, the artifact-like artifact of the Fighting Star Knights has long since disappeared.

"Why can he persist in the black mist for so long?" Rhodes asked.

"I don't know."

After searching for a while and failing to find any secrets, Sauron gave up temporarily.

"Go out, there's nothing here."

But at this moment, the corpse suddenly moved.

This chapter has been completed!
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