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Chapter 470 The Past and the Ancient Gods


Rhodes was suddenly startled.

Are you calling me?

The expanding light was facing him, and it didn't look like he was calling someone else.

"Ah, yes... this is the breath of the Lord, the soul altar, the dissociation of the source. I really miss the era when humans and gods fought side by side... In the twilight battle between gods, your death ended the era of gods. I,

I thought everything would be over..."

The sound of the void is trembling, and the loud echoing sound cannot cover up the unspeakable joy.

"Great, great, Yanosadag's prophecy is correct. You will eventually return like lightning. After endless years, the darkness will eventually fade away like the tide. There is still hope in this world..."<


Hearing her words, Rhodes felt a storm in his heart.

Does Dreamland actually have such a history?

In the ancient era of gods, could it also dominate an era? Even the ancient gods called it "lord".

He unconsciously turned his gaze to the Book of Knowledge and found that it was also listening very intently to the voice in the light.

Obviously, this history is not in its memory.

Not far away, the same goes for the dolls and the Book of the Future.


Rhodes hesitated for a moment, and when he was about to open his mouth to communicate with it, the light suddenly collapsed rapidly, and the light became introverted and dim.

"The spirit is collapsing... I don't have much time left. When the dust seal is opened, time will begin to pass. Great Lord, please accept the power I have preserved for thousands of years."

The bright light turned into a black hole, space collapsed into it, and a wedge-shaped fragment shining with intense aura was spit out from the hole.

The Book of Knowledge suddenly jumped three yards high and shouted wildly: "The Core of the Titan!"

Rhodes' heart skipped a beat. He remembered clearly that the "Colossus Core" is the source material of the big star [Power of the Titan], and the Book of Knowledge said that the source material of the big star is very precious and unique.


He originally wanted to find the source material after finding the dream fragments and restoring the building "that can find the fragments".

Unexpectedly, the "power" mentioned by Heragetos, the ancient god who was reborn in flesh and blood, turned out to be this source of matter!

An even more ethereal sound came from the black hole.

"This is the law of the source, the condensation of the giant, the light and shadow of all greatness and glory."

"Yanosadag foresaw this moment today, allowing me to preserve the most useful power for the Lord in my life and flesh, and split my body to prevent the powerful spirit of darkness from being born in me."

"My mission has finally been completed, great Lord... please bring light to this world."

The sound of the black hole is getting weaker and weaker.

But how could Rhodes give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover the truth about the world? He hurriedly asked: "Who is Yanosadag?"

"The God of Destiny..."

Only a few gossamer-like sounds came from the black hole.

Obviously, the remaining spirit of the reborn God of flesh and blood is on the verge of dissipating, and her consciousness is becoming blurry.

Rhodes was shocked. He remembered that the White Tower once told him that this God of Destiny was also one of the gods they judged to be missing in the ancient era.

"What happened to her?"

"When she was destroyed, she dismembered herself and turned it into materials for making powerful items..."

Rhodes suddenly remembered that the Book of Destiny was made from part of the God of Destiny?

The Book of the Future screamed: "Yes! That's it, part of my original shell belonged to the Ancient God of Destiny!"

Is she using this method to leave hope for the light?

At this time, the light had been completely extinguished, and even the black hole itself was shrinking. Rhodes knew that time waits for no one, so he hurriedly asked: "Lord, what Lord are you talking about?"

As soon as the words fell, I didn't know what was touched. The air shook faintly, and the dreamland darkened. The Book of Knowledge ran to the mirror of the gods with almost all its strength, and turned on the protection of the dreamland with all its strength.

Suddenly, a sharp roar came from the black hole.

"Terror, disaster, I saw darkness, boundless darkness, what is this?"

"Be careful, my Lord, be careful, the great terror in the black mist is coming, be careful, be careful, be careful..."

Amidst the ear-piercing screams, the black hole collapsed and turned into countless black threads swimming in the air.

Along with a long breath, a sound that sounded like relief from endless pain, these black threads also dissipated.

The remaining spirit of this ancient god has completely disappeared from this world.

All traces of the existence of the God of Flesh and Rebirth melted away without a trace like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

Only the crystal clear wedge-shaped fragment that shines with strong spiritual light is left.

Rhodes was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and picked up the fragment. It weighed nothing in his hand, just like a phantom of nothingness.

Beside, the book of knowledge was unconsciously scratching the ground with its pages in the corner of the house of God.

The Book of the Future is lying on the ground, not knowing what he is thinking.

The puppet came to Rhodes and whispered: "Master, we have obtained another piece of precious information. We have taken another step towards the final truth."

Rhodes came back to his senses and agreed: "Yes, if we can figure out what happened in the ancient era, many secrets will be solved."

Asa suddenly sneered: "Don't these guardian spirits know what happened in the past? They deliberately didn't tell you, they were just using you."

Rhodes frowned. Asa's words were obviously trying to sow discord, but they also hit the key point. If he didn't trust the books or dolls enough, he would inevitably wonder whether they were deliberately using amnesia as an excuse.

Of course, this is actually impossible.

The rules of the dream are open to Rhodes. He can be sure that the creatures in the dream such as the Book of Knowledge cannot lie to him. At most, they can only conceal part of the truth by not answering - but that is meaningless, because as long as Rhodes asks questions

Appropriate enough that it is easy to distinguish.

"Haha." Rhodes replied with the same sneer: "You no longer insist that I am the successor of Yuantian God?"

Asa fell silent for a moment.

The Book of the Future mocked: "At least it's more reliable than the King of Shit Devourers."

Asa's face was gloomy, and for the first time he did not fight back immediately.

Rhodes ignored him, walked to the wall of the House of God, and kicked the Book of Knowledge.

"That damn bitch...ah, Master, your footwork is so good."

Rhode scolded: "Book, please focus on me."

The Book of Knowledge came back to his senses and looked a little depressed: "Yes, Master."

"Did you recall anything from what I just said?"


"If I remember correctly, the first era is the era of chaos when the world first opened and all things were formed. The second era is the ancient era of gods. After the end of the second era, there is the era of fire dominated by humans.

It is the Third Era, and the previous dream master, the Prince of the North, should have been active in the Third Era..."

Rhodes paused, thought for a moment, and then continued.

"The master mentioned by the God of Flesh and Rebirth should be the dream master who was active in their era. According to common sense, these two dream masters should not be the same person."

"Then, there should be more than one Dream Lord before me."

The Book of Knowledge replied frustratedly: "Yes, but we have no impression of them, and all the memories about this part are incomplete."

Rhodes nodded. The Book of Knowledge once vaguely indicated that there is more than one owner of the dream, but it never said how many specific owners.

The puppet suddenly said: "Our memories may have been tampered with or partially erased."

The Book of Knowledge said feebly: "It may be to protect us... but our value has also been reduced because of this. I am special, and I should not have my memory erased."

Rhodes picked it up: "Don't lose it. At least with me, your memory will not be erased again."

The Book of Knowledge was stunned for a second, and suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, yes, I am indeed special, Master, and no one is more reliable than your loyal Book of Knowledge."

Rhodes curled his lips, this guy is still the same as before.

Now, the ancient god reborn in flesh and blood has been completely eliminated, its spirit has been freed from endless pain, and Rhodes has also obtained the extremely rare source material of the big star.

From the words of the ancient god, it is clear that this source of matter is of extremely important significance to Rhodes, so much so that the God of Destiny Anosadag made such a distant prophecy for it, and the God of Flesh and Rebirth paid a heavy price to keep it until

Now, it's in his hands.

Obviously, the core of the Titan will bring unimaginable changes to him.

Rhodes walked to the obelisk, and the only big star was shining on the soul surface.

The Book of Knowledge, the Doll, the Book of the Future and Asa all gathered around him unknowingly.

Rhodes took a deep breath and sent the Titan's core into the obelisk.

The next moment, the entire obelisk burst out with super strong white light, drowning the entire dream.

This light was so powerful that it was useless for Rhodes to cover his eyes. The white light penetrated his palms and eyes, throwing him into the infinite white world.

There was a strong vibration in the dream, and with a rumbling sound, the obelisk rose upward again.

I don’t know how long it took before the white light gradually faded away.

Rhodes opened his eyes, and the white shadow still remained in his eyes. The obelisk in front of him had become much taller, and on the surface of the monument, [Colossus Power] exuded a terrifying brightness.

【Power of Titan】

[Status: Origin]

[Position: above the spiritual world]

【Star Energy: Titan】


[Description: How dare I fall down, there is no one behind me.]


[Giant]: Summoning a giant of destruction and destruction to fight requires the consumption of huge spiritual energy. If the spiritual energy is not enough, power will be drawn from the depths of the soul.


After reading it, Rhodes' childishness suddenly shrank, and he realized the huge power contained in this simple line of text.

Before quantification, the star energy of the big stars was just a incomplete version, and its negative effects were only due to the huge spiritual energy consumption of the giant god that could not be afforded.

But in fact, it still consumes spiritual energy. What Rhodes used before was always just an arm of the giant god.


All the blood in Rhodes' body was burning.

With this super powerful star, the probability of killing the Queen of Stars is even greater!

He looked up again, and when he saw the strength of the Gundam, he almost gasped for breath.

5.2 million!

I read that right.

My total soul strength is only 3.3 million, and a big star can double it and it will be much more!

It is indeed the "power" that the God of Flesh and Rebirth has been guarding for countless years and wants to give it to me!

You are worthy of God of Destiny’s prophecy of transcending epochs!

I am willing to call you the strongest prophet in heaven and on earth!

Hahahahaha, who else is growing at this speed?

Rhodes looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

I am already invincible. Maybe the Queen of Stars will be defeated by me as soon as she meets her.

From now on, all human beings will bow under my big pants, and they will no longer have to be afraid under my protection.

Trorian, the true king you all dreamed of, is coming back.


Amidst the laughter, the words on the top of the obelisk also changed:

Soul Strength:

Soul Star:11

Human nature: 20.11 million


Soulless Soul: 3 Billion

Inside the monument: None

Soul Altar: 2 extremely great souls, 34 great souls


Source energy:37

Storage: 310,000 soul residues, 14 flowers of humanity, 7 soul firewood, 19 flesh and blood soul trait blocks, slightly.

Special items: 7 guardians of darkness, 1 immortal spirit, 1 twisted scale, 1 bell of light, 1 stone of chaos, 1 flesh and blood of rebirth


The soul strength increased by more than 4 million in one breath!

Now, his absolute spiritual power should exceed Qianji.

Rhodes already felt a powerful force emerging from his soul.

It is so powerful that controlling it becomes difficult.

Obviously, he is already on the border of the eleventh level of psychic power and will soon be able to reach the twelfth level of psychic power.

Those 33 points of divinity made Rhodes feel hot and full of confidence.

"Book, why does the soul sacrificed to her have divinity?"

The Book of Knowledge replied: "Although the God of Flesh and Rebirth is not a powerful God in the Era of Gods, she is a God after all, and there may still be some divinity left in a certain piece of the split body."

Rhodes nodded slightly: "It's a pity that she has no source."

"When she fell, her source and most of her divinity were plundered, leaving only a part of the body. What we are dealing with is only the monster born from this body, not the ancient god himself. Otherwise,

, we are still unable to compete."

So that’s it.

Rhodes calmed down for a moment, then focused on the reborn flesh and blood, and asked: "Book, what is this? What is its use?"

The Book of Knowledge turned the pages for a moment and replied: "This is the remnant of the core power of an ancient god. Eating it can completely restore flesh, blood and life."

Rhodes frowned and said: "Someone?"

The book of knowledge was startled and realized what it had forgotten.

"The mark of its existence has dissipated and cannot be found even in the long history. Only a being like you, the master, can retain the memory."

Rhodes suddenly understood. No wonder the Book of Knowledge and the memory of the doll are always incomplete and broken.

He did not continue to ask, but instead said: "Book, where will the dream go next?"

The Book of Knowledge turned over the pages: "Master, I will try to reduce the disturbance in the dream and avoid danger in the dream. Until you end the battle of Star City, we can decide the next step."

Rhodes nodded and finally asked: "Shu, what do the last words of the God of Flesh and Rebirth mean? What does the Great Terror... mean?"

The Book of Knowledge hesitated for a long time and replied: "I don't know what she saw. Her remaining spirit may have been insane when it dissipated. It is also possible that she saw the crisis before she died, which may indicate that this time in Star City

The battle is very dangerous."

Rhodes smiled: "Of course I know that there is danger in Star City, but I believe that everything depends on man-made things. The Queen of Stars may not be more powerful than the ancient gods. Maybe everything will go smoothly."

The Book of Knowledge wanted to say something else, but Rhodes had already left the dreamland without looking back.

Silence returned to the dreamland.

In the camp shrouded in fire, Rhodes opened his eyes.

More than three hours have passed. Although he was shrouded in black fog, Rhodes was keenly aware of the arrival of dawn - and he gradually mastered the secret of judging time in the dark without relying on a clock.

Everything around him was still the same, and most people were still meditating deeply. It was no different from the scene before him when he closed his eyes, but Rhodes had the illusion of being in another world.

He shook hands and felt the powerful spiritual energy roaring in his body, and a real sense of reality arose spontaneously.

Rhodes was about to stand up when he saw Mavis staring at him not far away.

"What's wrong?" Rhodes touched his cheek.

Mavis said softly: "You have become stronger."

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes, I have become stronger."

"You just took a nap, how did you become stronger?"

Rhodes said casually: "Isn't it normal for you to become stronger while sleeping?"

Mephis's silver-white eyes flashed twice, and then she didn't ask again.

Rhodes stood up and immediately saw the two returning special combatants, Rovia and Jelaba, as well as the leader of the Survey Corps behind them, Liszt.

His face was gloomy and he shouted as soon as he stepped into the camp.

"It's not good!"

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