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Chapter 488 A new era

 Teslevian Gregorian calendar, January 1326.

Day 7.

The last day of Hanukkah, the last hour before the stars leave.

The Trorian King's City is crowded with people, and the light of the Holy Fire is still strong, but it is faintly weakening.

The night sky is still gorgeous, with stars shining, moonlight like water, and thin clouds and mist.

But in an hour, this scene will disappear.

What greeted them next was another long and dark day.

The crowd was silent, everyone was greedily enjoying this last moment, eagerly hoping that it could be extended for a while.

From time to time, there were cries in the crowd, which were poor people who were emotionally broken.

These seven days passed too quickly, and a year was too difficult. It was their normal state to live in fear, and it was only an accidental moment when the fire lit up the world.

The church bells rang, and everyone lowered their heads and prayed silently, hoping that the months and days would be shorter this year, that the next Hanukkah would come earlier, and that the great holy fire would bless them safely through these dark days. Next time

More people can pass the Trial of Fire, preferably including them or their children.

But no one noticed that more than a hundred meteors streaked across the night sky and fell into Shangcheng District.


Holy Fire Sacrifice Site.

Almost all the high-level personnel gathered here. They had received the news half an hour ago that the Starry Sky City expedition team had won a great victory and was returning to the royal city with the Holy Fire Seed.

When the firelight fell to the ground, revealing the figures of four special-level combatants and more than a hundred first-level combatants, huge cheers resounded throughout the sky.

The king personally stepped forward and held Jelaba's hand.

"Heroes of Trorian, welcome back."

Under countless gazes, Jelaba carefully placed the red box containing the seeds of the Holy Fire in the king's hands.

"King, we succeeded, please carry out the sacred fire fusion ceremony as soon as possible."

Wang nodded lightly, opened the red box, and the seeds with flowing flame patterns appeared in front of his eyes.

Everyone looked at it intently.

This is what they spent countless efforts to obtain, which will save the entire Trorian and bring new life to countless people.

The first defense officer, Chang Lin, said hoarsely: "Is this the seed of the Holy Fire?"

"That's right." First Elder Armando replied softly: "I can feel its extraordinary, infinite power surging inside it, and it seems to be resonating with the holy fire."

First Commander Herman suddenly felt worried again.

"Can the Holy Fire fuse it? There won't be any accidents, right?"

"No." The leader of the Silver Oath replied: "Your Excellency Meredith has predicted this a long time ago. The structure of the Holy Fire itself can accommodate multiple Holy Fire seeds. The fire priests of the Silver Oath study the Holy Fire.

It has been determined for many years."

"Yes." Armando said hoarsely: "If this were not the case, how could His Majesty formulate the plan for the Holy Fire? That is our king."

Everyone looked at the man wearing the Crown of Fire with reverence.

Wang gently picked up the Holy Fire Seed and sensed its power.

The fire spread across his body and golden light covered him.

"I feel it."

The king's voice came from the light.

"It's beating, it's being awakened, the fire is exhausted, but it can be rekindled."

The king soared into the sky and flew into the holy fire, and the raging flames engulfed him.

Everyone fell silent and stared at the raging and burning holy fire.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, a strong golden light rose from the bottom of the holy fire and bloomed quickly.

The strong light flooded the entire venue in an instant. Even if you blocked your eyes with your hands, you could not block the golden patch in front of you.

A more magnificent aura rose from the holy fire, and everyone seemed to see a boundless world filled with light. They were submerged in the light and were at a loss.

After a long time, this illusion gradually disappeared, and the golden light gradually returned to normal.

When they opened their eyes, a brand new sacred fire, surging, surging, and full of vitality, came into view

Its breath is so familiar and yet so strange. Its power and surge give people an irresistible sense of vitality. Its warmth has no hidden dangers in its stability.

It was only then that everyone was shocked to realize that there was uneasiness hidden in the huge aura of the previous holy fire.

But now, this uneasiness has completely faded away, replaced by a kind of infinite brilliance and powerful power without flaws, which makes people feel at ease and just want to sleep in the embrace of fire.

A thought came to everyone's mind.

The Holy Fire is more powerful.

We will enter a new era with this!



No one could have imagined that the Holy Fire Seed would be so perfectly integrated into the Holy Fire, without any obstacles or twists and turns, as smoothly as if it originally belonged to the Holy Fire.

The holy fire has completely eliminated hidden dangers, there is no longer the danger of collapse, and there will no longer be horrific changes.

The intensity of the holy fire has been greatly increased, which is the largest leap in the past hundred years.

But more importantly, the structure of the Holy Fire has been greatly expanded, able to accommodate more firewood, with a higher upper limit.

This is something that Trorian has not been able to do for 1,800 years.

After eighteen hundred years of accumulation, the Holy Fire has finally reached a new level.

Now, Wangcheng can add fuel to the holy fire to continue to increase the intensity of the holy fire.

The king issued an order to reclassify the collection and production of firewood, which had been half-stopped for decades, as the highest task in the royal city.

At the same time, the priority of producing phlogiston has also been greatly increased.

During the strengthening period, the Holy Fire needs to obtain more phlogiston.

The royal city is once again bathed in the powerful holy fire.

Even though Hanukkah has passed, the light of the holy fire still exceeds the city walls of the outer city, covering all residents within the scope of the fire.

The power of the holy fire has also produced more chain reactions. The fire holders' practice speed in the royal city has accelerated, and the efficiency of some fire-related production has also become higher.

The monsters inside the royal city are almost extinct. The streets that used to be shrouded in black fog are now illuminated by the holy fire, and no more dust is born.

Apart from the sewers, there are no threats.

Even at night, the holy fire can still illuminate the entire royal city.

The defense force required within the royal city has been greatly reduced.

The most important thing is the upcoming trial of fire.

A more powerful holy fire will inevitably ignite more souls, and more fire bearers are their future.

So far, the Holy Fire Project has achieved perfect success.

All soldiers who participated in the Battle of Star City were treated like heroes, with medical personnel and logistics personnel swarming in to examine, treat and provide them with all possible services.

The Soul Master and the Anti-Curse Order tried their best to eliminate all hidden dangers for them. They used psychic magnifying glasses to observe almost every corner of their bodies, not even a single hair.

Everyone was recorded with special merit, and First Elder Armando personally awarded everyone the Trolian Hero Medal. The rewards for materials and resources were maximized, but they didn't care, and most of them donated them.<


For them, personal gains no longer mean much, the most important thing is the development of Trolian as a whole.

What they really need are cherished resources, such as the "original elements".

Regarding its distribution and utilization, it has become one of the most important issues in the royal city.

Its effect was quickly verified, and it was handed over to the best potion masters and production masters in the Industrial Machinery Research Institute and Byron Alchemy and Pharmaceutical Factory to dilute and decompose them to make the most powerful psychic potion for the most powerful people.

Warriors needed.

The harvest of this expedition far exceeded imagination. In addition to Wanxingyi, the news they brought back also inspired everyone, and their experience made everyone tremble.

Their success is dangerous and dangerous. If they make one wrong step, this risky expedition will inevitably fail.

This also gave them an important warning. In the real darkness, the power of monsters is beyond their understanding. Using their own limited knowledge to understand unknown existences will inevitably lead to failure.

If it weren't for Rhodes, they would definitely not be able to succeed.

The hardships and dangers along this journey are simply unimaginable.

The power of the Queen of Stars is completely beyond imagination. If she had not used the mysterious star power to transform herself into a chaotic body, retaining her spirit and not being completely eroded, then they would have been completely annihilated. Troli

An will be hit hard.

Looking back, the success of the Holy Fire Project was a fluke among flukes.

Fortunately, they received the blessing of fire and took this almost impossible step.

And the problems they encountered also sounded the alarm for Wangcheng.

Such a team could be influenced by doomsday cultists, and the archbishop of Trolian was actually recruited without knowing it.

As soon as Horus returned to the royal city, he underwent a comprehensive inspection by the Church of the Soul. The Anti-Curse Order and the priests of the Silver Oath all surrounded the Archbishop to ensure that there was no problem with his soul and would not be affected in any way, and they tried to find it.

Clues to doomsday cultists.

The Internal Affairs Adjudication Office has entered a high alert state again and started a new round of searches.

The internal mechanism of the royal city is also changing to ensure that there is no gap for the doomsday cultists to exploit.

In this round of attacks, many doomsday cultists were indeed captured, but the core of the Adventist sect was not captured.

The most important clue is Manolo Bana in the dungeon.

Lucien, the chief judge of the Internal Affairs Judgment Office, is interrogating him personally, and the royal city has given permission to use soul means if necessary.

But more important than the Doomsday Cultists is the information they obtained from the Queen of Stars.

The time of Trorian's existence has therefore been pushed forward by at least five hundred years.

However, these five hundred years are not mentioned at all in their history, which shows that Trolian has experienced at least one historical fault.

From this point of view, it seems that catastrophe is never far away and is always happening.

The Kingdom of Stars turned out to be one of the surviving human kingdoms in the Dark Age. Instead of the end of the Fire Era, the four human heroes became five human heroes.

But there are endless arguments within the royal city as to whether other humans have survived.

Some people believe that the Star Kingdom has also been destroyed, and most other human kingdoms will not be spared.

In the long course of history, the possibility of destruction is too great, and it is very likely that only the Trorian family will survive.

Others believe that if the Kingdom of Stars has survived for hundreds of years, then the survivors represented by the other three human heroes may not be able to last longer.

They put forward a very interesting point. In the Dark Age, strength is not the first factor for survival.

The Kingdom of Stars is obviously much more powerful than Trorian, but it perished earlier than Trorian. Obviously, if humans want to survive for a long time in the Dark Age, blindly becoming stronger will not work.

This view has been severely criticized by senior personnel headed by First Defense Chief Chang Lin, who believe that this view coincides with the survivor sect. The strong may not necessarily survive, but the weak will definitely be destroyed.

Trorian cannot stop its expansion and must occupy more territory and obtain more resources in order to survive the disasters that may come in the future.

After several days of intense discussion, Wang Cheng affirmed Dalin's opinion, and Trolian will continue to expand outward until a critical point.

At the same time, they will also send more search teams deep into the darkness to search for possible human kingdoms.

The shadows and disasters mentioned by the Queen of Stars have been taken seriously, and Trorian's progress must not be stopped.

The king lowered the ordinary defense inside the royal city, but strengthened the defense of the Holy Fire Sacrifice. The main thing to guard against was the terrifying and strange shadow.

It can even corrode the powerful Queen of Stars. After the king took out his heart, his power was still weakened, so he must not be able to resist it.

How to deal with strange shadows has become one of the important research topics in the royal city.

Of course, seeking the truth of history is always the most important.

The origin of fire, the origin of black mist, the destruction and rebirth of human beings are all things they urgently need to know.

Only by clarifying these issues can they survive in this world for a long time and find eternal light.

The Star City is a very important relic.

Rhode happened to be stationed there, guarding the Wanxingyi.

The Royal City sent a large number of scholars and history professors to Starry Sky City, trying to find more secrets from this Royal City.

The Supreme Council recognized Jeraba's decision, directly incorporated Star City into Trorian territory, and assigned it to Rhodes.

In terms of territory, Rhodes suddenly became the largest among the Guardians. Star City is so big that it surpasses all defense zones.

But in terms of the number of people in the defense zone, Rhodes is definitely the last.

After intense discussions, Wang Cheng agreed to list cleaning up Star City as one of the tasks, and assigned enough high-level combatants to Rhodes, and even transferred back his original team.

Not only that, in order to commend Rhodes for his achievements, Jeraba, the Son of Fire, made an unprecedented suggestion.

Open the eighth Seat of Ashes and let Rhodes become the preparer of the eighth Son of Fire.



Star City.

Holy Fire Sacrifice Site.

Rhodes is injecting essence into Wanxingyi.


This chapter has been completed!
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