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Chapter 490 Star City and Sewer King

 Carrying too many heavy hopes is also a burden.

Unlike when he was just starting out, Rhodes has deeply felt the power of the black mist. Those existences silent in the depths of the black mist are not as easy to defeat as ordinary monsters.

A Queen of Stars almost punched through Trollian's coffin.

If the Queen of Stars had not used the power of the star source to preserve her spirit, then they would most likely have been met with a disastrous defeat.

No one dares to imagine what kind of enemy the Queen of Stars, who has completely fallen into darkness, possesses the most powerful source of stars, swallowed the seeds of the Holy Fire, and has been silent for thousands of years in the initial black mist, will be.

Looking back now, it's no wonder that the Priests of the Main Star said that this battle was difficult when they learned that none of them had king-level combat power.

Facts have proved that even if there is, it is difficult.

According to scholars' inferences, the Queen of Stars has most likely taken that step before falling into darkness, or at least is close to that level.

Unfortunately, they did not have time to verify this. After awakening the queen and killing the strange shadow, the battle came to an end.

Rhodes currently has a level 12 psionic ability, and he has to reach at least a 14th level psionic ability before he can hope to become the Herrscher.

The most troublesome thing is that he is in a special situation, and he still doesn’t know how to meet the standards of a Herrist.

"It's still too weak."

Rhodes thought.

"I want to be stronger, gain more divinity, ignite more stars, and find more dream fragments."

"With my superhuman qualifications and invincible wisdom, I will definitely not fail like my predecessor."

Rhodes made up his mind and stopped thinking about it. He held his head high and acknowledged the honor he deserved, and strode outside the Holy Fire Sacrifice.

The Holy Fire Sacrifice Site in Star City is huge, but fortunately due to the existence of the Queen of Stars, there are no monsters and no pollution, and the transformation by the production and construction personnel went very smoothly.

The main structure of the sacrificial site itself is solidified by spiritual energy and is very hard. Under the command of many construction masters, it has become a fortress for humans in Star City.

The area they cleared when they came was the only supply line to the outside world.

Support and supplies are continuously sent to the Holy Fire Sacrifice along this road.

At Molly's suggestion, Rhodes sent some combatants to protect the route and ensure its smooth flow.

Especially the sewer area.

This is the most troublesome. There are the most monsters remaining in the sewer, and the pollution is also the most serious.

The final extraction of Weird Shadow did not seem to have much impact on the sewers.

Rhodes went out this time to cooperate with other high-level combatants to thoroughly clean the sewers and ensure the safety of material transportation and personnel.

Amid greetings along the way, Rhodes stepped out of the Holy Fire Sacrifice for the first time in several days.

The holes on the wall of the sacrificial site are still there, the surrounding monsters have been cleaned up, and even the broken Star Avenue has been repaired, surrounded by patrolling soldiers and busy staff.

This ancient royal city has not had the breath of so many living creatures for 1,500 years.

"Good day, Your Excellency Son of Fire."

"Black rice bucket never fails!"


Damn it, I must change this disgusting nickname in the future!

Rhodes gritted his teeth and thought, then waved in response with a smile.

Following the road they came in, they returned to the sewer.

Guardians Churchill and Hayate are waiting for him here.

"Brother Rhodes, you are finally here!"

Churchill gave him a bear hug as soon as he came up, and his strong arms buried Rhodes into his chest.

"I can't wait any longer. What have you done? It's a quarter of an hour later than scheduled."

Rhodes said vaguely: "The king's special envoy came, which delayed a little time."

Churchill laughed and said: "I knew you had become the eighth Son of Fire! You are indeed the person I valued at the beginning."

"He is the preparer."

Rhodes corrected.

"Not yet an official Son of Fire."

Churchill patted him hard on the shoulder and staggered him with his big palm.

"That's pretty much it. Who doesn't know that there is only one Preparator. As long as you enter the realm of the Herrscher and become a special combatant, you can immediately put on the cloak of the Son of Fire... The Preparator exists only to prepare for the Seat of Ashes.

Heat, otherwise it would be bad if you become a son of fire and don’t have the power of ashes to bless you..."

"However, there are very few people who have locked onto the Seat of Ashes so early. Apart from Misha, it is you."

Rhodes glanced at him in surprise: "Misha?"


Churchill rubbed his unshaven chin.

"That girl is an unprecedented super genius. She is the only person after Alan who has received the focus of the White Tower. Her existence has exceeded the concept of a new star, so you have not come into contact with her. We once regarded her as ours.


Rhodes' interest was suddenly piqued. He originally thought that Misha, the King of Thunder and Lightning, was an old woman, but he didn't expect that he turned out to be a girl.

"What happened next? Was she no longer the savior?"

Churchill explained: "I can't say that, it's just that she encountered some difficulties and her growth was not as fast as before."

"Did she grow up quickly before?"


"Faster than me?"

Churchill laughed and said: "Brother Rhodes, do you know? She is one year younger than you, and it only takes a year and a half to ignite the fire of her soul and become a fire bearer."

Rhodes was shocked: "Becoming a Son of Fire in a year and a half?"

"No, to be precise, it was half a year." Churchill corrected: "It only took her half a year for her psychic level to skyrocket from level one to level fourteen, and her characteristic 'Thunder Power' had a direct and quantitative impact.

, do you know how we felt at that time?"

He tilted his head towards Blast, who remained silent and kept a cold attitude. He didn't answer until Churcher asked.

"Shocked, disbelieving, unable to accept, confused thoughts, maybe the savior has arrived."

Churchill smiled and said: "Yes, that's pretty much it. She became the Son of Fire at the fastest speed. This has never happened before in Trorian's history of more than a thousand years."<


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"We thought she would become a super strong person who could face the true darkness as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, her soul could not adapt to such powerful spiritual energy, and she quickly fell into a deep sleep."

Rhodes frowned and said, "Is it because her psychic upgrade ceremony was not completed?"

Churchill shook his head: "No, her spiritual energy ritual was flawless, and there was no problem with her soul. It was just because her spiritual energy increased too quickly, and the strength of her soul did not keep up. Overly powerful spiritual energy will always be consumed quickly.

Even if her psychic powers are exhausted, her spirit cannot bear the strength of level 14 psychic powers, so she always falls into a deep sleep. She has to stay in a special environment all year round, and only uses special clones to fight when necessary."
Only then did Rhodes understand why she was always surrounded by thunder and lightning during the Battle of Star City and never spoke.


Churchill looked at Rhodes and smiled again.

"Brother Rhodes, although your growth is not as fast as hers, the Royal City's expectations for you are no worse than hers. Even when you just became a guardian, the Seat of Ashes was locked for you. This is unique.

Gale crossed his arms and said solemnly and coldly: "After super geniuses like Alan and Misha, there are people like you who cannot be understood by common sense, and there are many people like Taylor and Jessica who are rare in a century.

Many geniuses encountered in the royal city believed that this was a sign that the age of fire was about to come back. Rovia's rebound theory was greatly recognized, and everyone believed that the renaissance of mankind was coming."

"That's right!"

Churchill raised his hands and laughed wildly.

"I also think so. Humanity goes against the trend, rises in desperate situations, and recovers in ruins. It is up to us to break this endless black fog and this terrifying dark world!"

Amidst the hearty laughter, Rhodes said nothing and walked into the sewer silently.

He didn't know why, but he always felt a little uneasy. The words of the Queen of Stars and the words of the Priest of the Main Star always echoed in his mind.

It seems that everything is not going as smoothly as they thought, but they can't explain why.

After returning to the familiar environment, Rhodes' heart gradually calmed down, and a feeling of ease arose spontaneously.

He took the lead and walked deeper into the sewer and started cleaning the sewer again.

Although the sewers in Star City are not as big as those in Trolian City, they are more complicated, and due to the collapse of some areas, the route has become more cumbersome.

But in front of Rhodes, none of this was a problem.

With his absolute understanding of sewers, he successfully cleared every branch line and solved the postman problem with a perfect path. In the messy sewers, he never got lost or repeated.

The monsters in the sewers of Star City are mainly corpse demons and ghosts, generally in the strong, mid-level and high-level.

After Rhodes' spiritual power reaches level 12, monsters of this level are no longer his match and can be killed instantly.

A large star shuttle with level 12 psychic power can basically be eliminated with one shot.

Even if you're lucky enough to survive, it's just a matter of one more blow.

There are only a few monsters that are powerful and super-level, but they usually do not exceed the second level. They do not pose much of a threat to Rhodes and can be killed without much effort.

What's more, Rhode's soul eye can not only see far, but can also penetrate walls. Monsters have nowhere to hide. Not only can they not attack them, but they are always attacked by them.

It is precisely for these reasons, coupled with his familiarity with the sewers, that Rhodes is able to run rampant here.

Churchill and Hayate were completely stunned, so they simply ignored the situation and focused on fighting.

Generally, individual monsters were killed by Rhodes in one strike. Only when they encountered a group of monsters did they have a chance to take action.

Churchill held a hammer and ax, and as soon as the power of the gods was unleashed, he rushed into the group of monsters and killed them randomly.

He is extremely strong, with rough skin and thick flesh. The blue divine energy gives him powerful strength, defense and resistance. Monsters cannot even scratch his skin. When the hammer and ax turn, it is like a meat grinder.

The monster was crushed to pieces.

Nothing can stop him, he runs rampant among the monsters like a tiger among sheep.

On the other side, the gale turned invisible, and only the blue sword light could be seen flashing through the space.

Every time it flashes, a monster will be broken into two pieces.

These two are old comrades in arms, and their cooperation is flawless. Coupled with Rhodes' powerful output, the monsters in the sewer were wiped out while talking and laughing.

It only took two to three hours for the entire sewer to be completely unblocked, and there were no longer any hidden dangers.

"You are worthy of being the king of sewers." Churchill praised: "As expected, I still have to leave it to you to handle. What Hayate and I didn't finish in three days, you solved it as soon as you came."

The cold-blooded Sword Master Gale was also impressed by Rhodes: "I admit that your accomplishments in the sewers surpass mine."

You don’t have to admit this, Rhode complained in his heart.

Although he repeatedly emphasized that he had nothing to do with sewers, apparently no one believed him.

He didn't bother to say more, so he drew a three-dimensional drawing of the complete underground waterway, handed it to them, and then returned to the Holy Fire Sacrifice Site.

Cleaning the sewers was just an extra episode, not their strong request, and Rhodes didn't want to go at all.

So as not to encourage rumors about the King of Sewers.

However, the words of Churcher and Gale left a deep impression on Rhodes, and he asked in his mind:

"Shu, do you think what they say is possible? Is the fire really going to revive? Is mankind really going to rise again?"

The Book of Knowledge pondered for a long time and replied uncertainly: "I don't know, maybe it's just a coincidence. It's not like such a super genius has never appeared in human history."

Asa, who had completely turned into a ball of shit yellow, sneered from the side: "This is just your illusion. The black mist will swallow you one day, and nothing can save you."

Rhodes asked casually: "In that case, tell me the inside story of the Adventist Sect."

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Asa said coldly: "You don't think I'm familiar with them, do you? The hatred between doomsday sects is no less than yours."

Rhodes shrugged: "I knew you wouldn't say it."

Asa was obviously angry, and his shit-yellow soul swelled obviously: "So what if I tell you? All the Advent sects are your high-level combatants, their nostrils are turned upward, and they are extremely arrogant, but what is actually going on?

It’s useless. Check your judge system and review system. Among them, there are the most traitors belonging to the Advent sect.”

Rhodes nodded. Justice Gregor belonged to the Advent sect. After him, almost all the justices in the royal city were wiped out, but he didn't expect that there are still maggots now.

He immediately wrote a letter to inform Wangcheng of the matter.

Asa sneered and continued to study his shit.

Then, the Book of Knowledge said: "Master, based on the stars I saw in the Square of Stars, there are still thirteen days until the stars shine. We must hurry up to obtain divinity. This is the last chance."<


Rhodes asked casually: "How much divinity can we gain this time?"

"There will be a lot."

The book of knowledge kept turning the pages, looking very excited.

"More than we have ever obtained before. The battle of Star City was a complete victory, which brought us a huge amount of divinity. We are much more confident in surviving the invasion of the Soul Eater King!"

Rhodes looked at the obelisk, and on the omen surface, red words were flashing.

The invasion of the Soul Eater King comes just two days after the stars shine.

The time is very close.

Rhodes has already felt the power of the king-level monster.

Whether it is the Priest of the Main Star or the Queen of the Stars, they are both nearly invincible existences.

But the Soul Eater King will fight him in Dreamland's home field, which gives Rhodes a chance to win.

During this time, I want to develop more divinity.

Rhodes thought.

We must also quickly master more extraordinary combat skills.

He became a guardian for a very short time. He took up the post as soon as his spiritual power reached the eleventh level. He did not know many of the combat skills of first-level combatants.

Once he masters these skills, his combat ability will reach a higher level.


When telling the Book of Knowledge his thoughts, the doll suddenly said: "I can teach you the combat skills of extraordinary beings."

Rhodes asked in surprise: "Can you?"

"Of course."

A glimmer of light flashed in the doll's cloudy eyes.

"I am the battle servant of the dream."

The Book of Knowledge said unhappily: "Come on, Avro, your memory has not been fully restored, so don't teach the master broken things."

There was a rare look of loss in the doll's eyes. It lowered its head and said softly: "I'm sorry, Master."

Rhodes waved his hand: "It's okay. I have masters to teach me. Wangcheng has sent many masters and instructors here. You can also observe their teachings and try to recover your memory."

At this time, the Book of the Future cautiously ran over from the corner and asked in a low voice:

"Master, can you give me a drop of star source? I feel it can restore my incomplete soul."

Rhodes frowned, a drop of star source is 8 points of divinity, and Wangcheng is staring at this place eagerly.

Regarding the use and distribution rights of Xingyuan, they have already scheduled it to next year.

Of course, if he asks for it, Wang Cheng will not deny it, but losing 8 points of divinity is not something he can accept.

"The Book of the Future."

Rhodes thought for a moment and said: "I can promise you, but not now. During this period, it depends on your performance."

The Book of the Future shrank back with some disappointment.

The Book of Knowledge patted the cover with dissatisfaction: "What is this guy thinking about? Master, ignore him."

Rhodes didn't answer. He knew about the overt and covert fighting among these servants. In addition to the puppets appearing aloof, everyone wanted to show themselves in front of him in order to gain the attention of the master, restore their souls earlier, and even restore their original self.


"Shu, what are we going to do next?" Rhodes changed the subject.

The Book of Knowledge muttered: "Master, Dreamland is currently in the Sea of ​​Chaos. We must be careful to alert the Source Demon and Chaos Demon wandering in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Before defeating the invasion, Dreamland is not suitable for fighting. We do not need more souls for the time being, unless

That soul has a source."

Rhodes nodded. During the battle in Star City, he obtained many powerful souls, and there will be no shortage of soul-related resources.

The only pity is that few of these souls have origins.

After the moment when the stars shine comes, he will gain a lot of divinity, but igniting the stars still requires a source.

If there is one more star, the battle will have one more chance of victory.

The Book of Knowledge continued: "I will use the soulless soul to continue to repair and strengthen the dream. The King of Evil Ghosts has been resurrected. It has acquired some of the characteristics of the stars and has become more powerful, but it is not enough. It needs to swallow more

The soul to become stronger..."

The Book of the Future suddenly interjected: "Master, I have fed some, and I have verified that it is the most suitable soul for it. It is full and is sleeping. After it digests, you will see a brand new soul.

The King of Evil Ghosts..."

The Book of Knowledge interrupted its words dissatisfied.

"Shut up, you don't need to say it... Master, it would be better if we could have more combat items. No amount of preparation is enough to fight against the king."

"In the end, it's still divinity. Every more divinity, our winning rate increases by one point."

Rhodes nodded and glanced at the top of the obelisk, which listed all his gains during this period.

Soul Strength:

Soul Star:11

Human nature: 22.19 million


Soulless soul: 2.1 billion

Inside the monument: None

Soul Altar: 12 extremely great souls, 51 great souls

Spirituality: 92,000

Source energy:37

Storage: 520,000 soul residues, 25 flowers of humanity, 7 soul firewood, 189 various soul trait blocks, 260 nightmare materials, slightly.

Special items: 7 guardians of darkness, 1 twisted scale, 1 stone of chaos, 1 flesh and blood of rebirth


This is all his trump cards now.

Originally, there were only 13 points of divinity left. After a week, Dreamland gained 7 points of fixed divinity, leaving only 20 points.

On the soul altar, Rhodes sacrificed all the souls below the great soul.

Rhodes also plans to sacrifice the remaining souls at a suitable time.

There is no regret, it is not too difficult for him to plunder souls now.

Nightmare materials were obtained by Rhodes after killing the Black Mist Symbiote. During the Battle of Star City, he obtained a lot of nightmare materials.

The Queen of Stars contributed 10 flowers of humanity at a time, so that Rhodes no longer lacked them for the time being.

The line for special items is missing a lot.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Rhodes used the last piece of immortal spirit and a stone of resurrection.

But it doesn't matter. The Chaos Stone that can withstand all damage and the Twisted Scale that changes the balance of spiritual energy are both there. It shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the Soul-Eating King.

After reading it, Rhodes nodded with satisfaction and left the dreamland.

An attendant was knocking on the door, telling him that someone new had arrived in the royal city.

Rhodes left his room and walked towards the center of the Holy Fire Sacrifice, where they fought the Queen of Stars.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw the guardian fire burning on the huge royal vessel at a glance. Fire Keeper Xislai was adding phlogiston to the fire. The flames jumped out of the royal vessel and was burning ragingly.

Under the royal weapon, stood a few acquaintances.

A great scholar, Amides, whom I haven't seen for a long time, and his student, Miss Mina.

Binns, a history and sewer professor whom I haven’t seen for a long time.

Rhodes’s sewer map was given to him.

This is where his journey into the sewers begins.

But Professor Binns is the King of Sewers.

Among all the people, there is only one gentle scholar whom he has never met.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Son of Fire."

Amides bowed slightly to him, while Mina beside him bit her red lips, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

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