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Chapter 603 The new human giant

 Amides spread the flag flat on the round table, and everyone's eyes were focused on it.

The flag is generally blue with fine white lines. There is a hooked semicircle in the middle, like a ring. The inside of the semicircle is pure white, which gives people a great visual impact.

Amides pondered: "This is indeed not any human pattern from the Age of Fire that we know."

Professor Barrett gently stroked the flag.

"This is a weird kind of fabric that has been specially extracted with psychic energy. It is definitely not produced by Trorian."

Professor Binns said: "This artistic style is something we have never seen before. This must be an independently developed human civilization."

The most important part of the flag lies in the two lines of text below.

"The fire of Saint Rael is eternal!" This sentence undoubtedly crucifies "Saint Rael" as a city of the Lord of Fire, and has no other meaning.

"The White Sect, the Aurora Research Group, the first Aurora researcher, Adam Yarrell." This sentence shows that the White Sect is subordinate to Saint Rayer, just like the Holy Church is subordinate to Trorian.

The Aurora Regiment is a sect affiliated with the White Religion, and its mission is probably to study various ancient creations.

To sum up, this is obviously a mature human civilization.

The language used in the text is a common language in the Age of Fire, which is normal, and the common language of Trorian is also.

But some people still question: "How can we be sure that it is other humans from the Dark Age?"

Amides said: "It can be sent to the Industrial Machinery Research Institute for identification. The pigment of the text and the subtle changes to the cloth when writing will make the identification much clearer."

The identification of the date of materials is not convincing. There may be many reasons for misjudgment, but the identification of the date of texts is irrefutable evidence.

Although the identification results have not yet come out, everyone has basically confirmed the result.

Liszt suppressed the excitement in his heart and shouted: "Your Majesty, I request a dark journey of the highest standard. This time, we will definitely be able to take an unprecedented step. The unity of mankind will open a new page in the Dark Age.

The highest standard means that the royal city will send at least three special combat forces to provide the material supply for this journey to the greatest extent and meet all the needs of the journey as much as possible.

No one is surprised, this is a matter of course.

Archbishop Horus said in a deep voice: "Not only that, this is our first contact with other Fire King cities in the Dark Age. We should also prepare gifts and be accompanied by envoys representing the Trorian civilization. Therefore, the team

There should be scholars, professors, elders, and fire candidates representing the king."

Horus's words awakened everyone, and the Holy Fire Sacrifice became quiet for a while. Everyone was thinking about how to communicate with another human civilization.


At this time, Wang spoke.

"I think there is no need to be so anxious. This matter can be discussed by the Supreme Council and the Jinworth Society first, and a comprehensive countermeasure can be worked out."

"Our first task is to find the existence of Saint Rey."

"As a forerunner, Liszt can inform them of the existence of Trollian, the King of Fire City, in the Dark Age. For further information, Trollian King City will send a special team to communicate with them later."

This opinion was recognized by everyone.

Horus bowed and said: "Your Majesty, you are still thoughtful."

This matter has been settled. The next dark journey will start in one day. All material preparations will be taken by the bald manager Hu Lun, but the candidates for the three special combatants have not yet been decided.

Liszt has only one request, which must include Rhodes.

He is a born explorer, and no one is more suitable to delve into the darkness than him.

Horus sighed: "Spatial ability is indeed the crown jewel of the Origin. Unfortunately, there are too few people with such abilities in the royal city."

Rhodes asked: "Isn't there any equipment with space capabilities? For example, space rings or something."

Wang smiled and shook his head: "No...if there is, it is an artifact-level item, and it is far less big than your space."

"Then how do you bring back what you gained from exploring the ruins in the dark?"

Liszt glanced at him in surprise: "As long as we carry it back, we will not forcefully move everything back at once, but transport it in multiple batches. As long as the route is opened up, it is not difficult to travel far."

"However, if the risk is great, then we can only give up part of the harvest."

No. 7 added.

"Moreover, the opened routes do not always exist. When the black fog changes, the original routes will be submerged and need to be reopened."

No. 9 said: "So, it's best for you to do this."

Wang agreed to this request in principle, but rejected Lister's request to let Rhodes join the Investigator Corps.

Not even if he is also the commander of the army.

"Rhodes is not only a Dark Traveler. Just because he is good at exploring darkness, we cannot let him serve as the commander of the Survey Corps. He is also good at exploring sewers. Should I make him the commander of the sewers?"

This rebuttal left Liszt speechless and could only give up this tempting fantasy.

The last thing is the clue about the prophecy of the source.

From the divine tower, we learned that the Star Marrow Altar was jointly built by seven ancient gods, including the two ancient gods in Sagus City, the ancient gods of Evil, and Luo Yinger.

Amides said slowly: "From the current clues, we can basically conclude that Luoyinger is one of the ancient gods, but we don't know its specific priesthood, the divine city it belongs to, and why it is related to the ultimate secret of the black mist.

"I have a guess."

Professor Barrett said.

"The ancient god Luo Yinger may have mastered some kind of secret. This secret is related to the birth of the black mist and the way to completely eliminate the black mist."

Professor Binns said: "If we follow this inference, the ancient gods may have already gone far ahead of us in their research on the black mist, but fell short due to some special reasons... But they must have mastered many methods to fight against the black mist.

Fog is the means to fight against disasters and evil. Therefore, the prophecy of the source will tell us that the way to survive this crisis lies in the ancient gods."

This conclusion touched everyone's heart.

The more people think about it, the more they feel that Professor Binns’ statement is the most likely.

It perfectly fits the various possibilities and is the best explanation for everything encountered so far.

Wang praised: "You are worthy of being the old Binsi of Mogu City. Your wisdom is worthy of the title of great scholar."

Binns bowed slightly: "Your Majesty, it is my lifelong honor to participate in the great cause of human rejuvenation."

Liszt saw some confusion in Rhode's eyes and whispered in his ear: "Professor Binns and Professor Barrett were both promoted to great scholars because of their discoveries and research in the ancient city of Sagus."

Rhodes scratched his head. He had never paid attention to this aspect. Compared to the past, he cared more about how to kill these remnants of the past.

He became interested in the past after the prophecy of the source.

Suddenly, Rhodes remembered something. They had seen the last words of the evil ancient god in the tower.

After the failure of the plan of the Star Marrow Altar, this ancient god was severely corrupted. At the last moment, she decided to set off for the high-level spiritual world, believing that all the truth was hidden in the high-level spiritual world.

In this case, isn't there a reason to tell them the words of the Book of Knowledge in a different way?

Rhodes thought for a moment and picked out an obscure starting point. Starting from the last words of the ancient god, he believed that there might always be some kind of secret in the high-level spiritual world, and logically deduced that purifying the high-level spiritual world might be able to purify the world.

Achieve final victory.

Rhodes' explosive remarks shocked everyone.

This inference has great jumps and is not logically coherent, but if you think about it carefully, it is still a possibility.

Amides pondered: "Little Rhodes, academically speaking, your statement can only be regarded as a possibility, a hypothesis, but I personally believe that the whole world can be purified from the top to the upper spiritual world.

, is very possible."

Rhodes suddenly smiled: "Then let's go and purify the high-level spiritual world."

Amides shook his head.

"Little Rhodes, we don't have the means to enter the spiritual world on a large scale, let alone the mysterious and unpredictable high-level spiritual world."

The spiritual world is the original realm of spirit and energy, not the world of flesh and blood. The substances in the spiritual world are extremely corrosive to the flesh and blood of living beings, and special protection is required to enter.

The spirit world is not the world of the living. Even if you enter in the form of a spirit, the spirit world will constantly try to assimilate your spirit, eventually erasing your spiritual will and assimilating your spirit into a mass of undifferentiated spiritual matter.


Traveling in the spirit world is more difficult. There is no direction in the spirit world and it is very easy to get lost. When moving, you need to fight against the position gap in the spirit world. Only high-level combatants can have the ability to move on their own.

Moreover, the pollution in the spiritual world is extremely serious. The black mist is deposited at the bottom of the spiritual world and mixed with the substances in the spiritual world. It is difficult to judge from the appearance, but if no protection is taken, it will soon be severely corroded.

With so many difficulties, almost no one would enter the spirit world to fight.

Except for a very small number of people with special abilities, traveling to the spirit world is almost impossible.


Wang said in a deep voice:

"I am the only one who can enter the high-level spiritual world, but I can only wander in the high-level spiritual world for a short time in a spiritual way."

"Purifying the high-level spiritual world is an impossible task for us at present."

Rhodes was slightly disappointed, but not too sad. He knew it would be difficult, but as long as he put forward this point of view, it was a victory.

Finally, Horus concluded: "In short, we need to further explore the secrets of the ancient gods, find the traces of the ancient god Loyinger, and unlock the truth of the prophecy of the source."

"But the most important thing is to improve our overall strength."

Wang looked up at the holy fire and said calmly.

"You must have enough strength to resist the coming of disasters and face all crises."

Everyone fell silent and listened quietly to the king's words.


Wang turned his gaze, his golden eyes scanning everyone's faces.

"Trolian has reached a critical moment, and every step we take next will have a vital impact on our future."

"Please work together to continue Trolian's legacy."

Everyone replied in unison: "May the fire burn forever, and may mankind be immortal!"

The meeting ended like this, but there are still many things to do next.

The first thing Rhodes has to do is to complete his psychic upgrade.

To be honest, Rhodes broke through the fourteenth level of psychic power and officially entered the ranks of special combat power, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even Wang didn't expect that his speed was so fast. It hadn't been long since he had just been promoted to level 13, and it was less than half a year before he became a guardian.

Rhodes' growth shows a terrifying acceleration.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of genius, the moment his talent is revealed, he will grow rapidly until he reaches the limit, and then slowly slow down.

Misha, the genius thunder girl who was once known as the most terrifying genius, stopped making progress after becoming the Herrscher in one go. This situation rarely happened to Rhodes. He started to grow very slowly. As his rank increased, his growth continued. The speed is getting faster and faster.

"Maybe, this is a supernova?"

Rowell's theory became the best explanation, and they would think so whenever Rhodes showed an incomprehensible side.

As an apostle of fire, how can you not be special?

However, what is even more surprising is that when Wang tried to sense Rhodes' soul, he found that his soul actually possessed the law of origin!

This discovery shocked everyone.

Rhodes is a spark sequence. Theoretically, there is only fire in the soul, and fire is only a broken characteristic. It is impossible to trace it back to the source, let alone quantify it.

However, the result of Rhodes' soul induction feedback is indeed the standard Herrscher, and it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

In this regard, Rhodes has vaguely guessed the reason. This is because the Dark Devourer has recovered the star soul!

He finally has the source in his soul!

The Book of Knowledge confirms this statement. Only by awakening the star soul can the star be completely ignited and fully owned.

In this case, of course he will have the source in his soul.

However, Rhodes could not explain the real reason to them and could only make vague remarks, saying that at the moment of crisis, he broke through the barrier of fire, restored the trajectory of the source law, and thus began to trace the source and quantify it.

His spiritual power increased significantly, breaking through level 14, because of this.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that his nonsense would be recognized by everyone.

Horus looked like he suddenly realized it, thinking that he had finally found a way out of the Spark Sequence.

If fire can be quantified and control the source law, then the warriors of the Spark sequence can control multiple source laws.

As for warriors in the Spiritual Fire Sequence, after becoming Herrschers, their main training direction is to further strengthen the Law of Origin and move towards a higher level of Powerful Origin.

The two may eventually reach the same destination through different paths, and eventually lead to the same true king.

Rhodes felt dumbfounded by this and didn't know how to explain it.

Horus even plans to further enhance the status of the Spark Sequence and allocate more resources to these underappreciated fire holders.

Of course, the main body of the Fire Bearers is still the Spirit Fire Sequence. After all, they grow faster and form combat power earlier, but the potential of the two is the same.

Rhodes was a little uneasy, but he did not receive negative divinity because of it, which proved that this was not a bad thing.

Wang pondered and said: "It seems that maybe a throne of ashes will be opened for Alan."

Horus shook his head: "Alan has said many times that he does not need it, otherwise the royal city would have made an exception for him."

"But isn't it different now?"

Wang said with a smile.

"Of course, we must respect his will, Horus. When Alan returns to the capital city, you can ask his opinion again."

Horus said with a dull face: "I follow your orders, king, but I don't think Alan will change his opinion."

Wang nodded, his expression was a little gloomy, but it quickly disappeared. He turned around and said: "Little Rhodes, level 14 psychic energy is a dividing line, the dividing line between real strong men and ordinary people. High-level combatants are just

It can be regarded as the reserve force of the strong, and you have crossed that line and become a warrior who can face the real darkness. Congratulations."

Rhodes said modestly: "Yes, I have achieved today's achievements all thanks to my own efforts. Therefore, diligence is the shortcut to success."

Wang looked at Rhodes, his smile was a little narrow, but he quickly put it away and said seriously.

"Little Rhodes, the level 14 psychic upgrade ceremony is different. It will be held by me personally. Horus, ask the corresponding personnel from the Industrial Machinery Research Institute to immediately go to the Holy Fire Sacrifice to arrange the ceremony."

Horus accepted the order and left.

Soon, the bald master, the general manager of the Industrial Machinery Research Institute, and his exclusive upgrader Mina, as well as dozens of high-level researchers, bishops, and fire priests arrived together.

Mina looked like her eyes were about to pop out. As soon as she saw him, she shouted: "Rhode, have you advanced to the Herrscher?"

Rhodes smiled and said: "Yeah, aren't you happy for me?"

Mina looked a little confused: "This, this is so fast. I really didn't expect it. I thought my new super structure No. 99 could suppress you... But you were promoted to Herrscher. This

It’s just impossible. We now have no way to imprint a quantified source on existence other than the soul.”


Golden flames enveloped the entire sacrificial site. The king stood under the holy fire, his golden eyes burned, and his whole body was surging with spiritual energy.

"You can put the small talk later and prepare for the ceremony quickly."

"I can't wait to see a new giant rise among mankind."

This chapter has been completed!
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