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Chapter 610 Stone of Light

Another king-level monster's soul is obtained.

Rhodes was delighted. Although the battle with the King of Light had some twists and turns, it was not too difficult. Apart from the Ancient Dragon King who was almost free and the Chaos Demon King who brought food to his door for unknown reasons, he was the simplest King.

A monster.

"Book, have I entered the realm of the dream lords of all ages?"

The Book of Knowledge was extremely excited when he saw the soul. To the current owner, the soul of the king-level monster is valuable, and the main function of other souls is to be used for sacrifice.

"Yes, Master, king-level monsters are the end point of the evolution of all monsters and are the real threat in the darkness. On the real battlefield, human heroes are fighting against king-level monsters or quasi-king-level monsters."

The Book of Knowledge controls the dream bubble and travels through the ice prison filled with ice floes.

Now it is quite proficient and can talk while distracted.

"However, king-level monsters also have strengths and weaknesses. Among the king-level monsters that the master has encountered so far, only the Queen of Stars and the Black Mist Demon are considered stronger. The King of the Deep Sea can also be considered strong if he can completely swallow up the power of fate.


Rhodes raised his eyebrows: "Are you saying that the King of Light is actually weak?"

The Book of Knowledge took a look at the soul of the King of Vision, and it looked like a corrupted human soul.

"Well, it's not very weak. Most of the power of the King of Light lies in its derivatives, but both the red witch and the devil are completely defeated by you. The King of Light is not in its complete form, and it

There is no hostility towards you, so you can win relatively easily."

Rhodes noticed the words of the Book of Knowledge: "No hostility?"

"Before the fall of this human being, his heart was full of loss and regret. The despair of regret made him try to terminate his soul at the last moment. Although he failed, it greatly weakened the fallen soul. After becoming a fallen person,

In addition to following the instinct of the dark soul, ennui has become its main mode of action."

"Such a fallen person is not very aggressive. It just derives its creations based on instinct. All that is left is fatigue and lying down."

"Its fighting is more like ending its own life."

Rhodes frowned. In this way, the King of Light was actually far from exerting its full power. Even under such restraint, they still fought so hard.

How difficult would it be to deal with the Lord of Light if he hates humans so much and becomes a very aggressive degenerate with no restraint?

Don't tell me that this battle will cost 100 points of divinity, right?

Rhodes patted his chest, thankful that they got the best ending.

After glancing at the soul of the King of Eyes, I noticed something different in this king's soul.

"What are the book, the stone of light and the shield of light?"

At this time, the Book of Knowledge seemed to be in more danger. He concentrated on manipulating the dream. After a while, he answered: "The Stone of Light is an absolutely pure Sun Stone, and the Aphotic Shield is its outer shell. This is an extremely precious god."

Objects can help specific people control the corresponding source.”

The puppet said: "The King of Light may have mistakenly thought that he found the key, thinking that it could dispel the darkness and destroy the black mist. He may have won several victories because of this item, but he was challenging the indescribable existence in the darkness.

Only then did I realize that it was all a dream.”

Religious lunatics are indeed dangerous.

Rhodes thought.

This light stone may be useful to Taylor, I will show it to him later.

The consciousness returned to the body. At this moment, the King of Light turned into black dust and dissipated in the air, and its nest began to disintegrate.

The cheers were deafening. For most of the warriors below the first-level combatants, this was the first time in their lives to participate in the king-killing battle, and it might be the last time.

Killing a king-level monster is their lifelong honor, and it is a record worth bragging about for the rest of their lives.

Everyone is extremely grateful to Qingyu, Rhodes, Taylor, and everyone who contributed in this battle.

Frank from Mushroom City became a star among them, surrounded by countless people, and was repeatedly asked about his ability to turn diamonds.

Kashan, Mavis and others who shined in the battle were also sought after.

But if we say the biggest contributor to this battle, it must be A Luo.

She provided more than twice Rhode's total spiritual energy to allow them to successfully kill them, but she fainted due to exhaustion of spiritual energy.

Qingyu fell from the sky and immediately held A Luo in his arms.

Bai Lang came over and said respectfully: "Miss, leave A Luo to me. You have just gone through such a fierce battle and need to rest."

Qingyu nodded and opened her hand slightly. Just when Bai Lang was about to take it, her right hand instantly turned into a burning fire and she pinched his head like lightning.

This turn of events shocked everyone.

Bai Lang shouted: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you infected?"

Qingyu said coldly: "You are not the White Wolf, where did you hide the White Wolf?"

The white wolf shouted urgently: "Miss, are you crazy? I am not a monster...a monster, the monster is there!"

He pointed at Rhodes suddenly, and at the moment when everyone was distracted, they suddenly turned into countless black energy and shot out.

But the flames follow him like a shadow, extending out in an instant and binding him tightly.

With a bang, he fell to the ground and turned into a sinister middle-aged man.

Rhodes' eyes narrowed. No wonder he felt something was wrong with White Wolf. He was actually a doomsday cultist.

He suddenly remembered that during the battle, he was the one who suddenly shouted to stop, which caused the battle situation to deteriorate for a time. He originally thought he made a mistake in haste, but now it seems that it was obviously intentional.

"Hehehe, I was actually discovered by you. You are indeed the legendary monster hunter Qingyu."

The sinister man sneered.

"But it's useless to catch me. I'm just a speck of dust. What will crush you is a big mountain."

Qingyu's face was gloomy. She knew that the hope of asking him about the white wolf was already very slim, but she still retained the last glimmer of hope and asked: "Where is the white wolf?"

The sinister man laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, do you think I will tell you? Your loyal subordinate White Wolf is already lying in the rotting filth and has become a victim of ignorance. The great Lord Ake will overturn this stupidity of yours.

In the human kingdom, the era of deep darkness will surely come, and we will all be resurrected in that era, and you can only become our excrement."

Just when Rhodes was about to speak, Asa's voice suddenly came to his mind.

"Huh? Shit, who's talking about shit?"

Did this thing turn out to be your keyword?

Rhodes held back his complaints and quickly explained the situation.

Asa smiled and said: "Put it on me. I can see it. This is a derivative of evil thoughts. I can eat it. Master, no soul can keep a secret in my belly."

Rhodes scratched his head. He didn't know why, but now even Asa became somewhat reliable.

Could it be that the fire fortune has really arrived?

Rhodes shook off his random thoughts and raised his voice: "Let me interrogate you."

Step forward, walk up to him, and place your palm on his forehead.

The sinister man sneered: "Black bastard, what do you want to do? Who do you think you are? The savior of mankind? The apostle of the non-existent Fire Heaven? Oh, you are a bastard, how can you still eat my soul?"


The gray-black breath instantly pierced his brain and sucked away his soul.

The sinister man fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, like a puddle of rotten meat.

All eyes were focused on Rhodes.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Rhodes spoke up as expected.

"Ake is one of the three powerful ancient leaders of evil thoughts. Its evil thought derivatives have the ability to perfectly disguise themselves. During the preparation stage of the battle, an evil thought derivative descended from the shadows, attacked the white wolf, and hid him in the cave. The fort’s storeroom.”

"In order to prevent White Wolf's death from triggering inspiration, intuition or omen-like abilities, he fed White Wolf a chronic poison, so he is not dead yet, and it is still too late to detoxify him!"

Qingyu's eyes flashed with fire, and he immediately used his psychic power to send a message to the people staying at the red forest fortress, ordering the medical staff to immediately find White Wolf in the storage room and detoxify him.

After waiting in dead silence for a quarter of an hour, Qingyu finally received a reply from the Red Forest Fortress.

"White Wolf is out of danger."

Her whole body suddenly relaxed, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and smiled at Rhodes: "Thank you, Rhodes."

Rhodes smiled and said: "You're welcome, you have helped me many times before, now it's my turn to help you."

Qingyu looked at Rhodes, and something flashed in his eyes.

The soldiers who knew that everything was safe once again expressed their joy with loud cheers.

Afterwards, Rhodes threw out some soul residue and spirituality, saying that these were the decomposed remains of his soul to avoid being thought that he could devour souls.

In fact, no one is thinking in this direction at all.

At this moment, Rhodes is already a true Son of Fire in everyone's mind, one of Trolian's fifteen giant trees, and a sky-supporter worthy of their reliance and trust.


The Battle of the Red Forest ended victoriously.

Qingyu and Rhodes led the team to kill the King of Light and eliminate all threats in the Red Forest.

Since then, Trorian's biggest obstacle in the northwest direction no longer exists.

The threat that has plagued this human kingdom for eight hundred years has come to an end.

Afterwards, Rhodes guessed that the King of Light's activity and wandering might not be because it was strongly offensive, but because it was seeking death.

However, it was too powerful to actively seek death, and its derivatives, the Red Witch and the Demon, actively participated in the war. The former Trorian Kingdom was unable to resist, and finally retreated again and again.

After the Temple of Destruction completely collapsed, Rhodes also gained the divinity of this victory.

Break through the crisis, clear away human decay, divinity 55

55 points of divinity is definitely not too little.

For taking the initiative to eliminate the enemy instead of providing disaster relief, this is quite a lot.

What shocked Rhodes even more was the "god" in the King of Light's soul - the Stone of Light.

After he took out the Stone of Light, Taylor froze in place, his eyes bulged out, and his mouth almost burst open.

"This, what is this? Such a powerful power of light, my characteristics are trembling, my soul is boiling..."

The white wolf with a withered face and unrecovered serious injuries suddenly jumped up from the hospital bed: "This is the purest sun stone! The legendary stone of light! Where did you come from?"

Rhodes briefly told the story of the King of Light.

Everyone at the scene was stunned for a long time. White Wolf's dry eyes actually shed tears and he murmured.

"Is the era of mankind really coming? Everything in the past has turned around now. Sir Rhodes, does the Heaven of Fire really exist?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking at Rhodes, with hope in their eyes.

Rhodes didn't know whether the legendary Fire Heaven existed or whether the mysterious Will of Fire existed, but he knew how to answer it now.

"Yes, it is in the heart of each of us. Wherever our heart is, it is heaven."

Flower of Humanity 1 (from Vermeer White Wolf)

70,000 human nature


Rhodes laughed so much that he couldn't close his legs.

White Wolf, I forgive you, you are indeed a good person!

This wave harvested another flower of humanity, as well as countless humanity, totaling more than 2 million, and more than half of Rhode's previous consumption was returned.

What surprised him even more was that when he gave the Stone of Light to Taylor, he actually gained another piece of divinity.

Enhance human power, bring hope, divinity35

35 points of divinity!

Rhodes could hardly believe his eyes that there were so many!

That means that this Stone of Light will definitely help Taylor take the final step and become the Herrscher?

Otherwise it would not be possible to give so much divinity!

And Taylor was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"Dad! Hahahahahaha, you are indeed my biological father! I will change my name to Tyrod now!"

A Luo frowned and said, "It's such a twist, so let's call him Rhodes. I like hearing this name the most. Whenever it appears, it means there is good news and makes me feel better all day long."

Taylor agreed: "Okay, from now on, I am Rhodes, my father is the big Rhodes, and I am the little Rhodes."

Everyone cheered for his decision, except Qingyu who was hesitant to speak, which meant that she could no longer call True Rhodes Little Rhodes.

Rhodes covered his face, not knowing what to say: "Can you guys not go too far?"

His words were drowned in the roar of laughter and excited chatter, and no one paid attention.

Fortunately, Archbishop Horus rebuked them severely, forced Taylor to change his name, and took him back to the Church of Fire to practice behind closed doors.

Rhodes also received a huge reward from the royal city and a fire badge engraved with his name.

The follow-up team from Wangcheng quickly arrived at the Red Forest Fortress, and a large number of logistics and production personnel arrived to begin transforming and purifying the area.

Trorian's outward expansion has taken another solid step.

But this is far from enough.

In the latest plan, they must expand to Dalong City as soon as possible and occupy key and dangerous locations.

Only in this way can they raise the spiritual curtain as quickly as possible, use the Great Wall of Black Mist to isolate monsters, and create an "eternal refuge."

After Qingyu and others completed the repairs, they also entered a new battle.

Despite the victory in the Battle of the Red Forest, Trolian's pressure did not lessen, but instead grew stronger.

The weather is getting worse and worse, the most troublesome dark days appear frequently, and the rare lightless nights often come.

The monsters became manic and active, the black mist became thicker, and the power of fire was suppressed.

The intensity of the battle is increasing.

Even Rhodes felt it clearly.

The monsters in the black mist have become extremely difficult. The gap between Qingyu's presence and absence is getting wider and wider. Without the weakening of fire, the monster's threat level will increase by two levels.

The White Tower has issued warnings many times, asking soldiers everywhere to fight with caution.

(End of chapter)

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