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Chapter 69 Killing

 Chapter 70 Kill

Rhodes's spirit was tense as never before.

The Plague Demon was being beaten unilaterally, and green poisonous mist filled the entire place, but the bubbles from Eve filtered the poison.

Case turned into a green giant with explosive muscles. He was holding the plague monster and beating it crazily, while the combatants on the side were slashing at its heels.

There are several people in the distance who are shooting with crossbow arrows. The crossbow arrows are highly corrosive, which can weaken the monster's defense and create conditions for Bach's heavy blow.

One person held a large shield and stood in front of Rhodes.

There is a red sun floating in the sky, which not only provides illumination like a tracer bullet, but also restores the status of teammates.

Rogers' quick and accurate command also made the cooperation of his teammates very efficient.

The Plague Demon reacts slowly and moves sluggishly.

The Hulk crushed the purple head on it like a pustule, and Bach's Moonlight Arrow could always take away part of it permanently.

The plague demon's soul is already riddled with holes, and its soul's fluctuations are so chaotic that it's impossible to see clearly.

Rhodes couldn't tell what level of monster this was.

However, Bach is a sixth-level combatant, Case is a seventh-level combatant, and everyone else is an eighth-level combatant. Except for him, who is not a low-ranking person, they are all veterans who have experienced battles for a long time.

The fact that so many people formed a hunting team to hunt down a seriously injured monster speaks for itself.

Another point is that in its soul text, the "threat assessment" item is "mortal", which is higher than the original "Evil Black Crow".

"Threat assessment" is based on the gap between his own soul strength and the opponent's. Rhodes is already much stronger than before. This also proves from the side that "Victim of Oswei" is far stronger than "Black Crow of Evil"



Is its soul a "powerful soul"?

[Soul Firewood] requires a medium soul, a powerful soul, ten parts of humanity, one part of divinity, one radiance stone, and ten parts of monster ashes.

Monster ashes and radiance stones can be purchased, and medium souls, humanity and divinity are available.

All that is missing is a "strong soul".

Rhodes originally planned to use the next ten days to collect its replacement.

But now if we can directly obtain the soul of the Plague Demon, we will save a lot of effort, and these ten days can be used to further enhance his strength.

Then wouldn’t the probability of him surviving the invasion be higher?

Rhodes stared closely at the Plague Demon. Its soul was constantly trembling under the heavy blows, and its black psychic energy was trying its best to defend itself. The chaotic waveform was like a pond under a heavy rain, and it was full of flaws.

But, which one should I fight?

Rhodes hesitated.

He tried to fire a shot, but only a little blood spattered.

Sure enough, this monster cannot be solved with a spiritual gun.

Fortunately, he also brought Lei Shi out.

Rhodes put his hand into the gray bag to charge the thunder stone, intending to choose a moment to try his luck to see if he could blow it up.

Everything went smoothly until Eve screamed: "My psychic power is not enough!"

"What?" Rogers turned around suddenly, "Where's the Soul Red Crystal? Didn't you eat it?"

"I keep eating! But the poisonous mist is getting thicker and thicker, and the purifying bubbles are consumed quickly. Haven't you killed it yet?"

Rogers glanced at the dilapidated Plague Demon and said anxiously: "It's almost time. Just hold on for a while."

Eve gritted her teeth and said: "Okay."

Wave your hands vigorously and wave more blue bubbles to everyone in the field.

Rogers shouted: "Everyone, work harder and eliminate it as soon as possible!"

He took out a spiritual gun similar to that of Rhodes and shot at the plague monster.

But the Plague Demon seemed to have finally woken up from its dizziness. It forcibly broke away from Hulk Case, and its yellow-green figure dissolved into the poisonous mist like water.

"It's transformed!"

Rogers shouted.

"Scout, report the location!"

Rhodes also became nervous. He maintained his soul eye with all his strength and saw a huge spirit gliding in the green mist.

"Over there!"

Rogers said anxiously: "Point! Angle! If you don't know, tell me what time it is! Use me as the coordinate!"

Rhodes suddenly woke up and recalled the numbers on the clock. There are sixteen hours in a day here, and there is only one circle. Zero o'clock and sixteen o'clock are the same position, and due north is zero o'clock.

"It is moving from the six o'clock position to the nine o'clock position! The height is 12 yards and the distance is 110 yards."

Rogers said happily: "Very good!"

He raised his finger, and a red light shot toward the southwest, marking the location of the Plague Demon.


Rhodes quickly reported: "It's seven o'clock, half past seven, eight o'clock, and back again, seven o'clock."

Following Rhodes' command, the red light pointed firmly at the location of the Plague Demon. The crossbow arrows followed closely, and the Hulk followed closely behind. Bach fired the moonlight arrows in an orderly manner, and each arrow hit the target.

Rhodes clearly saw that the fluctuations in the plague demon's soul were getting weaker and weaker.

It's going to die.

At this moment, many monsters exactly like the Plague Demon emerged from the green mist.

In Rhode's eyes, they only have pure spiritual energy and no soul.

"False!" he shouted: "It's all fake! It's really thirteen o'clock!"

Keith shouted loudly: "Okay! You are indeed a completely psychic person! The mentally retarded person in the elite combat group spent a quarter of an hour without finding the true one, and finally let him escape! I'm so angry, I should have called you over a long time ago.


He turned around suddenly and rushed towards dozens of newly born monsters.

These are all derivatives of the Plague Demon, not phantoms, but capable of fighting. Someone must contain them.

However, there are only two people in the front position, and the Plague Demon has more and more derivatives, and it will soon hit the middle and back positions.

At this time, Rogers' tactical arrangement really showed its power. The shield-wielding combatant picked up Rhodes and moved quickly to the rear. His large shield perfectly covered his whole body and blocked the fierce attack of the Plague Demon derivative.
Rhodes saw that his big shield was covered with psychic energy. Obviously, this was not an ordinary defense, it had special skills.

The mid-position controllers put down their crossbows one after another, forming a second line of defense to block the impact of the derivatives and ensure that Bach's attack was not disturbed.

The situation is still under control.

Rogers raised a second red fireball, intending to end the battle before the fire went out.

He ate a red soul crystal, and the sweet blood-like breath reverberated in his mouth. His spiritual energy, which had been nearly exhausted, recovered a little. He raised his spiritual gun and pointed in the direction pointed by the young fully-clairvoyant.


The silver bullet hit the plague demon hidden under the green mist, causing only a little damage.

What a pity.

He wanted to.

If I have money, I can buy real silver bullets. The silver light they emit is very beautiful and can completely replace the red light guidance.

It doesn't matter. After this hunting mission was completed, the military war department paid a lot of money. I was almost able to help Eve redeem her sins. If she could return to the academy, maybe she wouldn't have so much resentment.


If I can find her a husband like that young man with perfect vision, I can spend my remaining years peacefully.

Haha, I should be able to experience Hanukkah thirty more times. Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

Rogers smiled unconsciously and shot at the same position continuously. The Plague Demon had stopped moving for a while, and there were fewer and fewer derivatives on the scene.

It's almost dead.

At this time, I suddenly heard Rhodes shouting hastily: "Its soul is boiling! I saw strong spiritual energy fluctuations, I don't know what it is going to do!"

Rogers suddenly came to his senses and shouted: "Run! The plague demon is about to howl!"

But it was already too late, the green mist suddenly oscillated, and invisible ripples swept across the entire place.

Rogers' vision went dark, as if he had been hit hard, and his spirit seemed to be torn apart. All kinds of unknown, terrifying, nightmare memories from the bottom of his heart came up, and strong noises, murmurs, and whispers filled his ears.

The reverberating, maddening noise of scratching at the glass penetrates deep into the heart.

Reason melts like ice and snow, and the darkness of chaos rushes in.


He tried his best to recall every sunny day, the days when warm fire illuminated the royal city, and the figures of his parents.

In the end, Eve's smiling face occupied his entire frame.

Sanity is back.

He opened his eyes.

Fortunately, although everyone was seriously injured and suffered huge spiritual losses, no one fell into madness.

The plague demon's body has emerged from the poisonous mist, piled on the spot like a large mass of carrion, its body slumped, as if its last vestige of strength has been exhausted by its wail.

However, there are still two tokens on the field that have not been destroyed.

Rogers crossed his index fingers, and red light burst out from his body. His soul characteristic is [Warming Fire], which can dispel many negative effects on the soul.

"Work harder and stop the tokens! Bach, kill the Plague Demon quickly, it has no psychic powers anymore!"

However, everyone was exhausted and their spirits were severely damaged. Case's muscles collapsed and he could not withstand the attacks of the tokens. Bach could not draw the bow in his hand.

Rogers gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone, hold on, we are just one breath away!"

Case kept shouting to encourage himself, but his depleted psychic energy could not support his swelling muscles.

With a bang, he was hit hard and his arms were broken, and he fell to the ground.

The tokens rush towards the back, and the midfield controller can only give up the crossbow and engage in close combat.

Although the derivatives are not as strong as the main body, their physical combat capabilities are the same. The mid-field controllers were injured one after another, but no one retreated.

Rogers used up all his bullets, gritted his teeth, drew out his long knife, and rushed forward.

In the entire scene, only Rhodes was in the best condition. His spiritual energy recovered very quickly with almost no consumption. The wailing of the Plague Demon didn't have any effect on him for some reason.

After the plague demon wailed, its entire spiritual body was completely chaotic, and its soul was leaking everywhere like a house with holes.

It can be seen that it is already on the verge of death.


This is the best opportunity!

If you can throw the thunder stone at it, you might be able to blow it up.

Rhodes' heart beat wildly.

The only problem is that there is a token guarding the Plague Demon. If the Thunder Stone is blocked by it, it will be over.

Rhodes shouted: "I still have two thunder stones. Can you help me block that derivative? I might be able to blow it up."

Bach immediately threw away the moon bow in his hand and rushed forward.

The shield-bearing warrior raised his big shield and followed behind without saying a word.

Rogers knew this might be the best way and shouted: "Eve, defensive barrier."

Eve gritted her teeth and said, "Okay." She raised her hand, and a transparent bubble enveloped the two of them.

Rhodes quickly ran towards the side of the Plague Demon.

The tokens were already fighting with them, and the situation was not good. Bach was not good at melee combat and was quickly knocked to the ground. The psychic energy on the shield of the shield-wielding warrior was also barely visible. The tokens deflated the shield with one punch, and the warrior

His arms were broken, but he bit the giant shield with his teeth and withstood it.

Rhodes knew that he couldn't rush and had only one chance. He ran with all his strength towards the main body.

Bang, another heavy punch, the warrior's teeth cracked and his jaw was broken, but he jumped up and blocked it with his chest for another second.


The angle and distance are perfect, and it is impossible to be blocked.

The opportunity waited for no one, Rhodes took out the thunder stone, poured spiritual energy into his hands, and threw it with all his strength.

The two fully lit thunder stones broke through the air and crashed into the Plague Demon's body at extremely high speeds.


A huge explosion sounded, and the lightning of strong thunder exploded, blasting the huge mass of carrion into pieces.

A line of text appeared in front of my eyes.

【The complete souls of Auschwitz victims】

This chapter has been completed!
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