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Chapter 94 Decoy

 Chapter 95 Bait

Royal City.

Deep underground.

The huge black flame burned blazingly, and the black light flickered with the swing of the flame.

On the three thrones made of black iron, black shadows flow and extend like liquid.

On the black marble altar, a worn old book lies in a black velvet box.


The dark shadow on the first throne spoke.

"This is your third failure. Not only was the Savior Plan frustrated, but the Eclipse Plan was also disrupted. A permanent stronghold was uprooted, countless sacrifices were destroyed, and all key lines to Highgarden were destroyed.

They were all dug out, and the organization suffered serious losses."

Under the black fire, kneeling was a person dressed in black robes. She lowered her head deeply, almost lying on the ground.

"Lord Asa, I'm extremely sorry. This was my mistake. At the critical moment, the gray dog ​​of the tribunal stopped me, otherwise the traitor would be dead!"

"The most important thing is."

The shadow on the second throne also spoke.

"The contaminated sun stone is missing. If they are aware of the solar eclipse plan, even if they extract your soul, they will not be able to make up for our losses."

Selmy said firmly: "Please rest assured, Lord Aker, no one can detect my pollution, whether it is a human heart or a stone heart."

"Selmy, you should know."

The dark shadow on the third throne spoke.

"You are the one who has the strongest resonance with the soul rot in this nest of pollution in our history. You should not have such a failure."

Selmy gritted his teeth, hatred almost squeezed out from between his teeth: "This is all because of that traitor! I'm sure he stole the power that belongs to us! He was originally garbage with only 5 psychic powers, but suddenly

He has become so powerful! Our Red Spirit Realm ritual did not fail, he just stole the results! Three leaders, please give me your support, I must kill him and get our power back!"
However, the dark shadow on the throne did not respond to her words.

The first black shadow said: "Selmy, please stop taking action. The dark tide is coming soon, the eclipse plan is about to be implemented, and the organization is gathering strength."

The second black shadow said: "The Savior Plan is temporarily postponed, and everything will make way for the Eclipse Plan."

The third black shadow said: "Cut off the trail and lurk. Don't make any changes during this period, and you are not allowed to provoke the Internal Affairs Judgment Office."

The leader's order cannot be disobeyed. Although Selmi was extremely unwilling to do so, she could only lower her head and said in a deep voice: "Selmi will obey the order of the teaching."

"Go ahead, darkness will eventually submerge everything, and in the torrent of the times, only the pioneers can occupy a high position."

The black curtain rose in front of his eyes, and Selmy knew that it was time to leave.

She turned around and glanced north, which was the direction of Jinworth College.

Little bastard, I will spare your life first. When the solar eclipse plan is completed, I will come back to tear apart your flesh and blood, tear out your soul, and make you regret coming to this world.



After bidding farewell to Aunt Uther, the nuns and Raistlin, Rhodes left Uther's medical clinic and returned to the academy.

Jinworth College has remained the same as before he left. It is full of joy and beauty, like a greenhouse, with bright flowers vying to bloom. The occasional bit of wind and rain only adds some color.

Teachers, instructors, provosts and deans at all levels take care of them like gardeners, fearing that they will suffer losses, but also having to let them see the wind and rain.

Of course, there are also a few flowers that are different among them. These strange varieties are collectively classified as "special students". It is generally believed that they are stronger, grow faster, and can accept the baptism of violent storms earlier.

Therefore, special students enjoy a very special status in the academy, and no matter how special things happen to them, no one will be surprised.

Even when Rhodes took a nine-day vacation and disappeared from the college, no one was surprised. The teachers even thoughtfully gave him course credits.

When Rhodes returned to the academy, everyone was just happy that he was back. Kashan dumped a lot of notes on him and asked him to make up for the lost courses quickly. Wayne and Zales kept pestering him with questions.

What is the special training for special students like?

This is probably the reason why His Excellency Theodore asked him for leave.

Rhodes casually made up his experience in the sewer, which made both of them's eyes pop out.

"Wow...it's so disgusting in the sewer!"

"Monsters actually build nests! Do they have the ability to reproduce?"

"Idiot! Monsters are the product of the gathering of black mist with certain characteristics. When they gather together, they only attract more dark power to flow here, thereby becoming stronger and giving birth to more of the same kind."

"It's so scary...I don't dare to shit anymore."

"You're so stupid. The sewer is divided into three levels. The first two levels have partitions. The last level is where Rhodes walks. Monsters can't get into your intestines along the pipes unless they lift the floor."<


"Well, we have such a big sewer underground, won't the royal city suddenly collapse?"

"Impossible. The main body of the sewer was built by giants. The bluestones they used were reinforced with psychic energy. They are connected to the earth and cannot collapse unless there is really an abyss below us."

This topic is not only of interest to these two people, but also to Cassan and the others. Whenever Rhodes starts to tell a story, almost all the members of the ten groups gather around him.

Rhodes was very eloquent, and he could talk about the boring cleaning work ups and downs, making everyone dazzled and yearned for it.

In this way, Rod enjoyed a few days of carefree days, attending classes during the day, patrolling in the afternoon, telling stories in the evening, and going to the college living area or market area with Wayne Zales during the break.<


There is no intrusion and pressure, and there is no longer the worry of being suddenly recognized as a murderer and having his soul ripped into pieces.

Lauren has obtained so much information, the investigation must be very smooth, and Iron Mask has also been reported by them.

All that's left is to wait.

Life is always the most comfortable when you are waiting for good times.

Only Kashan is not satisfied. Where did the hard-working Rhodes go? Who is this lazy guy now?

But considering that he is a special student, has won a first-class medal, and has just undergone arduous and dangerous combat training, it is hard to reprimand him.

Of course, Rhodes was not completely immersed in enjoyment. It is pragmatic to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

During this time, he often went to the library or used various methods to secretly inquire about how to obtain such strange materials as "living dead souls", "puppet wood", "resurrection stones" and "living flesh and blood".

In addition, you should regularly add a touch of humanity to the yellow stars every day and study how to use the [Psychic Trio].

You also need to read books in your dreams and learn all the knowledge about dreams.

The research on linguistics and ancient languages ​​cannot stop. Dream languages ​​and ancient languages ​​are not exactly the same. Rhodes needs to grasp the context of language evolution to deduce a more accurate dream language. For this job, even if he is extremely gifted in language,

I also feel very strenuous.

In short, although there is still pressure, this is the most comfortable life since he entered the academy.

However, happy days are always short-lived.

Five days later, Lauren came to the college again and brought him some not-so-good news.

Their investigation was interrupted.

Almost all the followers of the Defiler have stopped their activities. They have abandoned some of their abandoned children, cut off contact with the outside world, and retreated into deeper darkness.

Although they achieved great results, they captured many Polluter believers, confiscated many of their supplies, and destroyed many strongholds.

However, the possibility of going further was lost.

Several chief adjudicators and justices were very worried, thinking that they were gathering strength to prepare for greater destruction.

The White Tower Observatory has predicted worse weather conditions in the next few days. The battle in the new theater has reached its most intense period. The defense of the royal city relies almost entirely on the academy, which is the most empty period.

If something unpredictable happens at this time, the consequences will be unbearable.

Lord Lucien, the Chief Adjudicator, has ordered the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office to enter the highest alert state, but no one can guarantee that this will be effective in the uncertain future.

At the latest scale meeting, Lauren proposed that she could send out bait to attract doomsday cultists to show up, thus breaking the deadlock.

As a new student, Rhodes caused a major blow to the Defiler Sect. According to his understanding, Rhodes' hatred is very high, and he can be asked to perform a decoy mission. The Defilers will definitely show up and attack him.<


This proposal caused great controversy. Rhodes is a very talented special student. His strongest fire "Black Rice Bucket" has been considered to have the ability to provide complete psychic vision and sewer walker. It was officially approved by the Industrial Machinery Research Institute

Classified as first-class fire.

It is undoubtedly very unacceptable to use such a student as a dangerous bait.

But the Polluter Sect threatens the entire royal city and the lives of countless students and teachers at Jinworth College. How to weigh the pros and cons and how to choose is a huge problem.

Finally, after a fierce argument, Lord Lucian made the final decision.

Following Rod's personal wishes, if he agrees, the Internal Affairs Tribunal will provide all convenience and assistance.

After listening to Lauren's words, Rod's eyes shone brightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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